Vegas Surrender (5 page)

Read Vegas Surrender Online

Authors: Sasha Peterson

Tags: #love, #interracial romance, #contemporary romance, #steamy romance, #multicultural romance, #bwwm romance, #new adult romance, #wealthy romance

BOOK: Vegas Surrender
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He removed my dress and tossed it to the floor.
His hand went between my thighs, grazing the silkiness of my
underwear. We finished off the evening with the sweetest of



Chapter Six


I pulled up to the parking garage of Lenox
Square Mall and found a spot close as I could to the front entrance
without having to valet. Blowing out a breath, I stepped out the
car. Going shopping ranked just as high as going to the dentist in
my book. The weather forecast called for clear skies, but the dark
clouds off in the distance told another story. I put my mini
umbrella in my purse just in case and proceeded inside.

Tina stood on the other side of the entrance
with a frown on her face. “Why are you wearing flats?”

I looked from my shoes to her four-inch Red
Bottoms and shrugged. “Because I want to be comfortable while you
drag me from store to store. It’s not like they’re tennis shoes.
Plus I’m not the Fashion Queen, that’s you.”

Her frown faded a little. “I guess. But this
trip is for you not me.”

We headed away from the entrance. Labels didn’t
call out to me as they did my sister. If an item looked nice, I
didn’t care who made it. Unfortunately, owning my own business
required me to do otherwise.

It took money to make money, and I came to
realize potential clients were more receptive when I donned
designer tags. Atlanta considered itself one of the fashion
capitals, and I needed to fall in line, especially within the black
community. My clothing was a sign of my own financial status as
well as my husband’s.

Is this event formal or little
black dress?” Tina asked as we neared her favorite store, Michael

I’m thinking little black dress.
The casino crowd is a fun bunch.”

We weren’t in the store a full minute before my
mind started processing the price tags. Daniel and I both brought
in a substantial income, but there was a time when I didn’t. One
outfit in there could easily blow nearly a month’s worth of pay
before I started my consulting firm.

Tina held up a black dress with the price tag
of seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Car note plus insurance.
I shook my

She shoved the dress back on the rack. “Do you
even want to go to this thing?”

Of course I do.”

Then act like it and help me look

We left the store. Her long legs out matched
mine as we made our way to the next destination. I winced as we
stepped inside another high end retailer.

Tina!” a male sales associate
called out. His eyebrows were arched to perfection, and he walked
better than me in the heels he wore. “Girl, where have you

They hugged and blew each other fake

Around. Look.” She pointed at me.
“This is my sister, and we need a killer dress for her to wear to
an event. She’s married to a white guy, and the dress needs to send
a statement to the white women to know they don’t stand a

I rolled my eyes. What did whom I’m married to
or the fact that I am married at all have to do with anything with
getting a dress? Yes, I’ve encountered women who felt they should
be the object of my husband’s affection in the past, but not once
had Daniel ever made me doubt his love.

From now on, I was keeping my stories to myself
instead of telling blabbermouth.

Honey.” He bobbed his head up and
down. I felt like a lab specimen. “I have a white man, and these
old crows know better. Follow me.” He did a twirl and walked

I held back a laugh as I followed along,
watching him rip the mock runway. Five dresses later, I found the
one—or given up on trying on anymore. It was a simple with a small
swoop in the front and an exaggerated V-dip in the back.

Are you happy now?” I asked my

Yes. One day, you’re going to let
me completely have my way instead of getting these onesie twosie
outfits for you.”

One day.” I checked the time on my
watch. “I need to get to my office. Enjoy the rest of your

I left Tina to finish her own shopping and
headed to the other side of town. Kathy greeted me with a smile and
my messages as I walked in the building. Two were from my current
clients and one from a prospective, Cynthia Trapp.

Dolores was first on my list to call once I was
settled in my office.

Good afternoon, Jennifer,” she

Hello, Dolores. Do you have a
moment?” I clicked on the file I saved.

Yes. Go ahead.”

Are you aware that Chris was
incarcerated?” I leaned back in my chair.

I had no idea.”

He has an extensive rap sheet for
running Ponzi Schemes.”

There was a gasp on the line. “I’m such an old

Your age can be debatable, but,
Dolores, I’ve known you for years and you are far from a fool.” I
lost my serious tone and smiled to lighten the mood.

I’m so glad I have you on my

I clicked off the file. “I’m just doing my

Thank you.”

You’re welcome.”

I ended the call and then dialed the number of
my other client who left a message. The voicemail picked up.
“Hello, Karen Norman. This is Jennifer Ross returning your call.
You can reach me on the office phone or by email at
[email protected]. I look forward to hearing back from
you.” I hung up and looked at the pink slip of paper for the number
to the next person.

After pulling up my new client file and
scanning what Kathy prefilled in, I dialed the number.

Cynthia speaking,” a woman

Hello, Cynthia. This is Jennifer
Ross, and I’m returning your phone call regarding your inquiry
about investment strategies.” I leaned back in my seat, getting
into full business mode. The name rang a bell. Facebook. Yes. Now I
know why I had the friend request. I would be sure to add her

Yes, that’s correct. I’ve recently
come into a lump sum of money and want to be smart about

I nodded. “Then you’ve contacted the right
person. My assistant, Kathy, already asked you some basic
questions. The next step is for a meeting for me to review your
finances and look into the investments you’re thinking


I could tell from the tone of her voice she was
ready to get started. “What time of the day works best for

Late evening.”

Scanning my Microsoft calendar, I saw I didn’t
have an opening until two weeks. “How does the twenty-fifth sound?
It will give you time to get your paperwork together.”

Sounds great.” Her voice was

An alert popped up as a reminder of my
rescheduled counseling session. I’d forgotten about the switch.
“Okay. I’ll mark you down, and Kathy will send you a confirmation
email along with a list of the items you’ll need to bring. I look
forward to seeing you.”

I’m looking forward to it as well.
Bye now.”

I ended the call and grabbed my purse.
Thankfully, my alerts were always an hour early. I had enough time
to drive to the counselor’s office and find a parking

Kathy, I have to leave early and
will be out the rest of the day,” I said, passing her.

I saw the appointment and was
confused by you coming in at all. I’ll hold down the fort. See you
tomorrow.” She held the phone to her chest as she spoke.

Making a mental note to remind her to use the
mute button, I continued out the door. An hour and fifteen minutes
later, I sat next to my husband on a couch being asked personal

Dr. Patrick’s blue eyes looked over the rim of
her glasses at me. “How are the date nights going?”

Great,” I said.

She raised her eyebrows at me.

Heat rose to my cheeks. “Yes, we are having
sex, Dr. Patrick. Not the boring sex we used to have but hot
passionate sex.”

Daniel looped his fingers through mine. “I
agree. It’s far from boring.”

A smile spread across her face. “I’m glad
you’re making progress. Now, are you also being

Was me showing up at my husband’s
office and giving him a blow job spontaneous enough for

Yes, we are.” I’d leave the
details of it for me and my husband. Doctor or not, I was not about
to let another woman know the down and dirty of our sex life. I
didn’t want them getting any ideas. She wasn’t married, and Daniel
was handsome, and mine.

Good. Have you utilized the sexual
position book I suggested?”

I was embarrassed the first time she said it
and more embarrassed now because yes, I’d secretly been reading it.
The temperature in the room seemed to elevate.

Both she and Daniel looked at me. A huge grin
spread across his face. He now knew where the new positions had
come from. I hadn’t told him I’d bought the book.

From both of your reactions, I’d
take that as a yes.”

The timer went off.

That completes today’s session.”
We stood up to leave. “Sheila will set your appointment for two
weeks from now. See you then.”

Daniel held out his hand for me to walk in
front of him. He closed Dr. Patrick’s office door and grabbed me by
the arm, pulling me to him. His eyes were filled with lust. “You
little minx.”

I gave him a sly grin right before his lips
covered mine. My hand wrapped around the back of his head, and I
pulled him in closer as his tongue danced in my mouth.

Unt um,” Sheila cleared her

We pulled apart. I felt like a teenager again
and couldn’t hold my head up to meet hers.

Go straight home and be ready for
me,” Daniel said. “I’ll finish up here.”

I left him, sped home, and prepared. Removing
my clothes, I waited on him by the door. He came home and wasted no
time joining me.



Chapter Seven


I took a deep breath and smoothed down my dress
as I walked with Daniel into the Hyatt. Though Harrah’s was in
North Carolina, they did their annual party where their main office
was located—in Atlanta.

Not only was I the only black wife affiliated
with the organization, I was the youngest. The usual supermodel
wannabes mingled about. They were girlfriends, mistresses, or
trying to fit in either category to be on the arms of Atlanta’s
elite. These were the women closer to my age. I didn’t fit in at

Are you okay?” Daniel asked as he
grabbed two cocktails off a tray one of the many servers

I nodded and took a sip from the glass he
handed me.

You’re beauty outshines all the
women in this room.” He leaned in, giving me a peck on the

I love you.” My nerves calmed a

The décor was reminiscent of the Rolling
Twenties. Hired entertainers were dressed as flapper girls or
dressed in vintage tuxedos with top hats. A black grand piano set
next to the stage with a man playing a tune for the singer to belt
out a jazz song.

I smiled as Mr. Whitman saw us and headed in
our direction. If not for his no show, I wouldn’t have met my

How’s my favorite girl doing?” He
took my hand in his and kissed it. His gray whiskers tickled my

I’m good.”

He gave Daniel a pat on the back and a nod.
“Keep your wife happy, and you’ll always be happy. Enjoy the
evening. I have to make my rounds.”

I watched him walk away before asking Daniel,
“Are you happy?”

Every time I lay eyes on you.” He
smiled and gathered me in his arms. “You want another

I nodded, and he went in search of more
libations. My senses tuned in to the woman walking on stage. Her
dark skin, short curly mane, and flower in her hair managed to make
her look like Billie Holiday.

She has an amazing

She does…” My gaze fixed on the
woman speaking to me, and my heart rate increased. Black hair and
green eyes brought me face to face with Daniel and my indiscretion
in Vegas. The blood drained from my face. “What…are you doing

She laughed. “I was invited. My husband is
co-owner of Ohio Live, and we just relocated here.”

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be
rude. Of course you were invited. Forgive me but I’m just surprised
to see you.” Embarrassment washed over me. I resisted the urge to
fan myself.

Looks like you need a drink.” She
handed me a glass with a mixed reddish-pink beverage in it. “Don’t
worry. I haven’t taken a drink of it yet. It’s a

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