Van, Becca - Her Shadow Men [Slick Rock 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Her Shadow Men [Slick Rock 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Slick Rock 5


Her Shadow Men


Debbie Newsome has sworn to never get involved with another man again—until she meets Britt and Daniel Delaney. The two men draw her like a bee to honey. She tries to keep them at arm's length, but she eventually ends up in their bed. Debbie isn’t ready to face her feelings and runs.


Britt and Daniel are out to convince Debbie she is the one and only woman they want in their beds and hearts, but they have a hard time keeping her by their sides. Plus, they have a secret, and they aren’t sure how Debbie is going to react.


When a criminal from the Delaney brothers' past arrives on the scene, Debbie’s life ends up in jeopardy. Can they save her in time?


Note: There is NO sexual relationship/touching between the brothers.


Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys
36,594 words



Slick Rock 5

Becca Van


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


Copyright © 2012 by Becca Van

E-book ISBN: 1-61926-378-5

First E-book Publication: February 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Her Shadow Men
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To all the men and women serving our countries and risking their lives to keep our world safe. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Slick Rock 5


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Debbie Newsome felt the hair on the back of her neck prickle and stand on end. She had been working quietly in her new lingerie store, hanging new stock on racks, until she felt eyes upon her. She turned around slowly and peered out her shop’s front window. She couldn’t see anyone, but the sensation of being watched sent shivers racing up and down her spine. She wished she had put blinds on her windows so she could pull them down until she was ready to unlock the front door for potential customers. This wasn’t the first time she had felt as if someone was watching her. The sensation gave her the willies.

She wondered if it was Britt and Daniel Delaney watching her again. She had met the two handsome men through Debbie’s new friend Leah. But Debbie had vowed she was off men for the rest of her life.

Debbie sighed as she turned back to the racks. She had embarrassed herself when she had begged Connell and Seamus O’Hara, who were now Leah’s husbands, to take her back. She had finally decided she was ready for a committed relationship, but she was too late. Leah had already had the two men panting after her.

She knew she hadn’t really been in love with Connell and Seamus, but she felt life was passing her by. She had felt the tick of her maternal clock beating inside her and wanted to start a family. That wasn’t going to happen now. She would have to be happy with her new business and the upstairs apartment she lived in.

Debbie glanced at the clock and sighed again. It was time to open the doors for business. She walked over and unlocked the entry, glancing up and down the street and waving to some other business owners as they opened their stores.

She smiled when she saw Leah coming toward the shop. Her friend was glowing with health from her pregnancy, and she could see the small baby bump under her shirt.

“Hi, Leah. How are you feeling?”

“I’m great,” her friend replied, patting her stomach. “But I need some new bras. I can’t believe I’ve outgrown these ones already.”

“I guess that’s normal. Do you mind if I get a coffee while you look? I haven’t had a chance to breathe all morning,” Debbie stated with a smile.

“You go right ahead, honey. I’ll just browse until you come back out.”

Debbie got her coffee and was back moments later. She watched as Leah took a heap of lingerie into the dressing room to try it all on. Debbie sat at her counter and sipped at her coffee as she perused lingerie stock online. She looked up when the bell tinkled and felt nervous flutters in her stomach. Her pussy clenched at the sight of Britt and Daniel Delaney walking into her shop. She wondered what they wanted because she knew they weren’t here to buy anything.

“Hi, Debbie. How’s business?” Britt asked.

Debbie’s sheath clenched and dripped at the sound of Britt’s deep, gravelly voice. She shifted on her stool, trying to keep her face expressionless, and answered him coolly.

“Booming. I’m going to have to hire an employee soon. Can I help you with anything?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact you can, Debbie,” Daniel replied. “Come to dinner with us tonight.”

“No, thanks. I’m too busy.”

“You have to eat, darlin’. Surely it won’t make much difference whether you stay home or spend an hour with us, sharing a meal,” Britt suggested.

“Sorry, I have too much to do. I do the paperwork while I’m eating dinner. Look, I appreciate the offer but I’m just not interested,” Debbie lied.

She looked from Britt to Daniel and felt her breasts swell and her nipples harden. What was it about these two men that got to her? Sure, they were sexy, handsome men, but she had seen those before and not reacted. Britt was a very tall, muscular man. He stood at least six foot six, and his shoulders were the widest she had ever seen. He had sandy-blond hair and blue eyes. His eyelashes were so long they curled up at the ends. It was such a sinful waste for a man to have such beautiful lashes. He had such beautiful eyelashes, but they didn’t detract from his rugged, he-man sort of handsomeness. His muscles bunched and bulged as he moved, and she knew he would have no trouble picking her up if he wished to.

Daniel wasn’t as tall as his brother, but he was still a hell of a lot taller than her height of five foot seven. He had to be around six foot three, and he had black hair and green eyes. His face was less rugged but no less appealing. He was more classically handsome than his sibling, and his build, though solid and muscular, was sleeker than Britt’s. She drew her eyes back up to Britt’s and saw his lips tilt up at the corners. She hoped he hadn’t seen how they affected her.

Debbie sighed with relief as Leah walked out of the dressing room. She averted her face from the two brothers and stood up to take Leah’s purchases.

“Hi, Britt, Daniel, how are you?” Leah asked.

“We’re fine, Leah. How are you and the baby?” Daniel asked.

“We’re good. Oh hey, we’re having a barbecue tonight. Why don’t you come on out and share a meal with us? You, too, Debbie,” Leah offered, and Debbie saw the sly smile she directed toward her.

“Thanks, Leah. That would be great. What time do you want us there?” Daniel asked.

“Seven would be perfect,” Leah replied.

“Okay. We’ll pick you up around six thirty, Debbie,” Daniel stated.

“Oh but—”

“I’m looking forward to it, Leah. We’ll see you tonight,” Britt said, and he and Daniel left with a wave before Debbie could reply.

“I hate you,” Debbie said as she turned to glare at Leah.

“No you don’t. Come on, Deb. You know those two men get your motor revving. What harm can it do to come out to the ranch and share some food?” Leah asked.

“None,” Debbie replied reluctantly. “I’m just not sure I want to get involved with anyone, Leah. You were nearly killed because of me and I made a fool of myself over your husbands. I’m just not ready to start another relationship.”

“Who said you had to? Why not just have a fling with them? They’re good men, Debbie. They would never hurt you intentionally,” Leah stated.

“That’s what I’m worried about. Intentional or not, I just know I’ll end up getting hurt again. I’m not sure I want to put myself up for pain. I’ve been there before. I think it would be best if I just stayed home.”

“And what are you going to do? More work, I’ll bet. Come on, Debbie. Please come and have dinner with us, for me?”

“God, you’re such a bitch. You know I can’t refuse you when you use those puppy-dog eyes on me. All right. There. Are you satisfied? But don’t go trying to push me onto those two men. It won’t work out, and I’m not willing to take the chance,” Debbie said firmly.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Leah replied.

Debbie finished ringing up Leah’s purchases and waved her friend good-bye. She just knew Leah was going to do her damnedest to get her with the two Delaney brothers. Well, she was made of sterner stuff than that. She wasn’t about to give in to her friend’s matchmaking.

* * * *

By the time Debbie closed the door and locked up, she was exhausted. She was definitely going to have to hire someone to help out in the store. She turned off the lights and headed for the stairs off the back door. The stairs to her apartment ran on the outside of the building. She was glad no one could access her home from the inside of her shop.

After Debbie showered, she stood wrapped in a towel as she contemplated the contents of her wardrobe. She pulled out her little black dress and then shoved it back into the closet. She wasn’t going to make any effort to look nice. She was just going to a cookout for goodness’ sake. She pulled out her favorite pair of worn jeans and a purple shirt. She loved purple, and her closet was rife in various shades of the color. She pulled her clothes on over her violet lacy camisole and G-string, then brushed her hair once more. Instead of putting it up in her usual hair clip, she let the blonde tresses fall over her shoulders and down her back. She had always loved having long hair. Her hair was her one true vanity, and she had vowed, other than the occasional trim, she would leave it as it was.

Debbie slipped her feet into a pair of sandals and walked to the kitchen. She jumped when a she heard a knock on her door. She walked to the entry, took a couple of deep breaths as she wiped her sweaty palms on her black jeans, and opened the door. Her heart did a flip-flop in her chest to see Britt standing outside on the small landing.

“Wow, you look great, Deb. Are you ready to go? Can I help you with anything?”

“Um, no. I’m good, just a second,” Deb said and turned back into her apartment. She grabbed her purse and the large bowl of potato salad she’d bought from the deli.

“Let me take that for you, darlin’,” Britt said and took the bowl out of her hands. Debbie stepped out onto the landing and pulled the door closed behind her. She locked the dead bolt and turned to see Britt staring at her. She glanced away quickly, not wanting to get caught up in his sexy blue eyes. Debbie started down the stairs and shivered. When she glanced back she saw Britt’s eyes on her ass. She couldn’t seem to stop herself from putting an extra sway in her hips. She turned toward the sound of an engine and saw Daniel behind the wheel of a large dual-cab truck idling in the alley.

Daniel was out of the truck by the time she got to the back door. He opened it for her and then lifted her up to the seat with ease. Debbie turned her head toward him and hoped the heated skin of her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime, honey. Here, let me buckle you in,” Daniel stated and reached over her for the safety belt.

Debbie couldn’t contain the shiver running through her body when Daniel’s large, bulging bicep brushed against her breasts. She felt her nipples pucker and mentally cursed her body’s reaction. Her pussy clenched as she looked up into Daniel’s green, heated stare. She wanted to unbuckle her belt and jump his bones, but instead she looked down at her hands which were clenched in her lap. She sighed with relief when he closed the door quietly and walked around to get into the driver’s seat.

She looked out the window as they drove along. Colorado was such beautiful country. The fields were strewn with spring wildflowers. The grass was green, and crops were bountiful. She cracked her window and breathed in the scent of primrose and mown grass. She had always loved the colors and scents of spring and autumn.

“You’re pretty quiet, darlin’. Are you okay?” Britt asked.

Debbie looked up to see Britt turned toward her from the front seat.

“Yes, thanks. I’m just tired. It was a long day.”

“You really should think about hiring on some help. You’re going to run yourself ragged if you try to do everything yourself all the time,” Britt stated.

“I know. I was going to work on an advertisement tonight. I’ll have to do it in the morning. How long are you two staying in town?”

“We’ve bought our own place just outside of town. We are going to be working with the sheriff and deputies in this town. The crime rate is picking up since the population has begun expanding so rapidly,” Britt replied.

“I thought you worked in a special-operatives branch for the government. Won’t you need to live in the city to be on hand?”

“We still work for the government, honey. It doesn’t matter where we live. We can be where we need to within hours,” Daniel explained.

“So are you both sheriffs now?”

“No, darlin’, we’re deputy marshals,” Britt answered.

“Oh. Your work must be pretty dangerous,” Debbie commented.

“Well, I suppose you could say that. But we have had years of elite training. We know what we’re doing, darlin,” Britt stated.

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