Vampiris Sancti: The Elf (53 page)

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Authors: Katri Cardew

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #urban fantasy, #adventure, #universe, #demon, #fantasy, #magic, #elf, #magical, #battles

BOOK: Vampiris Sancti: The Elf
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The group
walked beside walls of unpainted grey brick on floors of unpainted
grey stone into a large room filled will grey furniture. Behind an
enormous desk sat a beige being and she knew it would take only a
short while on this world before the Despair would start to show
itself. The demon motioned for her to sit on the uncomfortable
chair provided and the only colour in the room acquiesced. Lazulul
were medium creatures somewhere between Varkja and human in size.
Their hair and eyes meandered between grey and beige, but it made
no difference since they were as devoid of colour as a living being
could be without appearing monochrome. The demon stared at her and
though she knew that the core of his heart was composed of
greed—there was not a creature alive that could read beneath all
that beige. She allowed him to look her over for Lazulul tended to
stare at colour for long periods as if they were trying to absorb
the warmth of it into themselves. It took a few minutes before he
was sated and the dangerous demon nodded a greeting to the
dangerous magical creature.

“I am Fan,
administrator of this city. Why your presence?”

There was no
nicety here, no social or diplomatic protocol. Any visit to the
Lazulul world was never deemed invasion or for friendship as those
who came usually did for a specific reason. The Lazulul were self
contained rarely trading or socialising within the Reveal. Staying
within the confines of their world and feline adoration their
temples were everything to each being and they strove in to make
their section the most beautiful in the city.

“Those who mind
the Lazulul people have a temple here in the centre of the

Though she
asked the Elf knew darn well they did and she noted the flicker of
pride pass through beige eyes.

“It is the
greatest source of kahat adoration in all the land.”

Zyre asked, “I
be admiring at your grand temple?”

Despite the
initial lack of welcome displayed he nodded and they both knew the
viewing was not for admiration, but negotiation for the stone in
her pocket. He led her out the back of the building and down a
meandering path that stopped being grey stone after a while as it
merged seamlessly into beautiful cream marble. It led to a building
that dwarfed anything within the city centre. This temple was more
than the arrogant pride of a suburb—than the conceit of
acquisition—it was the statement of a civilisation. They walked
slowly up the path so she could absorb the absurdly grand
ornamentation for the outside of the building was a hodgepodge of
decoration where every available space had something stuck on it.
The conflicting shine, glow, gleam, flash, glimmer, glisten,
twinkle, sparkle, burst and explosion of colour, patina and
whatever else made her feel slightly nauseous. Utilising a rare
diplomacy—one she didn’t know she had—Zyre smiled bravely as he led
her into the interior of the vast cathedral and she held her breath
as the entire universe appeared to assault her senses at once. This
was stuff of nightmares for nothing had been omitted, from the
garish to the tasteful, gems, metal, stones, colours, everything
from every world in one place at once time. Zyre folded her arms
and looked around slowly as if savouring the moment when in reality
was she trying to control her visceral response to reject the
artifice. The twinkle of a ruby reminded her of Beb and she was
suddenly filled with the warmth of his friendship. This would not
do! She was treading the path to vengeance and there was no room
for friends here, but the second she tried to banish him from her
mind the Tyro filled his place.

She looked
straight ahead at the huge altar while she jammed the truth into a
small dark space at the back of her mind. She tilted her head as if
noting an aberration, but what she actually was doing was looking
for a vacant space.

she murmured. “Must be the envy of all who see it.”

Fan nodded in
agreement admiring the handiwork of his people and the Elf took a
deep breath—not in appreciation, but because she was afraid that
she might vomit over his treasures. Like with the Fhreh she knew
she had to play the game carefully as it was all in the syntax with
these demons.


Her voice
trailed off as the demon turned sharply to her implied
criticism—his body tense with suppressed violence.

“What?” he
demanded with querulous indignation.

“Well tis
missing something—there is that little space at the top.”

The demon
followed her finger for there was no denial there was a small space
lacking decoration and Fan frowned at the vacant hole.

“You know,” the
warmth of her voice bounced off the cold marble walls of the
temple, “a cerilort would be fitting perfectly there.”

The Lazulul
relaxed because now they had reached an understanding and it was
only the terms left to negotiate. Zyre sat in one of the admiration
pews and the demon moved across the aisle while his eyes never left

Trapped by
desires she could barely comprehend, rage she could barely
suppress, she rested within the place of great adornment in a world
far away about to make a terrible negotiation with a terrible
being. For the Elf didn’t want simple revenge, since she could have
returned the Vampire to dust as easily as she snapped her
fingers—what she wanted was for him to suffer. Those of the Reveal
understood she could be dangerous—that she could be scary—but she
didn’t terrify as the knowledge of an assassin would. Zyre wanted
to Galt to be terrified and the legend of the Lazulul was the
nightmare of all throughout the Reveal. The realisation that one
sought him would make the end days of Galt the only torture that
would satisfy her pain.

Even as Zyre
started to speak she had the rare moment of having to fight to
ignore what Elves ignored best—the consequences of her actions.
Instead, she was besieged by the memory of friendship, the urge to
protect one too innocent to understand their universe, the desire
from a kiss at a Ball, and the compelling interest of an ice
mutant. As she opened the door for another story Zyre already knew
that she would have to return to the human realm. The battle with
Taryst was far from over, there was a Tyro that was still a target,
and some annoying Daughters needed to learn to leave magical alone.
Then there was the demon who would betray and the Vampire who
didn't. She leaned towards the waiting demon and while he listened
his beige being became alight with avarice.

“Let me tell
you a story about a kahat.”


The End




(ah--gee—eye): Guards that gather rogue Vampires to bind to The

Afir (ah-fir):
Druqe demon who is personal assistant to Vryn Dhaigre.

Ardell: New
World House.

Args: A Vampire
that takes a Versan.

(Awn-sin): Ancient Vampire.

(Bal-ses-q): Old World House.

Beb: A very
drunk Pixie and friend of Zyre.

Bryre Rhain:
Vampire from House of Cardei, unveiled Caden Quinn.

Caden Quinn:
Vampire of the House of Cardei.

(car-day): New World House.

Vampire auction place, temporary prison and Aegai live there.

Chiyzy(chee-yee-zy): Pastry filled with bark and leaves, demon

Code of Versan:
Agreement between Vampire and Human how to treat donors.

(col-dree): To drink cold stored blood.

Corts: Humans
sanctioned to be killed for trying to exposing the Veil.

Council of the
Aeternus: The ruling body of the Vampires. Aeternus is regulation

Cult of Versan:
Humans who are living blood donors to Vampires.

(cy-tel-ya): Magical reading of past energy using flowers and
blood, is forbidden.

(dow-jix-oo): Old World House.

Daughters of
Leleht (laylet): Vampire clan that can live on blood of other

(dea-dree): To drink blood from a dead being.

Devs: Those who
would break Vampire law.

Diveye: The
sexual and emotional maturation of an Elf.

Dissolve: Elf
defence that causes Elf to become non corporal.

(dee-yirt): Ruling body of the Druqe.

(dol-chek): Myruj (Watcher).

Drek: Those who
are addicted to Vampire blood.

Dresniq: Giryg
insult meaning idiot, used throughout the Reveal.

Druqe (drook):
A demon race employed as personal assistants or valets.

Eidex (idex):
Elf attribute where they can mimic opponents battle skills.

(Ee-warx): Ruling body of the Martyc demons.

(Z-eye-ur): Elf who is well versed in crossing worlds.

Estienne Morel:
Herald of the House of Veraign— almost Aunsin.

Fhreh (F-reh):
Demon that organises the business of others.

Woygirts: Giryg curse.

Florian Ribeni:
Vampire of the House of Veraign and friend to Zyre.

Fodeyn: The act
of a human been fed Vampire blood.

Franco: Herald
of Balsescu.

Galt: Balsescu
vampire seeking revenge on Caden and Bryre.

(goo-vik): Governing body that represents the Council of

Giryg (gir-ig):
Nomadic demons, their language is spoken by those of the

Creature of the magical realm known as Nefarious One or Purveyor of

Hark: Leader of
the Runners.

Harry Tesner:
Vampire from Balsescu.

Herald: Leader
of a Vampire House.

Pleasure world run by Martyc Empire.

Hilara: Ghuvk
Ideal, Aunsin, and Old World Vampire.

Ideal: Title of
address given to a Ghuvk.

Ex-herald from Veraign up for Ghuvk appointment.

Jean De
Laurent: Vampire from House of Veraign and Numen of Trista

Juljul: Varkja
whiskey, considered a very fine beverage.

Julius Azure:
Herald of the House of Cardei.

Kahat: Lazulul

Key: Name
attached to the leader of the Oric.

(kay-leck): Witches who employ Chaos magic.

Kire (keer):
Vampire who owns the contract of Accord over another Vampire.

(koh-koo-moo-oh): Old World House.

(ky-oh-poh-lus): Demonic world.

(laz-ah-lool): Strange demonic cult that can be used for

Leu (Loo): Head
of Martyc Myruj.

Lyov Cardei:
Founder of New World House Cardei.

Mages of Sor:
Very powerful sorcerers that cast spells.

Markets of
Prakiesh: Where everyone of the Reveal shops for supernatural

(Mar-tek): Demon that controls finances of many worlds.

Maz: Mother
figure who raises Elves when they are sent home.

Merchants of
Haluh: Drug dealers of the Reveal.

Moons of
Bornak: Said to swear sincerity. Bornak is a spiritual world of
religious orders.

Myruj (mirage):
Watcher from Martyc world that investigates inefficiency.

Numen: Vampire
that creates another Vampire.

Oric: Those who
serve Oricon.

Worlds not under control of the Empire and home to the scourge.

Fairy tales.

Perhk (perk):
Thief demon that steals for others and loves to gossip about

Pixie: A
magical being.

(poh-kur): Scout demon used for tracking and information.

Roy: Balsescu
Vampire and Old World Blood.

Sacl: Oric
girls who sacrificed themselves by becoming Vampires

(sal-vay): Elf magic vanquishes an attacker by causing them to

Seal Of Sere
(Sair): A peace treaty between demon and magical folk.

Shalur: Marble
from magical world with ever changing colours.

Siah Quinn:
Vampire unveiled by Galt, also name of Caden's dead wife.

Magical herb that causes sobriety, drank like coffee.

Balsescu: Founder of Old World House Balsescu.

Taryst Janeb
(tar-est jan-ab): Martyc woman who became a criminal.


Terak: Highly
prized Martyc wood.

The Centre:
Meeting place for travellers from the Reveal.

The Change: The
physical transformation from human into Vampire.

The Despair: A
mental state that causes magical beings to die.

The Oric:
Secret society of human Vampire Hunters.

The Oricon: The
sacred quest of the Oric to kill Vampires.

The Reveal: The
nexus between the Demon, Magical and Human worlds.

The Scriptors:
Those who keep records for the Council.

Trista Ardell:
Founder of New World House Ardell.

Tyro (tee-row):
One newly unveiled into the Vampire world.

Unveiled: To
become a Vampire and become privy to the Vampire world.

(oo-oo-koo): Founder of the house of Kokumuo.

(Var-kia): Mercenary soldier demon often used as enforcers and

Velare Ball:
Sacred Vampire gathering, census, presentation, and election

(Ver-ayn): New World House.

Verkja: Poor
cousin to Varkja, not too bright and boastful, fond of tattoos.

Versan: Vampire
familiar who allows Vampires to drink their blood.

Vesi: Magical
shield used by an Elf to protect someone else.

(viz-nicks): Industrial demon famous for their nearly
indestructible steel

Vryn Dhaigre
(Vrinn Day-grah): Powerful Martyc demon.

(warm-dree): To drink blood from a living being.

Xatn (zatin): A
Martyc prince who manages off world interests.

(yeh-lex): Varkja game of chance.

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