Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4)
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Once the car stopped at the airfield, Paige let Gage open her door and
exited without a word. She hadn’t spoken since the one warning he gave about putting
her over his knee. Donovan wondered how long she could remain silent as he
watched her walk into Eloise’s embrace.

“The women will help her, bro,” Seamus placed his hand on Donovan’s
shoulder and looked on as the sisters all circled around Paige. “She’ll be
fine. Paige will get used to this.”

“Right. She just wasn’t expecting it the morning after our
Pronouncement. Her emotions are like a raging bull. I can’t wait until we’re
through this phase and our blood levels stabilize.” Donovan shook his head as
he picked up their luggage.

“Don’t count on that raging bull going away anytime soon. Eloise is
still hell on wheels and it’s been months,” Caedon chimed in as he began helping
them unload.

“Ditto on that one, bro,” Seamus added.

“Then perhaps you need to take your mates in hand. That’s what I plan to
do as soon as I get her alone.” Donovan spoke under his breath but he knew they
could hear him. He didn’t give a damn. He wanted this mission done so he could
help fulfill his mate’s dream of winning the Coupe du Monde.


* * * *


Paige felt like she was watching a tennis match as she sat in on the
mission briefing. They’d all boarded the plane and once airborne, just as
Donovan had explained, Madden began instructing the team on mission objectives
and execution.

Paige sat silently alongside Donovan just as she observed Eloise do with
Caedon. Gracie and Sadie, both coming to assist Paige, sat off in the corner
with Gemma who sat alone since Seamus was piloting the plane. There wasn’t much
talk of anything but the mission for the next two hours, much of which she
wasn’t sure she completely followed.

“Paige will maintain whatever her planned agenda would be for the
competition while Donovan shadows her. This fulfills both our need to have a
bodyguard with the sisters on the competition floor, as well as keeping Donovan
and Paige together while their blood levels stabilize,” Madden explained while
looking directly at Paige.

She nodded but didn’t speak.

“This is a lot to take in. Are there any questions we can answer for
you?” Madden asked her directly. When she didn’t answer right away, Donovan
squeezed her thigh tightly. All eyes were on her, waiting.

“N-no. I just do what I’d planned to do while you get this mission done
without being detected. That sounds easy,” Paige nodded to indicate she
understood and was prepared.

Snickers erupted from around the table and Granger said, “Understatement
of the year.”

Paige blushed when she realized she’d inadvertently diminished how
difficult their task was. “I only mean my part is simple. You all have the hard
work ahead.”

She felt Donovan give her a gentle squeeze this time and she smiled over
at him. Goddess, she thrived under his approval.

“Okay. We have another eight hours still before we land. Let’s relax
while we can. Once we arrive, its full alert until we have Nassir locked down.”
Madden stood and walked to another room towards the back of the plane.

Paige began to get up and go to her sisters when Donovan tugged on her
hand. “You can sit with me.” He held onto her hand—fingers entwined—as they
moved to sit in the last row of seats in the large open room behind a curtained
wall from where they’d had the mission briefing. Donovan had chosen the most
private place possible. Paige was torn between her desire to throw herself at
her mate and her residual anger over the potential of the mission hindering her
performance in the competition. Confused and frustrated, Paige sat in silence.

“I’ll be right back.” Donovan walked over to his parents for a few
minutes and returned with a bottle of water for her. “Something for you to

“No thank you,” Paige shook her head at his offer.

“You need to stay hydrated as we continue to take blood from one another
so frequently.” Donovan placed the water bottle into her hand until she took
hold. He watched her as she just held it. “Should I open it for you?”

“I can take care of myself.” Paige looked out the window. Why couldn’t
she get control of herself?

“I’m beginning to doubt that. You won’t even do the basics by taking a
drink of-”

Paige interrupted Donovan, “For Goddess’s sake, if that’s what it’ll
take to get you to leave me alone.” She twisted the top and put it to her mouth
only to feel it snatched away. “What are you doing now?”

“Not leaving you alone,” Donovan’s words were like a growl. Paige shrank
back into her seat. She watched with wide eyes as he placed both waters down on
a side table, lifted her out of her seat and sat down with her on top of his
lap. Thankfully, she was sitting and not lying across it.

“Please let me sit in my own seat. This is ridiculous…”

“Enough of your sass. I am fully aware, my
that this is not ideal, but what would you have me do?
This mad man has been tracking you and your sisters. My bet is he’s uncovered
the prophecy and until we capture him, you are in danger. I will not have you
in danger.” Donovan’s voice was lethal, and apparently loud enough to attract
the attention of everyone else on the plane.

Paige sat still, reconciled to perching on his lap as he sat there
toying with her fingers and looking at her ring he’d given her. She swallowed
down her sadness, confused by the emotions boiling up in both of them. She was
on the brink of releasing those tears and begging to go to her sisters when
Donovan’s parents walked over. She hadn’t talked to them much the day before
and was embarrassed now by what they witnessed between Paige and Donovan.

“Son, let your mother talk with Paige for a bit,” his father’s voice was
so much like Donovan’s menacing tone. It surprised Paige that she felt
intimidated by him when she didn’t get that same feeling from Donovan.

“Not now, Papa,” Donovan answered. Paige looked away, uncomfortable that
she was in the middle of an obvious family disagreement.

“Son.” Mr. Sabatini placed his hand on Donovan’s shoulder. She could
sense they were having an internal conversation.

Paige looked up only when she felt Mrs. Sabatini’s hand on her head. “Paige,
would you like to sit with me for a bit and talk? It has been a long few days
for you.” Donovan’s mother was the very opposite of the Sabatini men. She was
quiet, petite and appeared so serene and content. Paige envied her contentment.

Paige moved her gaze to Donovan and looked into his dark steel eyes. The
softness she’d experienced only last night was completely gone and replaced
with hard metal. She shivered involuntarily as he nodded, brought her hand to
his lips and kissed it.

“Go on. I’ll get my father caught up on the mission.” Donovan gave a
forced smile as she shifted off his lap.

Paige felt his eyes on her back as she walked to another sitting area
with his mother. She selected a seat that allowed her to hide from Donovan’s
sight. Paige needed just a few minutes to pull herself together. She tucked her
legs up underneath her and smiled at his mother.

“I’m sorry we didn’t have any time to talk yesterday,” Paige said.

“Not a worry at all. Our flight ran late and we knew the two of you
would be wrapped up in one another once we arrived.” Mrs. Sabatini appeared
unconcerned. “Besides, you will spend some time at our home once this
competition is done, yes?”

“Yes. That’s the plan,” Paige smiled as she slowly began to relax.

“Tell me about the competition. Obviously, I know the Coupe du Monde is
the international baking competition, but what exactly must you do?” Mrs.
Sabatini’s earnest interest sprang Paige into an hour-long discussion of the
menu she’d planned, her assistants, the competition rules and what the honor
would do for her business. Paige was feeling lighter as she focused on what she
was good at.

“You’re smiling now. You must enjoy baking very much, yes?”

“I do. I’m good at it. It’s where I’ve always been most proud.”

“I see,” Mrs. Sabatini nodded. “It is difficult at first to be a mate.
Then to be a mate to a Valendite Breed as dominant as the Sabatini men, well,
that is much more difficult to become accustomed to.” Donovan’s mother laughed
as she noticed Paige blush. “No need to be embarrassed. Donovan comes by it
naturally. He is his father’s son.”

Paige realized what Mrs. Sabatini was trying to tell her. It was hard to
wrap her mind around.

“You don’t mind?” Paige asked in a hushed voice, leaning in to keep
their conversation private.

“Not at all. We have come to a place where most of the time, if I were
to find myself over his knee, it would be more treat than punishment.” She
winked and added, “And just between you and me, I find myself needing it every
so often.”

“You do?” Paige was incredulous. His mother couldn’t possibly be saying
what Paige thought she’d heard. Surely, she’d misunderstood somehow. “You enjoy

“Most certainly.” Mrs. Sabatini tilted her head and inspected Paige.
“You have not?”

Paige shook her head but answered, “Yes. But today—today I don’t know
what I’ve done to anger him. He won’t talk and it makes me afraid.”

“Never be afraid of Donovan, Paige. You are the most precious thing to
him now. If he is angry, I suspect it’s over his need to protect you. My son is
afraid for you.”

“But why act so angry?”

“That I cannot answer except to suggest you allow him to care for you as
much as you can allow it. He’ll find his comfort in that. I believe you will as

Paige’s eyes filled with tears. “I’ve been pulling away and not letting
him take care of me. It’s hard to admit I need help. I’ve never done that
before.” She finished her last word as the dam holding back her riotous
emotions broke.

Mrs. Sabatini pulled her into a hug. It was warm and encouraging and so
very much like her mother’s embrace. Paige melted and allowed Donovan’s mother
to hold her while she cried. She wasn’t sure if anyone else was watching, or
had even noticed, but Paige couldn’t bring herself to care. Releasing her worry
felt too good.

When her sobs finally subsided, Paige sensed Donovan nearby. He placed
his hand on her head and stroked her hair down her back. No one spoke as Paige
took deep breaths to stabilize her breathing. This time she greedily drank when
Donovan handed her the bottle.

“Will you sit with me now?” Donovan grinned and added, “I’ll even let
you have your own seat.” He appeared almost shy and Paige wanted to wrap
herself around him. The warmth in his eyes had returned. They were seeking her
reassurance, looking deep inside her to read her emotions. Then he smiled.
Goddess, she loved his smile.

Paige placed her hand in his and they tucked away, simply sitting in
each other’s arms until the plane landed in Paris.


* * * *


“A bit of a change in plans, Princess,” Donovan said as he arrived in
their temporary kitchen where she’d been allowed to go to while he attended
another mission briefing. “I’m swapping places with a new agent. Since he’s
new, we’re confident he won’t be recognized by Nassir or his men if he’s
spotted with you.”

“Where will you be?”

“I’ll be on the perimeter with the others. The other benefit is that
I’ve seen Nassir’s men which means I can make a positive I.D. potentially
faster than the others can.”

Paige’s wide-eyed expression and the frown on her face told him this new
plan frightened her. “Look at me, Principessa. This decision was made with your
safety a priority. Trevor has been training for years to become an agent with
TEU. He’s more than capable. Plus, I’ll be a push of a button away.”

Donovan opened his hand and showed her a beautiful pin. It was shaped
like the letter “P” and encrusted with tiny, sparkly diamonds. He secured it to
her apron and said, “A panic button has been installed on this pin. You squeeze
it and I come running.”

“Beautiful and practical. The perfect gift,” Paige teased.

“Nothing is too good for my princess,” Donovan teased right back.
Goddess, it was good to be over that awful funk they’d gotten into on the plane
ride. She truly adored him.

“Ok. Like I said, the agent’s name is Trevor. His mother owns her own
pizzeria in Italy so he’s at least been in a kitchen. Mostly he’s here to guard
you but go ahead and put him to work. It’ll make it look more authentic.”

Trevor would appear as one of her assistants, a compromise she had to
make since she was only allowed three and Donovan insisted an agent be with her.
This meant she was actually a chef short, but Paige was confident enough in her
own skills not to need more than two extra sets of hands. Donovan thought Trevor
was her bodyguard, but for this event, he’d be more like her gopher. That
thought made Paige laugh aloud and Donovan raise an eyebrow in question.

Paige just shook her head. “So, where is this Trevor?”

“Trevor,” Donovan called out and a curly-haired young man walked around
the corner.

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