Van, Becca - Alpha Panthers [Terra-form 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Alpha Panthers [Terra-form 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“April. I’m April Waterson. Where the hell is Terra-form? I’ve never heard of it before.”

“How did you get here, April?” Saxon asked.

The sound of his voice was different than his brother’s. His voice made her think of smooth silk caressing over her body, as his deep cadence was a lot less rough than his brother’s.

“I don’t know,” April replied quietly. “One moment I was walking to a cab stand, the next I felt dizzy, totally disorientated, like I was trying to walk through quicksand. My vision went, and when it came back, I was in a forest surrounded by massive trees.”

Gage looked to Saxon with a raised eyebrow. It looked to April as if they were communicating silently, but that just wasn’t possible. She hadn’t heard either of them speak a word.

“What is a cab stand?” Saxon asked, turning his gaze back on her as she shifted on her feet nervously. She thought she saw Saxon’s eyes turn a gold color and then back to green. She blinked and gave a mental shrug, thinking she must have imagined it. He was eying her as if he wanted to rip the towel from her body, place her on the bed, and mount her. She shifted again and saw Gage was staring at her the same way.

“You don’t know what a cab stand is?” April asked, her voice escalating as her panic began to surface. She watched as first Saxon then Gage shook their heads in negation. “What about a car?” Once again, they looked at her and shook their heads.

“What year is it?” April asked with trepidation.

“It is 2011. Where is your home, April?” asked Gage.

“Lincoln, Nebraska, United States of America, planet Earth,” April replied with a quaver in her voice and lifted her chin to the two men, staring at them arrogantly as if daring them to refute her statement. She was all of a sudden very afraid, not sure if she was even on Earth anymore. Maybe she had been beamed up to another planet. Her heartbeat picked up speed, thumping rapidly against her breasts.

“Yes, planet Earth, Terra-form. What is United States of America?” Saxon asked with a frown.

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God,” April chanted as she stared at the two large men. She stumbled on wobbly legs over to the large bed and sat on the side of it, afraid her legs would give out beneath her. She had no idea how she had gotten here, but she knew she was no longer on Earth as she knew it. Yet the brothers had told her it was indeed the year 2011.

What the hell has happened? What have I stumbled into?

The only thought she could come up with was an alternate reality plane to planet Earth. And if that was the case, how in the hell was she supposed to get back home?

* * * *

Gage watched their sexy mate stumble over to the large bed. He listened to her chant and watched as she sat on the side of the bed. The color had drained from her face, leaving her skin looking translucent in the brightly lit room. Her small body was covered by a large, white, fluffy towel, and her damp hair hung down to the middle of her back in disarray. She was a beautiful female. Her eyes were sky blue, her skin a creamy white, and she had curves in all the right places. Gage remembered what their mate looked like naked and wanted to rip the towel from her body, spread her legs, and lap at the cream between her thighs until he’d had his fill of her delectable juices. Then he wanted to fuck until neither of them could walk. He growled low in his throat, his hard cock pulsing in his tight pants. He began to purr as he imagined lapping at his mate’s cunt to his heart’s content. A punch to his arm from Saxon brought him out of his daydream. His eyes connected with his mate’s. She was looking at him as if he had lost his mind.

“What are you?” April asked, moving up onto the bed, hunching against the headboard, as far away from him and Saxon as possible.

Gage couldn’t seem to find his tongue as he stood staring at his mate. He could feel his beast pushing against him, trying to take over so the mating could begin. Gage was having a hell of a time trying to control his beast. He turned away from April as he tried to regain control.

“I will get you something to wear. Sunup meal is almost ready,” Gage said over his shoulder, and then he left the room. He shifted to his beast as soon as he was out of sight and ran through the palace halls. Hopefully releasing his beast and running off some pent-up energy would be enough to soothe his animal for a time.

* * * *

“April, please do not be afraid of us. We would never do anything to hurt you,” Saxon said, moving closer to his mate. The scent of fear, adrenaline, and arousal was rolling off of her in waves. Saxon knew they needed to keep their mate as calm as possible. Otherwise she would end up fighting them every step of the way. The last thing he wanted was for his and his brother’s beasts to take over and scare their mate. Saxon had never seen Gage lose control of his beast before. He was always in control and usually the one to pull Saxon up. But then, neither of them had ever been near their mate before. Saxon just hoped that once they told April what they were, she didn’t run away from them screaming in fear.

Chapter Two

April watched as Saxon approached the bed. She didn’t move away from him, but felt her muscles bunch up, ready to take flight. She exhaled as Saxon sat down on the end of the bed and turned toward her. She could see the concern for her in his eyes and slowly released the tension from her taut muscles.

“I don’t know how you came to be here, April, but I am glad you are here. We have been searching for you for such a long time. We had almost given up hope of ever finding you,” Saxon stated.

“What…what do you mean you’ve been searching for me? You don’t even know me.”

“You are our mate, April. We never thought we would find you. You are the other half of us.”

“What? What do you mean your mate? What are you? Where the hell am I? I want to go home!” April yelled the last statement, tears tracking down her cheeks.

April didn’t see him move. One moment Saxon was at the end of the bed, the next he was pulling her into his arms and onto his lap. He crooned to her in his deep, melodious voice as she cried against his large, warm, muscular chest. She clung to him as the last several hours finally caught up with her. She was alone and scared in a strange place, with no idea how she had gotten here, and no way to get back home. Her tears finally slowed and dried as she lay curled up on Saxon’s lap. She felt so small, safe, and feminine. She had never felt like that before. She was so used to looking at a man from the same eye level and knew her height often intimidated some males. She’d only ever had one true boyfriend, and that had turned out to be a total disaster, because he had taken her out, wined and dined her, and had eventually fucked her on a bet. It seemed some of her work colleagues had gotten it into their minds that because she was so tall, she must have balls. When her ex had finally gotten into her pants and taken her virginity, he’d left her with a smirk, advising her he would let his friends know she was indeed a woman after all. April had vowed then and there she would never, ever have another relationship with a man.

April had always felt so awkward around other men and women. She was actually quite a clumsy person, and the only person she had ever really connected with was Olivia. She had met Olivia three years ago when April had applied for and gotten the job of secretary in a small publishing company. April and Olivia had been fast friends ever since. The two young women had hit it off from the first and made it a habit to unwind at the end of each week with dinner and drinks.

Olivia was everything a man looked for in a woman. She was small in stature and frame, as well as curvy in all the right places. April felt like an Amazon when she was standing with the shorter, more feminine woman and always seemed to be overlooked by males when she was with her friend. They tended to see her as a buddy, rather than a woman with the same urges and feelings as every other female.

Olivia had no idea how beautiful and feminine she was, and she didn’t seem to notice the male attention she received. It was like she was totally oblivious to the male species. April knew her friend wasn’t homosexual, but she had an idea why Olivia kept men at arm’s length. She knew one day her friend would confide in her once she was ready, so April didn’t push Olivia with questions. They were two peas in a pod. They were both wary of men. Neither of them was willing to give an inch when approached by the opposite sex. In the time they had been friends, neither she nor Olivia had been on a date. Except for now, it seemed.

April did something totally uncharacteristic to her and snuggled her face into Saxon’s warm chest, closing her eyes as she breathed in his clean, masculine scent. His scent drew her to him, like a moth to a flame, and she wanted nothing more than to slide her hands up and down that delectable, rock-hard male body. April felt the change in Saxon’s breathing, and his cock hardened beneath her butt. She wanted to rip her towel off, as well as his tight pants, and impale herself on his hard rod. A deep ache began in her pussy, making her internal muscles clench and release. She could feel juices gathering into a pool in her vagina then seeping out to dampen her thighs, and she hoped like hell Saxon couldn’t smell her arousal. Even though her body was telling her for the first time in years that she wanted a male, her head was telling her to back off, and fast. April sat up and pushed away from Saxon. She moved quickly to the other side of the room, as far away from the tempting male as she was able to get. She was panting heavily and knew her cheeks were flushed as she stared at the sexy man still sitting on the bed. When her breathing finally evened out and she felt she was once more in control, she went back to questioning Saxon.

“What are you, Saxon?”

“We are shape-shifters, April. Our forest is full of different
kind. We are of the panther clan, but there are others, such as bears, coyotes, wolves, lions, tigers, and a few others I cannot remember right now.”

“It was you, wasn’t it? You and your brother bit me last night. What the hell did you do that for? You scared the shit out of me. I thought you were going to eat me for dinner. How the hell is this even possible? Please, I don’t belong here. You need to help me get home.”

“Enough, April.” Gage’s deep, raspy voice penetrated April’s frantic mind. She turned her head to see him closing the bedroom door behind him and moving further into the room. “You are becoming hysterical. You are our mate. We have already claimed you. There is no way we are letting you go home now. You are going to have to come to terms with that.”

“You’ve claimed me? What the fuck gave you the right to claim me, like I was some sort of possession? I can’t believe this shit. Where are my clothes?” April yelled.

* * * *

Gage had had enough. He knew April was ranting and screaming because she was afraid, but he wasn’t going to let her get away with disrespecting him. He slowly walked toward her and saw her eyes widen with apprehension, and she nodded at him in quiet acquiescence. He didn’t stop, just kept right on going until April had backed herself into the wall. He had her totally at his mercy. He stopped when he could feel the heat emanating from her delicious little body. She was so small and fragile compared to his great size. He breathed in the sweet scent of her female musk, but he could also smell her underlying fear. He didn’t want to scare his little mate, but he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He wanted to taste her sweet, luscious mouth, and he had every intention of doing so.

Gage heard April whimper as he moved his hands down to her small waist. He gripped her in his hands, being careful not to squeeze her too hard, and lifted her up until she was eye level with him. He stared deeply into her sky-blue eyes and felt himself drowning within their depths. He slowly lowered his head closer to hers, until his lips were resting on hers lightly, a butterfly of a touch. He could feel her hot, sweet, moist breath panting out onto his lips and moved that last fraction of an inch, taking her mouth with a ravenous hunger. He slanted his mouth over hers, parting her lips with his own, making room to thrust his tongue into the depths of her sweet mouth. He growled low in approval at the first taste of her sweetness and knew he would never be able to get enough of his mate.

Gage moved one of his massive arms, until the palm of his hand was beneath the cheeks of April’s ass, supporting her slight weight as he kissed her hungrily. He began to purr deep in his throat as his mate tentatively slid her tongue along the length of his. Her slight, hesitant capitulation had Gage’s beast breaking free and taking over. He slanted his mouth over hers again and again, thrusting his tongue into her sweet recess, sliding his tongue over the roof of her mouth, along the inside of each of her cheeks, over her teeth, and then back to her tongue. He moaned again when he felt April wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He grasped the globes of her ass in each hand and began to thrust his leather-covered, turgid erection against her warm, wet sex. Gage felt April’s hard nipples rubbing against his chest and realized the towel she’d been wrapped in had fallen from her sexy little body. He moved quickly over to the bed, lowered her to the mattress, and followed her down without breaking the contact of their mouths. He felt the bed dip and knew Saxon had joined them on the bed.

Gage released April’s lips, giving them both a chance to drag air into their oxygen-depleted lungs. He nibbled over her jaw, down the side of her neck until he reached her ear. He slid his tongue into her ear and had to hold her down as she bucked and writhed with pleasure. He knew he had just found an erogenous zone on his little mate. He swirled his tongue around the rim of her ear, then thrust it back into her small canal. He moved one of his hands, enveloping one of her soft breasts in his palm, and began to massage. He kneaded the soft, fleshy mound then pinched her nipple between his thumb and finger, making her cry out with pleasure.

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