Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance) (71 page)

Read Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance) Online

Authors: Kathryn Anderson

Tags: #Trading, #Mission, #25th Century, #Futuristic, #Time Travel, #Space Travel, #Romanc, #Vikings, #Earth, #Female Captain, #Ship, #9th Century, #Adventure, #Sea King, #Adult, #Erotic, #Sexy, #Black Hole, #Time Warp

BOOK: Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance)
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“Long enough, Captain Austen, now tell your husband that you love me and have always done so”

Alodie glared up at him, anger momentarily overtaking her fear, then rationality intruded.  He was hovering six feet above their heads, the hiss of the anti gravity belt filling the room, he had a psi gun trained on her husband and her father held captive in a noisome cell somewhere.  She was unarmed and the only chance she had of saving them both was to do as he said - she looked at Herger,  her love for him burned like a flame, how could she possibly break his heart.  “I - I cannot” she said at last.

“Then I will” he snarled, then lapsing into Norse said “Herger Sigvardson, listen to me”

“Come down and face me, sorcerer” snapped Herger.  “Fight me, man to man, no magic”

Olaf smiled.  “That I cannot do Herger and we both know it, however, there is something you should know.  Your wife, she is my creature Herger”

Herger gave a yell and jumping into the air took a swing at the hovering Olaf but he easily moved out of the way and wagged his finger remonstratively.  “Now,  now Herger, use that handsome head of yours.  We speak the same language, your wife and I, she gave me her bracelet”

“That means naught, my wife speaks Bohemian, many people do, you may have learned it, and as for the bracelet.......”

Olaf laughed.  “Yes, and the bracelet?”

“Alodie is a woman and feared of your magic”

Olaf laughed again.  “I sent Alodie to you, she is my woman and always was, she is coming with me now of her own free will, tell him Alodie”

Alodie took a deep breath and looked up.  Surely Herger could see the hate in her eyes for Olaf, surely he was not so blind.  Herger’s deep green eyes were burning into her, he held out his hand and took hers, with an effort of will she pulled away from him.  “It is true Herger” she said at last “I am Olaf’s woman and always have been”

With a groan Herger fell to his knees, his sword clattering to the ground.  “She made a good spy Herger!” sneered Olaf.

“I can’t believe it!” croaked Herger  “Alodie my love, tell me it isn’t true”

Olaf laughed again.  Alodie sensed hysteria creeping in.  “Why - you thought she was a sorceress yourself did you not Herger?   Why did I not kill you that day in the glade and how did you get well so quickly?  Not by her hand, by mine” he sneered.

Suddenly a germ of an idea sprang into Alodie’s mind, she had to let Herger know that this was a sham and she had suddenly thought of a way to do it, she turned to face him, her back was toward Olaf.  “Herger” she commanded “look at me”   he glanced up, confusion burning in his green eyes.  Alodie gave him an exaggerated wink and mouthed
‘It is all a lie, I love you’
.  “I am going with Olaf willingly, and everything he said is true” she said and with a calmness she did not feel she held up her hands towards Olaf.

Grinning wolfishly Olaf descended and took Alodie’s hands in his.  He exuded confidence and his guard had begun to slip, now if she could only somehow distract him long enough....... Herger’s sword was lying in front of her and Olaf kicked it arrogantly out of the way, and toward Herger.

Realising that it was now or never Alodie suddenly pushed Olaf.  The force of the push and the unexpectedness of it took him completely off guard and he fell heavily into the nearest table.  With a yell of exultation Herger grabbed the sword and by the time Olaf was sitting up shaking his head Herger had the point at his throat.

“Herger my love, listen to me” she said quietly “I never met this man before that day he wounded you, however he has a weapon which could wipe out the entire hall, do not let him move his hands, I must get the bracelets from him”

Herger turned and nodded, Alodie bent down and quickly retrieved her bracelet from his belt, pulled Herger’s from his wrist and removed his laser bracelet which she noticed was also a transmitting device.  Slipping her bracelet quickly on her wrist she stood on tiptoe and kissed Herger on the cheek.  “My love” she whispered “he has my father held prisoner, I need to know where”

Herger spun round.  “Your father?”

Alodie nodded.  “I will leave it to you my lord, his magic was in his bracelet, he is harmless now, apart from his flying belt”

With that she turned and walked quickly toward Halfdan who was laying prone across the table with Gudrun bending over him.  The little woman looked up with tears in her eyes and shook her head.  “Keep your bracelet Alodie, it is too late, that bastard has killed him!”

“Alodie” snapped Herger.  She turned, he had Olaf by the throat and was holding him in the air with one hand.  Alodie winced at his strength, Olaf must weigh at least two hundred pounds and he was kicking and choking. 

“Yes, my lord” she said quietly.

“If you want me to find out your father’s whereabouts leave and take the women with you.  This will not take long - Erik, heat up your dagger”

Alodie nodded, beckoning to the women, and headed up the stairs.  As one they followed - the first screams rang out before they had got five yards along the passageway.

Silently, ignoring the nervously chattering women, Alodie walked into her room.  She felt numb, unbelieving, the information she had been given not registering, impossible.

Herger’s bracelet
on the dresser then gripped her upper arms and slumped down onto the bed.  Her father, here - here all along.  She had not been alone at all!

Standing up she walked over to the window and opening it looked out over the dirty, vibrant city.  The window faced north, somewhere out there in that direction was the only other person, apart from Herger and the children, who meant anything to her and he was helpless in a filthy dungeon.  He could be dying, dead at this very moment, and even if they set off straight away it would take days, possibly weeks, in
The Freyja
to get to wherever it was they were holding him.  Alodie dug her nails into her upper arms.  “Dad” she whispered “what can I do?”

She rubbed her temples.  There was always the shuttle, with that she could be there and back within the hour, but how to explain to Herger?  She had enough to explain already without the miracle of her father being over a thousand miles away and appearing the same night.

Glancing up as a sudden clamour from the hall assailed her ears, she jumped off the bed and running to the door threw it open, almost colliding with Skallagrim as she did so.  “I beg of you to keep to your room milady Alodie” he stammered.  “Olaf has escaped, they were about to divest him of his magic belt but before they could do so he took to the air.  Lord Herger and the other warriors have set off in pursuit but he is afeard that Olaf will attempt to kidnap you and has ordered me to make sure you are locked in your room”

Alodie nodded.  “Who is seeing for the king’s body?  In all this I do not wish him to be neglected.”

Skallagrim waved his hand feebly.  “Milady Gudrun has had him removed to his chamber and is seeing to his laying out”

Alodie picked up her skirts.  “She will need help, I must go to her”

Skallagrim put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her backwards with surprising strength.  “Milady, please!  The sorcerer!” he quavered “I am on my way to help her now, stay in your room, lock your door, he cannot fly through walls.......” he paused and bit his lower lip “...can he?”

Alodie smiled.  “Rest easy Skallagrim, he cannot fly through walls”

Suddenly the usher gasped and his eyes widened in horror at something behind her.  Alodie, puzzled, began to turn her head but before she could do so an arm like a steel band swept round her shoulders pulling her backwards and a hand was clamped over her mouth.  “No, worm, Olaf the Black cannot fly through walls, he can, however, fly through open windows.  Very remiss of you milady”

She tried to scream but no sound came out, so tightly was her mouth clamped.  Closing her eyes in panic she felt herself being pulled backwards into the room and heard the bang as the door was kicked shut.  There was silence for a second or two then the sound of Skallagrim’s feet pattering quickly down the  corridor.

Olaf released Alodie and pushed her roughly, toward the bed, she sprawled across it, at the same time hearing the key turn in the lock.   Taking a deep breath she pushed herself to her feet and turned toward her captor, he was leaning against the door, grinning.  “Did you think you could escape me so easily my beauty?” he asked, running his tongue across his thin lips.

Alodie got off the bed and drew herself up to her full height.   “Let me go Olaf, you will never beat Herger, he will hunt you to the ends of the Earth”

“Not if we are back in Segensfjord, which incidentally is impregnable, weeks before he gets to us”

Alodie tutted.  “The belt will not carry two of us over the
North Sea
, you’ll be lucky if it gets you out of the city”

Olaf grinned wolfishly.  “True, it won’t, but it will get us to where I have two swift horses and from there t’will be just a few hours to your - what is the word - 
With that we will be in Segensfjord within minutes if Jake is to be believed”.

“I have no idea what you mean, what shuttle?”

Olaf laughed and taking her hand drew it to his lips.  “It is ironic really.  Jake came to the only person on this planet capable of either believing or understanding his story.  If he had landed anywhere else he would have either been worshipped as a god or burned as a demon.  I immediately accepted him for what he was - is, a man from the future, and when I heard about the unusual name of my old friend  Herger’s wife, her beauty and her incredible healing powers, I put two and two together.  You got Herger from that cell in Winchester to Hergersby by shuttle my dear, a craft which travels through the air at unimaginable speeds, and it is only logical to assume that you have your shuttle kept safely somewhere near Hergersby.  Now then, shall we leave?”

Alodie shook her head, the sound of footsteps pounding up the corridor filling her heart with renewed hope.  “I would never let you near my shuttle Olaf” she hissed.

“That’s a shame” he said quietly.

“Prepare to die, Olaf” she snapped, stepping back as the room began to reverberate with the terrific banging which had started on the door.

He laughed and walking across to the dresser picked up Herger’s bracelet and slipped it on his wrist.  “I think not, Alodie” he said.  “I repeat, it is a shame.  Just after you left this morning, forty of my men invested Hergersby and took two prisoners” he glanced up and smiled evilly “two small prisoners” Alodie gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.  “Even now my dragon ship is heading north towards Segensfjord my beauty and I have given instructions that if I am not on hand to meet it when it arrives the two small prisoners are to be....” he drew his finger across his throat.  “Herger could never catch my boat, even in
The Freyja
” the door began to give under the strain and she heard Herger’s voice shouting her name.  “Shall we depart my lady?”

Alodie nodded, dumbly, “I will get my cloak” she whispered.  Opening the chest she pulled out her thick velvet travelling cloak and fastened it round her neck.

Climbing onto the window ledge Olaf held out his arms and with a feeling bordering on nausea Alodie clambered up and stood next to him.  Gripping her round the waist he powered up the belt, and as the hum began to fill the room the door crashed open and Herger ran in followed by his warriors.

With a snarl he leaped towards the window, his sword held above his shoulder like a dagger, his teeth bared.   “Get down, Alodie, NOW!” he yelled.

She heard the belt give out its crackling buzz and gave a small scream as Olaf stepped out into the night.  “Herger!” she s
“he has taken the children, they are on his ship.....he has threatened to kill them!” She glanced down as Herger lunged out of the window and grabbed at her cloak - he missed.  “Leave me Herger!
f he is harmed the children will be killed.  Oh my darling I love you so much”

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