Read Viper's Kiss Online

Authors: London Casey,Karolyn James

Viper's Kiss (9 page)

BOOK: Viper's Kiss
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fucking hate you!



ve always hated you.

Blaine stepped toward her. Jessa
made fists and readied herself.


s right,

Blaine said.

it all out, sweetheart.

He got closer, close enough to take
a shot at him. So she did. Her right hand flung forward and smacked him in the
mouth. Just like before, it hurt her worse than him. She threw left and hit
Blaine in the jaw. That was like punching a steel plate.

Jessa cried out.


Blaine asked.



when Blaine made his move. His hands grabbed Jessa by the waist and he lifted
her. He walked her back to the wall and put her down. Blood formed in the
corner of his mouth from where she had got him.

lost the exact same thing,

Blaine said.

And I saw it
too. And I blame myself every second I

still alive. That

s why I
ride next to the reaper. That

why I fuck with the reaper. I want the son of a bitch to come get me. I want
him to fuck me.


Blaine spit at the floor. He took a

I shouldn

t have said it like I did. But
you have to let that shit go. Find a release.

Jessa caught herself clutching to

s shirt.


no, Jessa


Blaine lowered his mouth to hers.
Their lips flirted for a few seconds, less than an inch apart. They were
breathing heavy, their breaths lingering with whiskey and bad decisions. But
the temptation was even greater. All those years of wondering

Jessa felt her lips quivering as
Blaine finally kissed her. A soft and subtle kiss, the kind you did and then
pulled away. The kind you

say you regret but never truly did.

But that wasn

t Blaine

s style to just kiss once

and Jessa knew that.

She realized what she had done. She

d stepped into the lion

s cage.

Blaine kissed her again. With more
aggression. His tongue slipping into her mouth, commanding her entire body

She pulled hard at his shirt.

His hands reached up and touched
her face, wiping away the tears.

The kiss then got hotter. The
intention was nothing good but everything Jessa needed in that moment.

She had not only stepped into
the lion

cage but she had kicked the beast, woken him up, and now

he was kissing down her



Blaine kissed down Jessa

s neck. All the years had
finally won the fucking battle. And this was a battle worth losing. Because the
war was greater

and that
too was worth fucking losing. His hands moved down her body, staying over her
hoodie. He felt the mounds of her breasts over her hoodie and kept going. There
was one thing he wanted and wanted it right now.

Blaine wanted to taste Jessa.

His thirst was as great as his
addiction. Her honey was going to save his goddamn life in this moment.

The tip of his tongue sliced across
her throat like a knife. He was slicing open all her desires. Every little hint
of flirt and fantasy was going to happen. There was no stopping it now. Jessa
had pushed too far and Blaine was not going to end up in the shower, alone,
stroking his own dick again.

He broke his normal protocol of one
kiss on the mouth per fuck and moved back up her neck. He touched her lips
again and needed more. Blaine didn

do the fucking stupid make out shit. There were better parts of a woman to kiss.
But he couldn

t stop
kissing Jessa. The feel of her little tongue flickering back at his. She had
some guts, that was for sure. She was going to give it up but it wouldn

t be easy.

And, yeah, they were going to
regret everything tomorrow. But that was okay because they still had tonight.
Nobody promised tomorrow, so why fucking worry about it?

Jessa flicked her tongue to the
corner of Blaine

s mouth
where she had hit him.


she whispered.

Her breath was magic and whiskey
combined. Her lips were already red and pouty from kissing Blaine so hard. He
knew she had been untouched for a long time. Like a delicate flower. And Blaine
was going to find her nectar, steal it all, and bring her back to life.


Blaine said.

I deserved it.

you did. I still fucking hate you.

know. I hate me too, sweetheart.

Blaine kissed her mouth again and
his hands went right to work. He unbuttoned her jeans and wasted no time in
sliding her jeans and panties down. His hands slid along those curvy hips of
hers. Jessa groaned and jumped when his fingers cut to the inside of her
thighs. He felt the heat pouring from her.


when he broke the kiss and dropped down. His nose rubbed against her clothes,
inhaling the smell of her hoodie. He then felt the warmth and smoothness of her
lower belly. That gave way to more smooth skin. His nose picked up the scent of
her body. That beautiful desire he craved so much.

His hands moved back around and
gripped her waist tight.

He kissed her soft mound. His
tongue came forward, slipping between her legs, curling, bringing her body to
life. Jessa groaned and thrust at him. She opened her legs for him. Blaine
watched as her sweet petals deflowered themselves right before his eyes. The
beautiful wetness clinging to her folds.

Blaine growled under his breath and
then went in for the kill.

Soft and sweet was not a card he
knew how to play.

His mouth suckled hard to Jessa

s sex, demanding all her sweet
honey into his mouth. She moved to her toes, grabbed his head, and let out a
scream. His tongue came forward and pressed against her tight pussy. Swirling
with tiny circles, he opened her, thrusting his tongue into her body, feeling
her clenching against him. She was soft, welcoming, and
so damn tight.

Blaine pulled away for a second,
just to let out a breath. There was a split second of hesitation, something
that never happened with him. Not even in the wildest and sickest situations
ever would he hesitate. Blaine always went balls in


His mouth touched Jessa

s pussy again, his lips savoring
hers. His tongue curled again, his tongue tugging at her clit. Her little nub
was hard. He sucked there for a few seconds and Jessa lost her balance. Her
knees bent with a fresh gush of wetness. Her hands slapped against the wall and
she yelled again.

Christ, she

s already starting to

Blaine slid his hands around to her
ass and lifted. Her legs flipped over his shoulders and he stood up. Jessa went
into the air with an even louder scream. Both hands grabbed at his hair. It was
certain she had never been handled like this before. But Blaine was doing her a
favor. He was getting her off her feet so she could enjoy it more.

He walked her to the table and put
her down on it. It was the greatest meal he

ever have at his dining room table. His mouth didn

t leave her body during the move. His hands slid up
her body, his right hand cutting up her shirt. His left hand turned, his thumb
pulling at her soft mound, exposing her even more. He suckled hard against her clit
and pulled back. Jessa tried to go with him but Blaine held her down. He felt
her rolling against his tongue as she let out a painful cry.


she yelled.

His mouth popped free. He looked up
at her. He licked his lips. Her eyes were wide, still full of fear, but the
lust was taking over. She was breaking open in so many ways.

Their eyes locked and Blaine couldn

t break the stare. He brought
his thumb down to her clit and pressed. He twisted his thumb and watched her
body react. Her hips wiggled and she bit her lip.


Blaine said.

You fucking love it. You

ve always wanted this.

His thumb slid down and touched her
tender hole. He pressed against her, feeling her welcome his touch. As he moved
his thumb he heard the sound of it. The wetness was everywhere. It was driving
him fucking insane to stare at her like this.

Jessa started to breathe heavier.
Her hips pumped back and forth, shaking the table.


she whispered.



Blaine brought his hand between her
legs. He thrust two fingers into her pussy. He dug deep, feeling her squeezing
against him. He turned his fingers and curled, knowing right where to find all
the right spots. The second he did so, Jessa

head fell back and she moaned.

Grinning, Blaine stayed right
there. Curling his fingers over and over like he was calling someone over to
him. The only true thing he was calling was for Jessa

s climax.

Which he got a few seconds

Jessa bent her legs and brought
them to the table. She dug her heels and lifted her ass off the table. Blaine
was so close to touching Jessa

breast but he couldn

resist cupping her ass while she came. That wild feeling of a woman clenching,
releasing, clenching

the fucking greatest drug ever


Blaine cupped her ass with one hand
as she came. He put his mouth back to her clit and stayed there as she rocked
up and down. He felt her oozing to his touch and knew this was long from being

When Blaine stopped, he grabbed
Jessa at her hips. He kissed up to the bottom of her shirt and hoodie. That

s when he stood completely up.


Jessa groaned as she
reached for his shirt.

Blaine grabbed her wrist and
twisted it away.


t get to say that yet,



m just getting started with you.



Jessa was losing her fucking mind.

Every second with Blaine she told
herself to get the hell away from him. But she didn

t stop him. Yeah, she grabbed his hair

but she pulled it. She stared
into his eyes as he made her come.

It was betrayal, wasn

t it? The worst kind of
betrayal. Losing herself to some wicked fantasy temptation. But it felt so
good. It felt too good to be real. But Blaine knew everything. Without asking a
question, he knew goddamn everything. He knew how unsatisfied Jessa had been.
He knew how to kiss, lick, suck, and move in ways that seemed impossible. When
she climaxed the first time, it was a tingling rush that her body had been
craving for so long. The second time, after Blaine threw her on top and went
back to work, that was like a weight lifting off of her heart.

And now she was sitting up,
following the command of Blaine

hands as he took off her hoodie and shirt at the same time. She then put her
hands to the table and leaned back a little. To her, Blaine was like a sexy
monster. He towered over her, his leather cut ragged and worn, a symbol of his
outlaw status and the wild life he now lived.

He leaned forward and went right
for her chest. His tongue was everywhere, kissing, sucking, working down to the
top of her bra. His hands went to her back and unclipped her bra with ease. As
he pulled back, Jessa sat up and let the last piece of her clothing fall off
her body. Even in her wildest dreams she never thought she

d be naked in front of Blaine.

She blamed the whiskey but that wasn

t true.

Blaine swiped the bra off the table
and then touched just under her breasts. It was a subtle move but torture. She
wanted to be touched. She couldn

remember ever having such a wild urge to be touched. All this coming after
Blaine blamed her for the murder of his fiancee

and she threw a bottle and a chair at him. Then punched him.

It made Jessa

s heart race even faster as she
thought about it.

All that lingering emotion between
them boiling over.


s mouth moved right over her left breast, taking it
all into his mouth. She grabbed at his hair again. He sucked hard, bringing a
slight pain to Jessa. But it gave way to feeling really fucking good. His
tongue swirling so hard and fast around her nipple. Then him pulling off her,
his teeth grazing her nipple, making her whimper as she anticipated more pain.
But it never came. He knew exactly how to do everything.


Blaine said.



so fucking long

His mouth went to her other breast.
Jessa put her head back and chased all the bad thoughts away. Her body needed
this. It didn

t matter what
the past meant. Right now, they were both single. Willing. Able. Whatever.

Jessa put her hands to Blaine

s shoulders and pushed. He broke
away from her but his hands didn

His left hand moved up and his right hand down. He slid over her breast as his
fingers slid between her legs.

It felt like everything was moving
so slow, but it was anything but. They both knew whoever blinked first would
come to some sense of reality and stop all this.

Jessa wasn

t in the mood to blink.

She slithered forward, feeling

s fingers touching
her sex. She rocked her hips a little, wanting him inside her. Before she knew
it, her hand was between his legs, cupping his jeans. Squeezing, easily finding
his dick. If he was hard, he was thick as hell. If he wasn

t hard yet, she was really
screwed when he got hard.

Just like magic

she felt him thickening.
Pressing against his jeans. Another beast that wanted out.


she whispered.


Blaine said.

You touched it. Now you

re going to get it.

Blaine pulled at Jessa and he put
his face to her chest. He lifted her and spun her, walking her from the
kitchen. He had the house memorized and walked without taking his mouth from
her body. She felt his tongue switching from breast to breast, leaving her on
the edge of coming and screaming at the same time.

Once in a bedroom, Blaine threw her
to the bed.
She felt her body hit the bed and bounce. A
second later she propped herself up on her elbows and watched as Blaine took
off his leather cut and ripped his shirt off. Jessa grabbed at his jeans, and
pulled him closer to her. He gripped her shoulders tight and stared down at
her, nodding.

Jessa fumbled with his belt buckle,
again blaming the whiskey. She was drunk. That

all. Nothing wrong with getting drunk and have a quick fuck. Who cares?

She tore at Blaine

s jeans, sliding them down. When
his cock popped free, she gasped and inched back, afraid it was going to hit
her. She couldn

t imagine
what she saw standing tall and thick before her. The heaviest, most defined
cock she

d ever seen in her
life. Inch by inch, throbbing veins, a fat and beautiful cut tip, all of which
Blaine planned on planting inside her body.


she whispered.


s right,

Blaine said.

He pushed at her shoulders and
pinned Jessa to the bed. There  obviously wasn

any chance of her playing with him. This was a one track thing and it was going
to end with Blaine

s dick
in her. This was about feeling pain, feeling grief, feeling guilt and anger.
All Blaine knew to relieve himself was to fuck someone. Jessa saw that from the
second Blaine opened his bedroom and saw those women

and now she was the one.

As Blaine came at her, common sense
attacked and she grabbed at his waist.


she said, almost out of breath
with anticipation.




Blaine said. He
brought his lips to Jessa

He kissed to her ear.

always take care of myself, sweetheart. I

as clean as you are. I talk big but would never fuck something without making

get it?

about me?

Jessa asked.


re different. Now tell me one

do I need to pull
out or no?

Jessa felt her body tingle
everywhere. It was the hottest moment of her entire goddamn life.
With her
best friend


She took a shuddered breath and
shook her head.


like you even more now,

Blaine said.

He thrust forward and pressed
himself to Jessa. The instant pressure made Jessa jump up. Her hands grabbed at
the back of his shoulders. There was enough muscle that her fingers were able
to curl and hang on to him. She then bit at his chest, screaming as the intense
feeling got worse.

hurts just once,


Fucking deal with

What an asshole

But Jessa couldn

t stop him. Not that she wanted
to stop him. Each inch hurt more but then it all started to feel impossibly
good. The way he pulled back and thrust forward with precision. The way his
hands knew where to touch and how to touch. Jessa lifted her feet off the bed
and touched her ankles to the back of Blaine

legs. She felt his muscles flexing each time he pounded forward.

When his mouth touched her neck,
her body went into overdrive again. He kissed down to her left breast and took
her back into his mouth. He sucked harder than before. Jessa grabbed at his
hair, letting out another wild cry. But Blaine didn

t stop. He fucked her harder, sucked at her harder.
Everything got harder, including him. When his teeth pulled against her
sensitive nipple, she pulled at his hair. Blaine pulled away with resistance,
leaving Jessa with a stinging pain in her breast.

Blaine put his hands to her breast
and lifted up. Jessa then slapped him across the face. She gasped as Blaine
smiled. He was still fucking her the entire time.


t care,

he whispered.

Do it again if you need to.

Jessa did it again. Her right
connected with this cheek, this time a little softer. Her nails curled, dug,
and she pulled at him. Her body was on fire with urges she never knew she had.
Her right hand clawed at his neck, demanding his mouth to hers. They kissed.
Her other hand reached down and she crunched up, needing to touch his beautiful
ass. Her hand was too small to battle against his ass flexing. She hooked her
ankles together and started to thrust back at Blaine.

He went deeper. He went faster. The
sound of their sex filled the room. From the squeak of the bed to Jessa

s hopeless groans to Blaine

s rattlesnake hisses.

Each thrust forward, Blaine

s body crashed harder to Jessa

s thighs. Every muscle ached
from what Blaine was doing to her. Her climaxes were soon connected, leaving
the tingling feeling endless. She found comfort in kissing Blaine

s neck, biting at him, wanting
him to feel pain.

But she knew the only way Blaine
felt pain was in his heart. That

why he did so much. That

why he took everything out through sex. Because it helped. Because it worked.

Jessa couldn

t argue with that theory though. She was on the
receiving end of Blaine and it was working.

His hands slithered down her body
and moved around to her ass. He lifted her off the bed, making her all his.
Jessa tried to rock her hips but Blaine squeezed and was in complete control.
He growled into her ear. She felt him getting thicker by the second.

The tips of his fingers pulled at
her, spreading her, one of his fingers inching closer to
somewhere else
His fingers kneaded and then dug into her ass. Both her hands were wrapped
tight around Blaine

s neck,
clinging onto him as though if she let go she would fall off a cliff. There was
nothing she could do but wait for the end

or wait for what he was going to do next. As his fingers played with her body,
rubbing, pressing, making her jump and whimper, wondering if he would actually do
back there
, Blaine let out groan.


he said.

He pulled back and out of her body.
There was a split second where Jessa felt herself desperate. Her sex shivered.
Blaine slid right back into her, stealing her breath. He then started to come.
His thick cock pulsed over and over, filling her. Each time he came, he thrust
and grunted. Jessa moaned, feeling every inch of Blaine deep inside her.

Jessa forced a hand between their
bodies and felt the hard ripples of Blaine

stomach as he kept going. It was like he would never stop coming.

Jessa then expected Blaine to pull
out and just leave. That was his style, right? After all, they were just having
angry sex. They were having guilt filled sex.

Blaine pulled back, leaving just
the tip of his dick resting against her delicate flower. He made fists and put
them to the bed. He stared down at her.


t have done that,

Jessa whispered.

I shouldn

t be doing this,

Blaine said.

He thrust forward. Jessa felt her
back arch. She grabbed for the sheets and let out a groan.

Blaine started to fuck her again.


when she realized it was going to be a long fucking night.

BOOK: Viper's Kiss
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