Virtually Real (12 page)

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Authors: D. S. Whitfield

BOOK: Virtually Real
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Eli was observing too. He was very pleased to see that a whole government was prepared to consider trusting him and Y’shua. He knew what Lucas was up to but also had determined that his v-people would need to be tested this way. He would send some of his team to help those who were deliberating on the issue – but they would only offer advice and encouragement. He was fully aware that Lucas’s team would be in full swing with his own advice, accusations and discouragement.



The virtual world – Knesset

The delegates returned. Utter quietness hung over the assembly as the Speaker re-read the motion.

“I put the motion. Those in favour say
those to the contrary opinion say

An indistinct sound ensued.

“A division is called for. Close the doors. Members in favour shall go to the right those against to the left. The Clerk will count the votes.”

The delegates filed out. By two votes the motion was lost and Israel would accept the peace offered by Aaron Nawkish.

“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” Judah muttered to himself as the count was called.



The real world

“Good work,” Lucas told his team. Eli is so stupid with his self-imposed rules on treating these v-people. Victory is now ours!”



The virtual world

Antoni was very pleased with himself – and with Aaron. They would now be able to infiltrate Israel and corrupt the hold that belief in Y’shua had on the population. He put his plans into effect immediately.

“This is my instruction,” he told his deputy, “Arrange for our businesses to be started up in Israel and be very careful to ensure that Israelis are treated well and are given generous terms of trade. Also set up some very discreet escort agencies, but give them titles that sound as if they have a more legitimate role to be there. Use titles like ‘Relationship Adviser’, ‘Social Researcher’ and so on, but make sure that the agents are very attractive, seductive and know how to hook. The more we now get their officials compromising their beliefs and integrity the more we will gain control.

“Be selective. Some will not be seduced by women but will be seduced by money, and those that will not be seduced by money can be seduced by power. See to it that some are given positions of authority (under our control of course) in the empire which, by the way, I will now start to call the Empire of European & Mid-Eastern Communities, EEMEC for short. Let them have the trappings of power and status. And as for the general population I want you to gradually introduce the same seductions but pitched for their level. Sow ideas of compromise and make it sound convincing. Erode their strict moral codes little by little. Be persistent. Let their ban of homosexual behaviour become more tolerant. Show them the power that can be had through the Nimrah religion and make sure that their desires are fulfilled.

“About two years of skilful work should be enough to get the majority of them out of Y’shua’s clutches. We can deal with the leftovers after that. Oh by the way, there will be some in their midst who will see what we are doing and speak out to warn their fellow citizens. Target those especially. Feign respect but deride their message. Appear to be tolerant, but win the crowds to our promises and imply that these prophetic messages are ‘negative’ and the dangers are illusory.”

Antoni’s staff moved with speed and skill. The EEMEC business community smelled money long before the ink had dried on the treaty, and was already establishing a presence in Israel. Israel had passed laws to allow for previously isolationist restrictions to be relaxed and it was not long before the whole populace felt the effects of an increased flow of wealth.

In Israel working hours were reduced and paid leave provisions became the most generous in the world.

To ensure that the increased leisure was not entirely wasted Aaron arranged for lectures on the Nimrah religion to be made available. This was done with much skill and Aaron’s intimate knowledge of The Great Power enabled him to provide many of the emotional and self-centred wishes of the people who sought it. Some who were sick were healed; others with various other problems had these resolved. After all Y’shua did not always do such things for them, and besides they were exhorted to serve Y’shua, but on the other hand The Great Power would serve them!

And so it was that a great apostasy came upon the land of Israel, and Antoni’s prediction that there would be some ‘prophets’ that would speak out against what was happening was true.

One such was Jeremy Hilkiah.

Jeremy had made a number of predictions that proved accurate, had a reputation of being a true prophet of El and was a devout follower of Y’shua. He was feared by some, hated by others and respected by all. No one would dare touch him and those with false motives felt exposed in his presence. Yet there was no denying his love for people. Even the most hardened heart felt this love, and felt the conviction of truth when he was near. Although the priests of Nimrah were able to perform many miraculous things, those done by or through Jeremy somehow seemed to have more substance and greater authority.

Jeremy was a close friend of Rabbi Moesh Jacov and sought audience with him.

“What can we do to stop this moral decline and corruption of our nation?” he asked.

“I know, I know,” the Rabbi replied, “I tried to warn Judah and the Knesset. Y’shua has told me that the nation must follow this path. We thought we had established many generations of believers who would not be compromised. We thought that we had a constitution that would protect us from corruption but right now before our eyes we are walking away from the One who has provided for us and protected us. We have had so many blessings and yet we now see most starting to turn. The overt behaviour of most is still good but I have been shown that the things done behind closed doors will bring shame and desolation on the next generation. We will see marriage break-ups, rebellion of children, increased suicides, more cases of insanity and new diseases that we do not know how to control.”

“My own heart cries for my people,” Jeremy replied. “Let’s make an appeal throughout the public media. Let’s spell out exactly the consequences for the people. If they do not believe us then the consequences will be on them.”

“I agree. I will front the news media, and you give support and bring understanding as Y’shua gives it to you. I will arrange with a contact I have for this to be given to us.”

With that the two friends departed.



The TV broadcasts were scheduled fourteen months after the Knesset had allowed for Aaron’s peace initiative to proceed. By now only about fifty percent of the adult population actually had any interest in the subject. To most the debate was already over; their lives were better than ever, they no longer had to put up with the underlying hatred of other nations, and many wondered why they had ever believed in Y’shua in the first place. The other fifty percent were being caught in the same mindsets but still had sufficient awareness of the bigger issues affecting them, and, coupled with the respect that was still accorded to Rabbi Moesh Jacov and Jeremy Hilkiah, were inclined to watch and listen to their pronouncements.

The Rabbi spoke first. “Jeremy and I know that we have heard from Y’shua, and we know the consequences of this nation continuing down the path we are on. If Antoni Meshiac had invaded us previously with force of arms, Israel could have withstood him. We have come through some very testing times as a nation. We are hated by all, yet we have been blessed, protected and our enemies have been at peace with us. But slowly, as the next generation arises, the love and trust of Y’shua is gradually waning. This nation is at a cross-road, but it is a cross-road of the heart of its individual people. There is an old proverb where a man cries out to El, ‘El do not make me so poor that I steal from my neighbour and dishonour you, nor make me so rich that I forget that I need you.’ We are facing the danger of becoming so rich and well off that many of the self-disciplines we have had to learn are being eroded. There will be less than a quarter of Israel’s adult population even listening to this, in spite of a half day of special holiday being declared for the purpose.

“I will spell out for the nation the course of events if we do not turn back and follow the ways of Y’shua with genuine love. Israel’s people will continue in prosperity for a while yet. Fathers will become more interested in their business and the seductions of power and influence to the neglect of their families. Children will become more rebellious and wives will be less secure. Marriages will break down, violence and robbery will increase. Trust between neighbours will go and fear and oppression sit in the subconscious. Immorality of all kinds will increase – and immorality speaks of actions that harm others. Sexual immorality will lead to hardness of heart and broken and damaged souls. Relationships in the work place will become bitter and those with power will oppress those without it. The skills we need as a nation will become scarce and our resources will be used for hospitals, asylums, prisons and police. Our current wealth will evaporate before our eyes and we will be invaded by those that hate us. The peace proposal we have with Antoni Meshiac is a sham. He is seeking to weaken our trust in Y’shua so that our protection from him is gone. Antoni knows that once we depend on him for our wellbeing, he can destroy us – and he will! No other nation likes to be reminded that we are all accountable to El; each wants to go its own way.

“These things will not be noticed at first. It will happen slowly. Only gradually will our values of right and wrong change and most won’t even be aware of it.

“Make a choice today not to forsake he who protects Israel, and persuade your neighbours likewise. I have spelled out the consequences as clearly as I can – only you can now make the choice.”

Rabbi Moesh sat down. There was silence in the studio.

Jeremy Hilkiah rose and spoke to the cameras, “What the Rabbi has said is true,” and sat down.


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