Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance) (17 page)

Read Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance) Online

Authors: Kathryn Anderson

Tags: #Trading, #Mission, #25th Century, #Futuristic, #Time Travel, #Space Travel, #Romanc, #Vikings, #Earth, #Female Captain, #Ship, #9th Century, #Adventure, #Sea King, #Adult, #Erotic, #Sexy, #Black Hole, #Time Warp

BOOK: Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance)
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King Herger strode out of the trees flanked by six men at arms, three on each side, and stopped before the god Freyr.

intended to show her disgust by totally ignoring him but after one glance she felt her tongue cleave to the roof of her mouth and her knees begin to shake.  It was the size of the man that left her speechless.  She knew that the Norse, on average, were a taller race than the Saxons but this man was big even by Viking standards, being at least six feet six inches and built accordingly.  He wore a bearskin cloak thrown back over the widest shoulders Alodie had ever seen and a gold breastplate (Roman, she thought, and worth enough in her own time to buy a small moon and everything on it, or better yet a seat on the board of directors of E & MTC) over a blue embroidered sleeveless tunic.  Soft leather knee boots covering blue trousers completed his attire and round his waist was a thick leather belt decorated with gold studs, hanging from which was a huge sword, the handle afire with gems.  She could not see his face as he wore a winged helmet with a hinged faceplate which completely covered it but she could see that his hair was long, dark brown and curly.

As the ‘priest’ began to intone the sacred words a hush descended upon the crowd.  After a moment or two he stopped and looked at them both – at which point Herger withdrew a bracelet from his huge forearm.  “You must give him one of your bracelets” whispered Kelda.  Unthinking, Alodie took off the largest of the bracelets with which she had been festooned when Kelda had dressed her, it had been threatening to fall off her arm since the proceedings had commenced.

Herger took her hand in his and pushed the bracelet up her arm.  Assuming she had to do the same Alodie pushed her bracelet onto Herger’s wrist, his wrists and arms were so huge however, that she could barely get the bracelet on even though it was unfastened as far as it would go.

The priest intoned yet again and handed them a huge goblet filled with red wine.  Herger sipped from one side of it and Alodie from the other, after which the remains of the wine were poured over first Freyr then Freyja.

With that, the ceremony appeared to be over and Alodie was led by her new husband, amid jeers and filthy remarks, to a ‘T’ shaped table in the middle of the square which had been erected at just about the position where, less than two hours before, she had been auctioned.

The table was groaning under the weight of food for the feast.  Among other things were roast boar, lamb, ducks (from the pond) and chickens,  an ox was roasting over the fire and someone must have been fishing as two pike, their mouths open and full of razor sharp teeth, were also in evidence.

Almost in a dream, she was handed into her chair and watched numbly as her husband pulled out the one next to her.

A shriek alerted her and  she glanced down the table where, to her horror, she saw that one of the Vikings had grabbed Mary, the miller’s daughter, a child of less than fifteen years, and having dragged down the front of her dress was biting her young breasts, to the amusement of the onlookers.  Alodie felt bile rise to her throat and she gripped the table until her knuckles showed white.

At last, after what seemed like an age, the Viking released the young girl and she ran sobbing into the bushes. 
Is there anything these monsters are not capable of?
she asked herself feverishly and glanced sideways at her new husband.

Despite her feelings of aversion to this man who had bought her and wed her without so much as exchanging a word with her, she was intrigued by him.  He looked, she had to admit, absolutely magnificent in his full armour and the latent, raw, almost sexual power of the man was starting to fascinate her.  She was beginning to realise too that any attempt to get the upper hand of him by arrogance was doomed to failure.  The man was a leader, an Alpha Male of the first order – it oozed out of him and in another time, in other circumstances, Captain Austen would have been most impressed with Herger Sigvardson.  Her mind, however, soon came back to the all pervading problem.  How to get away.  She had resigned herself to the fact that she would have to have sex with Herger and decided that she would try to make a break for it after he was asleep.  Absent mindedly she took a gulp of wine and stiffened as she felt a hand grab her thigh.  It was not Herger, he was deep in conversation with one of his men, she glanced to her right, a big blond giant of a man in his mid thirties was grinning at her lasciviously.  She swallowed, then took a deep breath.  “Viking” she hissed,  “I advise you to remove your hand immediately unless you would like it perforating with my table knife”

The man guffawed and removed his hand, then held them both up for inspection “Oh-ho!” he said “a real little hellcat – Herger will have his hands full with you – the lucky bastard”

Alodie inclined her head in what she hoped was a regal manner, as if she were a queen reproving a subject.  “He most certainly will” she agreed “and who do I have the dubious pleasure of addressing?”

The man took a mouthful of food and motioned for his wine goblet to be refilled.  “I am Guthrum, the rightful king of
” he replied, wiping his hand across his mouth.  Alodie wrinkled up her nose.

“Leader of this – this invasion?”

“Aye” he grinned “and for you I would have paid three thousand in gold, three
, a shield, a jewelled breastplate and my best axe”

Alodie took a sip of wine and smiled “I’m flattered” she said icily.

“So you should be” he mumbled, his mouth full “never in history has a wench brought such a price”

“Helen of
” she retorted “commanded the price of a thousand ships”

Guthrum looked up.  “By the beard of Odin – learned too” he remarked, nodding, “mayhap I would have added another ship or two”

Alodie took yet another quaff of wine, she would have to slow down, this Viking brew was potent, but the thought of submitting to the giant next to her who, she was sure, was not known for his gentleness with young virgins, could not possibly be countenanced sober.

Turning, she looked again at her husband.  He had not yet removed his helmet and was still in conversation with his man.  They were gesturing toward the sea but as his head was turned away from her she could not catch what they were saying.

She gave her attention to the food again and toyed with a piece of chicken.  “Guthrum” she said suddenly  “tell me why does my hus – er King Herger keep his helmet on?”

Guthrum chewed and swallowed “oh, you are anxious to see our handsome Herger is that it?  The Raven, we call him you know, on account of his dark hair”  he tugged his own blond locks “well the truth of the matter is that he is hideously deformed, his nose and part of his jaw were lost to an axe blow on a raid a couple of years gone, his looks are terrifying.  It wouldn’t be so bad if it were left at that but unfortunately the wound has left him half mad,  he is a very cruel man.  You will soon wish that I had paid more for you my sweet”

Alodie felt her heart begin to bang in her chest – she had to get away, now.  She pushed her chair back and got to her feet.  “Please – please excuse me for a moment, I feel a little faint” she whispered.

Guthrum snorted with laughter. “For Thor’s sake, girl, you’re amongst Norsemen now, if you want to go for a piss just say so!”

Alodie blushed scarlet and made her way gingerly toward the privy pits at the back of the barn.  Luckily, no one was there and she made it to the stockade entrance before she spotted a guard leaning up against the hedge.  Deciding not to bother brazening it out she set her psi gun to stun and touched the button.  He crumpled like a log and within minutes she was through the gap in the hedge and heading out into the forest.


Herger had been in conversation with his second in command, Bjarnie, about two of his ships which were in urgent need of repair.  At length he had given the necessary instructions, and removing his helmet, turned to his new bride.  She was not there.

Guthrum was dribbling wine down the plump cleavage of Anne, the tanner’s daughter.  Herger coughed pointedly and he looked up, releasing his charge who scuttled off.  “Where is my bride, Guthrum?” he asked “have you any idea?”

“Gone to the privy Herger, just now” he replied.  Herger shrugged and beginning his meal let his thoughts rest on Alodie.  He had never been struck by such feelings on seeing a woman in his life.  She was the fairest woman on Earth and he the luckiest man.  She would give him sons and daughters capable of ruling the world.

The annoying thing was that he had not even spoken to her yet, blast  Bjarnie and the ships.  Thor, the very thought of holding her naked in his arms, running his fingers through her long golden hair and his hands over her ripe young breasts made him begin to go hard inside his
.  It was more than that though, more than sheer, naked, animal lust.  When he had first seen her, from the second he had first set eyes on her, he had known, it was as if he had been waiting all his life for that moment, she was meant to be his.

He took a drink of wine, she would be terrified, poor maid, but determined not to show it.  He would take her up to his steading in Northumbria, away from the war, win her love by kindness and, come winter, when the campaign was over, he would lock himself away with her and they would breed huge, golden sons.

He had made enquiries about her from the villagers who informed him that she was a kind, sweet, angel of a girl, skilled in the arts of healing.  She could, amazingly enough, read and write and had wanted to set up a school in order to educate the serfs but had quite rightly been forbidden to do so by Thegn Oswy.

Herger turned and looked for her, she should be back by now, in Odin’s name what was keeping her?

“Guthrum” Herger said suddenly, an icy hand beginning to clutch at his heart “what were you saying to Alodie?”

Guthrum sniggered and took another bite of duck.  “Oh, this and that Herger, you know, the weather, how much I would have paid for her, the ridiculous price you
pay for her”

“Anything else?” Herger asked, slowly.

“Oh yes, I almost forgot” he laughed again “She asked why you had not removed your helmet and for a jest I told her you had been badly disfigured in a raid.  I believe I told her you had lost part of your chin and nose and that you were a cruel madman, apart from that, nothing!!”  With that he dissolved into hiccup
ing laughter which was soon taken up by the rest of the Vikings within earshot -  with the exception of Herger, he gripped his eating knife.

“So, you have terrified her of me Guthrum” he said quietly, his voice dripping icicles “after what she has been through today, a young frightened girl, captured by the enemy, stripped, auctioned and married to a man she does not know.  A good joke.  Now she has disappeared, what if she has run away?”  that seemed to make Guthrum laugh even more, a long drawn out whooping laugh which ceased abruptly as Herger leaned over and lifted him bodily from his chair.  Guthrum made a choking noise.

“P-put me down you bastard!” he spluttered “can you not take a jest?”

Herger shook his head “not where she is concerned, Guthrum, no.  Not when I fear that she is probably out alone in the forest, running scared, with wolves after her, or even worse, set upon by the filthy vermin who follow you” with this he clenched his huge fist “............and Guthrum, I tell you true, if any harm befalls her I will kill you, leader or no leader – do I make myself clear? Now order all available men to get off their arses, comb the village and woods and FIND HER!”

Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour Guthrum nodded, dumbly.  Herger pushed him away almost negligently and he went careering into the table, rocking it and sending plates and goblets crashing to the floor.

The Vikings around the table fell silent.  At length Guthrum climbed to his feet, shook his head and brushed himself off.  “Pah, Raven” he blustered “Viking warrior lords falling out over a wench?  A Saxon wench at that!  Ye don’t even know her, what a pother, why man, ye’re surrounded by wenches!”

Herger snapped his fingers and two of his
stepped forward, he grabbed a handful of Guthrum’s jerkin and pulled him toward him until their noses almost touched “compared to Alodie, the rest of the women in this village, aye and this kingdom, are pigs” he snapped “remember what I said Guthrum, there is a blood price between us, pray that she is found safely” with that he turned, cloak swirling, and left the feast.


It was now full dark.  Alodie had never been out in the woods alone at night and the trees cast eerie shadows.  Her footfalls sounded mute and dense as she ran over the thick mossy ground, even the stream, usually sounding to Alodie a joyous thing, had a menacing sibilant note.  She jumped as an owl hooted next to her and stepping back, she caught her cloak on a tree.

Several times she tripped over dead branches and was sure that she must be making so much noise that Herger would be able to hear her back in the village square.

The trees thinned suddenly and she was in a clearing.  The Moon shone brightly, glinting with a silver sheen and making her jewels shine with a fire of their own.  She thanked providence for the moonlight as she could now see the track plainly, it ran through the clearing for almost a quarter of a mile and Alodie knew that it headed back into the woods for less than five hundred yards before veering left and after another two or three hundred yards ended in the clearing where she had left the shuttle.

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