Viking Warrior (6 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Medieval, #Romance

BOOK: Viking Warrior
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Wulf watched the color drain from Reyna’s face and decided this had gone on long enough. “Are you finished eating, Reyna?” When she nodded, Wulf pushed himself from the table and rose. “ ’tis time we returned home.”

“I promised to look in on Olaf before I leave,” Reyna protested.

“I will accompany you.”

They found Olaf sitting up in bed, looking forlornly out the window. He perked up immediately when he saw Reyna.

“I thought you forgot me,” the young man said.

“We went to the woods to gather herbs for Reyna’s remedies,” Wulf explained.

“And to slay wild boars,” Olaf replied. “I heard about it from Hagar and enjoyed my share of the meat to-night.”

“May I look at your wound and change your bandage?” Reyna asked. Without waiting for an answer, she selected a jar of salve from a nearby shelf and brought it to Olaf’s bedside. Then she began removing the soiled bandage. While she worked, Wulf and Olaf discussed recent events, including the raid on their farmstead.

“I am glad you are here, Wulf,” Olaf said when the conversation waned. “I wanted to speak with you in private.”

Reyna looked up. “Shall I leave? I am almost finished here.”

“Stay,” Olaf said. “This concerns you as well as Wulf.”

Wulf eyed Olaf warily. “You wish to discuss my thrall with me?”

“Aye, Wulf. Reyna saved your life, did she not?” Wulf
nodded. “She also saved mine and treated the wounded warriors. I cannot imagine why you have not freed her.”

“Reyna is none of your concern, brother. Her fate is mine to decide. Fear not, she will not be ill treated.”

Olaf cleared his throat. “Will you allow me to wed her?”

“What!” Reyna gasped, startled by Olaf’s unusual request.

“Are you feverish, brother? You are too young to wed. Besides, Reyna is unavailable.”

“I appreciate your offer, Olaf,” Reyna injected, “but I am too old for you. One day you will find a woman worthy of being your wife.”

“I am twenty,” Olaf replied, “old enough to know what I want.”

Wulf’s fists clenched at his sides. The thought of Reyna in Olaf’s bed did not sit well with him. “Believe me, Olaf, you do not want Reyna. You are not man enough to handle her.” He sent a guarded look at Reyna. “When I tire of her or she becomes troublesome, you can have her with my good wishes. However, I doubt that day will arrive any time soon, if ever,” he added.

Reyna didn’t appreciate being talked around, as if she were not there. As she tidied up, her anger grew by leaps and bounds. Having heard enough, she turned on the two men.

“You may argue about me all you like, but I will have neither of you. One day I will return to my homeland and my family.”

Turning on her heel, she stormed off.

“What in Odin’s name is wrong with you, brother?” Wulf scolded. “Why did you offer to wed Reyna?”

“She saved your life and mine. How can you ignore her courage? I appreciate her skills enough to wed her
and make her a free woman. If you refuse to let me have her, wed her yourself.”

Wulf shook his head. “There is a great deal about our relationship you do not understand, Olaf. It goes back to the time I raided her farmstead. Suffice it to say, Reyna belongs to me, and I keep what is mine. Concentrate on getting well, not on my thrall.”

Wulf left his brother’s room in a thoughtful mood. Why was everyone concerned about Reyna? Did they think he beat her? Of all his family, Olga was the only one who didn’t like her. And Wulf put Olga’s emotional state down to her pregnancy.

As if his thought had conjured her up, Olga appeared before him. “Might I have a word with you, Wulf?” his sister-in-law asked.

“Of course, Olga. What is it you want?”

“Would you please keep your thrall away from Hagar? I do not like the way he looks at her.”

“There is naught going on between Reyna and Hagar,” Wulf assured her. “ ’tis your condition speaking.”

Olga didn’t look convinced. “I would feel more at ease if Reyna did not share meals with us. None of the other thralls are treated like family.”

“You should discuss your fears with Hagar. He will be the first to tell you he has no interest in Reyna.”

“I know my husband, Wulf. Believe me when I say he wants to bed your thrall.” Tossing her head, she flounced off.

After Olga’s unfounded claim, Wulf left the hall in search of Reyna. He found her in the stillroom, working with her herbs and roots. Helga was with her, their heads together in private conversation.

“What are you two whispering about?”

Reyna turned slowly, frowning when she saw Wulf. “I am teaching Helga about herbal remedies. She is interested
in learning healing skills. Is there something you want?”

“No, I just wondered where you had disappeared to.”

“Why? Have you decided to give me to your brother after all?”

“What?” Helga exclaimed. “Which brother would that be?”

“Olaf,” Reyna said. “If you wish to know more, ask Wulf.”

Refusing to elaborate, she turned back to her work.

Helga shooed him away. “Go away, Wulf, we are busy.”

“What I see is a thrall I have no control over despite the fact that I own her. Very well, continue your work. Just remember, in the end I have final say over Reyna’s fate, no matter what you and the family seem to think.”

“What was that all about?” Helga asked after Wulf left.

“As a reward for saving his life, Olaf wants to wed me. Wulf denied Olaf’s request.”

Helga’s eyes grew wide. “Do you want to marry Olaf?”

Reyna forced a laugh. “No, I do not. He is young and mistakes gratitude for something more. ’tis growing late, we should retire for the night.”

By the time Reyna arrived in the hall, Uma, Lorne and Wulf were all abed. Breathing a sigh of relief, she crawled into her own bed and fell instantly asleep.

The next day Wulf and Hagar left for the trading port of Kaupang, where they intended to sell or trade some of the goods Hagar had obtained in Byzantium this past summer. They took with them a list of commodities that Thora and Olga had requested, including iron pots, pottery, needles and various ribbons and threads. They planned to return within a fortnight.

Reyna spent most of the following two weeks in the
stillroom. Sometimes Helga joined her and once in a while Inga tagged along. Reyna was becoming fond of both girls. Olaf was healing well and now took his meals with the family. When Reyna saw him exercising in the yard, she knew he was well on his way to regaining his former strength.

Regrettably, Uma remained hostile to her, even more so now that Reyna had been given a sleeping alcove of her own. As far as Reyna was concerned, she had earned the right to a bed.

After watching Wulf’s interaction with Uma and Lorne, Reyna realized that Wulf wasn’t a cruel taskmaster, so she couldn’t feel too sorry for his thralls.

Reyna had to admit that life was calmer without Wulf around to remind her of the past. Or taunt her with his handsome face and hard body. The last thing Reyna wanted to think about was Wulf’s warrior’s body.

Reyna was working in the stillroom late one afternoon when Uma came to fetch her. “The master wants you to attend him.”

“Wulf has returned?” Why did Wulf’s return make her feel giddy?

Uma’s voice was sharp with jealousy. “Aye, he asked for you the moment he entered the hall.”

“Tell him I will attend him after I finish what I am doing.”

“You are a bold one,” Uma huffed. “I would be punished if I disobeyed an order.”

“Name one instance in which Wulf punished you.”

Uma stared mutely at her.

“I thought not. Give Wulf my message and tell him if he cannot wait, he can come here.”

Reyna never expected Wulf to take her words literally. She was putting the finishing touches on an elixir to
cure coughs and colds when Wulf stormed into the still-room, slamming the door behind him with enough force to shake the building.

“How dare you disobey me!” Wulf roared. “You may have forgotten that you are my thrall, but I have not. I could beat you and no one would interfere.”

Hands on hips, Reyna faced him squarely. “I am not afraid of you, Wulf the Ruthless. I am no weakling. I survived the worst that can happen to a woman.”

Wulf’s voice was less harsh when he asked, “Why did you not come when I sent for you?”

“If I stopped what I was doing, the entire batch of elixir I was preparing would spoil. The remedy will come in handy this winter. I told Uma I would come when I finished here.”

Wulf scowled. “That is not what Uma told me.”

Reyna should have realized Uma would turn her words around to suit her purposes. “What
Uma say?”

“She said you told her you are not my slave, that you are not answerable to me and will not obey me. Is that not what you said?”

Reyna sighed. “I said I would attend you as soon as I finished mixing the elixir.”

Wulf stalked closer, until he was standing within arm’s reach. Reyna tried to retreat but the worktable was at her back. The way Wulf looked at her sent shivers down her spine. He had the look of a wolf eager to mate. His silver eyes had darkened to smoke and his face had a watchfulness about it that made Reyna’s heart skip a beat.

He sidled closer. “Did you miss me?”

He was so close Reyna could feel his hot breath fan her cheek. “Why would I miss a man who stole my innocence and sold me into slavery?”

“I sold you because I was bereft over the death of my wife, but that is all I did. Believe it or not, I missed you, Reyna. All I could think about was your sweet body and how badly I want you in my bed.”

“That will never happen,” Reyna scoffed.

“It will happen sooner than you think.”

“Could you find no woman in Kaupang to satisfy your lust?”

“I found plenty of willing women but they were not you.”

He reached out and dragged her against him, his big hands circling her waist. And then he kissed her, his teasing mouth making her forget who he was and what he had done to her. When his tongue dipped into her mouth, she made a little mew of protest. To her dismay she felt her body softening, her will eroding. Without volition her eyes closed, and her hands slid around his thick neck. The kiss went on and on; his mouth was literally devouring her. Her mind spun in denial. She should hate Wulf’s kisses. She should be struggling in his arms instead of melting into his hard body. She felt his muscles rippling down his firm abdomen and pressed herself closer, suddenly aware that his rigid sex was throbbing against her stomach.

Wulf broke off the kiss and grinned down at her. “Your body tells me you are not as opposed to me as you pretend.”

“I hate you, Wulf the Ruthless,” Reyna hissed.

“Do you?” He kissed her again, this time moving his hands from her waist to her breasts, cupping them and then tweaking her nipples until they became pebble hard. His touch was surprisingly gentle as his lips coaxed an unwilling response from her.

How could this man be the same brute who had ripped her innocence from her? Reyna wondered. This man was as different from that abuser of innocents as
night was from day. Wulf made her body feel things she feared. She shouldn’t want to experience desire with Wulf, or with any man. And yet…

Reyna’s cheeks burned. She broke the kiss and turned her face away. “This…cannot be happening. You are…You did…”

“I did naught, but I certainly intend to, and very soon.”

Wulf was shocked by his unaccustomed lack of control. He had lusted after Reyna since she’d first come to the farmstead. Hagar had urged him to find a woman to bed in Kaupang but he hadn’t wanted just any woman; he wanted Reyna. Her response to his kisses and the way she had melted into his body surprised him. He had expected much less but wanted much more.

Grasping Reyna about the waist, he flung her over his shoulder and strode toward the door.

“Stop! What are you doing?”

“My patience is gone. I have waited long enough for you to come to me.”

The door opened before he reached it. Thora stepped inside and stopped abruptly, her face clouded with concern.

“What is going on here? Has my son hurt you, Reyna?”

“Mother,” Wulf said with waning patience, “I have not hurt Reyna and do not intend to. Has everyone forgotten that Reyna belongs to me? Why are you here?”

“I came to fetch Reyna. I have not seen her since she broke her fast this morning and we are waiting for her to join us for the evening meal. I sent Helga to your hall to fetch you but here you are, Wulf.”

“I am not hungry for food,” Wulf said as he attempted to brush past Thora.

Reyna lifted her head and sent Thora a look of mute appeal. “I am starving, Lady Thora.”

“If you are not hungry, Wulf, put Reyna down so she can eat with us,” Thora ordered. “Before you protest, we have a guest, son, one you will wish to greet. He arrived a short time ago.”

“A guest? Were we expecting company?”

“Rannulf needs no invitation. He decided to visit his sister before winter snow makes travel difficult. I invited him to spend a few days with us before he returns to his farmstead. I…I think he is interested in wedding Helga.”

Wulf set Reyna carefully on her feet. Would Rannulf recognize Reyna, or she him? How would she react when she came face-to-face with the man who had ravished her? As much as Wulf wanted to shield Reyna from Rannulf’s hurtful presence, he knew that bringing them together would force Reyna to recognize that she had accused him, Wulf, falsely.

“Very well, Mother, Reyna and I shall greet Rannulf. I do not want to keep Hagar’s brother-in-law waiting.”

Grasping Reyna’s elbow, Wulf ushered her out the door. Thora fell in step behind them.

Chapter Six

Wulf and Reyna entered Hagar’s hall together. The family was gathered around their guest, talking animatedly. Wulf watched Reyna closely, waiting for her to recognize Rannulf as the man who had ravished her. Rannulf saw them first and called out a greeting, a huge smile stretching his lips. They grasped arms and patted each other on the back.

Wulf glanced at Reyna. Her brow was furrowed and her cheeks were unnaturally pale. He waited for her to say something, anything, but her expression remained thoughtful as she slowly edged away from him and Rannulf.

As for Rannulf, he did not appear to recognize the woman he had abused two summers ago.

“I thought I would pay my sister a visit before winter closes in,” Rannulf explained. “The farmstead is a lonely place without a woman’s gentle touch.”

He winked at Wulf and said for his ears only. “After both my sisters married and moved away, I find myself in need of a wife. Helga came to mind immediately. She is of an age to wed, is she not?”

Wulf frowned at Olga’s brother. In his mind’s eye he saw Rannulf climbing off of Reyna. Did he want a man like that for his sister? Then again, he had been no saint
in his wild youth. Would Rannulf change his ways as Wulf did after he’d wed Astrid? From the way Helga was staring shyly at Rannulf, Wulf assumed she wasn’t adverse to a match between them.

Hagar, who had been at the other side of the hall, approached Rannulf, eyeing him with speculation. “What is the reason for your visit, Rannulf? Though you are always welcome in my hall, and your sister appreciates your visit, have you a specific purpose in mind?”

“I thought to wait and discuss this with you and your mother later but this is as good a time as any. With your permission, I would like to wed Helga.”

“What, no courtship?” Wulf challenged, hoping to observe Rannulf’s behavior toward his sister before agreeing to the match.

“Wulf has a point,” Hagar observed. “Perhaps you should spend the winter with us. I am sure Olga would enjoy your company. A long visit will give Helga time to get to know you. If she wishes to wed you, you can join with her in the spring. We will discuss this with Mother later.”

After Hagar departed, Rannulf spotted Reyna talking to Helga and sent Wulf a questioning look. “Who is the woman, Wulf? Have you taken a wife? She is a beauty.”

Wulf shifted uncomfortably. How could Rannulf not remember Reyna? “Reyna is my thrall. Hagar bought her for me at the slave market in Constantinople this past summer. He thought I needed a little excitement in my life.”

Rannulf slapped Wulf on the back. “I agree with Hagar. I would not mind a bed slave who looked like that. She has the look of a Norsewoman about her.”

“Reyna is a Dane. Does she not look familiar to you?”

Rannulf’s gaze lingered on Reyna. “Am I supposed to know her?”

Wulf wanted to bloody Rannulf’s nose and then knock him flat on his arse. Instead, he gritted his teeth and said, “Think on it. It may come to you.”

“You seem protective of her, Wulf. She must please you in bed.”

Wulf had his mouth open to spit out a reply when Thora approached them. “Come join us at the table, you two. You can catch up after we sup.” She gazed at Rannulf, a twinkle in her eyes. “Hagar says you wish to court our Helga.”

Wulf kept his reservations to himself as he took his place at the table beside Rannulf. Wulf regarded Reyna with concern when Rannulf sat across from her. The frown had not left her face since she’d first set eyes on Rannulf.

Reyna felt a strange buzzing in her head whenever she looked at Rannulf. Like Wulf, he was a handsome, clean-shaven man, tall and muscular but a bit shorter. His blond hair was tied at his nape with a piece of leather and his clothing was the same as that worn by most Norsemen.

There was something vaguely threatening about the man, Reyna decided. Though the family seemed to accept him into their inner circle, he made Reyna feel uncomfortable. Was there a reason she should not like this man? Rather than look directly at him, she lowered her eyes to her plate and tried to eat. All she succeeded in doing was pushing her food around on her plate.

“Is something wrong?” Wulf asked. “Is the food not agreeable to you?”

“The food is fine,” Reyna answered. “I seem to have lost my appetite.”

She glanced at Rannulf; he was listening to Olaf explain about the recent raid on the farmstead. As if aware of her gaze, the Norseman turned to her, looking directly into her eyes.

“I find it strange that a thrall eats at the table with her master,” Rannulf said to no one in particular.

“Reyna has earned her place at the table,” Thora was quick to explain. “She saved the lives of both Olaf and Wulf and treated the wounded after the Finns’ surprise raid.”

“Olaf has been telling me about the raid,” Rannulf said. “I had not heard about it until now. Obviously you sent them fleeing.”

“Aye.” Hagar grinned. “They will not bother us again any time soon.”

Rannulf’s intense blue eyes returned to Reyna. Their gazes collided in startling recollection. Rannulf’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief, and then an unexpected flush started at the base of the Norseman’s neck and traveled upward.

Reyna’s hand flew to her mouth, stifling the scream that threatened to erupt from her throat. It was as if a curtain had been lifted from her memory. This Norseman, this man named Rannulf, not Wulf the Ruthless as she’d wrongly assumed, had brutally ripped away her innocence and left her lying hurt and bleeding on the ground. Although Wulf had sold her into slavery, he had not physically harmed her.

Staggering to her feet, Reyna clung to the table’s edge, trying to find the strength to stumble away. Beside her, Wulf lurched upward, grasping her about the waist to steady her. Though Reyna felt everyone’s eyes on her, she saw no one save Rannulf.

Her conflicting feelings for Wulf, her desire for a man she should hate above all others, had plagued her. Now
that she knew the truth, it was as if a weight had been lifted from her.

“Are you unwell, Reyna?”

Wulf’s voice released her from her shocked paralysis. She returned her gaze to the brutal Norseman sitting at the family table.

“I…want to leave,” Reyna gasped. She released her hold on the table and backed away. Unfortunately the shock had been too much for her, and she started a slow spiral to the floor. She heard Thora call her name and felt Wulf’s arms sweep her off her feet.

“What ails Reyna, son?” Thora asked, concern coloring her words.

“Do not worry, Mother. I will take care of her.”

“What is wrong with her?”

He sent a pointed look at Rannulf. “I will explain later.” Whirling on his heel, he headed out the door with Reyna resting securely in his arms.

Reyna regained her wits the moment the cold air hit her hot cheeks. She felt herself floating and opened her eyes. Relief swamped her when she saw Wulf’s face close to hers and realized she was in his arms. She lifted her own arms, slid them around his neck and turned her face into his hard chest.

“What happened?” she mumbled.

“What do you remember?”

“I…sweet Freya, it was Rannulf! Why did you not tell me?”

“I tried to tell you I did not do what you accused me of, but you refused to believe me.”

“What was I to think? You refused to supply the name of the man responsible.”

“Rannulf is Olga’s brother. I feared you might confront Olga about her brother’s depraved act and upset
her. I worried that a confrontation might cause harm to my brother’s heir. Olga is a volatile woman.”

Wulf opened the door and carried Reyna inside the hall. Both Uma and Lorne came running up to them.

“Master, what is wrong with Reyna?” Uma asked.

“Reyna is fine, Uma. You and Lorne may take your ease in the volcanic pool; I have no further need of you to night.”

Uma sent a venomous look at Reyna. “Lorne can go; I will remain behind to assist you.”

Wulf brushed past her. “I do not need your help. Do as I say, Uma.”

Lorne grabbed Uma’s hand and dragged her out the door. Wulf proceeded to his sleeping alcove, placed Reyna on the bed and pulled the curtain shut behind him.

Wulf stood over her, gazing at her with an expression Reyna found difficult to interpret.

“All these weeks I believed you a monster,” Reyna whispered. “You should not have let it go on so long.”

Wulf subsided onto the edge of the bed. Reyna moved over to make room for him. “I am not without guilt, Reyna. I did sell you to a foreign master.”

“Why did you take me aboard your dragonship? Why did you not leave me behind?”

“If I had left you, others would have taken Rannulf’s place. You looked so vulnerable, so hurt, that I could not think beyond removing you from the path of danger.”

Reyna sent him a puzzled look. He had paid so little attention to her during the voyage to Byzantium, she could have been invisible.

“I know what you are thinking. Believe it or not, I did not see you as a desirable woman then. You were the enemy. I was still mourning my wife; my rage was so great that vengeance was all I cared about. The sooner I rid myself of the enemy the better.”

“Yet here I am, with the very same man who wanted nothing to do with me. Do you not think it strange?”

“Beyond strange,” Wulf agreed.

“ ’tis as if the gods preordained our meeting again. I did not know Hagar and he did not know me. We happened to be at the same place at the same time. And now I am your thrall.”

Reaching out, Wulf smoothed a silken strand of pale hair away from her forehead. Reyna felt a jolt of awareness where his hand lingered, and then a surge of heat spread through her body.

“You are so beautiful,” Wulf said, his voice low and strangely hoarse. “How could I have failed to see what I had in my possession? Had I not been wild with grief, I would not have sold you. I would have kept you for myself.”

“How long will Rannulf remain here?” Reyna asked, trying to distract herself from the intense pull of Wulf’s nearness, which was wreaking havoc on her senses.

“Hagar asked Rannulf to stay the winter. He has expressed his desire to court and wed Helga.”

Reyna lurched upright in bed, her face a mask of horror. “No, never say ’tis true. The man is a monster. Helga deserves a man who will appreciate and love her.”

Wulf’s arms came around Reyna in an effort to soothe her. “Rannulf is not a bad man. ’tis a Norseman’s nature to lose control when his bloodlust runs high.”

Reyna pushed Wulf away. “My father and brothers do not harm women.”

Wulf sent her a look of disbelief. “Do you know that for a fact? Have you been with them when they raid?”

“My brothers are traders and my father is a farmer. They have never raided property belonging to another.”

Wulf had the grace to flush. “We are Norsemen; we go a-Viking because it is our way of life. Some of us are
traders, like Hagar and your brothers. But many of us raid to acquire fertile land and for plunder and slaves. ’tis a harsh life we lead.”

Reyna remained mute, quietly digesting everything Wulf had told her. At length she said, “And what of your women? How do you treat them?”

“Norsewomen are strong and resilient. They can fight alongside their men when the need arises. They run our homes and bear our children. Norsemen revere their wives, mothers and sisters.”

“I noticed thralls are not included in your list of those you respect.”

“I have the highest respect for you, Reyna. You have won over my entire family.”

“Obviously I have not won you over for I am still your thrall.”

“I no longer think of you as my thrall. You saved my life.”

“Then why have you not freed me?” she asked bluntly.

“Are you sure you wish to hear the truth?”

“I prefer it to a lie.”

Wulf found her hand, turned it over and stroked her palm with the roughness of his thumb. “So be it. The truth is that I want to keep you for myself. I want you in my hall and in my bed. Letting you go would give you the freedom to leave and find a man more to your liking. I know you cannot like me, for I tore you away from your home and abandoned you in a foreign land.”

Reyna touched his cheek, feeling the roughness of a sprouting beard. “In an odd way you saved my life. Being abused by countless men would have taken the will to live from me. During the voyage to Byzantium, I learned a great deal about myself. I was stronger than I realized. That introspective time on your ship lent me
the courage to face my new master with newfound confidence.

“I challenged him and he backed down. He never touched me during those months I spent in his harem. His decision to sell me was the best thing that could have happened to me. Now I am returned to my own part of the world.”

“Now you are mine,” Wulf whispered.

Grasping her shoulders, he pulled her against him. He felt her stiffen and wondered if it was every man’s touch or just his she could not bear. Then he recalled her previous response to his kisses and smiled. Though Rannulf’s assault might have made Reyna skittish with men, she had accepted his kisses eagerly before.

Wulf stared into her wide green eyes as he slowly brought his mouth down on hers.

Reyna allowed herself to relax as soft, full lips moved over hers, tasting her, letting her taste him. She felt surrounded by his male scent, his very essence, the power of his need. He exuded sexual musk as he deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking into her mouth, hot, fierce, determined. Then terror overwhelmed her. The memory of a hard body smelling of blood and sweat threw her into a panic and she began to struggle.

Wulf pulled back from the kiss and stared at her. “I am not going to hurt you, Reyna. I am not the ravishing beast you think I am. I want to make love to you. Though it has been a long time for me, I know how to be gentle. Are you frightened of me?”

Reyna regarded him for a long time. She
frightened, but not of Wulf. She hated the act that had torn away her innocence and couldn’t imagine doing
again. But her body was in contradiction with her mind.
Her body wanted the same thing Wulf wanted. The raw, purely sexual need to experience fulfillment with Wulf nipped at her senses. Her body told her there was pleasure to be had if she could overcome her fright and embrace it.

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