Read Velvet Steel Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #contemporary, #erotic romance, #Menage

Velvet Steel (18 page)

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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Such feelings made her vulnerable. The last thing she needed was to open herself up to a world of hurt, but she suspected that neither of the boys wanted to cause her any real pain. Perhaps, deep down, they had begun to care for her too.

Don’t be ridiculous
. She wiped the thought away. With the exception of her father, no one had really cared for her before; why should anyone start now? She wasn’t worthy of love, especially from such caring men as Shane and Noah. Who could love a person who was about to send hundreds of workers to the unemployment line? She was a monster.

And yet the men had been gentle with her during their lovemaking, even seeing to her nonverbal cues to give her what she needed. Neither of them had allowed himself release until she was satisfied. Then afterward, they each made her feel special in their own ways.

No, it would be better to keep the mood light and turn this time back into what she had intended from the beginning: a weekend of sex. If the men wanted to leave her after their commitment was over, then she’d deal with the hurt and pain.

With so much on her mind, Kitty had stayed away from the cabin longer than she had intended. Judging by the sun, it was probably midafternoon. Her stomach growled as she opened the screen door to the cabin. The aroma of ginger and soy sauce filled the air. She followed the scent and made her way to the kitchen, where she saw Noah and Shane working on lunch.

She leaned on the door frame and watched them work, tracing each of their long, muscular torsos and firm, round asses with her gaze.

Yeah, a weekend of sex sounded about right.

“It looks like you two have made up,” she said when she felt she could speak without sounding like a giggling schoolgirl.

The men glanced in her direction.

“Yup. You made it back just in time too. We’ve made lunch.” Shane spooned something fragrant from the pan onto a serving platter.

Kitty dropped the towel and moved over to a chair. “It smells like quite the lunch.”

“Just a stir-fry. Nothing big.”

Yeah, right. The men took turns bringing over plate after plate of steamed rice, colorful vegetables, and strips of steak that looked like they would melt in her mouth.

She picked up a fork. “May I?”

“Absolutely.” Shane motioned toward the food.

They all dug in, passing plates around and taking turns with the serving spoons.

“I’m glad you made up,” Kitty said when they had begun eating. “I was beginning to worry the two of you would spend the rest of the weekend in silence.”

They glanced at each other and smiled as if in on some private joke. “That might not be a bad idea,” Shane said.

“Perhaps another time.” Noah turned back to her. “We both feel quite badly for ruining the weekend.”

Kitty placed her fork down on the table. “You didn’t ruin the weekend.”

“Yes, we did,” Shane added. “And we’d like to make it up to you.”

“Really? How?”

Noah shrugged. “You tell us.”

“We are your sex servants, after all.” Shane waggled his brow. “If you have anything you’d like to try, then you should probably tell us about it.”

“Try?” She must have sounded dim-witted, but she found it difficult to think with both men fully focused on her. It made her libido go into overdrive. She shifted in her seat as an ache formed in her lower abdomen.

“You know, fantasies,” Noah said.

She picked up her fork and put a piece of food in her mouth, using the time it took to chew to think. She
have one fantasy, but would they laugh when she told it to them? It was so intimate she didn’t know if she’d be able to handle their rejection. Then again, they had been receptive to her sex toy in the limo; perhaps they would be receptive to her fantasy as well.

She supposed there was only one way to find out.

“There’s one fantasy I have.”

Both men leaned on the table. “Go on,” Noah said.

“I have this fantasy”—she played with the food on her plate—“where I’m captured.”

“Captured how?”

She looked up at Noah and shrugged. “Like chased and then kidnapped.” She turned her attention to Shane. “By two strong, powerful men.”

Shane glanced at Noah. “We could do that.”

“They tie me up, blindfold me, and then…” She shifted her gaze to Noah. “They have their way with me.”

Noah placed his fork on the plate and took her hand. “Would you like us to help you bring it to life?”

“I-I don’t know.” It seemed surreal. Kitty had never mentioned that fantasy before, not to anyone. She was afraid someone would think her freakish. Now here were these two men who not only didn’t think her insane but were willing to carry out her vision.

“You’d really do that for me?” she asked.

Shane nodded. “Of course.”

“You don’t even know me.”

“We know enough,” Noah said.

“We’d like to know more,” added Shane.

She smiled. “That’s what I’d like to do.”

“We don’t have anything to tie her up with.” Noah let go of her hand. “Nothing that a kidnapper would use, anyway.”

“I think there’s some rope in the shed down by the lake.” She stood and rummaged through a nearby drawer for some keys. “I might have to look around for a bit before I find it.”

Noah stood and walked to the door. “You two can clean up here. I’ll go get the things we need.”

“Are you sure?” Kitty asked.

Noah glanced at Shane and smiled before responding. “I’m sure.” He held out his hand.

Kitty tossed him the set of keys. “Okay, then. If you’re longer than an hour, we’re coming after you.”

“Or not.” Shane smirked as he started to clear the table.

Excitement raced through Kitty’s body. This was really going to happen. Her fantasy was really going to come to life. Tingles of anticipation spread out over her skin as she helped Shane clear the dishes.

“Thank you for helping Noah.” Shane’s voice rippled through her and shattered her thoughts.

Kitty stopped halfway to the sink. “What?”

Shane turned around from the counter to look at her. “I know I can be…difficult at times. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate you smoothing things over with him.”

He had noticed her involvement in getting him and Noah back together. Not only that, but he wanted to thank her for helping him.
was why her heart had softened toward the men. They were so nice, so sensitive to her feelings.

She shrugged and tried to appear nonchalant. “It was obvious you two were having a lovers’ quarrel of some type. I’m just glad everything worked out.”

Shane stared at her, mouth agape. “Lovers’ quarrel? Noah and I—”

“Save it. I’ve seen how you two look at each other.” She sighed and placed the dishes on the counter. “I think it’s great.” Sort of. She only wished the men would look at her the way they looked at each other.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.” She nudged him over and began rinsing off the dinner plates. “Just be happy.” She forced a smile and handed him a dish. “But it’s the way you two look at each other that gives it away.” Suddenly she felt alone, really alone. After tonight Shane and Noah would go one way and she’d go the other. Kitty doubted if she’d ever see them again. The thought created a hollowness in her heart.

“The way we look at each other?” He shook his head and put the plate in the dishwasher.

It seemed like Shane was still trying to wrap his head around something that was obvious to her. She handed him another plate. “I can tell by Noah’s nonverbal cues that he thinks you’re special, more special than anyone else in his world.”

Shane’s cheeks started to turn pink. “He’s never said that to me before.”

“Are you sure?”

The pink color in his cheeks darkened. “He said he loved me once, but I didn’t believe him. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. He was just caught up in the moment.”

“Huh, interesting.” She shrugged. “He will when he’s ready.” She handed him the final dish. “And I can tell by the way you look at him that you feel the same way.”

“The way I look at him? Impossible.”

“Not really. It’s not so much the way you look at him when he’s watching but when he’s not watching.”

“All this time I thought I was hiding it in public.” Shane put the final dish in the washer and started it. “Everyone knew anyway.”

“Sorry. It’s hard to miss.” She tried to ignore the stab of jealousy in her chest. “You two make a great couple.”

“Have you ever had anyone special in your life?” He wiped his hands on the dish towel.

She laughed. “No, my job is such that I never have the time for relationships.” It sounded pathetic, even to her. She dried her hands and turned to face him. “My father runs a strict household. I never dated growing up. When I became old enough to live on my own…” She shook her head. “I became involved in the family business. I guess you could say I’m one of those people who are married to their work.” She shrugged to hide the emptiness building inside her chest. “Don’t you have a life of your own?”

“Running a business takes a lot of work.”

“I know.” She paused and looked up at him. “You own a business?”

He hesitated, then looked away and wiped down the counter. “Yes, a small business with Noah.” He shrugged. “It’s nothing much, but it keeps us occupied.”

“Then you understand. Things were tough enough before the buyout rumors.”

“Buyout rumors?” Shane turned his back to her and continued wiping down the counter. “I heard about them on the news. There is another steel company that wants to buy Velvet Steel, right?”

“Yeah, well, you’ll be hearing a lot more about it, I’m sure. There is only one company interested in buying, and because our finances are such a mess, I’m going to have no choice but to accept whatever they offer us, even if it means putting hundreds of people out of work.” She sighed. “I’m meeting the owners for the first time on Wednesday, and when I do, I’m going to punch each of them in the nose for giving me so much grief over the past year.”

“You haven’t met them before?”

“No. They’re rather reclusive, and I’ve been doing more behind-the-scenes stuff. You know, trying to make the numbers work so we wouldn’t have to sell. My father has met with them.”

“What makes you think they’ll show up at this meeting?”

“Oh, they’ll show up all right, especially if they want the company. My father only makes deals face-to-face.”

“You’re going to sell?” Shane turned to face her.

“No. Yes.” She sighed. “I don’t know. I have been trying to come up with a better solution, some way to pay off the creditors and keep the company viable, but I can’t get anything to add up. I’ve tried to talk to my father about selling, but he won’t hear of it. He’d sooner use our own fortune to keep his company afloat than sell it off to ‘a couple of hooligans.’”

Shane’s whole body stiffened. “The fact that you tried so hard to make things work and then stood up to your father says a lot about your character.”

Kitty snorted. “Yeah, that I’m a failure.”

“No, that you have heart. And”—he crossed the distance between them—“that you love your company.”

“I do. It’s my whole life. I’d feel lost without it.”

Shane considered her for a moment. “You’re special, lass. Don’t ever forget that.”

Kitty tried to ignore the hunger rising in her chest. “I’m not special.”

“Yes, you are.” His gaze flicked to her mouth. “And I want to show you just how special you are.” He pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was gentle and teasing. Shane nibbled at the side of her mouth in a playful manner, coaxing her to open to him. Desire sparked to life once more, and Kitty put her hands on his chest. He leaned closer, and she slid her hands up, feeling the rise and fall of his shoulders. Longing spiraled through her torso, heating her skin and making her mind fog. Kitty slipped her arms around his neck and drove her fingers into his thick auburn hair. She opened her mouth, inviting him further.

He growled and tilted his head, deepening the kiss. His scent flowed over her body, making her temperature rise and her nipples harden. Shane slipped his tongue into her mouth, both possessing and caressing every inch of skin. Tingles of sensation ran through her body until her mind fogged with desire. He moved his hands around her neck to hold her steady, then slid his thumbs up along the sides of her face. He feasted on her, and she became weak. Kitty eased her hands back over his hard, muscular chest, down his rock-hard abs, and then to his belt. Quickly she began to undo his clothing.

He lowered his hands, tracing along the neckline of her bathing suit and then the straps. With one fluid motion, he slipped the straps off her shoulders and down to her elbows. She paused in her work to shrug the straps off the rest of the way.

Shane broke away from the kiss, leaving them both gasping for air. He cupped a breast in each of his hands and squeezed, sending a jolt of pleasure through her body.

“Fuck, I don’t have a condom.” Shane raced into the other room and returned within seconds. He tossed the condom on the counter beside her. “I wish I had time to do this right.” He flashed her a wicked smile. “But Noah will be back soon, and I’m a greedy bastard. I want you all for myself.”

His words carried a molten heat that swept through her body and turned her limbs to water. She framed his face in her hands and kissed him hard and fast on the lips. “It will be all right.”

Shane dragged his gaze down to her breasts. “They’re beautiful.” He looked up and met her gaze. “You’re beautiful.”

Before she could speak, he kissed her again. Then he moved his hands, first rolling her nipples, then pinching them. Pain mixed with pleasure, and Kitty felt as if her whole body were going to burst into flames. The sense of urgency was overwhelming, and she lowered her hands once more to resume her work. Soon the belt was off, and she tugged his pants in a downward motion. She let out a small cry of victory when they passed over his hips and fell to the floor. Kitty felt around the counter for the condom, then tore it open and proceeded to sheath his large erection. It was so smooth and yet so hard at the same time. She shivered at the thought of his cock driving deep inside her body.

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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