Virtually Real (5 page)

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Authors: D. S. Whitfield

BOOK: Virtually Real
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The virtual world

Surprisingly, in spite of the completely different agendas of Lucas and Eli, the influences on the project v-population seemed to mirror very closely the influences that the real human population had experienced over the same time. The v-population engaged in good and evil deeds and activities just as in the real world.

Some were totally sold out to Lucas and in a deluded way would try to manipulate him to give them what they wanted. Lucas and his team were quite happy to provide sufficient incentives to keep the illusion, but his golden rule was to, using a quaint old phrase, ‘give them a penny but take a pound.’

Others were totally given to Eli and his ways. And though they often could only give little, Eli gave them much. Sometimes this would be in the form of favourable and enjoyable circumstances, but more often it was the sense of being loved, of well-being and peacefulness deep within themselves.

Both Lucas and Eli were now seeing the v-people dividing into the two camps and the enmity held by those under Lucas’ influence toward the others steadily increased. Those under Eli sought to win over as many as they could to being submitted to El and Y’shua.

Because of the intensity of opposition experienced by the Y’shua followers, Eli arranged for them to have a sense of his presence and guidance with them at all times. Yet not all believed that this was real, and many slipped back into the ways of Lucas.



Surprisingly the theory was developed from quantum physics in an attempt to predict which particular quantum of energy would go to what part of a diffraction pattern. Kvinoscivy showed that any ‘independent’ decision of any one entity was always influenced by the preceding ‘independent decisions’ of its precursors. If there is one prime determination at the beginning then freedom of choice can exist in harmony of relationship; but if there is more than one ‘prime’ determination at the beginning of a sequence then malfunctions must occur and entropy, decay and disorder ensue. This theory was shown to apply to all entities whether of a physical nature or not.

Readers are referred to the Christian Gospels for details of this replication.


Chapter 8


Present Times



And so it came to pass that the project replicated all the major events and virtual lives of the human population and the two teams were able to make predictions of outcomes. Each side was exerting its influences on the v-population who would respond one way then another.

Lucas could now see that Eli was not interested in this virtual world for its own sake but came to perceive that he was aiming to make the translation of some of the v-people into the real world of humans – particularly those that were of similar quality of character as himself.

Eli, in encouraging his v-followers would often impress upon them at this time that the troubles they experienced in their world would be nothing compared to the blessings he would bring them into. He even generated visions for a few so that they could see for themselves something of what it would be like in the future.

Eli also shared with them that he was in charge of all that they experienced and that each v-person would achieve the full consequences of the direction they chose. Those who trusted him and were selfless would be well served; those who essentially relied on themselves alone and used others would endure consequent pain and loneliness. It was a natural out working of the rules by which the whole project had been set up.

He also reminded them that each of them carried in their essence a form of ‘genetic’ code which would always exist, and that it only needed to be imparted into a suitable hyperspace energy relationship to be made ‘real’ again. It was by this means, he explained, that their apparent ‘death’ in their present world only represented a transfer of the individual’s embedded codes, from one hyperspace domain to another.

By this means they would experience continuity of existence beyond the world in which they were now ‘living’.

Lucas, true to form, replicated all that Eli did but with his own ‘spin’. He too gave some of his v-followers visions and dreams. He implied that Eli was not as powerful as they thought, but that he, Lucas, could give them all they wanted. And he was very successful.

Many of the v-people found Eli’s exhortations to persevere, to be patient, to believe his promises when all the circumstances seemed to be to the contrary, too much. It was almost a relief, a lifting of oppression when they just let go and followed their self-preserving instincts and emotions as these ebbed and flowed.

Lucas was so much easier to believe and follow, and it appeared much more enjoyable to have a series of short term gains even if there was long term pain. Thus the pleasures of drugs, sex, violence, and lying were too hard to resist. Sometimes not even Eli’s most devoted followers were able to totally control these passions in themselves but at least they were not given over to them.



The real world

Eli gathered his team. By now the original intent of the project had become a personal battle for the loyalty and affections of the v-people to either Eli or Lucas.

Eli wanted the v-people to come to a clear, open and mutually loving relationship with him so that he would be able to transfer them, through the hyperspace codes, into his own real world. Lucas wanted control and he wanted the allegiance of the v-people toward himself. One sought the allegiance to be by genuine affection; the other by direct or indirect coercion.

Lucas would use all kinds of allurements, lies and stratagems to get the v-people to either be committed to him or to believe that they were totally independent of anything but themselves – even though it was obvious they were not. Lucas could influence the mental perceptions of the v-people so that they would be blind or confused. Many on Lucas’ team were now actually enjoying, in a perverse way, exercising cruelty on the v-people. They would entice v-people to do inhumane or cruel things to other v-people – especially to those that sought to follow Eli’s way.

Eli spelled out clearly to v-people the good that they would enjoy if they did right, and the suffering they would experience if they did what was wrong. But Lucas caused confusion of what was right and good and what was wrong and corrupt. There was found in the v-world no one who lived as Eli would have liked – all of them missed the mark!

All that Eli required of the v-people was that they recognise their inability to do what he required yet want to be right living and to believe that Y’shua had given himself on their behalf. If they believed this, and submitted to his influences as they became aware of them, then he would change the corrupted coding within each of them.

Even though some of their present behaviour was detestable, they would be changed. Those who were enthusiastic on these things would be given greater blessing in due course; those who took a minimalist approach in seeking to work with Eli would receive minimal rewards. Eli had no favourites, but he was drawn to bestow greater favour on some more than on others.

Unbeknown to Lucas, Eli had in mind that at the end of the project he would start again. The v-people who pleased him would have their codes re-activated in a new world he would make for them to live in.

The codes of the others would be activated to another world where the full consequences of self-centredness would be continually experienced – because once the codes were in existence they could not be undone and the time of death in the v-world meant that no further change took place. They would also have the enjoyment of Lucas’ personal presence!

The enmity between Lucas’ team and Eli’s team continued to grow.



All human history to that point had been replicated. The v-people had experienced all that humans had experienced up to the ‘now’ point and henceforth the project would seek to predict outcomes for the future.

The question of an exact representation of Eli and Lucas in the v-world was a point of debate with those involved in the project and it was decided that the project and its real world people would not be a part of the inhabited v-world. Yet there were v-people who had their core codes aligned with Y’shua and though there were weaknesses and transgressions, they were, as far as Eli was concerned, Y’shua’s representation in the v-world.

Lucas had by now a vicious hatred of all v-people – especially those who in one way or another acknowledged Eli. He was still under some of Eli’s constraints and would use the v-people he controlled for his own purposes. He would even cause images of himself and some of his followers to manifest in the v-world and mix with them. He did not know that the result would be like mixing iron and clay!



The virtual world

The countries and nations of the real world were by now fully replicated. The United States had been eclipsed as a super power. Its demise came about in the way of all empires – great and small. The decline started within.

With prosperity men of principle and integrity declined in numbers and influence, licentiousness and lawlessness grew, family stability became the exception. Corruption undermined her in trade and economics, and after a time of being an unprincipled international bully, the United States was overtaken by China whose military might, economic clout and disciplined, albeit coerced citizenship made it unassailable. In each of the preceding two major wars China had won more territory and influence. Taiwan, Japan and Korea were now puppet states. China ruled with an iron fist and even other South East Asian nations kow-towed to the political whims of Beijing.

Europe had also extended her influence. The European Community, by a series of political manipulations, managed to destroy national sovereignty in all but name among its member states, and this without the sanction of their peoples. National defence, police and the courts came under the bureaucratic control of the Brussels headquarters, yet some tokens of national identity were retained for illusion. The leader of the European Empire and Middle Eastern Economic Community (known as EEMEC), Antoni Meschiac, is a charming, charismatic, and very deceptive leader of Arabic lineage, but to those who have experienced his displeasure he is known as the ‘Butcher of Brussels’ or the ‘Butcher of Brunei’ depending on the location.

Antoni knew that without strong government the nationalistic tendencies of the populations would break the power of his empire and with it the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who are, by now, the equivalent of ruthless medieval war-lords. His own corrupt ‘empire’ and power has to be kept intact, and v-people like Jens, a believer in Y’shua, could influence too many people and set them free from the controlling fear of Brussels his capital: then power would be lost!

Other nations found themselves at the mercy of either of those two power blocs and were treated as mere pawns. Only the United States kept some autonomy for herself – but that was all she could do. Nuclear devastation had ruined the heartland and the States themselves were barely ‘united’.

What was universal, however, was a hatred of the followers of Y’shua and the nation of Israel. On the surface the world was in a time of peace and economic co-operation, but underneath the surface good people were crushed and dispirited and many gave up life or gave themselves over to the corrupt anaesthesia the world provided.

Israel was respected for her skills and wealth but a seething underlying hatred against her seemed to reflect the division between Eli and Lucas though this aspect was generally unbeknown to the v-people.



Chou Ling Yi, president of the Chinese Republican Empire was calling his counterpart, Antoni in Europe.

“May your peace continue,” he began with the now universal greeting.

“And your peace be with you.”

“Mr Meschiac, I wish for us to meet together privately sometime. I have some issues I would like to discuss before getting either of our officials involved. Would you be interested?”

“Of course, Chou Yi. I too have been thinking of ways in which our two empires can become more cooperative to our mutual benefit. And I recognise that we, as leaders, have to have a close understanding of each other first. This will enable each of us to keep any foolishness on the part of our officials in check. I would certainly like us to know each other much better.”

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