Vendetta (18 page)

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Authors: Capri Montgomery

BOOK: Vendetta
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“She’s going someplace I don’t want her to be…but don’t change the subject Alyssa. We were talking about you.”


 The McGregor boys just didn’t know how to mind their own business. She was sure Thomas was already trying to figure out what string of robberies were close to her and she hoped he would let it be and not hop on a plane and come out to Scottsdale trying to take over. “I think your bride is missing you,” she pointed to Thena who had finally finished dancing with their father. “You better go rescue her before our dad tries to get her naked. You know the man can’t keep his hands to himself when it comes to pretty women.” She stood and he stood with her.


“He’s not that bad and you know it. I know he’s an idiot for leaving Mom for that pillow fluff candy striper, but he wouldn’t attempt anything with my woman.”


She laughed. “True. He’d probably be afraid you’d kill him.” The fact that Thomas hadn’t responded told her he would indeed put a serious beat down on their father if he got too frisky with Thena. “Go rescue her anyway,” she said. “I’m going to raid the desert table.” She hurried away before Thomas could say anything more. She just really didn’t want him to play big brother with her right now. Like Eve, she was a grown woman and she didn’t need the brothers McGregor stalking her with protection detail. They were both married now and she thought they would be too busy protecting the new ladies in their life. She should have known Thomas would have no problem multi tasking. She would just have to count on his honeymoon distracting him enough until after she had hired security. She really didn’t want her brother jumping to the rescue. She could handle things just fine herself. She was going to hire whoever she wanted to hire—provided her finances supported that decision.



Thomas walked over and hugged Thena before whispering in her ear. He just had one more person to speak with and then they were going to make a fast exit. He had a cabin ready for them in the mountains and they were going to have a honeymoon despite their schedules.


“Valencia,” he hugged her. “Thanks for coming.”


“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” She looked over to Harrison who seemed to be having a serious discussion with Drake. “Of course he’s using this wedding as an excuse to push our date up.”


Thomas laughed. “The man wants to make sure you don’t change your mind.”


“That’s not going to happen and he knows that. The family is already prepping the ceremonial room, and of course he’ll sit for tea after the wedding.”


Thomas shuddered at the memory of the taste of the tea he was sure Harrison would have to drink. Valencia laughed. “You think you had it bad, think about how I feel about it. I’m glad we don’t welcome people into the family often. I have to drink that stuff at every ceremony.”


He nodded. Now that she put it that way he could feel her pain. “I need a favor; two actually.”


“Name it.”


“Eve’s on her way to Belfast. She’s interviewing a terrorist, Valencia.”


“I see,” she said. “Our girl is still walking the line,” she said. He knew what she meant. Eve was walking a thin line between life and death and she wasn’t leaving room for a safety net. “I’ll call Blaine and fill him in. He won’t be pleased with her location, but he’ll cover her. Don’t worry.”


He knew he could count on her for help.


“What’s the second favor?”


“Alyssa’s in need of security for her store. She’s on a limited budget. Do you know anybody?”


She laughed. “I am so glad I don’t have any sisters. I have my hands full with Leo; I couldn’t imagine if I had to worry about sisters too.” She shook her head. “Yeah, I can see what I can do. Now would you go on your honeymoon and stop stressing about the McGregor sisters? They’ll be fine.”


“Thanks. At least I can have a few days away from everything without going out of my mind worrying about the two of them.”


She nodded. “I’ll take care of everything, Thomas. Just go,” she shifted her head in the direction of Thena, who was standing alone by the orchid display. His beautiful wife was waiting patiently for him to take her away, and he wasn’t going to make her wait any longer.


“I’ll call you when I get back,” he smiled, hugged her one last time, said his final thank you and then went for his woman. She had waited patiently for him, on so many levels, and now the wait was over. “Let’s go gorgeous,” he swept her up into his arms and carried her out of the reception area. “Thena McGregor I’m going to ravish you completely the second we get to the cabin.”


She giggled. “Thomas McGregor I can’t wait…oh no.”


“What?” Had she forgotten something?


“It just dawned on me—we’re going to have the same initials.” She hadn’t changed her name legally yet. She was playing around with the idea of hyphenating for the sake of her family business. It wasn’t a decision she had to make today, or even tomorrow, but he hoped she would get around to it sooner rather than later. Hearing her say they were going to have the same initials was a good sign that she was planning to do it soon.


“Should make monogrammed towels easier,” he grinned. She smiled at him sweetly.


“Just don’t take my towels,” she said and he laughed.


“They’ll be the same towels,” he told her.


“No. My towels will be different. I will know my towels. Like the oranges I picked out the other day. You ate mine.”


He sighed. “They looked the same to me.”


“They weren’t the same. I spent time picking out mine. I picked mine out perfectly while you just picked one up.”


“Thena, an orange is an orange.”


“Mine was smaller than yours.”


“Well maybe I wanted you to have the bigger one.”


“It was too big for me.”


“You don’t think I’m too big for you,” he winked.


“No, baby. You fit me just fine,” she purred in his arms.


He couldn’t imagine a life without Thena in it. She was funny and smart. Sweet and sexy. She was a handful, but he wouldn’t want her any other way. He loved her, for now and for always.




About the Author




Capri Montgomery is the bestselling author of books including Ride A Cowboy, Across the Lake, The Thirteenth Floor, 1965, The Admiral’s Daughter, and The Geneva Project. She enjoys nature—unless the insects are biting her, traveling, old movies, art, photography and music.




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