Veil (35 page)

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Authors: Aaron Overfield

Tags: #veil, #new veil world, #aaron overfield, #nina simone

BOOK: Veil
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n the lab, Hunter
watched as, out of both shock and fear, Brock gasped for air,
opened his eyes for a split second, and clinched them tightly while
he held his breath. He watched intently as Brock
experienced—firsthand—the precise moment Hunter was so anxious for
him to reach. It was a moment Hunter experienced himself twelve
hours earlier.

Out of everything he planned, Hunter couldn’t
decide whether that specific event was a particularly good idea.
However, it was possibly the one thing he wanted to give his friend
the most. While he nervously watched, Hunter hoped Brock would
forgive him for what was happening.


Brock felt his body dive head first through
the air toward the water and rocks where he was paralyzed as a boy.
The sensation of diving again, though brief, was vast and abiding.
Brock felt each second through the air and then every inch of
submersion when the top of Hunter’s head hit the
followed by the rush of water on
his face
his chest
his nipples
his thighs
his knees and finally, his feet. He felt Hunter
plunge to the bottom, swim along it
scrape the rocks with his toes. Hunter headed up, broke the
and took a deep breath.


Brock held his breath throughout the entire
dive and the whole time Hunter was underwater. As Hunter broke the
surface and took a huge breath, so too, in the lab, did Brock.

Holy shit



He opened his eyes and looked at Hunter
sitting next to him; Hunter appeared anxious and worried. Once he
caught his breath, Brock belted out a laugh with such intensity it
startled Hunter, who clapped his hands once and laughed along.
Hunter was relieved. Brock’s expression was one of such
accomplishment and victory, as though he beat that damn water and
those goddamn rocks at every game for all time and for the rest of


If an idea as to what was transpiring between
the two men hadn’t already sunk in for Ken, that moment would’ve
done it. Although he wasn’t privy to the details of what was
happening, he figured that was how it was supposed to be. Whatever
was going on between the two of them, whatever they were
experiencing, separately and together, was meant only for them.
However, it was obviously powerfully moving.

Before they initiated the Veil, when Hunter
asked him to upload Brock’s Witness in realtime, Ken selfishly
wondered what the heck he was supposed to do in the lab for all
those hours. He figured he’d be bored as heck sitting there,
watching Veil deliver Hunter’s experiences to Brock. He couldn’t
have been more wrong; he was completely enthralled. He had no idea
what was taking place between the two men but what he could see
unfolding in front of him was beautiful. He couldn’t take his eyes
off them.


Hunter swam for a while and enjoyed the
water. Brock did some water-therapy when he was younger; Hunter
knew that for sure, but he understood how the Veil method would be
completely different. Hunter gave it a really good swim. He wanted
to give Brock a damn dolphin swim. So he did.

After a while of dolphining around, Hunter
mentioned again how they couldn’t waste any time. He swam to shore,
got out of the water, climbed up the rocks
and took another dive. Hunter’s heart raced; Brock’s
heart raced. Hunter felt invincible; Brock felt invincible. Hunter
felt totally unrestrained
and Brock felt
the same.

Hunter immediately swam to shore after the
second dive and climbed back up the rocks to the top of the cliff.
He slipped on his shoes, picked up his belongings
and checked his pocket watch. He put everything back
in his pockets and ran down the cliff. He ran with his arms in the
air and let out a triumphant yell. The triumph lasted all the way
down the path until he reached the bottom of the hill. When he got
to the bottom, he jogged the path to his car and put on his shirt
along the way.



Hunter approached his rental car and Brock
noticed another car parked beside it. The rear passenger’s side
door was open. Brock could see a pair of crossed legs casually
dangling out. They were a woman’s legs.

“Right on time!” Hunter shouted.

The woman, a damn beautiful woman with long,
reddish hair and bright green eyes, leaned out of the car,
and stood up.

“Yep!” she shouted back.

Hunter jogged to her and although out of
breath, didn’t hesitate to grab her by her waist and pull her to
him. When their bodies met, Hunter growled seductively as he leaned
in and kissed her passionately. Like really, really


In the lab, Brock opened his eyes—wide. He
looked at Hunter, wide-eyed and shocked. Hunter put his index
finger to his lips, as if to say,
and nodded his head
forward as if to say,
it’s ok

“She knows,” Hunter reassured him with a
whisper. “She’s ok with it. Relax and enjoy it, bud.”

Apprehensively aroused, Brock closed his eyes
and told himself to relax.

Relax and enjoy


Hunter and the woman kissed passionately for
quite some time while he explored her body with his hands. His
heart was still racing and his breathing was still labored, but to
Brock that seemed to intensify everything. The state of arousal
became so intense. It was followed by greater intensity, which was
followed by some even greater.

Without breaking stride, Hunter maneuvered
their bodies so they were positioned directly in front of the
woman’s open car door. He broke their kiss and embrace long enough
to throw her into the backseat. It forced a giggle out of her and
he ripped off his shirt before he climbed in on top of her.
Hunter’s mouth explored every part of her body
and every part of her body he explored responded to

Hunter’s mouth was on her lips, her neck, her
breasts, her belly, her thighs. Everywhere. Her skin felt so soft
to Brock. Oh God, she was so soft. She was unbelievably smooth; it
was like she didn’t have pores or something. To Brock, it felt like
Hunter’s fingers couldn’t quite grasp her skin, as if she were
carved out of wet marble.

When Brock thought their intensity reached
its limit, the arousal became so much more intense. Their mutual
desire fueled and fed-off each other’s. Brock had never felt
anything like it. He didn’t understand it; he just knew it felt
good. Brock sensed how Hunter’s mind was so quietly empty but at
the same time both his mind and body were so alive and full and

Hunter pulled up the woman’s dress, hooked
his fingers over the waistband of her panties
and started to slip them off her. Hunter rose up and
leaned back as he tugged at them. She lifted her legs in the air
and brought her knees closer together so Hunter could slide the
panties off her; panties which turned out to be such a tiny thong
that its purpose was completely lost on Brock. After he removed
them, he pounced on her and attacked her neck with his mouth. Brock
could feel her entire body squirm underneath Hunter while he
kissed, bit, licked, and sucked on her neck. By the time Hunter
started to undo his pants, she was already moaning.

Hunter undid his pants and slid them down
enough to pull out his fully erect dick. Engorged and pulsating,
Brock was amusingly impressed by its size, by its girth. His envy
was fleeting and he supposed Hunter’s size might explain, to a
degree, why Hunter could be such a cocky bastard. Brock’s attention
went back to her. She seemed to enjoy everything Hunter

They kissed as he slowly entered her. Hunter
slid inside and Brock quickly learned there was a part of her that
was softer than her impossibly smooth skin. That warm, wet, soft
part of her that she was sharing with Hunter felt so right when he
plunged into her. That was the only word Brock could use to
describe it. She felt

The woman’s body was quivering. He tasted her
hot breath fill Hunter’s mouth as their lips parted slightly when
she let out a long moan. The moan began the moment Hunter entered
her and got louder and deeper until he sank in all the way inside
her. Hunter held himself still for a moment and completely filled
her. She began to grind her body against his. She engulfed and
clamped down on every inch of him while they kissed so intensely
that their mouths traded steaming lungfuls of each


Brock didn’t know which felt better: the
pleasure the woman was giving Hunter’s body or the gratification
that came from giving her so much obvious pleasure. The pleasure
and gratification were two sides of a coin that kept flipping over
and over in Brock’s mind. Back and forth, back and forth; give and
get, give and get. As Hunter thrust in and out of her, the pleasure
and gratification Brock experienced melded together perfectly and
danced in unison.

In the back seat of that car, Brock lost his
virginity and gained an appreciation for carnality. Unlike any of
the experiences up to that point, Hunter wasn’t taking his time; he
didn’t try to savor the moment and wasn’t taking time to let
everything soak in. It was a total-body experience. Raw and
physical. Void of thought and deliciously swollen with lust.

For the first time in his life, Brock
experienced what it was like to
. Mercilessly,
passionately, intensely, spontaneously. Their touches fed off each
other; each of Hunter’s movements was meant to create pleasure
within her and in response she would move to please him, and then
vice-versa. On and on, until Hunter and the woman approached an
orgasm that promised to be almost unbearably intense for Brock. She
and Hunter moaned and closed their eyes during the rushing wave of
climax. Everything faded momentarily into the darkness of Hunter’s
closed eyelids, before the orgasm detonated throughout his body,
causing Brock’s mind to gush forth a colorful amalgamation of such
a blinding intensity that it forced open his eyes.


Brock felt goose bumps over his entire


From the look on Brock’s face alone, Hunter
knew precisely what part of the Veil he was experiencing and what
was happening. Oh man, did he know. Brock’s eyes shot open and his
mouth was in what Hunter referred to as the “o-face
” Brock’s expression was frozen for about thirty
seconds while he was completely lost in an experience that,
although it was also Hunter’s, was now his own. After it subsided,
he looked at Hunter and mouthed the word “whoa
” Hunter laughed and gave the thumbs-up one more

Hunter was almost jealous. He envied having
one’s first sexual experience be something that
without the sex getting ruined
by the awkwardness of youth, inexperience
and lack of confidence. Or to not have to spend the first few years
learning what you’re actually supposed to be doing. Hell, sometimes
the first twenty years. There were so many things he wanted to give
his friend, each for their own reasons. The ability to give his
friend what he just gave him, through Veil, would have made dying
for Veil at the hands of the military worth it—if it had to come to


Brock closed his eyes and felt Hunter’s body
return to normal. The explosion of colors was still fading. Hunter
pulled himself off the woman and buttoned his pants as she put on
her thong and pushed down her dress. They both glistened and
smiled. He offered his hand to her, which she took and used it to
gracefully pull herself up from the back seat. They looked at each
other and grinned playfully. She tilted her head and laughed.
Hunter dived into her neck, kissed it and smelled her from her
shoulder, up along the nape, all the way to where her hairline
began behind her ear.

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