Read Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance) Online

Authors: Kathryn Anderson

Tags: #Trading, #Mission, #25th Century, #Futuristic, #Time Travel, #Space Travel, #Romanc, #Vikings, #Earth, #Female Captain, #Ship, #9th Century, #Adventure, #Sea King, #Adult, #Erotic, #Sexy, #Black Hole, #Time Warp

Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance) (27 page)

BOOK: Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance)
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However, when Rorik arrived back in the hall, less than five minutes later, he relaxed slightly, realising that the Viking and Alodie would not have had time to do anything untoward and for the rest of the evening, apart from glaring at him from time to time, he did nothing to bring them into open conflict and, when at last he stumbled out of the hall to seek his bed and found it occupied by Gwen, he did not ask her to leave - you had to take your pleasure where it was offered after all.

The next morning, when his head had cleared, he decided to go and find Alodie and try to build some bridges.  In the cold light of morning he realised that that savage could not possibly mean anything to her, it was a ridiculous assumption, he was too - basic.

Luke decided to woo her, he had been unforgivably rough last night but he had felt the softness of her of her body and it had maddened him.  He decided to buy her a present - some jewellery.

Walking out into the summer sunshine he headed up the uneven road to the hut of the gold and silversmith.  There, after aiming a well deserved kick at some snivelling little brats who had come begging for alms, he chose a lovely gold and silver bracelet, studded with amethysts, for the princely sum of fifty silver pennies.  He held it up to the light and smiled, back in his own time this little item would be worth millions, Alodie would surely soften when she saw it.

agree to marry him, she would have to, there was no future for her otherwise, surely she could see that.  Damn Aehlswith for making it so easy for her to refuse him.

On arriving back at the hall, and enquiring as to the whereabouts of the ladies, he was directed to the sewing room.  Knocking, he entered and cleared his throat as twenty pairs of eyes turned to him.  He bowed to Aehlswith. “Your Grace, I seek the lady Alodie” his eyes quickly scanned the room but she did not seem to be present “er, have you any idea where she might be?” hastily suppressed giggles greeted this question.  With a glare at the main culprits, Gwen of Saltop and Elfwin of Warchester, the queen turned to look at Luke.

“Alodie has gone riding Luke, I expect her back some time this afternoon”

“Oh, did she say in which direction she was heading, ma’am, I will ride to meet her”

The queen looked away, embarrassed “Er, I think you would be slightly 
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Sir, she is accompanied by the Viking Rorik, with two housecarles as escort, naturally.  He wished her to show him the countryside, she could not well refuse without causing offence”.

Luke gripped his gloves and twisted them savagely.  “Oh, he did, did he?” he snarled, his face flushing with anger.

Aehlswith got to her feet.  “Luke, I forbid you to make trouble.  Remember we have a truce with Guthrum’s forces.  Rorik is Guthrum’s brother, a very high ranking hostage and an honoured guest, Alodie is riding with him at my express request.  If you and Rorik fight over her it could threaten the peace talks”

Luke gritted his teeth. “Ma’am, with respect” he snarled “she is betrothed to me, we are to marry in just over a week”

The queen pursed her lips.  “We were all given to understand, from Alodie herself, that due to the circumstances of her forced marriage to King  Herger, coupled with.....certain other things....” more giggles, hastily shushed by the newly returned Eartha of Dawsgrove “........the betrothal was at an end.  Now Sir, if you will excuse us, we have work to do” with that Aehlswith waved him away and fell to her embroidery.  The interview was very obviously over.

Luke was more than angry, he was speechless with rage.  He would kill the Viking, psi-gun him where he stood, First Rule or no First Rule.  Bowing briskly, he stormed out of the room and headed for the ale barrel, where Oswy and a few of his cronies were already sitting with their feet on the table.  Nodding curtly to them, Luke filled himself a tankard of ale, which he downed in one draught, then quickly dipped another.  Oswy raised his eyebrows “starting early today lad” he observed.

“Yes, Uncle, I am, and for a very good reason.  It seems that Alodie has gone riding in the forest with none other than Rorik the Viking”

Oswy smiled and put down the piece of wood he was whittling.  “Aye, so I hear.  I also understand that she refused but was prevailed upon by the queen and has as escort Martin of Elsworth and Edward of Markhampton, two of the hardiest of the housecarles.  Do not fret yourself lad”

Luke snorted and took another swallow.  Five minutes later he was studying the bottom of his tankard and debating whether or not to have a refill, when the door burst open and two of Alfred’s men at arms rushed in - Luke’s heart sank to his boots as he recognised Martin of Elsworth and Edward of Markhampton.

Recognising Oswy as the senior noble present, Edward breathlessly informed him of the mishap with Alodie’s horse.

Luke slammed down his tankard.  “Where’s the Dane?” he snarled.

“Edward glanced up at him.  “My lord, he took off after her, it happened too fast, they were too far in front, we could not catch them, the trees were too thick”

Oswy put his hand on Luke’s arm.  “Worry not, lad, they can’t have got far, we’ll find them.”

“If he’s touched her Uncle, I swear I’ll kill him”

“And no one would blame you lad, now get your gloves and sword, we ride out”


Luke looked down at Rorik with a sneer on his face.  “Can’t find her eh?  Been searching all afternoon?  Oh come on you Danish bastard, you can do better than that”

Rorik sighed, the way one would do with a naughty child, and gave Luke a look, half pitying, which made him feel inferior even from his vantage point astride his horse.  He had an overwhelming desire to psi gun him then and there and damn the consequences.  Then to compound matters he turned his back on Luke and addressed Oswy “My lord, as I have already told you, a rabbit ran out from the trees at the side of the track and the lady’s horse bolted, I made a snatch at the reigns but missed - her mare took off into the woods.  I have been searching for her ever since, I assure you I am as worried about her as you are”

“Rubbish!” shouted Luke “don’t listen to him Uncle, he’s raped her and she’s unconscious somewhere, that’s if she’s still alive!”

Oswy glanced up at him, annoyance flashing across his features.  “Luke!” he snapped “stop jumping to conclusions” he turned back to Rorik who was leaning against a nearby tree nonchalantly chewing a piece of grass “why could you not catch her my lord?  Your horse was faster than hers”

Rorik lifted both his hands “Look at me my lord.  I am a large man, the trees were thick, neither I nor my horse could get through the gaps that Lady Alodie’s mare could”

Oswy nodded.  “In what general direction was she travelling”

“East when I last saw her, but as I told you before, the trees were very thick”

Luke was beside himself, the Dane was lying, it was patently obvious to anyone with half a brain, why couldn’t Oswy see it!  “Where is she Viking?” he cut in “Did you have some of your friends waiting in the forest to carry her off?  What has become of her?  Tell me or I’ll slice you in two!”

Rorik turned, his blazing emerald eyes boring into Luke “Listen boy” he snarled “I am a guest in King Alfred’s court.  Our two countries are in the middle of delicate peace negotiations, I, along with my comrades, have sworn an oath on our holiest of symbols not to harm a hair of a Saxon head, I personally keep my oaths, but laddie......” his arm shot out and he lifted Luke bodily out of the saddle “..................that oath does not extend to loudmouthed, dispossessed Bohemian curs!” he opened his hand and Luke fell in an ungainly heap at the Viking’s feet.  Glancing disdainfully down at him Rorik then turned to the rest of the party as if nothing had happened.  “I suggest we fan out and look to the east Thegn Oswy” he continued and, climbing on his horse, trotted out of the glade without looking over his shoulder.

Oswy turned to Luke with a look of disgust in his eyes.  “Get up, boy, for Jesu’s sake” he muttered.  Feeling about an inch tall, Luke climbed, chastened, to his feet and mounting his horse, trotted after them, murder in his heart.


Alodie arrived back in the hall about an hour later to be met by an almost frantic Aehlswith and Godgyth.

She had contrived to look suitably bedraggled and was immediately whisked off to her chamber where she asked for a hot bath.  Godgyth and Aehlswith perched on the side of the bed whilst Alodie bathed  “....and your mare took fright at a rabbit, shot into the woods and you’ve been wandering ever since?  Why did you not turn and come back the way you came?” asked Godgyth.

Alodie got to her feet and, stepping out of the bath, began to dry herself. “Because, Godgyth, the trees there are so thick that by the time Shadow had stopped bolting I was deep in the woods and had no idea where I was, I was completely confused by the time she slowed down.”

Godgyth handed her a lawn shift.  “Luke was out of his mind with worry, he thought the Viking had done you some harm.  He, Oswy and the Lamporths have set out to look for you.  I only hope Luke and the Viking don’t come to blows”

Alodie snorted and sitting in front of the mirror began to comb her hair “Why should he worry?  It was not Gwen of Saltop who was lost in the woods”

“Alodie, Alodie” said Godgyth “men are like that, Luke’s only human, he’s a very handsome man, that black haired Welsh slut threw herself at him, she means naught to him, forget this nonsense and marry Luke.  When the heathens have left we’ll go back to Bredond and all be happy, since Emma is lost to me you’re the only daughter I have, you’ve been more of a daughter to me anyway than she ever was, God rest her soul” she sniffed and turned away.

Alodie got to her feet and put her arm round Godgyth’s plump shoulders and her cheek next to hers.  “.....and you’ve been better than a mother to me Gytha, you’re all I have but I can’t marry Luke, I don’t love him, in fact I dislike him more with each day that passes”

“But what will you do?  Where will you live?”

“Here with me as my lady in waiting” cut in Aehlswith “until such time as she finds someone she cares to wed.  Now come on Godgyth” she continued briskly “pull yourself together, the men will be here soon, let us ready ourselves for tonight...” there was a sharp rap at the door, Alodie opened it, a serving maid curtsied.

“If ‘ee plaise ma’am” she said “there be a man to see ‘ee, a cooper or some such, Wat he says his name is - a very poor kind of man, shall I tell him to go away?”

“Oh, I’d almost forgotten, go and ask him to wait” Alodie turned to the queen “Aehlswith, where do you get the barrels for the mead and stores and suchlike?” her friend shrugged.

“I really have no idea, I leave that to the steward - what on Earth is going on?”

Alodie quickly explained about her meeting with Margaret and her pledge of help to her father.  When she had finished the queen laughed.  “Really, Alodie, you are so ridiculously soft hearted, you mean you are going to set this man up in trade?  A man you have never even met”

“I’ve met his little girl and that was enough, they deserve a chance” Pulling on the first gown which came to hand she grabbed her netted purse.

Aehlswith threw up her hands.  “I give in, Alodie, I’ll tell the steward to give him an order for ten barrels a month, if he’s any good I’ll double it”

Alodie pecked her cheek then pattered down the stairs to the kitchen.  A tall, thin man in his early thirties dressed in ragged homespuns was standing in the doorway.   As Alodie walked in he looked up at her, with Margaret’s eyes.  “Is your name Wat?” she asked kindly and gestured to a seat.

“Yes, ma’am, I understand you wanted to see me”

She smiled “Yes, Wat.  I understand you are a cooper, come in, sit, have you eaten?”

“N - no, Margaret is waiting supper for me”

“Of course she is, wonderful child, that”

BOOK: Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance)
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