Vision In Love (Legends of The North Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Vision In Love (Legends of The North Book 1)
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Emma pressed her lips together. “He just wants to look out for you Jess, you're his little sister.”

“I know. But sometimes he forgets that I'm a grown woman and I don't want him and Rob to fall out.”

“Why would they fall out?”

“I don't know. He might read too much into it, and think he needs to protect me from Rob,” Jess said, as she picked at a thread on the end of the belt.

“Why would he need to protect you from Rob?”

Jess dropped the belt and glared at Emma. “That’s what I'm saying, he doesn't need to. There's nothing going on between Rob and me.”

Emma said nothing, just stared at Jess as she fidgeted. “You don't sound sure. Who are you trying to convince, me or you?”

“Nobody. I don't have to convince anybody because there's nothing going on,” Jess said, as she pushed past Emma toward the stairs.

Want to read more?

Vision in Trust

Coming May 2016

Vision in Faith

Coming July 2016


Liz Bower started her writing career with an online course. She is now studying for a creative writing degree, so it was probably inevitable that she would write a novel. 

From as early as she can remember, Liz has loved reading. Liz was inspired by her love of books to write her own stories, starting when she was only a teenager.

When not writing, Liz can be found curled up with a cup of coffee and a book or walking her dog.

Originally from Lancashire, England, Liz now lives near London with her husband.

Connect with Liz online:




And if you want to hear when the next book is available sign up to Liz’s website to receive updates. Or join her Facebook group, Liz's Legends, and read the first excerpts from her new releases and there's even a rumour that there may be giveaway's to enter. She’d love to see you there!


An author can never write a book alone and I owe my thanks to so many people and this is just some of them.

Denise,who was brave enough to read my book before anybody else. Your support has meant so much to me. You are always there to listen and were the first person to tell me that you loved my story and couldn't wait to read the next. So, again thank you, without you I might have given up.

To my Writing Buddies on Facebook. You were always there to answer me when I asked random questions, even the ones about WordPress. Thank you for joining me on this journey and I can't wait to read your books too. Thank you also to the wonderful bloggers and other authors who have supported me, without your help none of this would've happened.

To Marianne for creating the fantastic covers and never once complaining when I asked for changes, again.

To my lovely editor Kristin and everyone at Hot Tree Editing for making my first edit pain-free. I'm so glad you enjoyed my story and that you wanted to read the next one.

To Marla, my fantastic proofreader who did a great job not only in finding my errors but for being bilingual in both American and English!

And of course to my husband, without him I would never have got this far. In fact I probably would have never even started.

And last but not least, thank you to you, the reader - for buying this book and taking a chance on a debut novel. If you enjoyed the book please consider leaving a review on Amazon and Goodreads. Reviews really do mean everything to an indie author.

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