Viper's Run (17 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #Erotica, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Viper's Run
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Standing to his feet, he turned her to the bed before lifting her up and placing her in the middle of the bed.  


“Spread your legs.” Viper reached inside his nightstand and pulled out a condom.  Tearing the package open, he carefully rolled it on as he stared at her sprawled on the bed. “I am going to be careful so I don’t hurt your back.  If you feel any pain, you tell me and we can change positions.”

Winter lowered her lashes, feeling inferior for a second, sure he had never worried how he fucked other women. She remembered how Rider said earlier that she wouldn’t be able to handle Viper and she was beginning to realize that he was right.  She didn’t compare to the women in looks and now her body even let her down when it came to sex.

Viper grabbed a handful of her hair, dragging her attention back to him.  “I don’t care about your back other than I don’t want to hurt you.  I better not see that look on your face again tonight.  The only thing you need to worry about is how I am going to teach you exactly what I like, then from now on, you’re going to give it to me when and where I want it.”

Winter’s mouth opened to protest as his cock teased her clit before entering her in one sure stroke. Her back arched at the unbelievable pleasure of him entering her.

“Stay still, let me do all the work.”  He smiled into her neck as his lips traced a path downwards to her breasts, pulling it upwards to his waiting mouth. Surrounding the nipple, he took the tip of it between his teeth, sucking strongly. Stroking inside her, he raised her leg to his hip as his cock drove deep inside her pulsating sheath.

His thrusts escalated.  Winter reached out touching his smooth chest as he moved above her.  She had fantasized so many times of having sex with him that it seemed almost unreal that she was lying beneath him as he moved forcefully above her.

Viper caught her eyes with his as his hand went to her pussy.  “This is mine.”

Winter could only stare at him in return, trying to douse the hope building deep within her soul.  Was he telling her that now he considered them in a relationship?  She was afraid to believe what his face and words were telling her.  

Swiftly, he twisted his hips hitting the spot deep within her that was pushing her into a climax that rippled through her entire body.  Viper stroked her, extending her orgasm until she begged him to stop.  With a grin he rose on his arms above her, moving his
hips in a series of thrusts that had her grabbing the rails above her head before he came inside her.

Rolling off her, Viper went into the bathroom before coming back and lifting her into his arms.  Turning the shower on until the water steamed, he pulled her inside turning her until the spray hit her back.  Swallowing nervously at the tenderness he was showing her, she searched his face to find him staring down at her with an unreadable look on his face.  Winter dropped her head, hiding her face against his chest.  Winter was sure she had, again, read too much into his actions, making more out of him having sex with her; she was nothing more than a fuck to him.

Viper stared down at the woman he had wanted to fuck for the last two years, making himself wait until she could see the real man she was with.  From her expression, he could see the doubt and fear in her eyes that he was still using her for whatever messed up reason she had come up with.  He didn’t need her for information or as a fucking partner.  He had his pick of several women, in and out of the club.  

A grin passed his lips.  When she realized just how much he expected of her, she was going to run.  She wasn’t going to be happy to find herself as the newest recruit.





Chapter 10


Winter scooted to the edge of the bed trying not to wake Viper.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to go to the bathroom.  Then I am getting out of this bed.  If I stay here much longer I will be paralyzed again.”

Viper laughed, gripping her hip as he rolled closer to her, his chest to her back.  Winter closed her eyes while enjoying the feel of him at her back.  His mouth nuzzled her neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin.

“You sore?”

“Which part of my body isn’t?”

“You need one of your pain pills?”

“No, if I need anything I will take a couple of ibuprofen.  At least I don’t have to do my exercises this morning.  You took care of that last night.” Winter groaned.

“I am trying to build up your stamina.”

Winter laughed. “You’re crazy if you think a night like that can be repeated.”

“Welcome to your new normal,” Viper told her with a straight face.

“I will never survive.” She turned to look back at him.

Viper’s arm slid around her waist pulling her back down on the bed, he slid his leg between hers, pulling her body back to his body.

“You are going to crave my dick in your pussy.”  A movement at her head and she realized he was reaching for yet another condom.  She groaned as his hand slid downward to her mound, easily renewing the fire that had just died down.  Releasing her, he rolled the condom on before she felt his cock sliding in deep from behind.  Her pussy was slightly sore from the night, and each time he stroked inward, the smooth flesh set off a sensation of tugging at the swollen flesh.

Winter couldn’t prevent the whimpers escaping.  “Fucked you so much and your pussy is still tighter than a fist,” Viper groaned.

“Viper…” Winter’s hand gripped the arm around her waist.

“You’re gripping my cock…” both came together, laying content until finally Winter had no choice but to get up.

Viper rose from the bed going to the bathroom and coming back before she could manage to make it halfway across the floor.  Glaring at him when he came back out, he swept her off her feet without pause and carried her to the bathroom.  He set her down to turn the shower on and let the steam fill the room.  He put her in the shower before joining her.  

“I think you are going to put me back in my wheelchair,” Winter accused him.

“We keep fucking like that, I will need one for myself.”



They were sitting at the table eating cold cereal when the other members began coming into the kitchen. Beth and Ember began cooking breakfast for everyone.

“Couldn’t manage to fix yourselves something decent?”  Jewell asked sitting down with a glass of juice.

Winter turned bright red.  Viper sat back in his chair with his arm casually over the back of her chair.  Razer and Shade sat down at the table as Beth served Razer his breakfast.   The smell of bacon had Winter eyeing his plate of food enviously, smiling Beth slid one just like it in front of her.

“I love you,” Winter said fervently.

Beth smiled before taking a seat with her own plate.  Shade and Viper eyed her before getting up to fix their own plates.  The women smiled at each other as they ate their food.  

“How is Lily doing?”  Winter asked after she managed to clean her plate.

“Good. She goes back to school in two weeks.  Her and her friend are planning on going to spring break together.”

“Where are they planning on going?” Winter asked before taking a bite of toast.

“They’re having trouble making their minds up.  Penni wants to go on a mini cruise, says it the perfect place to meet guys without the party atmosphere of the beaches on spring break.”

Winter tried to keep her lips from smiling at Shade’s frown.  “Does Lily want to go?”

“Actually she wants to go to Arizona.” Shade’s frown changed to a smile.

“To see the Grand Canyon?”  Winter asked thinking that was a strange choice for a spring break vacation.

“I asked the same thing,” Beth laughed.

“What did she say?”

“She said Arizona has cowboys.  Seems she has this thing for cowboys, has the impression they are all macho, protective, and are gentlemen.  She thinks they are sexy.”  The women laughed good-naturedly at the young girl’s fantasy.  

Shade’s smile had disappeared.  

“Doesn’t Arizona have tornados?” Winter asked casually.

Beth’s laughter stopped.  “Really?”

Shade and all the men nodded.  

“Spring break is right in the middle of tornado season,” Winter confirmed.

“I’ll have to tell them.  Maybe a cruise would be better.”

Shade didn’t seem any happier.

“Perhaps you might convince them to stay a few days in Lexington.  Spring meet will be on at Keeneland, then you could bring Lily back with you and we could have your bachelorette party on that Friday.”

Beth considered it for several minutes.  “I think that’s a great idea. Thanks Winter.”

Winter smiled at Beth, ignoring the narrowed stare of Shade.  The arm around her shoulders moved to cup her neck, his thumb sliding against her sensitive flesh.  She looked at Viper to see him smiling in appreciation at her maneuvering.

“I’m looking forward to the bachelorette party.  Evie talked to Mick, he said to let him know the date and we could have the bar for the night.  It’s going to be nice just us, no men,” Jewell said.

“Well, us and a few of my other friends,” Beth clarified hesitantly.

“Like who?”  Evie said suspiciously sitting down at the table with her food.

“Crazy Bitch, Sex Piston, Killyama…”

Evie raised her hand “You have got to be shitting me.  Tell me you’re not seriously considering inviting them to your party.”

“I have to invite them. It will hurt their feelings if I don’t.”

“Those bitches don’t have any feelings.  Not normal ones anyway,”  Shade butted into the conversation.

Beth sent Shade a reproachful look.

“There is a problem with them coming,” Evie reminded Beth.  All eyes turned to Bliss who was unashamedly listening from the kitchen counter.

Beth shook her head.  “No, that is all forgotten.  They will be cool, they promised.”

Everyone looked at her doubtfully.

Winter remembered the fight at the Pink Slipper and how the biker bitches wanted Bliss badly.  She doubted those feelings had disappeared.  Especially the crazy one, she didn’t seem like she would forget a thing.

“May I make a suggestion?  Suppose we have the party at eight until two. Tell your biker friends it starts at eleven. If Bliss wouldn’t mind she could leave a few minutes earlier than when they would arrive.”

Bliss smiled in relief.  “That works for me.”

Beth not so much.  Winter loved Beth; she was a truly kind person who didn’t want to intentionally hurt anyone.  Winter swallowed a lump in her throat when she saw Razer’s gaze fixed on Beth.  It was obvious he loved her; he knew she wasn’t happy with the solution but didn’t have another solution.

“Okay, if that makes everyone more comfortable,” Beth conceded. The whole room nodded their heads.


Chapter 11


Winter borrowed Evie’s car to drive herself to the doctor on Monday.  Satisfied with her progress, he agreed to sign her work release.  Winter wanted to celebrate, but she was by herself, all the members were hard at work at the factory.  A big order was due to go out on Thursday and many had to work overtime.  She frowned, realizing suddenly that her world had narrowed down to The Last Riders.  She had never had an overabundance of friends, but there were a few she could have called at a moment’s notice for lunch.

Winter decided to go to the diner for lunch by herself.  The diner wasn’t very busy with only a few customers occupying the tables.  Pastor Dean was sitting at one by himself.

“Mind if I join you?” Winter asked

He rose and pulled out a chair at the table. “Not at all.”

 Pastor Dean sat back down as the waitress came to take her order.  Winter appreciated his gentlemanly manners.  He was an extremely good-looking man, who was also an excellent Pastor.  Winter had sought his guidance several times after her mother’s death.

“You seem to be recovering well.”

“Other than the cane and that I move slow as a turtle, I am,” Winter agreed happily.

“Now that you’re better, I am hoping to see you in church again.  The children in your class miss you.”

“I miss them.”  Her class of preschoolers was small, but she was eager to see them again.  “I’ll be back this Sunday.”

“I’ll count on it.”  They discussed how several of the older church parishioners were doing until their food arrived. They were drinking coffee when Mrs. Langley came in from her beauty shop appointment to meet her friend.  

Mrs. Langley was Winter’s aunt. Samantha was her granddaughter, who was as cruel as Mrs. Langley was kind.  She sat down at their table to wait for her friend’s arrival.

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