Victorious (39 page)

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Authors: M.S. Force

BOOK: Victorious
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“No, she didn’t, and there’s no way she can ever truly fix that as far as I’m concerned.” I link my fingers with his. “I want you to know… If something like this, my dad killing David, had happened before this, before us, it would’ve set me back again to day one, but I’m stronger now than I’ve ever been, and it’s because of you.”

“No, baby, it’s because of
. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever known.”

“Our love has made me stronger than I was alone. And it’s made me happier than I ever could’ve imagined being.”

“Me, too.”

“Thank you for chasing after me the day Fluff bit you.”

“Thanks for turning around, for giving me a chance.”

I smile at him, madly in love and free from the past. “As if I ever had a choice.”

“The choice has always been yours, sweetheart.”

“I choose you. I choose us.”

He wraps his arms around me and kisses me. “I’ll always choose you, too.”

Safe and secure in his arms, I feel like I can take on the world and win every time.


It’s been a very good night for Quantum Productions. Jasper has just won the Academy Award for cinematography for his work on
, and now we’re waiting for the Best Director award to be announced.

Hayden brought Addie as his date, a development Flynn and I have been whispering about all night. Addie told Flynn it was so she could be here for his big night, but don’t think that’s the only reason.

My husband leans in to whisper in my ear. “I think she’s holding his hand over there.”

“I’m more excited about that than I am about the awards.”

He smiles at me and drops something into my hand.

I look down to see the red ribbon we played with in Mexico, and my entire body ignites at the memory of it wrapped around my wrists as he had his wicked way with me. I’ve become more comfortable with being bound and I hope one day to be able to play in the room in the basement. But Flynn says it will be a while before I’m ready for that kind of bondage. That’s okay. We’ve got all the time in the world to get there together.

“It matches your dress.”

I’ve worn a red Givenchy gown for his big night because he loves me in red. “What am I to do with this?” I ask, full of mock innocence.

He winks at me. “Keep it handy for later.”

The epiphany I had in Mexico about the kind of sex I have with Flynn being nothing at all like what my attacker did to me has helped to free me from the shackles of the past.

I don’t worry anymore about triggers or flashbacks. I’ve battled through and found my way to the other side. I’m able to separate everything that happens with my beloved husband from what happened long ago to the girl I once was.

I’m a woman now, a woman in love with the most extraordinary man, and he has shown me the limitless possibilities of our love. I want to soar to the heavens with him as my guide and companion. I want to fully experience everything this life has to offer us. I’ve been to hell and back, and I survived. I’m not afraid anymore.

My father has been formally charged with the murder of David Rogers. After we released our statement to the media, they’ve mostly left us alone. The fact that my father and I have been out of touch for most of a decade put a damper on the story as far as the Hollywood press is concerned. I’m sure it’s a big story in Nebraska. It’s not a big story in LA, and I’ve chosen to keep my distance from it. I’ve encouraged my sisters, who are here with us tonight, to do the same.

They are sitting somewhere toward the back of the huge ballroom with Flynn’s family. I had the time of my life getting ready with them earlier, sharing my excitement and pride in my husband with the two people I love most—after Flynn and Fluff, of course.

When Hayden’s name is called for the directing award, we rise to our feet to cheer for him. He kisses Addie square on the lips in front of everyone before heading to the stage to accept his award.

Tears stream down Addie’s face as she watches him. Her stunned expression upon receiving that kiss is priceless.

Flynn and I exchange a smile. He’s so happy tonight, and I love to see him sharing in this special moment with his closest friends.

“Thank you so much to the Academy,” Hayden says once the roar of the crowd dies down. “
was a very special project for all of us, and to see it recognized with these awards tonight is the greatest thrill of my life. I have so many people to thank, including the entire team at Quantum, all of my friends and family who supported me during the making of this film, and our amazing cast, headlined by the one and only Flynn Godfrey, who gave the gutsiest performance of his career as Jeremy. To the movie-going public that fully embraced Jeremy’s story and, by extension, the stories of all our injured servicemen and women… Thank you for letting them know you care, that you remember, that you appreciate the many sacrifices military members and their families make for all of us.” He holds up the gold statue. “Thank you again for this incredible honor.”

By the time Hayden leaves the stage, I’m mopping up tears from his heartfelt acceptance speech. Addie, Marlowe and I are all a hot mess, which makes the guys laugh.

After an endless commercial break, the show continues with the Best Actress award, which goes to an old friend of Flynn’s. He’s delighted for her, but he’s grasping my hand because it’s finally time for his category.

Last year’s actress winner takes the stage to announce the nominees for Best Actor in a Leading Role. Clips from each actor’s performance are played as their names are read. Flynn appears in a scene from the hospital, half his face burned as he talks another injured warrior out of giving up on his recovery. It is among the most powerful moments in the film, and the crowd in the Dolby Theater gives the scene a huge round of applause.

“And the Oscar goes to… Flynn Godfrey.”

For a brief second, it’s just him and me, caught together in this moment in time, disbelief and amazement reflected in his gorgeous eyes. Then he leans in to kiss me before standing to accept hugs and congratulations from his producing partners and closest friends.

Everyone around us is in tears as we stand and cheer for Flynn.

He goes up the stairs to the stage and accepts the award, hugging the actress who presented it before turning to face the crowd. It takes another full minute for the applause to die down. In that time, Max and Stella appear on one of the screens, both of them smiling and crying and on their feet, applauding for their son.

I hope he’s able to see them from his vantage point on the stage.

“Thank you so much. Thank you.” He glances down at the gold statue in his hand. “Wow. I thought I knew what this might feel like, but apparently, I had no clue. Thank you to the Academy and to everyone involved in the making of
. We knew from the first time we read the script that this would be a special project. We had no idea how special it would become to all of us, and I’m deeply thankful to the Academy for this award as well as the others you’ve bestowed upon the film tonight. You all know it’s been a wild couple of months for me professionally and personally. I want to thank my friends and colleagues in this room for your unwavering support during the tough times. I’ve seen the heart of this community more in the last few weeks than I have in my entire career before now, and I’m deeply appreciative. To my beautiful, courageous,
wife, Natalie, I thank you for showing me what’s really important in this life. I love you so much, sweetheart.” He raises his award over his head. “Thank you again.”

I love that he used the word
. Our word. I love that he called me sweetheart for the whole world to hear. He dodges the ushers who want him to head backstage and comes down the stairs to sweep me up into his arms. He’s still holding me when
wins the award for best picture. Flynn and most of our friends take the stage to receive their awards for producing the film.

As executive producer, Kristian speaks for all of them. “Like Hayden said earlier, it’s been a once-in-a-career honor to bring this special story to life. I know I speak for everyone at Quantum and everyone involved with the film when I say none of us will ever forget this moment. Thank you to the Academy for your recognition of
, and to our servicemen and women, past, present and future. You have our undying respect and admiration. Thank you again.”

There are photos to be taken, interviews to be given and parties to attend. But after the show ends, Flynn comes down from the stage, an Oscar in each hand, and heads right to me. I wrap my arms around him and hold on tight. We are indeed victorious.

Thank you for reading
and the Quantum Trilogy! I hope you enjoyed reading Flynn and Natalie’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you wish to talk about
with other readers—with spoilers allowed and encouraged—join the
Victorious Reader Group
. And remember to join the
Quantum Reader Group

I want to immediately address some inevitable questions…

Q: Will there be more Quantum stories? We especially want Hayden and Addie’s story, Marlowe’s story, Leah’s story…

A. I know! I know! I do, too. The fact is, however, I have three other series going as Marie Force, and readers are crazy about them. So while I’d love to write more Quantum, it will probably be a while until I’m able to. I’ll keep you posted on the possibility of more Quantum stories in the reader groups, on my main Facebook page at and on the Quantum website at The best way to keep up on everything that’s going on is to join my e-mail newsletter list at

Q: So you seem to know a lot about the BDSM lifestyle. That means you’re in the lifestyle, right?

A. Wrong. I did a TON of research for the Quantum Trilogy, and the words on these pages have resulted from that research. I can write about murder in the Fatal series without having committed one, and I feel confident that I was able to accurately portray one small aspect of the BDSM lifestyle in Flynn and Natalie’s story without being an active participant. I loved delving into the psychology of the D/s relationship, understanding the power exchange and exploring the deep emotional bonds that are formed through these relationships.

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