Vindicate (39 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee

BOOK: Vindicate
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She leaned against Dane, and he pulled her close as they disappeared into the glow.

What the hell?

I thought.

I – I don’t know. I’ve never seen her like that.

Should we follow them?

His eyes told me no .

They’re telling the truth.

Are you sure?

I thought as a sick feeling settled in my throat.

He nodded as he stared into the glow they had disappeared into.

Let’s go home.

Landen turned around and grabbed Winston by the back of the arm. Draven took his other arm, and they led .

Charlie was sta ring at me with absolute fear and grief in her soul.

Madison walked ahead with Aden, but not before whispering something to Charlie.

I took a few steps forward and found my pace with Charlie. “Why would Silas take Winston to them ? N
ot us . N
ot you . N
ot Chara?”

Charlie shrugged her shoulders. “He’s unpredictable.”

“What are you not saying to me?” I asked.

She grimaced.
“I don’t know how to say it.”

“Try,” I said as I all but stopped.

Charlie gritted her teeth and balled her fist. Madison looked over her shoulder and raised her eyebrows, telling Charlie to speak up, no doubt.

“Silas. Silas is not real.”

“He looked real to me,” I argued.

Charlie rubbed her hands across her face, then let out a deep b reath. “I mean, he’s not alive, but he’s not dead. H
e’s undead.”

I whispered harshly, knowing that made no sense.

“He’s like immortal. L
ike some kind of archangel or something . H
e can appear and disappear like a ghost, but there are some pla ces he doesn’t go – or can’t go. H
e spends a lot of his time in The Realm. A lot of time killing Escorts. I f he’s not there, he’s in old cities like Salem. L
ike New Orleans.”

“So he’s a ghost,” I clarified. O
ddly, not finding that shocking like most normal people would.

Charlie moved her head from side to side. “No. My dad is a ghost and he’s not flesh he’s like Draven’s mom. Silas is different; he’s made of flesh.
I don’t know want to call him besides undead.”

I was mystified by this idea. T
hat this girl was somehow in love with someone who was not ‘real,”
as she called it, but I was too focused on the mistr ust I had for this Winston kid. O
n why Dane and Clarissa were not acting like themselves.
“I still don’t understand why he would take Winston to them?”

“I don’t know.
I know that he m ade a promise to Winston’s mom, and to Monroe that he would protect the m. Not let The Realm take them. T
heir D
ad take them.”

“When did he do that?”

“I don’
t know. After Monroe was born.
Silas is , like, thousands of years old. T
hat’s my problem; he remembers who I was before, and apparently I was what he was. U

“But you’re not dead now,” I said to clarify. This girl was making my head spin.

“What is dead anywa y? No one is ever really dead.
Silas has this whole story . A ll these unspoken rules. A pparently, when I was what he was, I tried to change Escorts. S
top the source of darkness, and...” she said, looking at Drave n, “it only worked with Draven. H
e fe ll in love with me and changed, but when he changed he became de ad, sent into another life.
A ccording to Silas, I followed Draven to protect him. A nd the only way I could do that was to become alive – not undead – a nd to change again, I must die. T
here is more to it, but that’s the gist.”

“Is he dangerous, Charlie?”
I asked as I remembered Silas’s actions in The Realm.

She moved her head from side to side. “No. If I had to guess, I would say he’s helping your fr iends.
I’m sure he’s recounting where we are with the battle of light and darkness.”

“Why wouldn’t he share it with us?”

“I’m sure he will. When he’s ready. W
hen he thinks you’re ready.”

Before I could ask any more questions, we had reached Chara. Everyone else had entered, and Landen was waiting on me.

I nodded for Charlie to step in, then we followed her . The sun was setting, and day must have been warm; I could still feel the sun’s energy in the coming night’s chill.

Through the dusk, a small shado w ran toward us.
Libby. She crashed into Landen, who picked her up and spun her around as she laughed out loud.

“Is she yours?” Madison asked with wide eyes.

“Not in this life. S
he’s my sister.”

A second later, Preston ran from the dusk, and instead of coming to me, he ran to Madison. She froze in place as his tiny arms went a round her waist. “You’re home. N
ow you know me.”

Madison looked at me, then down at him. “Just visiting, buddy,” she said, hugging him back. He laughed. “You’re home.” He hugged he r once more, then ran to Libby.
Landen was pretending to race her to our house, and Preston joined in, running faster than any child that young should be able to.

I felt everyone at my house and smiled.

“This is beautiful,” Aden said, gazing at me.

“It’s home. I t’s where I come after I face hell. I t’s what gives me reason to face it again.”

“I can see why.”

Brady pulled up a moment later and opened the back of his Jeep for all of the bags everyone was carrying. I let the others pile in and decided to wal k the rest of the way . A ll alone.

I had awful feeling that I was missing something. More than one thing. The Realm had toyed with my thoughts. I was sure of it. Perodine was trying to tell me something that I couldn’t grasp. And something was up with Dane and Clarissa.
This was not over. This wasn’t even a lull. I had to find a moment to talk to Landen alone. To assure myself he was Ok. That the hum of his skin and fire on his lips just felt that way now because his soul had been distant from h is body for a few days. I had to figure out how to get this odious foreboding to go away.

I walked in my open front door, smelling a home cooked meal in the air. H
earing the chatter of everyone I loved. Rose was the first to walk up to me.
“I sent Landen to take a shower. H
ow are you?”

“Good, home now,” I said, beaming .
She clearly didn’t believe me, but chose not to push the point.

My mom came up behind her and hugged me but decided not to say anything. S
he could see how I was trying to work everything out on the inside.

Felicity walked out of the kitchen, holding a stack of plates. “Do you want to help me with this?” she asked.

I took a few from her.
“Where are we going?” I questioned .

“Side porch.
I set a table up that will hold twenty. I doubt that is enough room, but there are enough swings and chairs for everyone.”

When we got on the porch, she shivered. “Why don’t you turn up the sun?
It’s cold,” she said, mocking me, but I decided to listen to her and let the emotion of pure joy come over me. The warmth of the setting sun grew brighter, and the chill of the night was gone.

“Show off,” she said, laughing.

“You asked,” I said as I helped her set the plates on the elegant table that only Felicity could create on a porch.

“Well, I’m not going to ask if you’re OK – because you’re not. W
hat else do you want to talk about?” she asked.

I smirked.
“What do you think of our guest s ?”

“Well, I know I like those twins becaus e they got Brady to play again, and I can’t wait to hear that. When Madison came in, I thought s he was you.
Charlie seems nervous, but who wouldn’t be with all of us welcoming her at once?”

“The others?
I found Winston in the string a second ago.”

“The others,” Felicity said as she moved the si lverware around. “Well, I think …
I think they need a h ome. Some love.
I can’t get Monroe to talk, but I could swear I heard her talking to Libby and Preston. Grayson has been with August a lot – giving him family history, I think.”

“Do you know who that little girl called daddy?”

“I do. And well who can pi ck their family. R
ight?” she said, smiling at me.

“You’re crazy, you know that?”

“Me? I would say I’m mild compared to the crazy in this family.”

“You ’re crazy for acting like it’s normal.”

Felicity looked past me into the field, and her smile grew. H
er cheeks slightly blushed. “Now that is not normal.”

I looked over my shoulder to see Drake a few feet away from me. Marc, Stella, and Beth walking into the house.

“No, but he’s here. H
e listened to me,” I mumbled.

Felicity walked up behind me and leaned into my ear and whisper ed, “Don’t abuse that privilege. L
et it be, and it will find its way.”

I nodded as my eyes met Drake’s. He had changed into o ne of his classic black suits. E
very part o f him was perfectly addicting.
I didn’t understand what Madison was waiting on, but I knew it was her loss.

Felicity walked over to the steps and bowed. “Your majesty. Welcome to Willow’s home. I am Felicity.
I believe you know my soul mate, Brady.”

Drake smiled at her and reached for her hand and kissed it gently, then looked into her eyes. “The pleasure is mine.
I see now why Brady fights so hard to come home to you.”

Felicity blushed, bowed again then went into the house.
Drake’s eyes found mine. He climbed the stairs and slowly walked to my side.

I reached for the lapels on his jacket. “You clean up nice,” I said quietly.

He let his hands rest on mine, and his hypnotic touch eased through me. I sighed, pulling my hands away as he leaned against the rail.

“I talked to Beth,” I said, nodding to the door she’d just walked in.

“I assumed,” he said, looking through the window at everyone who was gathering and talking.

“She has a condition.”

“Do I want to know?” he asked as his eyes met mine.

“First tell me if you want to be king. T
ell me how bad you want to be king?”

“I want to be in a position to help all of our dreams for Esterious come true.”

“You are going to have to want this for Drake, not me.”

He nodded as he smiled.
“I want it for the both of us. F
or our dreams.”

I held in any argument that would take me off this topic and into a heartbreaking one. “You have to get your father’s blessing,” I whispered.

He froze, and for the first time I saw fear in his eyes.

“Just think about it. Y
ou won’t have to say anything; words are for the living.
I’ll go with if you want to, but I’m not going to ask you to do this. Y
our mother put that condition there for a reason. S
he knows Livingston will say yes, and she knows it will free your conscious, and you need to have a clear conscious if you are going to rule any kingdom.”

He smiled sardonically as he gazed into my eyes. “And that’s why I love you, ” he whispered. “You’re so pure. S
o wise.”

At that moment, Landen stepped outside, and he took my breath away. His eyes were reflected in the dark blue shirt he was wearing, and his smile was perfect – enhancing his handsome dimples. He walked over to Drake and held out his hand. “Mr. Blakeshire, welcome to my home.”

Drake grinned and stood up straighter to shake Landen’s hand. “Mr.
Chambers, it’s beautiful.” His eyes met mine. “Every part of it.”

Aubrey came out next, followed by Marc, Chrispin, Preston, and Beth.

She smiled at Drake as she moved her head from side to side. “I want a picture of all of you.” Landen and I stood back as Aubrey captured the moment I was sure Livingston always knew would come.

Everyone else came out one by one, carrying plates of food. My father said a blessing filled with love and gratitude. I had trouble focusing on eating. I was seated between Drake and Landen, and on purpose, I’m sure, Felicity sat Madi son across from us.
I swear I could feel her anxiety, even though she did a very good job of hiding it as she talked to Felicity at her side.
I thought about using her uneasiness as an excuse for me and Landen to take a walk or something, get away alone, but this was my house, and I couldn’t find the courage to be rude.

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