Very Bad Things (10 page)

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Authors: Ilsa Madden-Mills

BOOK: Very Bad Things
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We both came up gasping for air and she laughed, and I
laughed too, and whatever anger we’d felt at the park drifted away. The sound
of Sebastian and Vixen trash-talking us faded away, and I couldn’t see or hear
anything but Nora. And with that came a feeling of being trapped and suffocated
by something beyond my control. I got scared.

“I’m getting out,” I said, abruptly, swimming past her,
trying not to notice her confusion.

Her face dropped, but I didn’t let it stop me. I left her
there in the pool and went back to my lounge chair. Sebastian pestered me to
get back in, calling me a baby for going under and getting water up my nose,
but I ignored him. I dried off and picked my guitar back up, getting back to my
song. After a while, they got out, and Nora announced she was leaving.

“Why are you leaving?” I blurted out, not sure why. I wanted
her to leave.

“I have a Princeton application I’m supposed to have filled
out. I need to work on it,” she said, nibbling on her bottom lip, like the
thought of doing it made her anxious.

I nodded, but it was automatic, just going through the
motions, because when she’d said Princeton, I saw how vastly different we were
besides the age thing. She had a big future ahead of her at some ivy league
school while I’d never finished because I’d been busy turning a run-down gym
into a profitable money-maker to support me and Sebastian.

“Have you come up with an idea for your tattoo yet?” I asked
her, setting my guitar down.

She looked a little confused at my sudden attention, and I
knew I was acting erratic. In fact, I felt a bit crazed. Psycho even.

“No,” she said as I slipped my shirt on, her eyes moving
over the contours of my chest and resting on my dragon tat. I twitched with the
urge to tug her tight against me, like we’d been in the water, and beg her to
let me take her upstairs to my bed, to fuck her and forget everything else.
It’s what she wanted, right?

But, then, any guy would do.

“I think you should get wings,” I said, moving over to stand
behind her. “Right here, like angel wings.” I ran my fingers across her bare
shoulder blades, then down her spine, stopping with both hands on the curve of
her waist. I forced myself to stop there. “You already have the piercing,” I
heard myself say stupidly. Shit. Why did I have to bring that up?

“I’m no angel,” she said as she stared at me over her

I tried to find the right words. “It isn’t just angels who
have wings. All kinds of beautiful creatures have them. And someday you’re
going to fly away from here and leave all this shit behind. You need your own
wings,” I said, reluctantly letting go of her waist.

She blushed at my compliment, and I freaked at the tender
emotion that coursed through me. I jerked away and took off for the door at a
brisk pace, ready to get her
of here. Yes, I was behaving strangely,
but I didn’t care. Something bizarre was happening between us, and I didn’t
like it. I wanted to stomp on it. Destroy it.

She eventually followed, grabbing her dress up and saying
bye to the others still in the pool.

I unlocked and opened the double doors, my mind already
thinking of calling Tiffany. What I felt for her was predictable and straight
forward. No wacked out emotions there.

Before Nora walked out the door, she turned to me and said,
“So, did you decide if you like me or not?”






decisions can make some damn good memories.”




EVEN A FEW days after the pool, I
still couldn’t get Leo out of my head. I found myself glancing out the window
several times a day for a glimpse of him. I kept remembering him whispering his
happy stories to me as we lay together, about him choosing Teddy for his band
because he liked imperfect people.

At the swim party, he’d been aloof and avoided being near
me. At least he’d decided to let me help Teddy, which I was looking forward to.

Staying with Aunt Portia while Mother worked in the city
seemed to perk me up as the days passed. During the day, I hung out at the shop
and helped her bake and wait on customers. During the slow hours, I studied the
paperwork for Princeton and shopped for school clothes with Mila. At night
while Aunt Portia slept, I drank myself to sleep, chasing oblivion.

On Monday, I received a text from Lina, my mother’s personal
assistant, reminding me of my monthly lunch date with Mother. So the next day,
I drove to Ricardo’s, a fancy Italian restaurant only a short walk from
Mother’s downtown Dallas office. I’d been meeting her there for the past two
years on the last Tuesday of every month. If it was summer and school was out,
we met for lunch. If it was during the school year and I didn’t have too much
homework, we met for dinner. On rare occasions Dad would come, but it was hard
since his office was on the other side of town.

I pulled up to valet parking and quickly checked myself in
the mirror. Lipstick not too bright . . . check. Blonde hair in a French twist .
. . check. Elegant dress . . . check.

One of the parking attendants opened my door and greeted me
with a broad smile. “Miss Blakely, looking lovely today,” he said in rolling
Italian lilt, offering me his hand. “Your mother is inside waiting.”

I took his hand and climbed out. “Geno, good to see you. How’s
your little girl? Sophia, right?” I asked. “Didn’t you tell me she was crawling
last time I was here?”

He chuckled, escorting me to the double glass doors. “Ah,
the little
is fine, very good. Goes everywhere,” he said, waving
his arms around. He dug in the front pocket of his maroon uniform and pulled
out a small picture. “See, she is getting big.”

“Oh, she’s such a cutie!” I said, gazing down at the smiling
little baby that had tons of glossy black curls. She had a mischievous smile,
and I could even see a little tooth poking through on the bottom of her gums. I
looked back at Geno’s proud face inquisitively, my eyes searching for what
happy looked like, felt like. I gave the photo back, and he smiled shyly and
bowed, leaving me at the hostess stand.

“Miss Blakely, please follow me,” said the young girl at the

I followed her into the black-and-silver themed dining area.
Yeah, this place was swanky, but I loved it, mostly because it wasn’t a quiet
place like most ritzy restaurants. No, at Ricardo’s not only could you hear the
pots and pans clanging in the back and the loud Italian’s yelling at each
other, but it smelled divine, like warm bread and garlic butter. Sure, I’d much
rather be kicking it at Aunt Portia’s, helping her ice some cupcakes, but
eating at Ricardo’s was a heavenly experience
Mother was in a good
mood. Which I doubted she would be.

She was sitting at a round table by the window, gazing down
at the menu, and with the combination of the sun warming her light brown hair
and her cream suit, she looked almost angelic. She glanced up as we approached,
and I automatically focused on holding my shoulders up and back, gliding over
to my seat, despising myself for trying to please her.

The white-gloved waiter pulled out my chair for me, and I
sat as fluidly as I could, thinking of myself as a flowing waterfall. If
there’d been any posture judges in the place, I would have gotten a ten out of

She’d already ordered me the usual glass of ice water and
lime. I took a sip and waited.

She sat her menu down and arched her brow. “You’re ten
minutes late which means we’ll have to rush this, Nora.”

I sighed. “Sorry, Mother.”

“I already ordered for you, of course. Chicken Caesar salad,
dressing on the side,” she said.

I swallowed, thinking about lasagna, spaghetti bolognaise,
and fried eggplant. Well, at least the salad came with parmesan cheese. “Sounds

She smiled. “So, how was your time at Portia’s?”

“Perfectly boring,” I replied, staring her straight in the
face. Eye contact is a must when telling a lie.

She nodded. “Good. But, when school starts, you’ll have to
stay at the house with Mona. Can’t have you slacking on homework and piano.”

“Of course,” I said as the waiter came and sat down our
naked salads.

I looked down at my plate and then back at her. “Style of

She pursed her lips. “Let’s do American today. I believe we
did European last time,” she said, picking up her knife and fork.

She watched me as I cut into my grilled chicken and romaine
lettuce with my knife in my right hand and the fork on my left. Once I had a
piece ready to eat, I carefully sat my knife down horizontally in the twelve
o’clock position on the bowl, then switched my fork to my right hand and took a
bite, elbows close to the table. Perfection.

She smiled. “Did Lina pick out your dress?”

I looked down at my Tory Burch green maxi dress. It was a
bit more risqué than I usually wore. “Yes, she emailed me a list of new outfits
to get for school. Mila and I picked this one up at Nordstrom’s.” I rubbed the
jersey knit. “Lina said you’d approved the list. Is . . . is it okay?”

“It’s tasteful although more low-cut than I like. Either
way, it’s much better than that horrible yellow thing you wore to registration,
but we aren’t going to talk about that.” She delicately wiped her mouth.

“Of course.” I took a sip of water.

We spent the next few minutes in silence with our only
sounds being our utensils as they scraped against the fine china. I knew she
was finished when she sat down her silverware in the 10:20 position. I did the

She took a deep breath. “Now, about Princeton. Your
application needs to be mailed by October first. I hope you’ve started your

I nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. Your father scheduled your admissions interview the
first week of November, so you’ll need to clear your schedule of commitments
two weeks before so you can practice. Lina will be arranging for a coach to
come to the house to help.”

I nodded. With only 7.9% of applicants being accepted each
fall, even with my exemplary SAT scores, I’d need an edge. That’s where she
came in, pulling strings to get me an unheard of interview. It didn’t hurt that
my father had attended Princeton as well.

Mother said, “I’ll be staying downtown this weekend but once
the new station director gets settled in, I’ll be home more.” She smiled. “Mona
will be there, and Lina will pop in to check on you this weekend.”

I sighed. A housekeeper and a personal assistant. “What
about Dad?”

“No, he’s busy,” she said, not elaborating.

The smell of a fried cannoli drifted across to us as a
waiter walked by. I inhaled deeply.

“Mother, may we have dessert?” I asked, thinking it
a special occasion. Did she even remember?

She tsked and tapped her manicured nails on the table.
“Absolutely not. That is a
bad idea. I hope you’re following your
diet at Portia’s.” She shook her head. “That’s another reason you need to stay
at the house. Portia is all about the sweets. She’ll have you as big as a house
before long.”

“She runs a pastry shop. It’s her job,” I said curtly, not
able to stop the words. There it was. My cracks rising to the surface.

“And she’s obese,” Mother added smugly. “Terrible really . .
. probably why she never got married.”

I prayed for the check to arrive soon.

She cleared her throat. “At least Finn will be moving back
soon. He’ll help keep you in line.”

I flinched and looked down at my barely eaten salad,
counting the specs of pepper and bits of parmesan cheese, refusing to look at

Instead, I thought about how Mother still hadn’t said one
word about my birthday. I felt a sharp ache, right in the center of my head,
almost like a migraine. I pressed my fingers to my head, hoping to ease the
throbbing, but it didn’t. Anger, that’s what it was, building and bubbling like
a volcano and ready to spew out profanity and commit reckless acts. A small
whimper escaped me, and I winced in dread, hoping she hadn’t heard. She hadn’t.
She was occupied with her phone.

I heard familiar laughter and looked up, my eyes focusing on
the outdoor eating area across the restaurant where two floor-to-ceiling French
doors were pushed open, letting me see the lush greenery and pretty flowers
that decorated the perimeter.

I could also see Leo.

He was sitting with three other guys having lunch and maybe
a business meeting, judging by the notebooks on the table. He didn’t see me, so
my eyes ate him up. He wore dark jeans, a blue button-up shirt and a navy sport
coat that fit tight across his broad shoulders.
Relaxed suited him
, I
thought, as my eyes ran over his tousled blond hair and scruffy jaw. He tossed
his head back and laughed again, making my breath hitch.
When would I stop
wanting him?

He didn’t want me; he felt sorry for me. He’d made it clear
at the park. Leo was a guy with other fish to fry. I mean, why would he want a
tiny, little popcorn shrimp like me when he could have a Texas-sized catfish
like Tiffany? I rolled my eyes at myself. Why did I always think about food?

He picked up his glass and took a drink, freezing when his
eyes collided with mine.

Mother was texting, so I arched my eyes at him and nodded
surreptitiously towards the bar that was located conveniently inside a dark
alcove. He followed my eyes and shook his head at me. Refusing to take no for
an answer, I smiled, nibbling on my lips as I gazed at him beseechingly, but he
looked away when one of his companions made a comment. Frustrated, I picked up
my purse, not thinking about the dangerous game I was playing, not considering
how shitty I’d feel when he didn’t meet me at the bar.

It had been days since I’d seen him. I didn’t understand
where my need was coming from, but I couldn’t go another minute without talking
to him.

“If you’ll excuse me, Mother, I have to go to the restroom.”

She waved her hands at me, still looking at her phone.

First, I purposely walked outside to the patio and strolled
by his table, letting him know where I was going. Then I went to the bar and
ordered a glass of water. And waited.

It took fifty-three seconds for him to appear beside me.

“Not drinking today?” he said in a low voice, sending
delicious tingles all over my body. He settled himself beside me on a stool.

“No fake ID,” I said, putting my hand on his inner thigh and
caressing the taut muscles there. “You seem tense. Is there anything I can do
to help you relax?” I asked, my lips curving up.

He stared at my stroking hand and swallowed, but didn’t move
away. “I just came over to see how you’re doing,” he said with a stone-like
face, not giving anything away.

I scowled and pulled my hand back. “Why? Because you feel
bad for the poor little rich girl with all the problems?”

He looked away from me.

I said, “Let’s go in the bathroom and fuck.”

He exhaled heavily and stood up from the stool.

“No?” I said, feeling all at once ashamed for the words
coming out of my mouth, yet completely powerless to stop them. “You know, one
of my favorite books has this sizzling, hot chapter where the main characters
go to lunch together. And even though it’s a first date, they end up fucking in
a bathroom stall, because they can’t wait to get at each other. He just bends
her over and gives it to her, hard and fast. I’d like to reenact that scene.” I
took a hasty sip of water and got my nerve up. “All we’d have to do is pick the
biggest stall, and then you flip my dress up and take me from behind. Or I
could get on my knees for you? I’d suck you, if you like.”

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