Read Veer (Clayton Falls) Online

Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Veer (Clayton Falls) (35 page)

BOOK: Veer (Clayton Falls)
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He laughed. “Well if I can’t be there myself, at least you’ll have
. Besides, he likes you better.”

“But what about you? What will you do without him?”

“I’ll be okay. I’ll see him all the time when I visit you. And it’s only for
nine months, right?”

I nodded.

I kissed him, refusing to waste even a minute of the time we had left.


Boston was as lonely as I
expected. I got back into the gro
ve of school, but it was so much harder
. The longer I was away from Clayton Falls
the more I missed it. I missed Molly, Kelly, and Jake—missed the group of friends I’d never imagined I’d have, but most of all
I missed Gavin. Sometimes I ached for him so much that I didn’t know how to deal.

To make things worse,
Gavin seemed kind of distant
as if
he was hiding something. I knew I had to trust him. I understood that sending Max with me was for more than my safety. He wanted me to know he wasn’t going anywhere.
meant I wasn’t either.

On the Thursday of my third week back
I got caught in a
after getting of
the T. I opened my umbrella
but a gust of wind turned it inside
. “
n it

I dropped my useless umbrella into the trash can as I walked t
few blocks to my apartment. Pelted by rain on top of everything else
I was soaked. I turned the corner and noticed someone leaning against the side of my building. As I got closer
he glanced up
and I got a look at my favorite hazel eyes.

What are you doing here?” I ran as fast as I could with my backpack full of books.

He met me halfway, sliding my bag off my shoulders
, tossing it under the awning of my building,
before pulling me into a hug. “
You left something behind
” he whispered in my ear.

“What?” I asked, hoping he was going to say what I wanted him to.


I pulled my head away from his chest, knowing my face was now wet from tears and the rain. “How long a
you here for?”

“Until you graduate.”

I clutched on to his shirt, trying to accept that the man I loved was really moving across the country for me.

He smiled. “I figured I knew someone who wouldn’t mind having me as a roommate.”

I kind of already have someone living with me… but I think Max will be okay with you joining us.”

I would have come sooner, but I had to give my two weeks at work.

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be
I know of a job up here I can take anyway.”


“Let’s say we’ll be at a lot of games at Fenway.

Are you going to coach?”

I called my pitching coach
and he knew someone up here.
It won’t
pay much, but it’s a start

“Oh my god,
you’re really
going to help coach the

“I take it you like the idea?”

“Is that a joke?”

He looked down into my eyes. “I love you, Becca.”

Before I could reply
his lips were on mine. His arms came around me, and I wrapped mine around his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible.
The rain continued to pour down on us, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was how good it felt to have his lips against mine again and to be back in his arms.
He eventually loosened his hold a little and pulled back. I jumped in immediately. “I love you.”

“Do you love me enough to get me out of the rain?”

“Of course. But wait
. W
here’s all your stuff?”

car.” He pointed to where he’d parked.

“Do you need it now?”

“No. The only thing I need is right here.”

“And I’m not going anywhere.” I looked him right in the eye when I said
, letting him know I meant it.

“Me either, Becca. Me either.”

His lips met mine again
and I knew I was right where I belonged.

BOOK: Veer (Clayton Falls)
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