Virgin Daiquiri (Last Call #4) (4 page)

Read Virgin Daiquiri (Last Call #4) Online

Authors: Moira Rogers

Tags: #demon, #psychic

BOOK: Virgin Daiquiri (Last Call #4)
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Leo lifted one hand from the chair to her
head, and his fingers stroked over her hair. “That’s good,” he
whispered hoarsely. “Licking’s good.”

Yes?” Caitlin tried to
remember every dirty blowjob in every porn movie she’d ever seen.
Some of it seemed humanly impossible, but she could handle this.
She drew the tip of her tongue up the underside of his shaft and
circled it around him before parting her lips to take him into her

So’s that.” His voice
sounded strained, but his fingers were gentle as they drifted
through her hair. “Suck a little, just the head. Move your hand,
too. I’ll warn you when I’m going to come.”

She hummed her understanding and sucked,
using her hand to apply pressure where her mouth didn’t reach. He
sucked in a breath before letting it out in a soft groan, and she
slid her lips farther down his cock.

Fuck --” His fingers
curled around her hair and tugged her back. “Honey, if you go at it
with that much enthusiasm, I’m not going to last long. Watching you
get yourself off was pretty fucking sexy.”

Him stopping her shouldn’t have frustrated
Caitlin, but it did. “Do you want me to slow down? Make it last
longer?” All she wanted was to see him come. At this point, she
didn’t care if he wanted it to take all night.

A low growl escaped his lips, and his free
hand left the arm of the chair and curled over hers, stilling her
movements. “No. You don’t need to spend all day sucking my cock,
sweetheart. But if this is your first time doing it, you might not
want me to come in your mouth.”

That’s stupid.” She
wrapped her other hand over his, trapping it between hers on his
shaft, and bent her head again. His skin was still wet from her
mouth, and she sucked him in fast and hard, as deep as she

He swore again and tightened his fingers in
her hair. “Look at me.”

She peered up at him through her lashes and
moaned as the sight of his face sent a surprising throb of pleasure
skating through her. Something dark flashed in his eyes, a hint of
the danger that surely lurked beneath the blond surfer

Tell me,” he commanded.
“Tell me you want me to come in your mouth.”

Caitlin pulled away slowly, letting her
tongue flick across the head of his cock as she released him. “I
want you to come in my mouth.”

Then that’s what I’m going
to do. It won’t take long if you keep staring up at me with those
big eyes while you’re sucking me off so fucking good.”

She smiled and teased him with a few soft
kisses. “I like watching you. And hearing you.”

He moved the hand trapped between hers,
guiding her fingers up and down his shaft in a slow, teasing
stroke. “Yeah, the dirty talking seems to turn you on plenty. You
like hearing what I’m going to do to you?”

You haven’t told me what
you’re going to do to me yet.” Anticipation twisted in her belly.
“You could tell me while I make you come.”

Won’t have time to tell you
everything, but I could get started.” The hand at the back of her
head moved again, insistently this time. “If
get started, that is.”

She kept her eyes on his as she licked her
lips and parted them. She pressed them to the head of his cock and
waited for him to thrust into her mouth.

She kept waiting.

Leo gave her a tight smile and shook his
head. “Uh-uh, darling. Fucking your mouth is absolutely a second
date activity. I’d rather see what you come up with.”

Uncertainty welled up again, and she licked
the corner of her mouth nervously. “I’ve pretty much exhausted my
limited repertoire of oral sex skills already.”

That’s okay,” he reassured
her, that wicked smile softening a little. “Because the ones you’ve
already used were fucking hot. Just do what you were doing,
sweetheart. Trust me.”

Quelling the doubt inside her was easy with
that sultry look in his eyes. “I do trust you.” She didn’t hesitate
or tease then, just slipped her lips around him and focused on the
tensing of his muscles and the soft noise that rumbled out of his

He let out a particularly loud groan and
started to talk. “After this, I’m going to send you to that big
black cabinet in the corner. It’s got every kinky toy you can
imagine. I want you to choose what excites you, because it’s my
turn to make you come.”

She had no idea how long he’d torment her
before he finally took her. She wanted to ask, but not enough to
raise her head to speak. Instead, she lifted her free hand and
closed it around his balls, massaging gently.

Fuck, just like that…” His
head fell back, and the muscles of his throat worked as he
swallowed. When he resumed speaking, his voice was gravelly. “Maybe
I’ll go down on you first. Don’t know if my tongue is as hot as
yours is, but I bet you’ll like having it in your cunt.”

Caitlin whimpered, the sound muffled by his
cock, and moved faster. She wanted to feel his mouth on her, to
know that touching her aroused him. The thought made her grip him
more tightly, made her slide her tongue up and down his shaft as
her mouth worked over him.

His breathing sped, and the fingers curled
in her hair tugged slightly. “This is it, sweetheart. If you want
to stop --”

This time, her moan was one of
protest. She met his eyes with a pleading gaze and resisted the
pull of his hand in her hair.
Please. I want this.

God, you are so hot. Hot,
sweetheart, so fucking --” The word faded in a hissed curse. Leo
threw back his head again and moaned his satisfaction as he

He tensed, and so did Caitlin. She was
prepared for the rush of warmth he spilled in her mouth, but not
for the fulfillment that shook her, or the sharp, almost painful
ache in her pussy. Her hand slipped down and between her legs as
she tried to relieve her desperate arousal.

Are you touching
yourself?” His voice was rough, almost feral. He dragged her head
back with the hand in her hair and stared down at her, his eyes
still glazed with release. “Are you aching to have something hard
inside you?”

She should have been scared of him. Instead,
she shuddered in pleasure. “Yes.”

Move your hand.” It wasn’t
a suggestion.

Caitlin rested both hands on his thighs.
“What do you want me to do?”

Leo released her and sat back in the chair.
“Stand up and go to the cabinet in the corner. Whatever you pick,
I’m going to use it to make you come until you beg for me to

She rose slowly. Her knees felt weak and
shaky as she walked to the cabinet. The doors opened without a
sound, revealing shelf after shelf of sleek, sometimes
brightly-colored toys and accessories.

One dildo drew her eye, and she stroked a
fingertip along its length. The longing that gripped her made her
eyes drift shut. She’d carry it to Leo, offer it to him.

And then he’d make her lose her mind.

Leo had counted on having a few minutes to
catch his breath and gather his wits. Sending Caitlin to the
cabinet had been a gamble, but all her enthusiasm hadn’t quite
masked her nerves. And her nerves had brought to the surface all of
those instincts that made him such a shitty force for evil to begin

It should have taken her a few
minutes to peruse the contents of the cabinet, time enough to get
himself back under control. Time to
some damn control.

Instead she turned around a few moments
later, her hands curled around damn near twelve inches of shining
steel that should have had a quivering virgin running in the
opposite direction.

He swallowed as she walked back toward him,
shamelessly naked and the sort of tempting that could make a man
crazy. “You don’t play around, do you?”

On the contrary.” She
stopped and held out the dildo. “I play around a lot.”

The curved rod was so heavy he arched an
eyebrow as he lifted it from her hands. “And you play hard.”

Mmm.” Caitlin crawled onto
the bed and propped her head up on one arm, staring at him. “No one
else was going to teach me what I liked, so I figured it out for

Her casual statement managed to make him
hard again in three seconds flat. Leo groaned and followed her to
the bed. “Well, you should be glad you came upstairs with me, then,
cutie. I doubt many of the men downstairs were packing this sort of

Still would have gotten
the job done.” The desire in her eyes gave lie to the nonchalance
of the statement.

He planted his knee on the bed
and reached for her ankle, rubbing his thumb along the inside.
“There’s your first mistake, Caitlin. This? Should never be

Figure of speech.” She sat
up and bit her lip. “You know this is dangerous, right? Even for

Leo dropped the dildo to the bed and leaned
down, urging her body back to the bed with his own. His hands hit
the bed on either side of her head, and he lowered his face until
his lips almost touched hers. “You underestimate me, Caitlin. A
lot. And if your family is stupid enough to do the same, then I
pity them. Because I will wipe them off the planet if they try to
fuck with me… or you.”

Her eyes locked with his for a breathless,
electric moment. Then her brow furrowed and she laughed. “Did you
call me stupid somewhere in that extremely sexy speech?”

He liked her laugh. He liked her smile. He
liked way too much about her.

And I’m going to
sinking into

His cock took immediate interest in that
thought, but he resisted temptation and kissed her chin. “No.” More
kisses, nipping down her neck and shoulders as he talked. “Your
family are dark magic practitioners who should know damn well who I
am.” He licked the curve of her breast and felt intense
satisfaction when she sucked in a ragged breath and slid her legs
against his. “Enough of them have tried to strike bargains with me
over the last few centuries, after all.”

Thwarting their evil plans
by fucking me should be especially enjoyable, then.” Her small
hands trailed up his sides. “What if I tried to strike a bargain
with you?”

He froze, his lips hovering just above one
gorgeous nipple. “Depends on if it’s magical or sexual.”

Neither.” She arched, and
her nipple brushed his mouth. “If you buy me breakfast, I’ll send
your clothes to my dry cleaner. The woman’s a miracle worker. Maybe

Relief seized him, so hard and fast he
didn’t know what to do but distract himself by nipping the side of
her breast. “Deal,” he whispered, and sealed it with another bite,
this one at the base of her ribcage. “But it’s a long time until

Caitlin laughed again. “Damn. I was hoping
you wouldn’t notice that the crux of my plan involved keeping you
in this bed for hours.”

He tickled around her belly-button with his
tongue. “That was a given. A good de-virginizing takes hours.”

She wiggled under him, breathing faster.
“Since this is my first, I’ll have to take your word for it.”

Hours,” he repeated,
mostly to hear that little hitched breath again. He glanced up,
knowing his eyes had gone dark with lust, and watched her face as
he kissed low enough for his chin to barely brush the soft curls
between her legs. She seemed to like the coarse words, so he didn’t
hold back. “Do you have any idea how much time I could spend just
tasting you?”

Her hands curled into the plush comforter.
“I’m eager to find out.”

As if he could have any doubts with her
aroused scent clouding his brain. He lifted off her completely and
slid to the floor, then hooked his hands under her thighs and
dragged her to the edge of the bed. “Watch me, Caitlin. Watch me
until you can’t keep your eyes open anymore because my tongue in
your cunt is that damn good.”

She rose up on her elbows. “Five seconds,
then. Got it.” Her legs slipped over his shoulders, and she stared
down at him expectantly.

Leo bit the inside of her thigh
with a growl. “You’ve got a smart mouth.”
And it is far, far too sexy.
“Just for that, I
should let you stew a little bit.”

She only smiled. “Playing denial games with
a precognitive psychic only goes so far, baby. I already know how
the night goes.”

That brought his head up. “You’ve seen

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