Velvet and Lace (15 page)

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Authors: Shannon Reckler

BOOK: Velvet and Lace
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After eating, Daphne finally felt a little less violated and could smile and laugh easily with the crew. Patty had packed them all large roast beef sandwiches, homemade French fries and fresh–baked cookies. Daphne made a mental note to give Patty the first tour of her store and let her pick out a few things for herself.

They went back to work setting out the rest of the stock including: massage oil, dildos, vibrators, light bondage gear, Ben Wa balls, lingerie, games, novelty items, and a bachelorette party section. As the store came together Daphne felt lighter and happier. She loved her job. With the large space she could host private parties where she could talk to everyone about the products and give away freebies.

Daphne believed that everyone should get to enjoy sex and that it didn’t have to be a topic that needed to be kept under lock and key and not talked about. She wanted to be available for people to ask her questions.

Daphne stood at the front counter where she set up a display of key chains and fun things for people to browser at the register. She had a good view of the three gorgeous men setting up sex toys in the shop and thought she had to be one of the luckiest women. There was a knock on the front door and she could see a small brunette through the glass. The door was locked but at her nod, Trent let her in.

She was sheepish as she entered the shop and Daphne tried to figure out where she recognized her from. She waited to see what the young woman wanted and she finally made her way over to the counter.

The newcomer was young with dark brown, stick straight hair that hung down over her shoulders to about her shoulder blades. She had gorgeous green eyes that had flecks of gold in them, but Daphne noticed her gaze stayed mostly on the floor.

“Hi, can I help you?” Daphne smiled trying to put the other woman at ease. She was clearly nervous.

“Hi.” She tried for a small smile. “My name is Leah DiAntio and I went by Patty’s earlier to try and find a job and she sent me here, thinking you might need some help.” She seemed shy but she finally looked up at Daphne.

Daphne almost shook her head. Patty had always been known for her meddling. She hadn’t even considered hiring anyone. She had people run her other shops, but she planned on running this one in particular. But she thought that it wouldn’t be too bad to have some help around the shop.

“Do you have any retail experience?” Daphne asked the question and watched as Leah’s cheeks blushed. Damn it, she had made the shy woman nervous again. “How about this, what was your last job?”

“I was a waitress at a small restaurant in Atlanta. I worked there for a few years.” Leah stood quietly as Daphne thought it over. Atlanta was a few hours away from Ambrosia.

“Why did you come to Ambrosia?” Daphne was now more curious than anything.

“I had to leave Atlanta.” Leah didn’t say anything else, keeping her secrets to herself and Daphne respected that. She had a decent feeling about Leah and thought it was best to trust her instincts and see where they took her.

“When can you start?”

“You mean, you are going to hire me?” Daphne watched as the first real smile spread across Leah’s face and she was taken aback at how gorgeous she was.

“I figured a trial run couldn’t hurt anything. The shop is almost set up and I have had some signs around town stating that tomorrow is going to be a grand opening. I’m not expecting a huge crowd or anything but if you would like to start tomorrow you can come in around 10 a.m. and we can discuss pay and hours and talk a little more, if that all works for you.” Daphne offered her hand and Leah shook it enthusiastically.

“Thank you so much, Ms. Brooks.”

Daphne waved away the formal name. “Call me Daphne please.” She smiled and felt extremely pleased with her decision. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

Leah nodded and backed her way out of the shop until she bumped into Officer Gordon who was coming in the front door. He caught her in his arms before she lost her balance and Daphne almost laughed at the shell-shocked expression on her face. She stared up at the sheriff for a few moments before she bolted out the door.

Unlike this morning when he had been in uniform, Justin now wore a pair of dark blue jeans, black boots, and a green button down shirt. 

Justin stood there staring after her for a minute, before he shook his head and made his way over to Daphne, raising a curious eyebrow at the toys now being displayed.

“I was wondering what kind of shop this would be, and now I understand. You sure do like to stir things up don’t you, Daphne?” Like a true southern gentleman, he leaned over the counter and placed a kiss on her cheek as a way of greeting.

“Have you found out anything?” Daphne knew that him stopping by was probably not good news.

“I was trying to ease you into that part, but I see that you prefer things more straightforward.” He looked around for a moment, before he placed his hands on the counter and leaned in closer to her. “We inspected your tires once we got it to the garage, and discovered that they were definitely slashed. I had hoped someone just took off the caps and let the air out, but we found knife marks in each tire. I know that is not comforting news at all, but I wanted to keep you in the loop on everything.” He patted her hand and she felt some comfort, appreciating him thinking of her, but she hated the news. She, like Justin, had been hoping that it was just a stupid prank. But a knife definitely meant a violent act. 

“Thank you for coming by. I really do appreciate it. I wish you could have had better news, but I wasn’t incredibly hopeful.”

“Well, I saw the security van out front, so it’s good that you are having the cameras put in. I know that that will help everything in the long run, and that if whoever it is that is doing this comes back, we could catch them on camera. I know that the company gives you signs to put up to deter people from breaking in but for the moment I would suggest you not put them up. That way if they come back, we can catch them.

“I already spoke to Trent about having a patrol drive by at night when we can. Unfortunately it’s only me and two deputies. But I promise we will come by as often as possible.” He smiled at her once more and they chatted about the grand opening, before he said hello to Trent, Owen, and Carson and then left.

Daphne went back to work to get her mind off things and soon she was absorbed in putting the final touches on the shop. It was early evening when they were completely finished and Daphne offered dinner to everyone. Owen and Carson politely declined. They said their goodbyes and talked to Trent for a few minutes before leaving.

Once they were left alone in the shop, Daphne smiled over at Trent. She enjoyed watching him interact with his friends today. They all teased each other mercilessly, ragging on each other for mistakes or telling old stories. Daphne had the feeling they were trying to keep her mind occupied and she was definitely grateful.

“So what do you say, about us going dancing tonight at The Lady Luck? We had a lot of fun last time.” Trent walked up behind her at the counter and wrapped he arms around her waist. Daphne leaned back, loving the feel of him wrapped around her.

“I say that sounds like an amazing idea. Would you mind if I invited Anna and Liam? I haven’t really got the chance to meet Anna’s husband yet and I think they would come and have fun too. After today, I could use a night out.” Daphne looked up at him and smiled as he gazed  down at her.

“I think that sounds like a great idea too since we have so much fun dancing.” He winked and Daphne had to laugh, dancing usually lead to something else for them.

“You have to promise to behave.” Daphne turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts against his chest.

“Oh now, what fun would that be?” He leaned down and placed his lips on hers, slipping his tongue inside. She moaned at the heady flavor that was uniquely Trent.  He slid one of his hands down to her butt and pulled her flush against his erection.

Daphne reluctantly pulled away and put a hand on his chest. “Oh no, no playing in the store today.” Trent actually pouted and she almost gave in. “It’s already dinner time and we will need showers and food before we head over to the Lady Luck.”

“I know, I know. But...” Trent rubbed his cock against her belly. Even through the material of both of their clothing, Daphne could feel his length and hardness which made moisture pool in between her legs.

“Tease.” Daphne placed a quick kiss on his lips and danced out of his arms. She went to gather her purse and paused. “Shit. I was going to say I’d meet you at Lady Luck but I have no car.” She rubbed a hand over her face.

“Hey now, this is supposed to be a distraction, not something else to cause you to worry. Since your house is farthest away, why don’t you drop me off at my place so I can shower and change? Then take my truck to Grams’ and come back and pick me up. Then we can grab some dinner at Patty’s or eat bar food at the Luck.”

“They serve food now? I wasn't really paying much attention last time I was there. I didn't get off the dance floor much.” Daphne remembered it was under new management, but hadn’t though they would be serving food.

Trent shrugged his shoulder as he grabbed up his tool-belt and all of his paperwork from the day. “Yeah. It’s nothing fancy, just appetizers and those kind of things. But they have fair prices and they all taste pretty good.”

“That sounds fine to me. Are you actually going to let me drive your truck?” Daphne knew how men could be about their vehicles.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I? It’s just a truck, Daphne. And don’t be worried about someone trying to slash the tires or anything. If they do, oh well. I’m not worried about it.” He placed a kiss on her forehead and headed outside.





Chapter 10


The bass was thumping as Trent climbed out of the driver’s side of his truck and walked around to help Daphne out of the passenger’s side. Her bare legs caught his attention as she turned toward him.

She had surprised him by dressing up, even more than usual, and she looked stunning. She was wearing a white, lace, short-sleeved dress that was belted around her waist and had a deep vee to showcase her cleavage. It hit about mid-thigh so it was sexy but not too slutty. She had on the same boots she wore out last time. Her hair was pinned up in an intricate style he didn’t understand, but the wisps of hair that framed her face made her look angelic and stunning.

“Baby, have I told you how amazing you look tonight?” He slid his arm around her shoulders as he locked the truck and began to walk with her to the bar.

“Yes you have but I don’t mind hearing it again.” She cuddled up to his side and he had to fight not to notice the way her breasts squished against his chest. He had had her just last night but it seemed so long ago. His body craved hers, like an addict he needed a fix. He slid his hand down to cup her ass and she slapped him away playful, but she didn’t say anything.

They reached the door and Trent stuck out his hand to the bartender, Johnny, a taller dark skinned man of some Native American descent. They had known each other for a long time and they greeted each other as old friends. Then they were waved inside.

It was about 8 p.m. so the crowd was still thin. It would get busier later. But it was a good time to find a seat and grab some food. Trent led Daphne to his favorite booth over in the back corner where he and his crew usually sat. He enjoyed that he could see almost every part of the bar from that particular booth.

Daphne ordered a margarita and Trent nodded his head when the waitress asked if he wanted his usual beer.

Daphne raised her eyebrow and smiled. “Come here often do you?”

“I do. Well, since Damian and Logan bought the place, I have. I remodeled it.” He smirked slightly. He was proud of his work. This place used to be a dive until the brothers bought it.

They had just placed an order for a bunch of wings, cheese sticks, and bacon cheese fries when Anna and Liam walked in.  Trent had only met Liam a few times before in town when he talked with Anna, but he was a decent guy. The girls began to chat away and they looked at each other in understanding and clicked their beers together in a silent salute.

Liam looked over at Trent. "So Trent, how is the house coming along?" Trent darted his eyes over to Daphne, but she didn't seem to notice the conversation.

"It's good." Trent kept his answer short, hoping that Liam would take the hint to change the subject.

There was laughter in Liam’s eyes. “Does she not know about it?”

“Not yet. She will, I’m hoping to show it too her soon.” Trent’s heart swelled at the thought of Daphne seeing his dream home. It had taken him a very long time to decide on what he wanted and he thought he finally had constructed the best home.

“I’ll be quiet about it then.” Liam nodded in understanding and Trent gazed at Daphne for a few moments before he turned back to Liam for small talk.

Both of the women were stunning as they sat chatting together, ignoring Trent and Liam until the food came by, when they came back to the reality and realized that there were four people at the table.

They all sat laughing and eating for a while before the girls became restless and made the men get up so they could go dance with each other to “Red High Heels” by Kellie Pickler.

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