Venus Moon

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #werewolf, #paranormal erotic romance, #paranormal romance, #shape shifter

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



Venus Moon

Copyright 2015 by Desiree Holt


Cover art by Mina Carter




All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.


Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Wolf Moon
  by Desiree Holt



Dear Readers:


When I finished writing
Wolf Moon,
Jesse and Alexa stayed with me long after. New characters started talking to me, and before I realized it, Moonlight, Florida, came to life—filled with a devastated wolf pack trying to rebuild, a local sheriff's department trying to keep the peace, a new wolf-lead agency determined to make a difference, and so much more. The Hot Moon Rising series was born. But it needed more. It needed to grow and take on a life of its I invited lots of wonderful authors to take part in this shared world.


Survivors of the devastation wrought by developers and a more savage pack, the Moonlight Wolf Pack struggles to find a new home for itself in the heat of Central Florida. Here you will meet Jesse and Charlie, the sheriff’s deputies who are their liaison to the human world; Alexa and Liana, the women they married; Derek Sawyer and Rand Molina, leader and lieutenant of the Moonlight Pack; and all those who make up their wolf family as well as those who will join them in the future.


We hope you enjoy the stories from the many authors and return often to keep up with the original characters as well as meet the new ones. But not to worry. Whether this is your first or twentieth book, each one stands on its own. We look forward to having you join us.


~Desiree Holt


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Joy Ride


Night Mission

He Came Upon a Midnight Clear


Lust Becomes You

Overnight Sensation

Soul Dreams

Dark Secrets

Knockin’ Boots

Hard Lovin’

Playing with Fire

Sexy Designs

Wolf Moon

Venus Moon


Coming Soon

Blood Moon

Northern Star Book 1



Venus Moon


She dances by the light of the full moon, a goddess with blonde hair who swiftly shifts into a magnificent silver wolf. A year ago, Charlie Aquino and his partner had nothing more on their minds than the gangs they dealt with. Now Jesse is married to a shifter and Charlie is so obsessed with one he drives by her house every night just to get a glimpse of Liane Cosa. He’s met her in human from but never dared approach her in her wolf from, afraid she’ll bolt. But then, one memorable night, he screws up his courage and beneath a full moon offers her his heart. Can she accept it?




With thanks to my wonderful friend, Dalton Diaz. You made Venus Moon so special. You know why.






Venus Moon

Hot Moon Rising Book 2



Desiree Holt


Chapter One


Charlie Aquino glided his car slowly to the curb, cut the engine and headlights, and rolled down his window. It was quiet in this little cul-de-sac where Derek and the rest of his group—er, pack—lived. He scanned the house he drove by every night on his way home, after a long shift for the sheriff’s department. Just looking at the place, hoping for a glimpse of her, calmed him. Soothed all those frayed and jangled nerves.

Sometimes a light would be on. Other times, like now, the little cottage would be completely dark.

Was she outside, running? Alone or with her “friends”? He closed his eyes, and Liana Cosa’s face swam before his eyes. High cheekbones, amber eyes, and a silken waterfall of ash-blonde hair. When she smiled at him, the bottom fell out of his heart.

Jesus, Aquino. You’ve really lost your mind.

But a year had made a lot of difference in his life. Twelve months ago, he and Jesse Farrell had been working the gang task force for the sheriff. The most exotic things in their lives were the devious gang leaders who always lay in wait. And he’d never heard of a shape-shifter. Now, his partner was married to one, and he, for his sins, was falling helplessly in love with another one.

The group of cottages lining the cul-de-sac were where Liana and her friends lived. Her pack, for they were all shifters like Liana. Alexa Farrell, Jesse’s wife, had worked out a deal with a developer she did real estate research for. Derek and his group would provide security at the developer’s construction sites in return for nominal pay and free rent at cottages he hadn’t been able to sell anyway.

At first, the shifter thing had really freaked him out, but now, a year later, it had become part of his life. Especially after he met Liana. And how weird was that, falling for a wolf? But, like Alexa, Liana had an exotic quality about her that pulled at him and made his cock so hard every time he looked at her he was afraid it would break off.

From the moment he met her at Jesse and Alexa’s place, he wanted her more than any other woman he’d ever met. He made it a point to run into her whenever he could. Buy her coffee. A drink, if he could coax her into it. Twice, he’d actually talked her into dinner.

But she was wary of him, and he could understand why. Humans were suspect. Jesse and Alexa had worked out fine, but Alexa had landed in Florida because of a disastrous experience with her previous human love. Charlie was sure Liana always had that in the back of her mind.

Sometimes when he drove by, she’d be outside in the warmth of a Florida evening, sitting on her porch swing. He’d stop, make his way to the porch, and coax her into offering him a cold drink. Sitting next to her, the scent of her teasing his nostrils, her thigh so soft next to his, the fabric of her T-shirt outlining her full breasts, he had all he could do to keep from throwing her to the porch floor and taking her there.

But Charlie Aquino had more class than that, he reminded himself. Except that lust was steadily winning out over class. He only knew if he didn’t get to fuck her pretty soon, he’d self-destruct.

If the house was dark, like tonight, he always waited a while, staring at the copse of trees behind the houses, hoping for a glimpse of her in wolf form. The first time he saw her it took his breath away—gorgeous, magnificent, silver coat shimmering. And the more he saw her as a wolf, the more he fell in love with her. Go figure.

He slouched against the back of the seat, wondering where she’d gone to tonight. Was she out with one of the males in the pack? Shit. He never thought he’d be jealous of a wolf. Unconsciously, he fingered the condom he’d been carrying in his pocket for weeks. Hoping for a chance—not just for sex because he’d come to realize that what he felt for her was a lot more than that. He wanted the chance to explore those feelings.

Then he saw her, right at the edge of her yard, a magnificent silver wolf gleaming in the bright, full moonlight. Alone.

She’d never let him get close to her when she was in her wolf form, no matter how many times he’d hinted at it. If she spotted his car cruising by, she raced into the trees behind the cottages. No matter how long he waited, she wouldn’t emerge. Yet here she was tonight, knowing full well he was sitting there hoping to catch a glimpse of her. And she hadn’t moved. Hadn’t cut and run.

Very quietly, he opened the car door, closing it behind him and walking toward her with slow, careful steps.

Please don’t run. Please, please, stay where you are.

As if she heard his silent prayer, she remained motionless, watching him. As he drew closer, he could see the moon reflected in her warm amber eyes and would have sworn she was smiling at him.

He stopped about two feet away, not sure what to do next. Forcing himself to stay completely still, he breathed slowly even as his heartbeat ratcheted up. The next move was up to her.

Finally, when the tension was thick enough to cut, she ambled toward him, stopping directly in front of him and nudging his hand with her head. He slid his fingers through the magnificent silver coat that felt as soft as the finest silk. Electric thrills speared the length of his arm and shot through his body.

She nudged at him again then lowered her head and pressed her nose to his crotch. Her long, pink tongue snaked out and licked the length of his fly. Sweat broke out on his body as his cock leaped to life in response.

He threaded both hands through her coat, holding her head, lifting it slightly so he could lock his gaze with hers.

“I want you,” he said hoarsely. “You have no idea how badly I want to make love to you, Liana. Right now.”

She shook her head and slipped from his grasp, backing up two steps.

“No.” He reached out a hand. “Don’t run away from me. I know who and what you are, and it’s fine with me. Look at Jesse and Alexa. They made it work.”

Jesse and Alexa? Was his mind telling him he wanted the same kind of relationship with Liana? Holy shit! Was this what he’d been building up to? Could she handle that? Could

“Stop,” he commanded, when she took another step backwards. “Please. You’ll never know what we could have if you don’t give it a chance.”

He held his breath for what seemed an eternity. Then streaks of light shimmered in front of him, faint at first like streamers of golden tinsel that danced as if coaxed by a gentle breeze. They seemed to surround Liana, wrapping around her like a fairy cloak until they exploded into a thick cloud of stars. For a moment, Liana was obscured. When they faded away, she stood before him, completely naked, completely glorious. And thoroughly tempting.

His cock was so hard it threatened to rip through the fabric of his jeans. He took a deep breath to steady himself, gain some measure of control, and held out a hand to her.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured. “I have to touch you. Please.”

One step at a time, her eyes reading his, she walked forward until she could touch his hand. He closed his fingers around hers and tugged her closer.

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