Vegenrage: Dragon Reclaim (23 page)

BOOK: Vegenrage: Dragon Reclaim
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“This is why I am king of Ugoria, Kertinkpice. I, alone, can defeat dragons, but with my elven brothers, we are much stronger than the dragons. We will mourn our fallen brothers, but the dragons will not mourn their dead. Our fallen will be replaced one hundred times faster than the fallen dragons will, and by the time the dragons try to come back from their losses, we will have hunted you all down and destroyed you all. This is the end of the dragons, so run and hide, Kertinkpice, or fight to your end now. Either way, I promise you the end will be the same for you. No longer do the races of man fear the dragons. Now the dragons fear the races of man.”

“Hahahahaha. The races of man are, as they always were, our food, and your blind ambition has brought the end to Ugoria.” Kertinkpice roars, raising his head, facing straight up. The trees to the left of Trialani and his army start to shatter and break, flying into the air and falling broken to the ground. This happens about fifty yards from Trialani, and the breaking trees are heading right for Trialani, very fast, and only Trialani can see this since he is sitting so high on his Mountballion. The rest of his army can hear something crashing through the trees and look in that direction but cannot see anything. Shenlylith has protected Barkon from the dragons but not even her protection can protect him and Trialani from what the dragons are doing now. Dribrillianth and Blethstole have responded to the call Kertinkpice made before the battle started when he roared into the sky, calling the dragons to Ugoria. Dribrillianth has magically concealed himself and become invisible, flying through the trees, ripping them from the ground, and breaking them very fast and strong as he flies right into the side of the Mountballion, throwing Trialani far into the woods. Dribrillianth appears right in front of the elven army with Barkon under his feet. Barkon is larger than the dragon, but Dribrillianth has his head pinned to the ground with his left paw and his right paw holding down his hind legs. Barkon slashes at Dribrillianth with his deadly talons, but they just scrape off the diamond-hard scales of Dribrillianth. Dribrillianth looks at the elves, shooting a very deadly spew of razor-sharp daggers, pelting, slicing, cutting, and killing elves and horses. This one spell kills more elves and allies than all killed so far. The road is laden with the shredded bodies of the dying, dead, and those crying in pain. Dribrillianth turns his focus to Barkon, sinking his deadly teeth into the gut of Barkon, ripping a huge chunk of fur and flesh. He does this a few times, removing the very thick coat of the Mountballion and starts to feed on it. This is actually a fantastic meal for Dribrillianth, and nothing is going to bother him. He feeds, enjoying his meal, as Barkon can do nothing but lay as his life is eaten away by Dribrillianth.

The elves that have survived Dribrillianth’s Razor Dagger spell are caught from behind as Blethstole appears in back of them and is more than happy to feast on the elves, Landgangers, and horses that cannot evade his presence. The elves are thrown into turmoil, not knowing what to do or even where to fight. Blethstole behind them, Dribrillianth in front of them, and Kertinkpice as well. The elves make a concentrated attack on Blethstole, but he is much larger than Nawlewn and Barquoke, and most of the elven arrows barely penetrate his scales if at all. The horse riders charge him, but he is too big, too strong. He swats them away with his good wing and catches them in his jaws and crunches them down. Blethstole is so strong compared to the elves that he can blow bursts of air from his mouth and send them back some ten yards, and then he pounces on them, filling his desire to feed. Dribrillianth is concerned with nothing but his meal. Mountballions are one of the top delicacies for dragons and a very rare treat. He consumes his meal like a man sitting in front of juicy steak cooked to perfection that he rarely gets to enjoy.

Kertinkpice has his eyes set on Trialani. His desire to feed can wait. He has a king to eat. He faces the direction that Trialani flew in and sees Arglon riding on his falcon over to the woods where Trialani is. Trialani rises into the air and hovers next to Arglon. “Arglon, help our elves with Blethstole. I have Kertinkpice.”

“Are you sure, Trialani? Maybe we should work together to take out Kertinkpice.”

“I am sure, Arglon. I have a personal vendetta to take care of with this one. I am protected by the Snow Gold Trinket. You go help with the black dragon. When I have finished off this one, and you have taken care of the black one, the diamond dragon will flee.”

“Okay, Trialani. Whatever our fate is to be on this day, may the Wishing Elves be with you.”

“You too, my friend. You too.” Arglon heads toward Blethstole on his falcon steed.

Trialani levitates slowly over the trees toward Kertinkpice, speaking in a commanding voice. “You remember that day twelve hundred years ago, dragon? The day you ate my brother and sister. The day you followed me to my home in Northern Ugoria where you then ate my mother and father. You destroyed our home. You killed and ate all of my family. You created the war-driven elf that I became. You are the reason I sought power, ultimate power, and now I am more powerful than even the dragons. My drive, my determination, was created by you, and I used that rage to become king of Ugoria through the use of force. I will free Strabalster from the pain and devastation created by the dragons, and now you are here. I will free Strabalster from the dragons, and their rein will not return.”

“Yes, I remember. It is all coming back to me, elf. You were sly you somehow escaped my hunger with your life still intact. I will not be so complacent this time. I will give you the respect you deserve, elf, and eat you, and the Snow Gold Trinket will add to my power as I add it to my treasure trove.” Kertinkpice jumps with his legs and flaps very powerfully with his wings, raising him high about the height that Trialani is at. He speaks the words in dragon’s tongue. “Ssslectuuurrree whilssstemmm beglongsss!” He holds his wings out wide as his legs and belly face Trialani with his head and tail forming a half moon, facing the elf that eluded his teeth so long ago. His wings form a horizontal half moon facing Trialani, and somehow Kertinkpice hovers motionless, and the tip of his tail, the tip of his snout, and the tips of his wings start to glow a magnificent pink color. Pink-colored bolts of lightning start to roll up and down his body, and in a flash, they shoot from his wings, snout, and tail. This is incredibly powerful in its intensity, size, and strength. Searing hot bolts of super concentrated electricity with explosive power that can break through most any magical barrier or wall. The Snow Gold Trinket rises from Trialani’s chest and moves toward Kertinkpice. Shenlylith grows from the trinket about fifteen feet in front of Trialani, and her white wings grow wide and absorb the spell cast by Kertinkpice.

“Your magic has no effect here, dragon, and now thanks to your kind offering, Trialani can track you anywhere you go. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Would you like to offer more?”

Kertinkpice’s eyes widen as he fully expected to shatter any barrier that was protecting Trialani. He stops his spell and flaps his wings to maintain his ground. “I have heard of you, snow elf. I must say you are very powerful, and I will enjoy the power you add to my collection of treasure. One will survive today—Trialani or I. So let us see how you fare against this.”

Right at that moment, when Kertinkpice finishes his sentence, a spear drives right through the back of Trialani who is focused on Shenlylith. Trialani grasps the spear with both hands, looking down to see the tip of the spear drive through him. Cloakenstrike appears behind him and says, “Drill.” The spear starts to widen and blades turn, slicing and cutting the heart and lungs out of Trialani. Trialani is dying, and Cloakenstrike swipes with his finger a Blade of Sharpness, releasing Trialani’s head from his shoulders. Shenlylith looks up in surprised fear and shrinks down into the Snow Gold Trinket, and it falls from the sky. It falls right into the hand of Bastrenboar who is running fast through the forest and jumps with great distance due to his Boots of Speed and appears, snatching the trinket out of the sky. He puts the trinket around his neck. Bastrenboar hovers where he caught the trinket and looks to Kertinkpice and puts his right index finger and middle finger to his right eye, saluting farewell to Kertinkpice as he says a few words and vanishes. Cloakenstrike throws the body of Trialani high in the air toward Kertinkpice. “Here is the meal you have been waiting for, dragon,” and he too vanishes after saying a few words. Kertinkpice lunges at Trialani and catches him in his mouth and eats the remains.

Arglon on Fairbrist swoops fast at Blethstole, making a double attack. The talons of Fairbrist cause Blethstole to dodge this slicing attack as Arglon casts the White Swords of Mountaintops. This spell shoots swords of pure white ice and snow that have very strong penetrating power on the black dragon. Fairbrist swoops down, and Blethstole ducks to avoid his talons, but Arglon shoots his magical swords, and they penetrate five magical swords into the side and back of Blethstole. They penetrate deep into his body and splash red blood from the impacts. Fairbrist swoops down and flies by as the remaining elves on the ground launch arrows and make darting attacks with swords and lances that are not too effective. Blethstole is just too big and his scale armor too thick. He is very fast on the ground, and with his size, he manages to snatch some elves and horses in his mouth and makes meals out of them. He keeps an eye on Fairbrist and has to watch out for Arglon who has already caused damaging wounds to him. Blethstole has great healing ability, but the nature of the white magic is damaging and takes longer for him to heal, so he is focused on Arglon, keeping the enemies on the ground noticeable out of the corners of his eyes. This allows Reinlith to dart out from a tree behind Blethstole and cast a Spell of Disruption that is very powerful. Reinlith swings his hands from above his shoulders toward the ground and says the magical words, and like sticks of dynamite exploding, the ground shatters and flies in all directions right toward Blethstole. Blethstole turns but is hit right in the side under his belly by the exploding spell. This spell is powerful enough to blast out large chunks of scale and flesh from Blethstole’s underside, and he is taking on life-threatening wounds as he bleeds out. He takes no more chances and magically raises into the air and flies through a Dimension Door to safety. The elves cheer and raise their arms in the air triumphantly. This excitement quickly turns to horror as they turn to see their king being killed by Cloakenstrike, and the Snow Gold Trinket falls into the hands of Bastrenboar. They watch as their king is thrown into the air, and Kertinkpice flies up and eats their king. The assailants to their king vanish, and Kertinkpice flies down to Dribrillianth who has just finished his meal.

The elves now numbering just a little over one hundred face two of the dominant dragons and know they cannot beat them. The feeling of hopelessness overwhelms them, and they could not be more demoralized.

“Did you enjoy your meal?”

“Ah, yes, very satisfying. That is the best meal I have had in centuries.”

“You could have saved some for me.”

“I don’t think so.”

“There are two magic-using elves here. We must destroy them, the hell with the rest.”

“I know. The one on the falcon is pretty impressive. I will take him. You get the one on the ground.” Dribrillianth takes to the wing and is not quick enough as Arglon flies to the ground and dismounts his steed and pats Fairbrist on the neck. “You have been an enormous asset to our fight here, Fairbrist. Go now and be free and strong.” Fairbrist takes to the wing and flies away to the safety of his home. Arglon and Reinlith encircle the remaining elves in a circle of magical protection.

Dribrillianth and Kertinkpice approach the elves huddled on the road. Dribrillianth gets their attention with a demanding voice. “We want just the two magic users. The rest of you are free to go.”

Arglon turns to the elves. “Verlyle, take your bowelves and go. Vorgillith, Stromgin, take your horse riders and go.”

“We will not go, Arglon. If the dragons mean to kill any of us, then they must face us all.”

Vorgillith turns to his men and yells, “Raa!” His men slam their lances to the ground and reply in unison, along with Stromgin and his men, “Raa.”

“We will not leave either, Arglon. If the dragons think they can have you, then they will have to face our arrows first.”

Reinlith faces the elves. “We are brothers, warriors, and fighters, but we are not suicidal. We do not know what has happened to our brothers to the north and south. We have lost severely here, and it is probable that our brothers have lost as well. We cannot afford to lose all here. If none of us return, then Ugoria is lost. We cannot protect against the dragons here. Return so that we may live to fight another day. If we all die here, we have lost Ugoria. Please do not let that happen.” After long thought and lowered heads, the horse riders and bowelves silently head back to Ugoria.

Before the elves are out of sight, the dragons attack. Kertinkpice casts his spell Explitening, and Dribrillianth casts his spell of Diamond Shards. These two spells crack and shatter the magical protection protecting the two elves, and they vanish as the magical barrier is destroyed. They both appear on the neck of Kertinkpice. “This is for our king.” They simultaneously cast Burning Hands from both of their hands, sending burning heat into the back of Kertinkpice’s head. His ears are burned off, and his brain boils. They both shoot lightning bolts, exploding the head of Kertinkpice, killing him instantly. Dribrillianth releases another Diamond Shard spell, and they cannot evade this attack. Arglon and Reinlith have taken out a dominant dragon, but they lose their life to the shards of diamond that rip their bodies apart.

Dribrillianth looks around at all the carnage, and he is the only survivor here. There is nothing he can do to bring back the life of Kertinkpice. His head is gone, and there is no bringing him back from this. The dragons have succeeded in hunting down most of the magic-using elves of Ugoria and completely destroyed the inner kingdom. The Ugorian race has been decimated, and the dragons are victorious here, but they have suffered dearly. The dragons have lost two dominant dragons—Kertinkpice and Bailseize. They have lost Barquoke, Nawlewn, and Flaren in Ugoria. The elves have lost their kingdom, their king, and hundreds of lives, but they can survive and grow, whereas the dragons will take centuries to recover from these losses. This does not include the battle the dragons have on Fargloin that is happening right now.

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