Vanished (20 page)

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Authors: Margaret Daley

BOOK: Vanished
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“She used this to make the note she left with Ashley.” Madison pointed down at the paper before her.

J.T. came to her side and noticed a few red letters cut out and sprawled across the printed page. “She wanted me to know.”


“Another taunt.”

“Her last one. We've got her, J.T. You've got an APB out on her. We'll find her.”

“She's been gone for hours. She could be in the next state by now.”

Madison took his hand. “Do you have a photo of her?”

“She never liked her picture being taken, but I think Neil got one at the end of the summer picnic we have every year. If so, it's back at the house.”

“Good. Let's get it and, Rachel, get it out to everyone, especially the media.”

Rachel shook her head. “I can't believe Susan is capable of this. She always seemed so sweet and caring.”

“Yeah, right before she went in for the kill,” J.T. muttered as he headed for the door. “I have to make it to Neil's graduation. Rachel, will you see if the state crime scene techs can come in and process this apartment?”

“Will do, boss. I'll follow you home and get Susan's photo, then go back to the station and get everything moving. I agree with Madison. We'll catch her. She isn't as clever as she thinks. After all, we found out who she really is.”

J.T. hoped Madison and Rachel were right because it was his family that was in danger if they didn't find Susan. He didn't want to live wondering when she would reappear to make his life a living nightmare. This had to end.

Day eleven, 7:00 p.m.: Ashley found one hundred and thirty-one hours ago

J.T. sat in the high school auditorium with his two daughters and Madison next to him. He was surrounded by friends. His deputies were positioned in the crowd. Most of the fifty graduating seniors were seated in front of the stage, except a few who were participating in the program. His son was behind the stage waiting for commencement to begin.

J.T. peered at the podium. He had done everything he could in regards to Susan's apprehension. Now all he could do was wait.

Lord, it's in Your hands.

J.T. slipped his hand over Madison's and offered her a smile. Along with God, she'd been his anchor through this ordeal. When he'd needed help the most, the Lord had sent her.

“I don't think I've been to a graduation since I graduated. Was Neil excited when you spoke to him backstage?” Madison curled her fingers around his.

“Yep. It's not everyday you're the valedictorian and giving the welcoming address.”

“I would be scared.”

“You? I didn't think you were scared of much.”

“Getting up in front of hundreds would frighten me.”

“Me, too. I'd rather face down a bad guy with a gun. Well, maybe not that. But it isn't one of my favorite things.”

Madison chuckled. “It's scary how similar we are.”

He locked gazes with her. “Yes, it is.” As though she was the other half of him, he thought. That realization should terrify him. It didn't. It comforted him that after his failed marriage, his heart wasn't dead.

On stage the high school principal approached the podium to begin the commencement ceremony.

Ashley tugged on his arm. “Daddy, when's Neil coming out?”

J.T. looked down at his program. “Soon. He's next.”

When the principal made Neil's introduction, J.T. squeezed Madison's hand which he still held. His son's speech was uplifting and full of wisdom for an eighteen-year-old. He must have done something right to have raised a son like Neil.

Thank You, Lord.

After a long minute someone rushed out onto the stage and whispered something to the principal. Anxiety gripped J.T., and he bolted to his feet. His gut twisted into a huge knot.

The principal stepped to the mike. “Please, everyone remain seated. J.T., we need to see you behind the stage.”

J.T. hastened toward the center aisle with Madison following. He paused in front of Colin. “Please keep Kim and Ashley safe.”

“Don't worry. Nothing will happened to them.”

J.T. hit the aisle and jogged toward the stage, his heart pounding so hard in his chest that each breath he took hurt.

When he reached the stage, he slipped behind the curtain and found the principal, worry in his eyes.

“We can't find Neil. We've looked all around. He isn't here. He was right here—” the principal pointed to the spot in front of him “—before I went on stage.”

“He didn't go to the restroom?” J.T. asked even though he knew that Susan had somehow managed to slip through the security and nab Neil.

“No. We checked.”

J.T. did his own search of the area behind the stage while Madison interviewed everyone participating in the program. Ten minutes later he had to acknowledge his son wasn't in the building. As he started back toward Madison, his cell phone rang. He answered it.

“I've got him and I'll make a trade. You for your son.”

The hatred in Susan's voice blasted him. “How do I know you really have Neil.”

“Let him tell you.”

A few seconds passed, then, “Dad, I'm okay. I love—”

“I'm at Ted's house. Come alone or Neil won't walk away alive. You've got five minutes to get here or—”

The connection went dead.

Ted's? Why there? Those questions ran through his mind as he ran toward the exit, realizing the only way he could make it to Ted's in time was to speed. As he threw himself behind the wheel of his Jeep, he dialed Madison's cell. She picked up as he flew away from the high school.

“Susan has Neil at Ted's. I'm going there to make a trade. Keep everyone at a distance.”


“Don't come near. Do you hear me? She'll kill him.” He flipped his cell closed and ignored its ringing.

Day eleven, 7:30 p.m.: Ashley found one hundred and thirty-one and a half hours ago

Madison pocketed her phone, frustrated but mostly more scared than she'd ever been in her life. Susan was going to kill J.T. and possibly Neil if she didn't do something fast. She hurried to find one of the deputies to get Ted's address. She thought she remembered from the year before where it was, but she couldn't afford to get it wrong. J.T.'s and Neil's lives depended on her.

Day eleven, 7:30 p.m.: Ashley found one hundred and thirty-one and a half hours ago

J.T. leaped from his Jeep and raced up to Ted's house. The front door stood open as though welcoming him inside. As he entered, Susan stood in the entrance to the living room with a gun to his son's head, her hatred of him now clearly visible in her expression.

“Put your gun on the table. Slow and easy.”

Sweat broke out on J.T.'s forehead. “Will you let Neil go?”

“When I'm ready.”

Using his thumb and forefinger, J.T. carefully laid his revolver on the entry hall table near him.

“Now the other one around your ankle.”

He bent over and unsnapped the gun and placed it next
to the first one. “Let Neil go. This is between you and me. He had nothing to do with your son going to prison.”

“But you did.” She shoved Neil away. “Go outside and tell the deputies that I'll kill J.T. if they come near here.”

When his son hesitated, J.T. clenched his jaw. “Go! Do as she says.” He never took his gaze off Susan and didn't breathe until he heard the front screen bang close.

“Bolt that door. The rest of the house is locked up. I don't want anyone disturbing us. I've waited a long time for this.”

After he followed her instructions, she motioned for him to go into the living room. The drapes were pulled, shutting out the world. Two lamps blazed, but there were shadows in the corners where the light didn't quite reach.

As he moved, he kept his attention trained on her, waiting for his chance to overpower her. He hadn't come this far to let her murder him. He had a family. He loved Madison. He had too much to live for without going down fighting. If need be, he would rush her and take his chances that she wasn't a good shot.

“Why are you doing this, Susan, or should I call you Ann or Cora?”

“I don't care what you call me. You took my son away from me. He was all I really had. I thought after I married Ralph things would be better, but he beat me. Then Chris died in prison in a fight. My world shattered all because of you.”

Keep her talking. “Was Max Dillard your accomplice?”

She laughed, a hideous sound. “No way. He deserved to die. He was the one who introduced me to Ralph. Max didn't know what was really going on. He
didn't even recognize me after I tracked him down. A friend I kept in touch with told me he moved to Central City. He just wanted the money I offered, no questions asked. He was dumber than dirt, but he knew how to drive a speedboat and Ross's was one fast boat.”

“What do you think you're going to accomplish here? You'll never get away. By now the house is surrounded.” He had to buy some time and come up with a way to disarm her.

Her face slashed into a ferocious expression as though she were a wild animal. She waved the gun and yelled, “Revenge. Your life for my son's.”

Strangely as she declared her intentions, a calm descended over J.T. as if God stood in front of him shielding him from any danger. Madison's words came to mind:
You aren't alone. God is with you. I'm with you.

Day eleven, 7:45 p.m.: Ashley found one hundred and thirty-one and three fourths hours ago

“Rachel, get me into Ted's kitchen and I'll do the rest.” Madison held the penlight directed at the back door lock while the deputy worked on picking it. “Promise to teach me how to do this when we get out of this.”

“Save J.T. and I'll do anything you want. You remember the layout of the house that Ted gave you over the phone.”

Madison tapped her temple. “It's engraved on my mind. Neil thinks they will be in the living room where she was holding him.”

“Got it.” Rachel slowly turned the knob and inched the door open.

Day eleven, 7:45 p.m.: Ashley found one hundred and thirty-one and three fourths hours ago

“Sit down!” Susan's voice rose as she brandished the gun as if it were a sword.

“What now?” J.T. kept his tone level. He took a seat on the couch.

“My picture is plastered all over every TV station.” Susan prowled behind the sofa across from him, her gaze darting to him every second or two. “By now Ralph knows what I look like and where I am. You know he once told me he would never let me go—at least not alive. My life is ruined thanks to you.”

“It's not too late. You can turn yourself in, and Ralph won't be able to get to you.”

“And go to jail for the rest of my life? No, sir. Besides, knowing Ralph, he'd find a way to get to me. No one leaves him.”

“Then why did you come to Crystal Springs? Why didn't you just run away as far as you could get?”

She rounded on him, the gun leveled at his chest. “Because my son's death couldn't be for nothing. I had to make you pay. I planned my revenge for years, getting to know you and how to hurt you the most. I was going to kill Ashley and leave her body for you to find.” Disgust entered her expression. “But I couldn't. Ralph always said I was weak and he's right. I wanted to kill Neil. I couldn't.” She cocked the gun. “But I can kill you.”

Day eleven, 7:50 p.m.: Ashley found one hundred and thirty-one and five sixths hours ago

Madison crept into the dining room from the kitchen. She heard Susan's threat and the sound of a gun cocking. Taking a deep, fortifying breath, she swung into the archway between the rooms and aimed her revolver at Susan, whose back was to her.

“FBI. Drop your gun.”

J.T. pitched forward and to the side as Susan spun on her heel, directing her aim toward Madison. Madison pulled her trigger as the older woman squeezed off her shot. Madison dived to the left, and the bullet whizzed by her head while Susan crumpled to the floor.

J.T. pinned the woman down, wrenching the gun from her hand. Blood oozed from a shoulder wound.

“Madison! Are you okay?” He glanced around.

She came around the couch as the back and front doors burst open. “The cavalry has arrived.”

“About time.” J.T. grinned, relief evident in his gaze.

Susan groaned, her eyelids fluttered closed.

Madison heard J.T. whisper over Susan. “Lord, forgive this woman.” Then he rose as Kirk and Derek hurried forward and took charge of the captive.

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