Velvet Memories

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Authors: Violet Summers

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Velvet Memories

Violet Summers



Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright ©
Violet Summers
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

Manufactured in the United States of America

Liquid Silver Books





Terri Schaefer

Cover Art

April Martinez

This is a work of fiction.
The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.
Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


Their senior year Rob broke Michael’s heart when a moment of passion led to months of panic and denial that ended their friendship. Ten years later, Rob has come to accept what he couldn’t back then: he’s gay, he’s a sexual Dominant, and he wants Michael now more than ever.

When Rob walks into a wax-play workshop at Velvet Ice, the club where Michael works as a submissive, it brings back memories of pain and rejection, but it also brings back memories of a passion Michael has never found the equal of.

Can a Dom with an agenda and a sub with a healthy fear for his heart move beyond their past and find the courage to face the future

together? This title contains unrequited love, emotional baggage, molten hot wax, molten hot boy-sex, Bondage, Domination, submission, and awesome techno club-mixes.


To Sierra, who indulged me, and to Tender Dom (, for the information, the kindness, and the offer. Reformed rakes are always the
men. And, finally, to Terri, because I love how our relationship is growing, but I’ll still miss the way it was

if that makes any sense. XO-VJ


Workshop Title: Creative Wax Play

Master Sin and Kendra

Fire and Ice, Heaven and Hell

Experience sensation play at its most fundamental level. See your submissive melt under the slow, sensual slide of hot wax, only to shudder in delicious agony under the bite of ice skillfully plied by your expert hand.

Workshop covers basic safety issues, but is focused on sensation and edge play and the use of wax as a tool in helping your submissive find their headspace and complete surrender.

Seats: 5 seats available for Velvet Ice members attending with a partner

3 seats available for Velvet Ice members attending solo

1 seat available for non-member attending with a partner

1 seat available for non-member attending solo

Non-members are subject to background check and interview.


Club Velvet Ice. Mysterious, alluring and notorious

particularly in certain circles

the club was the holy grail of playgrounds to both Dominants and submissives in the Metro-Detroit area.

Membership was limited and the vetting process, Rob had discovered, was brutal, beginning with sponsorship by a member in good standing, including an extensive, intrusive background and financial check, and ending with an interview he’d heard was on par with his most intense cross examination.

Rob, with no member contacts, hadn’t even made it to the background check.

That was until Derek Thomas, a partner at his law firm, pulled a gold coin out of his pocket while digging for change for the parking meter.

Derek’s patronage had been enough to get Rob in the door for the Wax Play Workshop, and he had no intention of squandering the opportunity.

The club was dimly lit as a tall, attractive blonde led him to the third floor and into an open sitting area. The rich interior was sensual and erotic. Scattered about were several velvet couches, mixed in with various BDSM equipment. A St. Andrew’s Cross dominated one corner. Several special play chairs and tables waited with delicious menace. It was a cornucopia of dark pleasure.

“Welcome.” A deep male voice drew his attention to the small staging area set up in the center of the space. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Master Sin. This afternoon we’ll be reviewing the basics of wax play, but focusing on the sensory elements of scenes involving hot wax.”

Master Sin was hot as hell with his long hair and bronze skin. He extended his hand, and a lush, lovely woman joined him on stage. Rob recognized the expensive jewelry wrapped around her neck as a collar.

Rob felt a slight sting; it had been way too long since he’d had a steady submissive in his life. Longer still since he’d partnered with someone who meant anything to him. And if he were going to be honest with himself, which he’d vowed to do once he’d recognized his Dominant cravings for what they were, he had to admit that even in the few longer-term relationships he’d had there’d always been something lacking. Such ruthless honesty had first led him to the acceptance that nine times out of ten, he preferred his play partners to be male, an admission ten years too late to do him much good.

Then he’d had to work out that he was looking for a special sort of submissive. One who could be topped, but who could also challenge him and hold his attention. Someone smart and confident. Someone secure in who he was, comfortable in his own body.

Rob gave a little internal sigh. He was beginning to wonder if such a submissive even existed.

Master Sin sat in a chair facing them, and his sub moved gracefully around the semicircle of chairs, handing out slender pamphlets to the participants.

“As you know, BDSM play is all about being safe, sane and consensual. There is no room for maybe

especially when we are talking about edge play. Because of the possibility of serious burns, wax play definitely falls into the edge play category.”

The Master was undeniably gorgeous, but somehow he didn’t arouse anything more than surface appreciation. When his submissive sat on a cushion at his feet and Master Sin began to play absently with her hair, the envy Rob felt wasn’t sexual, it was entirely for the intimacy which so clearly existed between them.

“My wife Kendra and I have experimented with wax play and have both found it very enjoyable.” The woman gave Master Sin a melting smile, and the man’s piercing eyes softened for a moment. “One of the things that makes it possible for us to experiment with this sort of scene is the fact we have complete trust in each other.”

The Master lit a candle and held it up as the group contemplated his words.

Complete trust. What a novel idea. Did anyone really have anyone’s complete trust anymore? Rob watched the flame reflected in Sin’s dark eyes, and found his mind wandering.

Unbidden, he pictured a lean male body stretched across a weight bench. Blue eyes glowing as intensely as the candle flame that seemed to almost hypnotize him. The first, tentative moments of trust, crushed by fear and insecurity.

Rob sighed again and forced his attention back to the presentation, quickly becoming caught up in the low timbre of Master Sin’s smoky voice.

“Waxing is a total experience. It doesn’t start or stop with the application of the wax. When playing out a full scene there is usually an intense build-up before one drop is ever spilled. It also doesn’t end after the wax has set. Taking it off can be as erotic as the application.”

Rob’s attention never wavered as he listened to the other Dom talk about using paraffin wax, dropping it at varying heights over various parts of the body. This seemingly simple form of play was actually quite complicated, and there were a lot of things to keep track of.

The longer the lecture continued the more excited he became. Rob’s cock gave a throb when Master Sin discussed the various methods of removing the cooled wax from a willing body. The list was long and varied but a secret thrill moved up his spine when the discussion moved to blades. While they weren’t the only implement one could use, they were the one that played to Rob’s personal fantasy.

He pictured a short sword, ancient and deadly, stroking over smooth, golden skin. No blood, no pain, but the delicious threat of both holding him and his submissive on the edge of ecstasy.

He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d ever play with someone who would trust him enough to go there.

Master Sin stood, offering his hand to help his submissive to her feet, and yanked Rob’s attention back to the present.

“Since we’ve covered the basics, my beautiful submissive has volunteered to allow me to demonstrate on her just how fucking incredible a scene using wax can be.”

* * * *

Michael swallowed back a sigh as Kendra dropped her white silk robe and slid onto the table her Master had prepared, settling comfortably on her back. Her skin glowed pale against the black plastic tablecloth and her auburn hair burned like a flame. He’d played with Master Sin and Kendra on occasion and, though he preferred male partners, he’d found Kendra’s mixture of sweet innocence and carnal flame made partner play both fun and scorching hot.

Master Sin began by massaging a light coat of baby oil over Kendra’s body. She arched and wriggled under his touch, and Michael wriggled a bit himself, knowing exactly how Master Sin’s hands felt on slick, warm skin.

Sinclair was speaking as he prepared Kendra, explaining the types of candles he’d prepared, and the different methods of applying the wax. Since this was all old information to Michael, he took a moment to look over the group gathered in a semi-circle around the staging area. He recognized several Doms, some by sight, some by name. Many had brought their own submissives to practice on, like Master Sin and Kendra. He felt a brief pang at the sight of Kendra’s jeweled collar. It had been almost a year since his last monogamous contract had ended, and even that had been more a matter of convenience than an emotional match.

Looking for a distraction, he turned his attention to the workshop attendees, and found his gaze caught by one of the non-members. The man was exactly Michael’s type. Wide shoulders filled out an obviously expensive black silk shirt, and black leather pants wrapped snugly around thick, muscular thighs. The unknown Dom had dark brown hair, cut short and tight, and a strong jaw rough with dark stubble. The urge to wriggle came back with a vengeance; the man was Michael’s every wet dream come to life.

Then, as if he could feel Michael’s eyes, the man turned his head and looked straight at him.

Michael caught his breath in a rush as dark eyes locked on him. From a distance they could be brown or even black, but Michael knew they were green; a green so dark it only showed in the sunlight. A green that lightened to emerald when the man was with any strong emotion.

Of course the man was his type. Hell, he was the basis of the type, the original model that had infiltrated every one of Michael’s fantasies and overshadowed every one of his lovers for the last ten years.

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