Viking Vengeance (11 page)

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Authors: Griff Hosker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Military, #War, #Historical Fiction

BOOK: Viking Vengeance
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"Yet they are still punished for murder. They are hanged." She nodded.  "Then the result is still the same, death.  Harald would have been dead no matter what.  It is only the manner which upsets you."

I awoke energised. The previous night had made me more determined than ever to punish King Egbert and send a message to the world that no one was too big to be punished by Jarl Dragonheart.. Before I began to plan this great raid I visited with Aiden. "All of these parchments," I swept my hand around them.  I suspected he had been poring over them all night, "are important.  I would have you record our deeds.  The stories Haaken tells and sings can be passed on but he only records the glorious things.  I would have the future know how we lived. It is what the monks do.  Macha and Deidra can help you."

"That is good, Jarl and Macha and Deidra will be happy to help me.  I have spoken with them.  They miss the work they did when they lived in the Christian House of Women."

"Good." I turned to leave.

"Jarl, I have found how the Warlord died.  It is written here."

I was more than interested in this.  If our lives were somehow entwined through time then this could have a bearing on me.

"The Warlord was betrayed by his nephew.  He was poisoned and then slain when he was helpless.  His son became warlord and killed the murderer. Then he too was betrayed by his second in command.  He vanished beyond Wyddfa."

"And this wizard, the one whose tomb we found..."

" Myrddyn."

Aye.  What happened to him?"

"He vanished. He just disappeared. The new warlord kept seeking him but he disappeared from this world."

"And we found his tomb.  Who laid him there?"

"I know not.  The more we discover the less we know.  There is still much to learn.  I would visit Wyddfa again."

"That would be too dangerous."

Kara had been listening. "My father is right. The Weird Sisters will decide what we ought to know."

I bowed to the two of them.  They knew the spirits better than I did.

Even though we had been successful in our pursuit of the Danish war band we had still lost warriors. There were homes with men who would never return.  I went around each one giving them their share of the coins we had reaped as our reward.  It would not bring back their men folk but it might allow them to buy animals.  Our people were fine cheese makers.  We would survive.

Wolf Killer took his men off to the Mere to begin to build their new home.  We had all learned lessons from the places we had built and we had learned from each other.  He left Elfrida and his family to be protected at Cyninges-tūn. I had given the rest of my jarls and warriors a month to decide if they would raid with me.  Five days after our return I went with my Ulfheonar and some of the single men down to Úlfarrston. I told Brigid that we might be away for half a month.  She understood. She was with child once more and Kara and Elfrida would be better for her than me.

When we reached Úlfarrston I warned my other captains that we would be raiding in a month or so.  Olaf Grimsson was honoured that I chose
'Red Snake'
to visit Dyflin and
Ljoðhús. I had brought with me two swords which had been made by Bjorn Bagsecgson.  They would be gifts for the two jarl. We were lightly crewed.  I just had twenty men with me.  We were not going to war, we were going to make allies. As we left I saw a knarr leave as another arrived.  So much trade; we were prospering.

Dyflin was the shorter of the two voyages.  We left at dawn and reached it by dusk. This time we would accept Hakon the Bald's hospitality.  I made it clear to my Ulfheonar that they were to stay relatively sober and keep their ears open. Aiden had taught me that all knowledge was valuable; even gossip. Olaf had brought some goods to trade.  We always had an excess of fine worked metal.  Bjorn's smiths made excellent tools for ship building. Olaf could build up his supply of gold and silver.

Hakon the Bald appeared more than happy to see me and even more delighted that we would stay the night.  I had already primed Haaken to sing a song of our adventures.  Such sagas encouraged young warriors to join a venture. "Come, Jarl Dragonheart, we will drink some of the fine wine you brought from Vasconia."

"Before we do and before I am in my cups I would speak with you on a delicate matter."

He might appear rotund and jolly but Hakon had a sharp and cunning mind.  "You intrigue me. Come we will walk along the river bank it is restful there."

Dyflin was a bustling town.  It was a mixture of Úlfarrston and Cyninges-tūn.  There were Hibernians and Norse, cheek by jowl. The accents and the language was varied.  It felt quite exotic. Hakon found a quiet spot beneath a tree.  He dismissed the two boys who were fishing there. "Now then Jarl, what is this about?  Do you seek revenge on the Danes who raided your land?"

I shook my head, "They are dead or fled.  We destroyed them."

"Did you lose many men?  I heard that Harald Iron Shirt is a cunning warrior."

I was immediately suspicious.  How did he know who it was?  I had not spoken his name. I kept my face expressionless. "He was a coward and without honour.  Ketil Windarsson gave him the blood eagle."

He nodded, "And that is only right for such a coward.  What do you wish of me then?" I saw cunning in his eyes.  He knew more than he was saying.

"Do you know who put him up to this?"

Affecting an innocent look which did not fool me he shook his head.  "You have many enemies, Jarl Dragonheart, but I would have thought that this Harald operated for his own gain."

"Had he done so he would have taken more than he did.  He attacked but two settlements.. It is no matter.  No the reason I come to you is that I am going to raid.  The Saxon lands proved a rich source of treasure I would go with more drekar next time.  I wondered if you had any young men who might wish to join my venture."


"Perhaps. We have yet to decide.  If any wish to come with me then they will be told after we sail."

"You are a careful man.  But warriors like to know the dangers before they sail."

"Then I do not want such warriors.  Those who sail with me must expect to sail beyond the western sea."

"I see. I will ask then."

I took the sword from my belt.  "As a gift for your support in this matter I have had a sword made for you." All of Bjorn's swords were well made.  I had paid for two particularly fine specimens. It was not just a generous gesture, others would see the blade and they would wish to buy them from Bjorn.  He was now the richest man in my land.

"A generous gift.  I will do as you ask and encourage my young men to see such an adventure."

As we walked back I could see his cunning mind at work.  There would be dissatisfied young men in his land.  If they came with me he would be rid of them.  He would be more secure and he would have put me in his debt.  I understood the way his mind worked. It was why I had not mentioned Egbert or Wessex.  I suspected that he knew something of the matter.

That evening Haaken was in fine form. He sang the saga of the death of Magnus the Foresworn.

Brave men fight for a Jarl who is strong

Whose sword is sharp and reach is long

They row and fight for honour and glory

When they do not then their end is gory

Ragnar's Spirit the legend blade

Ragnar's Spirit by Odin made

With a heart as black as Hel's domain

Magnus Foresworn brought death and pain

He killed the weak and ran away

Hiding deep in Din Guardi

Ragnar's Spirit the legend blade

Ragnar's Spirit by Odin made

Standing high atop a rocky mound

The castle was built on perfect ground

With no way in save through the gate

The killer hid from his well earned fate

Ragnar's Spirit the legend blade

Ragnar's Spirit by Odin made

Dragonheart led with light of blue

Ten Ulfheonar brave and true

Beneath the sea and black of night

They sought their way to the castle's light

Ragnar's Spirit the legend blade

Ragnar's Spirit by Odin made

When the sea surged high and lapped the feet

A boon of Odin they did entreat

When the waters fell and the door they found

They entered the castle and made not a sound

Ragnar's Spirit the legend blade

Ragnar's Spirit by Odin made

Up to the tower remote and cold

They went well armed with hearts so bold

The traitor fled, he tried to run

To the east and the rising sun

Ragnar's Spirit the legend blade

Ragnar's Spirit by Odin made

Ragnar's Spirit flashed in the night

Bringing death bloody and bright

The traitor fell to the rocks below

He tumbled long and he tumbled slow

The warriors fought King Eanred's men

Taking Saxon god with them

Odin moved the sea and sand

To help the noble wolf warrior band

They rode away with heads held high

And praised great Odin in the sky

Ragnar's Spirit the legend blade

Ragnar's Spirit by Odin made

Ragnar's Spirit the legend blade

Ragnar's Spirit by Odin made

The men of Dyflin banged their tables and demanded three more recitals. I saw Hakon the Bald give a nod of approval as he stood and said, "A fine saga and worthy of the great Haaken One Eye.  Jarl Dragonheart looks for a crew to join him on a raid of the Saxon shores.  I will provide the drekar, who will join the crew?"

The story had worked and we had a goodly crew.  Gunnstein Berserk-Killer was the one they chose as captain. Despite his dramatic title he was a relatively young man but I liked him straight away.  He had honest eyes and his handshake was firm.

"I will lead a crew and we will follow you for a raid." Hakon nodded and went to fetch more ale.  Gunnstein then added quietly, "I grow tired of living off whores and Hibernians.  I am a warrior and I would take heads of my own. Where do we raid?"

"Bring your drekar to Úlfarrston by the end of the month and we will have decided by then."

Like me he was not drunk and he smiled, "It is good that you keep your counsel. Jarl Hakon welcomes many guests here in Dyflin and I would not drink with some of them!"

Enigmatically he left it at that.

The next morning as we headed north Snorri said, "I did as you asked, Jarl, and I listened.  King Egbert sent emissaries to Hakon last year. It seems he asked Hakon to poison you. Hakon said he would think about it."

I was under no illusions.  If Hakon had thought he could have killed me and not suffered for it he would have done so but I still inspired a little fear in him. "You did well and I am glad that I did not reveal all to him."

I sat next to Haaken who was rowing. "It was a good saga although, as I recall it did not happen exactly the way you said."

"It is the licence of the singer and the composer.  It worked did it not?"

"Aye.  Repeat it again at
Ljoðhús and we may have another crew."

Thorfinn Blue Scar was the jarl at Ljoðhús.  He was the opposite of Hakon the Bald.  For a start he was trustworthy and secondly he was a warrior.  I had fought alongside him. I could happily tell him of our enemy.

As we entered the bay I noticed that there was but one drekar moored. We tied up to the jetty and Thorfinn himself came to greet us.  "My friend! What brings you here?"

I took the sword I had for him.  It was better than the one I had given Hakon,.  This one had a dragon etched onto the blade and the pommel stone was a blue stone.  It was not the same as mine but a deeper blue. "Here is a present for you."

He took it and ran his fingers along the etched dragon.  This is a fine sword."  His eyes narrowed suspiciously, "What do I have to do to earn this prize?"

I laughed, "It is yours to keep and we will sail back to our own home now if you wish."

"No, my friend, stay the night and tell me what you really came for."

Once inside I told him of the attack by Harald Iron Shirt. "I know of him. He is a hired sword who leads a band of brigands to do the work of the highest bidder.  He fought alongside
Alpín mac Echdach.  Had I found him I, too, would have given him the blood eagle.  The world is better off without him."


"And you want to find the man who paid him?"

Something in his voice told me that he knew who it was. "You have an idea who it was?"

"Three months since a ship came from Wessex.  King Egbert let it be known that he would make an ally of anyone who brought him the head of your son and return to him his wife, Elfrida."

"You told him no."

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