Viking Vengeance (21 page)

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Authors: Griff Hosker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Military, #War, #Historical Fiction

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"And our men?"

He waved a hand towards a long empty table at the far end of the room. "They can sit there." He made it sound casual but I understood why he did it.  We would have no protection. If there was treachery then they would not be able to reach us.  More importantly Aiden would find it harder to read Hakon's mind. I just smiled, "Aiden, take our men to that table yonder."

Aiden nodded. He would command my men if trouble began. I saw Hrolf try to follow me but Aiden spoke in his ear and he complied.

I watched Hakon's servants carefully as they poured the ale.  I made sure that they also topped up Hakon's from the same jug.  I did not wish to be poisoned. The servant poured Hakon's and them mine. "So, Jarl did you fight King Egbert?"

"Aye.  He brought his army." I noticed that the table of Hakon's oathsworn stopped speaking to listen to us. "He has brave men who follow him.  Were Haaken here he would tell the tale far better than I could.  King Egbert did not impress me as a leader.  He sent men to do his fighting and he remained safe from harm.  That is not how I view a leader of warriors."

I knew I had hit a nerve when Hakon coloured.  He had not led his men in battle for at least ten years.  "Then you defeated him?"

I shook my head, "We were betrayed.  He came to fight us earlier than he should.  Someone had told him what we were about.  He brought his whole army but we killed many of them and we escaped with our lives and much of his treasure."

I noticed Arne the Twisted shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Hakon said, innocently, "How do you know you were betrayed?  Perhaps it was the Weird Sisters toying with you."

"No, my friend.  When we took Hamwic we were told that the King was in Corn Walum fighting King Mark. Even had someone from Hamwic reached him, and none did, then it would have taken him many more days to reach us than he did. He must have started for Wintan-ceastre the day after we landed. We were betrayed."

"But I thought you trusted all of your men?"

"I know it was not one of my men.  All of my drekar were with me.  No man could have reached Egbert save by a fast ship. No, we were betrayed by someone closer to home and when I find the traitor I will tear his treacherous heart from his body."

"The world is a sad place when we cannot trust our friends." He shook his head, "Come let us drink and enjoy this evening."

I gave a slight nod to Gunnstein Berserk-Killer.  "Jarl Hakon the drekar you loaned us needs repair.  There was so much weed on her hull that it slowed down the Jarl's fleet. Perhaps
'Dragon's Breath'
would have been a better drekar to use.  She is the fastest drekar in Dyflin.  Why, I would bet she could beat any of the Jarl's ships."

He looked into his ale as though seeking the answer. "But surely you would have had to sail at the speed of the knarr you took."

He had tripped himself up, "Who said we took knarr with us?"

He looked at me, startled, "Why you did or Gunnstein."

"No, we did not.  How did you know?"

"Someone must have told me."

"Someone who was spying on us?"

"I get many visitors here, who remembers where we hear such things."

"And you are not friends with Man?"

"Of course not."

"Then what was the drekar doing in your port?"

"Jarl Dragonheart, this is my hall and I will not be spoken to like this.  I have no idea where I heard about your knarr and the men of Man are not my allies."

I nodded, "Perhaps I was mistaken." I stood and shouted, "Aiden."

Aiden stood and left the table carrying the leather bound gift. Hakon looked worried, "What does you galdramenn bring, Jarl Dragonheart?"

"A gift.  It is something we discovered in a Roman fort and I thought it might amuse you."

Aiden placed the horn before me and then whispered in my ear, "The spirits have spoken.  He lies but we knew that anyway."

I whispered back to him, "I know.  Have the men be ready for my signal."

"I like not whispers at my table, Jarl Dragonheart. They hint at conspiracy and plots."

I smiled, "I apologise but he had information which he knew that I needed."


"He is a galdramenn.  He reads minds and he speaks with the spirits."

"Reads minds?"

I ignored him and took out the horn. "See this fine horn. The Romans used it in battle to send orders to their men. Interesting eh?"

"Yes, " he said suspiciously. 

"Much as you were sent orders by King Egbert," I smiled as I said it and he was discomfited. He started as though he had been pricked.

"That is a lie!"

Keeping my voice calm I said, "Think of your words before you accuse me of lying." I picked up the horn and stood.  "I have not used this much but it makes an interesting sound, listen." I blew it. The noise made some warriors jump.  It was loud as I knew it would be. I blew a long strident note. The Romans had designed them well and the sound could carry a long way.  I had no doubt it reached my Ulfheonar as they waited beyond the gates.

I laid it down and looked at Hakon the Bald.  "I accuse you, Jarl Hakon the Bald, of betraying me and serving King Egbert of Wessex. I accuse you of conspiring with the men of Man to attack not only my men but your own warriors, Gunnstein Berserk-Killer and his men."

There was a chilling silence in the hall.  His men had heard me accuse the Jarl of treachery and he had not denied it. He shook his head and his voice was quiet as he spoke. "I did not.  It is a lie."

I drew my sword.  "I told you before that you do not accuse me of lying but we have a way of settling this." I turned to the room. "I have accused your Jarl of treachery. He says I lie.  He is your Jarl but I challenge him to mortal combat.  Warrior to warrior.  Jarl to Jarl! I would not spill the blood of any others but I want no interference!"

Still Hakon sat, his hands on the table. "I will not spill the blood of a warrior who is deluded." His eyes darted around the room looking for support.

I would not kill a man out of hand.  If I slew this Hakon the Bald while his sword lay sheathed, even though he was guilty then I would make enemies of all of his men and Gunnstein would not become jarl. I reached down and tore Hakon's purse from his belt. Laying my sword down I opened the purse and emptied the coins on the table.  It was a gamble but one worth taking.  I picked one up and held it for all to see.

"A coin from Wessex.  A golden coin.  A coin which bought this jarl's treachery." I threw it to a warrior on the next table and picked up another.  "And a second." I threw it to another table. "And  third!" As I threw this to another table I ran the rest of the coins through my fingers.  "Each one tells me that this man betrayed me.  I offer to fight and he declines. Why do you follow a faithless jarl?  Why do you follow a man who sends his own warriors, like Gunnstein Berserk-Killer to their deaths?"

A murmur ran around the room and I saw fear in the face of Hakon the Bald as he sensed the mood change. I saw his eyes flicker behind me as he went for his sword.  As I reached for mine I felt a searing pain in my back as Arne the Twisted, who was seated next to me, rammed his seax under my left arm and into my back.

"Treachery!" Gunnstein lunged across me to stab the assassin in the neck. Hakon swung his sword at me but I managed to deflect it.  The pain in my back was dull but I could feel the blood trickling down beneath my kyrtle. There was mayhem in the hall.  My men, led by Aiden, raced over towards me. Gunnstein's men followed.  I punched Hakon the Bald hard in the face with my left hand and he reeled back. I brought Ragnar's Spirit over above my head as he fell.  He barely blocked the blow and my blade left a tiny wound on his bald head.  His blood dripped down to his nose.  He tried to wriggle backwards to evade my attack.

"That is right! Wriggle like the snake that you are but I will end your squirming this night!"

Behind me I heard Aiden give a second and third blast to the horn.  It was the signal that I was in danger. Hakon tried to kick my legs from under me as one of his warriors thrust his sword at my unprotected right side.  I blocked it and Hakon regained his feet. Suddenly a Danish war axe swung over and took the sword from my attacker.  Rolf Horse Killer could maim warriors too.

Hakon took advantage of my distraction and lunged at me.  Years of good eating and indolence had dulled and slowed his reflexes.  I swept his blade aside and, pulling his carcass towards me I head butted him. I knew that the wound was weakening me.  As Hakon reeled back I ended it by bringing my sword horizontally across his neck. His reflexes were not quick enough and my sword took his head cleanly.

There was a moment's silence as his men took in the death of their jarl. He had already eliminated many of the leaders who might have opposed him and there was indecision.  I heard two shouts.  First Gunnstein shouted, "Jarl Hakon is dead! I claim this hall!"

Then I heard, from the far door the shout, "Ulfheonar!"

Confusion reigned as even Hakon's men began to fight amongst themselves. Those who still saw themselves as Hakon's oathsworn, threw themselves at us. This was not a battlefield.  We had neither shield nor helmet.  Most men had no armour.  The benches and the tables proved as dangerous as traps and pits in a ditch and, even worse, you did not know who were your enemies.

Aiden, Rolf and Hrolf stood behind me to protect my back. I was wounded and it would have been foolish to range far. We would have to endure this attack.  If the Weird Sisters wished me dead then they would sever my thread and I would join my comrades in Valhalla. The four of us had our backs to a table.  I heard a thump as someone jumped on top of the table.  I was about to turn when I heard Aiden say, "It is Erik Wolf Claw!" I felt his hand as he jammed it beneath my mail. "I have a cloth.  I will try to staunch the bleeding.  You should hide beneath the table!"

"Jarl Dragonheart does not die hiding from his foes! If this is my day to die then I face them on my feet looking them in the eye!" Two warriors ran at me even as I spoke. One stabbed at my eyes with his sword as the second tried to gut me like a fish. A warrior worries about his eyes and I blocked that blow. I saw a seax deflect the second sword down and then Hrolf's new blade ripped open the warrior. I grabbed the first warrior and pulled him close to me.  I brought up Ragnar's Spirit and it came out at his neck. "You chose to follow a poor leader my friend but you were brave enough.  Go to Valhalla!"

It was a terrifying scene before me.  The hall was filled with whirling men and blades. I saw warriors stabbed in the back by those they thought were friends a moment earlier. I could see my Ulfheonar carving a path towards me but there was still an army of enemies between us. "Aiden, sound the horn until I tell you to stop!"

My galdramenn began blowing as though his life depended upon it. Men looked up as the strident notes filled the hall.  Many stopped fighting and then so did the others. I shouted, "Stop." When the notes stopped they seemed to eerily echo around the hall.  "Stop fighting! You men of Dyflin you are brothers fighting brother! You can follow Hakon the Bald no longer and his assassin lies dead. I order you to follow Gunnstein Berserk-Killer; he is a true leader and worthy to be your jarl!" I raised my sword.  "This is the sword touched by the gods! If I speak an untruth then let Odin himself strike me down!"

I raised the sword.  It was an effort.  I felt my life leaving me but I gritted my teeth.  If I fell now then a massacre would ensue. There was silence at first one and then another, men sheathed their swords while others began to bang the tables with their swords and chanted, "Dragonheart!" over and over. I sheathed my sword. Snorri led my Ulfheonar to race to my side.

"You did it Jarl! You defeated the  evil that was Hakon."

I nodded and that was an effort.  I felt my eyes closing. I felt life leaving me, "Tell my son he is to rule after I am gone. Tell Kara she was right.  There was a knife in the night and it has killed me." Then blackness took over and I saw nothing more.







Chapter 15

I dreamed or perhaps it was my journey to the Otherworld I did not know.

I seemed to float.  I was not in this world but it did not look like the Otherworld.  I heard no sounds and I saw no lights.  All was darkness. I felt a cold like the coldest snow and ice.  It chilled me to my heart. I had a sudden memory. I knew not where it came from; was this the same as those moments before I was born? Would I emerge like a new born babe in the Otherworld? I remembered I had sheathed my sword.  I had not died with a sword in my hand! I would not go to Valhalla! I had no concept of this other place.  I had expected to die and join those like Cnut, Prince Butar, and Rolf who had died before me.  I would not be with my warriors! I would drift in an empty void.  I would not enjoy stories of great battles and I would not see those like Ragnar and Butar.

Then I saw a light and I spied, not my dead wife Erika, but my mother.  I had not seen her, even in my dreams, for many years.  She was suddenly beside me and she put her hands on my wound.  I felt it grow warm and I felt more comfortable. Her head came close to mine and she kissed my cheek and I felt warmth return.  She leaned close to my ear and said, "
This is not your time, my son.  There is work for you yet. You must make your land safe.  Make your land safe

She began to fade and I tried to reach for her but I could not move.  I tried to run after her but it was as though I was trapped in cloying mud.  Then I saw Kara's face and all went black once more.

I opened my eyes and saw, not Kara, but her husband, Aiden. It was daylight.  Where had the night gone? Aiden looked worried.  I opened my mouth to speak and croaked rather than spoke.  He smiled and poured water into my mouth.  "He lives! The Jarl lives!"

I heard a cheer.  I tried to rise.

"No Jarl, you were as close to death as any I have seen.  You lie there until I say you move.  Your warriors have granted me the power to order your life until we return home."

I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I spoke, "What happened?"

"The warriors all decided to support you. They had had enough of Hakon.  When he refused to fight you they ended their support for him.  Gunnstein is Jarl."

"Good. And have we lost many warriors?"

"Two, Sven from Langdale and Einar Karlsson. They died well."

"That is two too many.  I will make amends with their families." I hesitated, "and will I live?"

"You will.  Arne the Twisted almost ended you life.  He found a place beneath your mail. It was a cunning blow and had he been able to point it down rather than up he would have found out if you truly had the heart of a dragon.  As it is you have lost a great deal of blood.  I do not want you to move for at least three days while we build up your strength. We need Kara to cast her eye over you."

I lay back and closed my eyes.  I must have slept for when I awoke it was dark once more. Hrolf was seated next to me and he was staring at me. "Can I get you anything?  Aiden said you needed food and ale to make you stronger.  Which would you like?"


He nodded and poured some from a ladle into a horn.  "It is warmed honeyed ale with some spices and herbs.  I thought it might be a potion but he told me it was just herbs and spices."

He held it to my lips while his arm supported my head.  It was warming and aromatic.  The smell alone made me feel better.  I drank it all.


"Not just yet.  Let this begin to work."

He put the horn next to the cauldron containing the beer. "When I saw you fall I thought that my world was ending.  You are not supposed to die. You are Dragonheart."

"I am a mortal, Hrolf and I can be killed.  Many men have tried."

"But you cannot be killed in combat.  I have seen you fight and you are better than any you have faced."

"That is because you have not see me face a warrior who is good enough.  Hakon was a weak, fat coward.  The Eorls I fought were old men or lazy men.  When I face a warrior who is as good as my Ulfheonar then I will be given a test."

"Are there such warriors?"

"Aye, they are out there.  I am just lucky that I have not met one lately. I have fought them but then I was younger.  Each wound makes me a little weaker." I looked at him. "I will die one day and it will be in combat."

"What the witch said, about me finding another jarl, I do not wish to."

"I thank you for that but it is not your decision.  It is the Weird Sisters who decide. Your destiny lies in Neustria. You must find a jarl who seeks riches there.  You must learn from him so choose wisely.  As you saw from Hakon the Bald there are poor jarls."

"Do I need to decide now?"

"No, we have a winter to endure and to reflect upon the deeds we have done. Come the time of the new grass I will take my ships and I will aid Gunnar Thorfinnson to extract retribution from the men of Man.  You will still be with us and there may be a jarl looking for someone like you; a young warrior who is favoured by the gods."

"I am favoured?"

"The witch seemed to think so and the Norns have been kind to you. "There is treasure for you in Cyninges-tūn."

"But I was a slave, I did not expect you to honour your promise."

"I am Jarl Dragonheart and I keep every promise that I make.  Besides I , too, was a slave once.  We share a past."

Aiden returned, "You are awake.  Has he drunk?"


"And eaten?"

"Not yet."

Aiden turned, "Come Ulf and Erik, we must help him to his feet." My two Ulfheonar entered and grinned when they saw me.


"You need to make water. I do not want you standing unaided.  When you have made water you will want to eat."

"How do you know?"

"I am galdramenn." He laughed, "And I have read it in the writings of the priests."

He was right and I did manage to eat.  Three days after I had been wounded I was helped to my drekar.  I refused to be carried but it was harder than I had thought.  My legs felt as though they would not support my body.

I sail with Erik Short Toe. Sitting by the steering board I spoke to him about Olaf Grimsson. Snorri joined as we spoke, "What think you of our new captain.  Did he sail well?"

"From what I saw he did but Snorri can tell you more.  He was aboard with him."

Snorri nodded, "He has an affinity with the drekar and the sea.  Captains like Erik and Olaf are rare. He does not panic. When we were damaged in the storm he spoke calmly to the crew and knew how to sail her so that the damage did not worsen.  I can think of others who might not have saved her."

Erik nodded, "I have followed him and he knows how to get the most from the sails and the hull.  Why the questions, Jarl Dragonheart?"

"We have the drekar we captured from the men of Man.  It is larger than the threttanessa.  Could he handle it?"

"Easily.  He would need a good crew."

"We will get him one."

'Red Snake'

"I have plans for her," I added, enigmatically. I ignored their questioning looks.  The Norns were not the only ones who could weave threads.  I knew the people whom I led.  I would make the best of their abilities.

When we landed Snorri found the most comfortable horse which Coen had in his stable. We rode back to Cyninges-tūn at a snail's pace. None of the men left us.  They were determined that we would all arrive back together. We had treasure but not as much as we normally had.  The warriors we had slain had yielded arms, armour and gold.  Gunnstein Berserk-Killer insisted that I have the coins from Wessex which Hakon had had about him.  He called it weregeld, blood money and he would have none of it.  The treasure we found in his chambers we shared.

Our delayed return must have worried our families. That and the fact that we rode back north through the first of the winter blizzards. When we were detected riding slowly up the road they met us a mile from our gates.  Kara and Brigid were well wrapped in fur cloaks but I was angry.  My wife was carrying our child. Before I could express my anger I saw that Brigid was weeping, "You are wounded!"

Aiden said quietly, "Kara is a volva, Jarl. I suspect she dreamed of the danger."

I nodded and instead of a scowl I gave a smile, "And it is nothing.  Aiden has healed me. I have lost no limbs and no eyes.  There is no metal plate in my head so do not cry!" Brigid began to open her mouth to speak, "And this is not the place to discuss my health or yours. We go to my hall and we will talk there."

Kara followed and she put her arm around Brigid. Before I had met Brigid I had not had this fuss.  I was a warrior and we gained wounds. Once in my hall Kara and Brigid set to making me comfortable.  They would not allow me to do anything.  Kara examined the wound and questioned Aiden to within an inch of his life. "Aiden saved my life.  Let him alone!"

Brigid rounded on me, "Saved your life! I thought it was a scratch!"

I knew I should have kept my mouth shut but eventually Kara seemed satisfied.  "It is good that you do not raid for the winter.  It will heal well."

"Perhaps you should give up raiding."

I was beginning to become cross, "Woman! Know your place. I am Jarl Dragonheart and I will do what I will do!"

A flood of tears ensued and she rushed from the room. Kara wagged her finger at me, "Your wife is carrying your fourth child and yet you seem to know nothing about women.  She is upset and she worries about you!"

She left to comfort Brigid. Aiden began to dress me. "They are strange creatures, Jarl.  They speak and they move much as we do but they are different in so many ways."

It took a whole moon for me to heal sufficiently to be able to exercise and practise with my sword.  Brigid would have made it longer but I was determined to get back to the warrior I was.  Time had been I would have healed in a week but age was catching up with me. The first thing I did was to visit Bjorn Bagsecgson.  I took with me the small bag of stones I had taken from the Saxon eorl.

"It is good to see you up and about Jarl Dragonheart.  We were worried."

"Aye, Bjorn, enemies who face me sword to sword I can deal with, treacherous snakes I cannot."

"I heard.  I asked for your byrnie and I had been working on it. I have lengthened and tightened the mail around the upper arms.  It will be a snugger fit."

"If it restricts my movement then I want it not."

"It will not.  You arm will still have free movement but it should be impossible for a man to get a weapon between the mail and your flesh."

"I thank you.  I have a commission for you." Before I could continue Aiden came into the smithy. "This is timely.  I would take your advice too, Aiden."

"Aye Jarl.  Is it to do with Hrolf?"

I laughed, "Reading minds again eh?"

"No but I know that grow close to him as you grew close to me. He is on your mind. And he will be leaving us soon."

"You have dreamed?"

He nodded, "Aye. He will follow another after we raid Man."

"That is good; it is
."  I took out the pouch of stones and placed them on the anvil.  "I would have a sword made for Hrolf. I know I gave him a short sword but he needs more.  He needs a special weapon.  The Norns have twisted our threads together. A man's sword which he can keep throughout his life. It will remind him whence he came and where he is bound."

They both nodded their approval of such a gesture.

"You wish the stone in the pommel?"

"I do but which stone?"

Aiden moved the two small red ones to one side.  "Not those.  They are too much connected with Wessex and the colour will make enemies desire it. I think they are what was termed wizard's stones.  They can only be owned by a wizard who can control them."

That left the two green and the smaller one which was a blue so pale it looked like a piece of ice. Aiden picked the three up in turn and rolled them around his hand.  He had great skill in the making of jewellery and he knew stones better than any man. He put the green ones down.

"I would choose this one. It is a paler version of your blue stone and it speaks to me. The sword would have a name, Heart of Ice."

Bjorn grinned, "I like that name.  It sings to me.  I can see the sword already." He frowned.  "But how would we fix it in the pommel?"

"I would make the stone have ten sides; one for each of the Ulfheonar. If Bjorn could make the pommel have the same number of sides I could melt one of the Wessex coins to seal it."

"Good.  I like that. It is fitting."

Aiden fingered the stone and rolled it around. "Did not Hrolf dream of being a horseman?"

"Aye he dreamed that he led warriors who were mounted."

"I have read of a way of using acid to etch a design on a weapon.  I could make a horse on the blade."

Even Bjorn was impressed.  "If you could do that then it would be a mighty weapon."

"I would need an old one on which to practise."

Bjorn waved to the corner.  There was a pile of Saxon blades there. "I am going to melt them anyway.  Practise all that you will."

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