Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I know, but I enjoy it. Thanks, Michelle,” Talia said then got back to work.

Talia spent four hours in the garden. Time had gotten away from her, and when she looked at her watch and realized it was nearly lunchtime, she decided to call it a day. She went back inside, jumped into the shower, and cleaned up. By the time she was dry she was beginning to flag. The thought of crawling into Chris’s bed, to have his and his brothers’ scent surrounding her, was too good to miss. She pulled the towel from around her body, dropped it on the floor, and slid in between the sheets. She was sound asleep moments later.

Talia didn’t want to wake up from her erotic dream. She spread her legs wide as fingers slid through the wet folds of her pussy. She moaned when a mouth latched on to one of her nipples while fingers pinched the other. She opened her mouth and sucked on the tongue which was thrust into her moist depths and slid her lips over the ones covering hers. She slowly came back to consciousness and realized she wasn’t dreaming at all. She opened her eyes and looked in Chris’s as he kissed her. Blayk was sucking and pinching on her nipples, and James was between her legs eating her cunt. She sucked in a breath as Chris moved his mouth from hers.

“Hey, darlin’, did you enjoy your nap? Do you feel all right?”

“Yes,” Talia cried out in answer to Chris, and also in response to the pleasure bestowed on her by James and Blayk.

“Do you want us, sugar?” James asked when he lifted his head to look at her.

“Yes. Please, now,” Talia whimpered in need.

“We’ll give you what you want, baby. Just let us love on you,” Blayk said in a deep voice, and then she watched him lower his head to her breast again.

Talia mewled when James sucked and laved on her clit and pushed two fingers into her cunt. She reached up and threaded her fingers into Chris’s hair. She pulled his mouth down to her and kissed him with all the emotions she felt for him. The heat and carnality of the kiss set her on fire, but it was also full of emotion. She felt tears prick the backs of her eyelids and tried to push them back. But her feelings were just too strong to contain, and tears leaked out from beneath her lids and down over her cheeks. The hands and mouths on her body pulled away instantly. Talia opened her eyes as she felt large, muscular arms scoop her up, and she found herself sitting on Chris’s lap.

“Did we hurt you, Talia? Why are you crying?” Chris asked.

“No, you didn’t hurt me. I’m just…I can’t explain,” Talia said haltingly.

“Darlin’, we’re worried about you. Please, tell me what’s wrong,” Chris said gently.

“Nothing’s wrong. That’s the problem,” Talia said with a hitch in her voice.

“What do you mean, baby?” Blayk asked.

“Everything is just so right. And I felt so full of happiness and you guys treat me so well, I just couldn’t contain my emotions,” Talia said and ducked her head to hide her heated cheeks.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about, sugar. We love you,” James said and reached over to kiss her shoulder.

“You do?”

“Darlin’, how could you doubt how we feel? You mean everything to us. I love you, Talia,” Chris said, his voice full of emotion.

“I love you, too, baby,” Blayk said and kissed her temple.

“Oh God,” Talia cried as tears poured out of her eyes. “I love you, too. I love all of you so much, it hurts.” Talia gave in to her emotions and let Chris hold her while she cried with joy. Her heart was so full that she had to release some of her feelings. When her tears finally slowed and dried, she looked up and gave her mates a chagrined smile.

“Do you feel better, baby?” Blayk asked her.

“Yes. I’m sorry for getting all sappy,” she apologized.

“Don’t you dare apologize for the way you feel, darlin’. We wanted to tell you we loved you the moment we set eyes on you, but we didn’t want to scare you away. Now, as much as I want to continue what we started, we are going to be late for dinner if we don’t haul ass. Tonight is a full moon and all the
go for a run after dinner. When we get back we’ll take up where we left off. Okay?” Chris asked.

“Okay,” Talia replied. She was excited about tonight. She hadn’t seen her men in their wolf forms yet. She was eager to see the color of their fur, and she wanted to run her fingers through it and scratch behind their ears. Talia grinned even more broadly. Seeing their wolves sounded almost as good as taking up where she had left off with them as men.


Chapter Ten

Talia had never seen such a festive atmosphere or so much food. It was a wonder the table wasn’t bowing under the weight of the food platters. Jonah, along with his brothers, Mikhail and Brock, stood at the far end of the table. Michelle sat between Jonah and Mikhail.

“I would like you all to welcome the newest member to our pack. She has already won the heart of your queen and her friend. Welcome, Talia Black,” Jonah said and raised a glass in her direction.

Talia acknowledged the Alphas and their mate with a nod of her head and then lowered her eyes. She had never expected to be welcomed into the pack so formally. The Friess Pack was just so different from what she had experienced with the Rogan Pack and her ex. She didn’t really know what to do. She was thankful when all eyes were off of her and she could relax once more. She sat between Chris and Blayk and huffed with exasperation as they loaded her plate with food. She knew werewolves had a higher metabolism than humans, but why they kept loading her plate with so much was beyond her.

Dinner was a joyful, exuberant affair. There seemed to be an excited hum in the air which was contagious. When the meal was over and the
began filing outside, Talia followed behind. She was eager to see her men as wolves. The thought that they could change form and were so much stronger than her, excited her. She made sure to keep out of the way and watched with awe as her men stripped off their clothes. Their bodies began to contort as their muscles shifted and reshaped. The popping and cracking sounded painful, but once they were in their wolf forms, their joyful howls sent shivers racing up and down her spine.

Talia took a hesitant step forward and then stopped. Her mates turned toward her and walked slowly to her side. She could tell by the color of their eyes and their coats who was who. Plus, Chris was more muscular and taller than Blayk and James. He nudged her hand with his nose, and she laughed. She lifted her hand and scratched behind his ears and then ran her fingers through his soft, glossy coat. She did the same to Blayk and James. They each licked her on the hand and then turned, running into the woods at the back of the house. She had never seen such a beautiful sight.

Talia trudged back toward the house. She knew her mates could be gone all night. Her ex had often disappeared for days on end. She reached the house and walked to the living room. She found Michelle sitting with her baby as she fed him.

“Where’s Keira?” Talia asked as she sat down.

“She’s gone for a run. I’m surprised you didn’t see her out there,” Michelle replied.

“How did Keira become a werewolf?” Talia asked curiously.

“Poor Keira didn’t really get a say in the matter. It was either change her and hope she survived, or she would have died anyway. She’d been shot, and she was dying,” Michelle said, and looked at her with sadness in her eyes.

“How does one get changed into a werewolf?”

“Are you sure you want to know? It’s pretty horrific.”

“I’d really like to know. I always thought a werewolf had to be born with the gene,” Talia said.

“Well, you’re right, but a human can be changed. Whether they survive the process or not is another matter. She had to be savaged by a werewolf so the wolf DNA could get into her system. It was touch and go for a while, but she pulled through and now she is happy with her mates and carrying a child.”

“Oh my God. That’s horrible. The thought of her mates having to hurt her is just too horrendous to even think about,” Talia said, covering her mouth.

“Her mates didn’t do it. They couldn’t bear the thought of hurting her. My mates and some of the other pack members held her mates back while Chris changed her and then Blayk took over caring for her,” Michelle clarified. “I hope no one ever has to do that again. It made me sick to my stomach. I was just glad Keira was already unconscious. The thought of her going through that, having to endure such agony is beyond my comprehension.”

“Oh wow. Chris did it? I just can’t imagine… He’s always so gentle. It must have caused him terrible anguish to have to do that,” Talia said quietly.

“It did. He was on tenterhooks the whole time Keira was recovering. Even though he knew Keira would have died without him changing her, he would have felt guilty if she had died afterward,” Michelle said.

Talia looked up to see tears in Michelle’s eyes. She gave her a watery smile, and they both laughed with joy when baby Stefan let out a great belch, easing the tension of the moment.

“He’s so cute. He looks like Jonah,” Talia said as she stroked a finger down his baby-soft cheek. He smiled, but his eyes were closed and Talia knew he was already falling asleep. She pictured herself round with child, and then she saw herself holding her own baby in her arms with her mates surrounding her. She felt a deep tug and yearning and knew that she wanted to be the mother of their babies, just as much as she wanted to be their mate.

“Let me go and put him down, and then I’ll be back so we can chat,” Michelle said as she stood and walked from the room.

Talia smiled as the sweet baby smell left the room. She wondered if her mates would be averse to starting to try for a baby right away. She was on the pill, but she knew she wanted to have her babies early, and the practice of making love regularly was definitely something to look forward to. She looked up when she heard footsteps coming from the entryway. She smiled at Cindy as she hurried into the kitchen. The young woman’s cheeks were flushed, and Talia could tell she had been out for a run. She wondered what it was like. To be able to change forms and run free through the woods would be such a joy.

Talia jumped when she heard a loud crash emanate from the kitchen. She got to her feet and froze in the doorway when she heard another thud and crash. The hair on her nape stood up on end, and she had a bad feeling in her gut. She got to the door of the living room and halted. A large, strange man came into view. She took a step into the hall and backed away, but he followed. She saw a flash of silver as he moved toward her, and she looked down. He held a knife in his hand. She didn’t know who he was or what he wanted, but from the looks of it, nothing good would come out of this.

Talia felt her heel connect with the stairs. She lifted her foot and began to slowly walk up the stairs, backward. She kept her eyes on his, too afraid to look away in case he came at her with the knife.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Talia asked.

“I’m looking for Talia Rogan.”

Talia froze. Anyone who called her by that name had to be associated with Paul—as if the knife wasn’t bad enough.

“She’s not here,” she replied, hoping Michelle wouldn’t choose that moment to return. Her foremost thought, even as she looked at the knife pointing toward her, was that Michelle and her baby needed to stay safe. “What do you want with her anyway?”

“She has something that belonged to her dearly departed husband. A little information that he was stupid enough to leave with her. I want it!”

“Who are you?” Talia asked and blanched as he gave her a smile so full of evil, she felt sick to her stomach.

“Tony Picotti,” he said.

Talia felt all the blood drain from her face as he introduced himself. He looked proud of who he was. She felt her stomach twist again.

“I see you’ve heard of me. I’m glad to know my reputation precedes me,” he said and placed a foot on the bottom step.

Talia cringed inside with fear. She couldn’t believe the leader of the biggest drug cartel in the United States of America was standing in front of her. She remembered Paul telling her he had a hold over the mob, but it seemed the drug lord had decided he was going to be leader of all the
Why does this shit keep happening to me?
Why do I seem to draw the sickos to my side? Oh God, please help me keep Michelle and baby Stefan safe!

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