Read Velvet Steel Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #contemporary, #erotic romance, #Menage

Velvet Steel (3 page)

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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“That it is.” Shane’s rich accent rippled through her like a warm spring. He captured her chin in his hand and turned her face toward his. “Open your eyes, lass.”

Kitty did as she was told. The deep intensity of his green gaze drew her in and held her captive.

“You’re overthinking things.” He slipped his hand from her hair and traced her jawline. “Shut that pretty little mind off and just feel.”

He was right. All day, every day, Kitty had to make important decisions at Velvet Steel. Didn’t she come to Taboo to blow off some steam?

“Let us give you what you want, love,” Noah said.

Kitty felt safe with these men. Their commanding presence spoke to her. It reached deep down inside of her and touched a need so powerful that it drove her away from her father and out to the clubs every chance she got.

She didn’t delude herself into thinking these men cared about her—that would be insanity. Yet there was something soft in their voices and an undercurrent in Shane’s command that made her feel cherished. She opened her eyes and nodded.

It was the only signal they needed. The song changed, and a slower, more primal beat thrummed through the speakers. Shane leaned forward and captured her mouth in a hard, demanding kiss. Kitty tightened her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as if trying to merge their bodies into one. Shane cupped his hand around the back of her knee and lifted her leg. Instinctively, she pressed it against his hip and hooked her heel into his ass.

Noah pressed his fingers together around her nipple, and Kitty groaned as both pleasure and pain fanned out over her body. He slipped his other hand up her thigh and used his long, thin finger to trace the outer rim of her opening. Shane ran his hand up the outside of her leg, and anticipation tingled over her skin.

Kitty clenched the muscles in her channel, desperate to pull Noah’s fingers inside of her. The infuriating Irishman refused to be captured, preferring to linger just outside of her opening and tease her to the brink of insanity.

Come on
. Kitty removed one arm from Shane’s neck and reached behind her. A low moan vibrated from Noah’s throat as she slipped her fingers into his short black locks and held his lips against her neck. He pushed his hips forward and rubbed his hard cock against her backside. Kitty had been with a lot of men, but none had made her feel so hot and alive as these two—and that was only after an hour. How much more intense would her emotions be after an evening? A weekend?

She kissed Shane harder and rubbed her ass against Noah’s erection. In response, Noah nipped her neck and then slipped his finger inside her.

The air left her lungs in a giant
. Kitty dragged her mouth away from Shane’s and inhaled, desperate for air. Shane seized the opportunity to duck down and nibble a seductive line along her jaw.

“Do you like that, kitten?” Noah whispered in her ear.

She nodded.

“How about this?” Noah eased his finger out, then thrust in again, touching an extra-sensitive spot deep inside. Joy raced up through her core and consumed every inch of her body.

“Yes.” Kitty leaned her head back on Noah’s shoulder, helpless against the onslaught of emotion.

“Let me try.” Shane slid his hand up her leg and under her skirt.

“Be my guest.” Noah slid from her body, then entered once more. This time he was joined by Shane. Two men, one purpose. The thrust sent a spasm of desire through her core. She wiggled her hips, trying to get them to go deeper. The position was so intimate and beautiful that tears stung her eyes.

The men pulled out, then repeated the movements. Again Kitty’s spirit soared, and her muscles tightened. She groaned as the men retreated and then thrust again. It wasn’t long before they developed a rhythm. Kitty helped as much as room allowed, thrusting her hips down onto their joined hands. She knew she should feel exposed out on the dance floor, but she didn’t. In fact, the thought of people seeing them only heightened her pleasure. She no longer cared about the curious onlookers or what they might tell her father. All she cared about was easing the growing ache between her thighs.

“She’s so fucking wet, Noah.” The awe in Shane’s voice poured over her.

“I know. Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Kitty lifted her head to look at the man before her. Shane’s gaze wasn’t fixed on her but on the man behind her. There was a tenderness that hadn’t been there before. Kitty loosed her grip around Shane’s neck and placed her hand on his cheek. He flicked his gaze from Noah back to her, his surprise evident.

“I’m over here,” she said, angry at the jealousy that stabbed her chest.

His features softened, and something hungry passed through his gaze. “Believe me, I know.” He slipped his free hand up to cup her jaw. “You’re the only one we want.” He and Noah entered her again, the force of the thrust lifting her onto her toes. Kitty groaned as a rush of pleasure raced through her body.

Shane leaned over until his lips came within inches from her ear. “You’re the only one

Noah inched forward, and his warm breath brushed against her opposite ear as he spoke. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been with anyone so responsive.” He slid his tongue along the outer rim of her ear, and Kitty suddenly felt foolish for her jealousy. She closed her eyes and focused on the closeness of their bodies and the tingles of awareness tingling over her skin. “You’re perfect.”

Shane pulled back and lifted his brow. “Do we please you, kitten?” He dropped his gaze down to where their bodies met. “Because you sure as hell please us.”

On the next thrust, one of them shifted his hand, and something rubbed against her clit. Noah squeezed her nipple once more as Shane caught her gasp with his mouth. Kitty’s mind blanked, and for the moment, all she could do was feel.

Pressure built in her lower abdomen. With each thrust, Noah pressed his cock against her ass and Shane rubbed his denim leg along her inner thigh. Kitty writhed between the two men, stretching toward that familiar yet unseen goal.

“Fuck.” Shane’s sharp voice dumped on her like a bucket of cold water.

Kitty opened her eyes as the men’s fingers pulled away. “What?”

Shane nodded toward the two large men coming toward them as he let her leg down. “They’re coming after us.”

“Who, the bouncers? Why would they come after us?” Kitty disentangled herself and ran her fingers through her hair.

“Not us.” Shane waved his hand between the three of them. “Us.” He indicated just him and Noah.

“They didn’t exactly let us in here.” Noah moved next to Shane. “Time to abort the plan.”

“No.” Shane’s jaw hardened. “We were so close.”

“What plan?” Kitty smoothed her skirt over her trembling thighs. “What’s going on?”

Shane turned to her and smiled. “Do you have somewhere we can go? I can explain everything once we’re there.”

Noah flashed an impatient glare at his friend. “Come on, Shane. We need to get out of here. Now.”

Kitty glanced at the bouncers coming toward them as she readjusted her bra. As a paying regular, she knew she could sort this out easily enough, but the thought of the three of them going somewhere more private overpowered her common sense. If these two elicited such strong emotions from her when she was out of her element, imagine what they could do to her once she got on more familiar ground. What if, instead of a few short hours, they had an entire weekend together? Drowning herself in alcohol and these two sexy men would be the perfect way to forget her troubles with Velvet Steel. She’d come back Monday morning refreshed and energized. She smiled as an idea formed in her head.

Kitty crooked her finger at the men. “Follow me.”

“Lead the way.”

“Shane, no.” Noah shook his head, the frustration clear in his eyes.

Kitty took a step back from the men. “You want to escape, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Shane glanced at Noah. “We do.”

“Then come on.” She waved them toward the exit and took another step back.

“Shane, we can’t.” Noah’s frustration was evident. The question was, why? Didn’t they want to be with her?

“Suit yourself.” Kitty went back and got her purse from the table, then started walking toward the exit.

She didn’t stop to see if the men followed her. She knew they would. It was either follow her or sweet-talk Taboo’s bouncers out of breaking their arms. Shane and Noah weren’t stupid. Sex was always a better option than broken bones.

“Fuck.” Noah’s muttered curse followed her toward the door.

It didn’t matter why the two men had snuck into the club or why the bouncers looked angry. What mattered was that within moments, she was going to have two of the sexiest men alive in the back of her limo, ready and eager to do her bidding. The possibilities were endless.

Chapter Two

“Where are we going?” Noah asked. Kitty was as sexy as hell, but he wasn’t about to blindly follow her to God knew where. He glanced at Shane, who seemed entirely focused on the blonde before him.

Noah frowned. This was a terrible idea. He had spent hours trying to convince Shane not to go through with it, but the man would not be swayed. When Shane set his mind on something, there was no changing it.

Noah slowed his steps and let the other two go ahead of him. Why wasn’t Kitty answering his question? Did she suspect something? A sense of dread came over him.

There was still a chance to save this situation. If he could convince Shane to leave Kitty now, then everything could go back to the way it had been. He glanced over his shoulder at club security. There were more of them now. It seemed like they were multiplying. Damn.

He turned back and followed Kitty’s sexy frame as she sashayed toward the exit. Desire sparked and burned low in his abdomen. God, she was hot. That hourglass figure would bring even the coldest man to his knees.

Maybe things weren’t as bad as they seemed. Shane was always accusing Noah of being overemotional. Perhaps this was just one of those times.

“Where are we going?” Noah asked again.

“Shh.” Kitty turned around and put her fingers to her lips. “It’s a surprise.” She glanced over their shoulders. “Come on.”

Noah saw another bouncer heading toward them from the left. “Better take the side door. It looks like they brought friends.”

“Good idea.” Kitty changed direction and headed for another exit. The men followed. Shane held the door open and let both Kitty and Noah pass through. Noah flashed a frown at Shane as he passed. Shane put his hand on Noah’s shoulder and squeezed. Noah knew the gesture well. It was Shane’s way of saying not to worry, that he’d take care of everything. Most of the time, the gesture relaxed Noah, but this time things were different. There was just too much at stake.

Kitty walked straight to a limo. “Good evening, Cain.” She smiled at the driver as he helped her into the back. Noah put his hand on Shane’s arm, preventing him from following.

“This is insane,” he whispered.

Shane frowned and tugged his arm out of Noah’s grasp. “Stop worrying. Everything will be fine.”

“How? Please tell me. How is this going to turn out well?”

Kitty’s driver gave them an odd look. Noah cleared his throat, intending to decline, but then he caught sight of Kitty. She leaned out of the car, giving him an ample view of the swell of her breasts. She locked her gaze with his and raised her brows.

“Come on, boys. What are you waiting for?”

Shane nudged Noah forward, but still Noah hesitated. This was wrong, very wrong, but fuck, she looked damn sexy in the back of that limo.

“Do you want to avoid the bouncers or not?” she asked.

She had a point. They couldn’t hang out on the sidewalk all night. On the other hand, they didn’t have to leave with Kitty. They had their own ride, one that was much safer.

“Well?” Kitty asked.

Noah put his hand on Shane’s arm. “Think about this.” Noah didn’t want anyone to get hurt tonight, especially Kitty.

Kitty signaled to her driver. “It looks like I’ll be traveling alone tonight, Cain.”

“Yes, Ms. Velvet.” Cain bowed at the waist and began to shut the door.

“Wait.” Shane scowled at Noah and grabbed Cain’s elbow, stopping him. “We’re going.”

Noah tried hard to suppress a frown as Kitty smiled and slid along the seat to the far corner of the limo. Shane slipped inside and positioned himself next to her. Noah flexed his fingers. No words were spoken, and yet tension whipped through the air between him and Shane. Why couldn’t Shane see how risky this was? Everything they had been working toward for the past year could be ruined because of their raging libidos.

“I’m sorry, boys, but I asked for both of you.” Kitty flashed Noah a smooth smile.

Damn. Noah couldn’t leave Shane alone with Kitty, not when so much was at stake. He’d have to go. Noah took the seat across from them.

“I promise to be gentle,” Kitty said as the door closed and the driver walked around to the front.

“God, I hope not,” Noah said. Now that he was there, inside the limo, he began to relax. The decision had been made, and he might as well make the best of it. Besides, the thought of spending a little more time with Kitty was exciting. He had never encountered a woman so tempting.

Shane grinned at him. “I’m glad you could join us.”

“I’m glad you decided to join me.” She put her hand on Shane’s arm.

He covered her hand with his own and smiled. “It’s our pleasure.”

Uneasiness settled over Noah at the intimate contact between Shane and Kitty. He pushed it aside. This wasn’t the time or the place to start an argument, and to be honest, Noah was tired of having the same fight over and over again with Shane anyway.

Cain turned around and cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention to him. “Where would you like to go?”

Kitty pulled her hand away from Shane. “Home.”

“You can’t bring them to the mansion. Your father will—”

Kitty rolled her eyes. “I know that, Cain. Take the long way, and after you drop me off, see them home.”

Cain raised his brows. “The long way?”

Kitty stiffened in the limo seat. “Take the long route, Cain. I have a lot to discuss with these two, and we’d like some privacy.”

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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