Vixxen Live Grey Eyes Collection (2 page)

Read Vixxen Live Grey Eyes Collection Online

Authors: Sapphire R. Kheegan

BOOK: Vixxen Live Grey Eyes Collection
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No matter how far away I feel the tension of your need. - Pretty

Almost home from a long day of shopping! That pedicure was just what I needed to start my day out right. My toes feel good, fully pampered massaged and painted. How my feet feel right now is what they mean by dancing feet, light, sensual, and free. Mine are dancing right now in my shoes, I will set you free in a minute be home soon. My day out was fantastic filled with glitzy shops and tea-filled stops, I got those intense purple heels I wanted and those beautiful earrings with the silver. Those earrings are going to make my red pashmina look elegant, give it just the right amount of pop!  Not too bad, the prices were right and I feel good. I guess I’ll go home and check on Tom. What else is there to do on a Sunday night? Just go home and relax. Maybe have a big glass of white wine to unwind and flip open that book I’ve been meaning to finish. What a nice day just focused on me, all about me. It is so good to be home.

“Hey Tom, I know your hungry!” Oh so hungry. That cat is so vocal! I wonder where he gets it from, its not like he is going to starve to death anytime soon. He’s fed now so I can take off these clothes and slip into my silky smooth nightie, the pink one with lacy black trim... that one, well it just feels good.  Shoes and such all put away neatly in the closet, now where is that glass of wine. Mmm… I can taste it now, maybe I should grab the whole bottle? Nice and dry not too sweet just the way I like it. Thank you master vintner in Italy, you just made my night.

1000 thread count sheets here I come, just thinking about sliding in on your softness makes me melt like chocolate, as I fluff pillows to sit up and read. Lets see what is happening; now the romance in these books are so good!

“He looks into my eyes, I try so hard not take in his dark brown hair, chiseled jawline and broad cheekbones or his large weathered hands and sun-burned face. He works hard and it shows, just the type of man I need. I can smell the natural scent of a hard day’s work on him, your day is not over buckaroo. This ranch hand needs a little attention. I look timidly away as my western cowboy unties my bodice slowly, my cottony top falls away revealing my fair skinned breasts. Pink nipples now fully exposed immediately perk up as the cool night air surrounds them. Kiss me until the moon gives way to the sun...”

It is getting warm in here I think to myself as I put my book down and get up to refill my now empty glass. White wine, that’s right, I think I will go ahead and bring the whole bottle to bed with me. Back in bed, I drum my fingers across the book cover. Smile to myself, that western cowboy sure does sound divine. I wonder where my handsome stranger is? Where are you Grey Eyes? Would you wrangle me in and have your way with me in back of the barn like Annie, in my book? Ohhh… Grey Eyes you could have your way with me right now, just knock on the door. I’d walk over and let you in, even if you are a complete stranger and all. I know you won’t hurt me; your eyes are too gentle for that. “Mmmm….. are you watching me Grey Eyes can you see me through the curtains? Are you peeking in my window? Do you like what you see?”

I am becoming so moist with anticipation that you can smell my sexual arousal growing. Why don’t you come on in. I go over and lay back on the bed, in my pink chemise I think about your strong hands, feeling warm and sexy all at the same time.

“Can you see the curves of my tits and the shadow of my erect nipples beneath the silken cloth?” I’ll bet you can Grey Eyes, is that a smile of approval on the corner of your lips.

As I slide my fingers over my belly, circle around my button continuing further down to where my flower is beginning to bloom. I slide my fingers deeper into my quim as I think about you. Feeling its delicate softness as I plunge my fingers beneath the wet quivering folds. Keep watching me Grey Eyes.  Lie down next to me on the bed now. You hold me close and slide your hands down the small of my back as you begin whispering honeyed words into my ear. You nibble on my shoulder and breathe your hot breath on my cheek, I start to teeter toward orgasm as you gently place open kisses on my neck. I’m now openly moaning as you continue to move your body rhythmically against mine as I climax, you kiss my full lips and smile.


That was good Grey Eyes, almost too good. Like you were here with me. I wish you were, as I return to reality not fully awaken from my dream, I take a long drink from my wine glass and settle down to finish my book.


Taste the heat of my passions. - Pretty

Why did I get selected to go to the conference in Las Vegas? I’ve been a thousand times; I should have seniority by now. Helen in Accounting has been begging to go, no send Pretty, she always seems to have a good time. Send the single person as though I don’t have a life. Tom had to be put in a cat hotel mind you, and he was not very happy about that. I will hear about  it! I abandoned him among the common breed house cats for hours on end.

Well, I guess I’m not leaving much behind, but I did have plans to have my hair done, I was thinking about red highlights. Add a little zazz and sparkle. Well, I’m here no use complaining about it. Sitting in the back of the conference room as usual, trying to look interested and excited about what COO, CFO, and CEO have to say about nothing. They don’t know what the hell is going on in the company, putting on airs to look like they do. Every year they walk around shaking hands trying to vaguely remember your name from the last ten meetings, hell I just say my name. We did meet someone new this time, head of Environmental Affairs, big deal! Okay, okay he was good looking, blonde hair and clear blue eyes his height well it was just right, and I noticed when he loosened his tie, I caught a naughty twinkle in his eye.


I know I shouldn’t, but I think he noticed me way in the back. I might have to go and check in on that. On with the show, maybe I can get a workout in at the hotel gym before it closes. Why does it have operating hours nobody knows, day or night its not staffed anyway? That is why I’m not in charge, because we would make money and do away with yearly conferences that waste money like this one. Finally, today’s meeting is over! Must’ve been the people sound asleep in row 3 that tipped them off. Hustling up to my room, ripping off my blue suit and heels and racing to get back to the gym with 20 minutes on the clock. No time to spare. I am decked out! With my light pink sneakers and boy-cut shorts and sports top, the shorts I admit show a little skin, but they are so comfortable for exercising and moving around. Beep! Hello gym, I’m here! Starting out with a little cardio and on to the weights, better grab a towel. The workout was great! That was just what I needed after sitting on my bum all day. I feel refreshed and giddy, probably a little too excited. Might just change and grab a drink at the hotel lounge, I’m feeling good tonight. Hold the elevator please! I shout out to no particular person, when who’s masculine hands reach out and hold the door wide for me? Him, the head of Environmental Affairs with his meticulous blonde hair so smooth and yearning to be touched, I might just be the one to ruffle it up.

“Thank you,” I say way to enthusiastically.

“Your welcome, Pretty!”

Say what! He knows my name; wow the night will not be the same. Ding! The door closes, I watch him from the corner of my eye as he takes me in. First his eyes glance down at my feet slowly moving up my legs resting on my thighs and firm buttocks. I watch him, unconsciously he runs his tongue across his pearly white teeth, I think to myself. I can’t take it anymore; I give him full view so I can see the look in his eyes. His lips slightly part open as his hands gesture me over. I say, I’m all sweaty! He says, that sounds perfect to me. He quickly encloses me in a firm embrace! Laying firm hard kisses on my cheeks, then gently and lightly flicking my tongue and lips. He tastes delicious. I hear him let out a deep moan as he continues kissing me down to my bosom.

Mmmm… not that yet, I want something else. I stop and look deep into his clear blue eyes, they are dancing to a new tune now. I run over and change the elevator numbers to go all the way to the top, 18 floors. That should be just enough time, I think to myself. I quickly reach down between his legs grabbing his throbbing wood in hand. I feel my body respond to the heat, millions of sensations rushing into my breasts, nipples perking and across my sweaty mound. I let out a deep sigh. I want him inside me, but first let me taste him fully. Pulling down his black slacks to his knees, I can see his full manhood in front of me. I grab him once more this time circling my tongue around the head of his member. He is so hard I can feel the smooth muscles tense even more with every lick of my wet pink tongue. He’s starting to moan; good I want you to cum. I reach down with my other hand and slowly caress his spheres tugging and teasing them gently. I slowly move my tongue down his shaft nibble his shaft and take each testicle into my mouth. He exhales its time; I move my tongue back up to his head and look up straight into his eyes. This is all for you baby. As I start bobbing up and down on his hard hard knob. I feel his head pulsating in my mouth, I twist and turn my head moving my hand rapidly and stroking his balls with my other hand. He jerks hard and jerks again. You can do it baby, spurt white for me. His warm hot sticky sweetness shoots to the back of my mouth, I deeply swallow. I stop and look at him and say in a captivating voice, “now Mr. Environmental Affairs that was very nice.” I run to push the button to open the elevator door.


Floor fifteen, well that’s me. Smiling to myself as I leave the elevator, I will have that drink a little later.


It is you I dream of in the darkest hours. - Pretty

This taxi is taking forever, I’m thinking after waiting patiently for twenty minutes and still no ride. I’m all the way across town at least a fifty-minute drive home. And no way am I walking all the way home on a cold night like this. Left over slushy snow from the night before with the wind blowing, it feels like needles of ice piercing my skin straight through my magenta waistcoat.

“Brrrr !” it is cold, the driver told me 10 minutes, I knew I should have called another service. Oh well to late now, as soon as I remove the cell phone from my pocket to call he will pull up. It is later than I thought; my flamenco dance class ran long tonight. We were having so much fun! After learning so many steps and practicing them over and over again.’we had fun with all that we learned. Finally tonight we bailaoras and bailaores put them together into different combinations and dance the night away. I love the way we moved rhythmically stomping our feet, moving our shoulders and expressing ourselves with such intense emotion and passion. Flamenco dance is so invigorating and a good release mid-week.

I am ready to go home and relax now, come on Mr. Taxi Driver where in the world are you?

“Its about time,” I say loud enough so he can hear as he pulls up frantically.

“Sorry,” he says to me apologetically, “detours and traffic made me later that I thought” and, “I have to grab another client on the way back across town, is it okay to share the cab?” “Sure, why the hell not”, I say under my breath.

I can feel my blood rushing up my core adding a tinge of crimson to my exposed full bust line resting in my now flushed cheeks. This night is just beginning I can tell, may as well take off my coat and get comfortable. I spread my multilayer chocolate and mint green ruffle flamenco dress over the back seat and tap the nails in the bottom of my shoes on the taxi’s vinyl trim, waiting impatiently for the moment I have to share my back street...

As the car begins to slow I look over my shoulder, might as well take a look and see who I’m going to be sharing my seat with.

“Thank you for the pick up,” says a strong foreign male voice.

Is that an Irish accent I detect? No matter, now I’m curious such a succulent voice he is going to be handsome.

“Hello, thank you for sharing with me,” he says.

“The pleasure is all mine,” I say absorbing his fragrance that is so male and primal.

He is emanating a strong sense of warmth and sexual attraction towards me. That I feel as if on autopilot he is altering my behavior and beckoning me toward him. What is this stranger? I feel my body slowly moving closer to him, I look into his pale eyes and lightly brush his dark hair with my fingertips. He smiles at me slyly and places butterfly kisses on my cheek. My heart is pounding now against my breast. I want more of him, he continues. I squirm my lithe body away from him arching my back and pushing my tits into the air elongating my neck for more pleasures. He moves in ever so slightly delicately perching my ear on his hand, continuing to touch his lips down my neck.

He whispers, “You are a lovely wee bonny lass neck so sweet and tender.”

He moves his other hand tickling my collarbone with his fingertips moving his hand up around my neck teasing as he goes. Moving his left hand from my ear to my nape lowering me to the seat he brushes his hand downward outlining my body as he goes. His hand disappears into the ruffles of my dress as he glides his thick fingers up my smooth legs. I feel his right hand tighten around my neck, I gasp as my pulse quickens with excitement. I feel his thumb press against my panties buffing against my clitoris in long circular movements. My hips begin moving slowly with each circular movement of his thumb, he begins quickening the pace. My hips move faster and faster as I crown in one final intense breath. My body relaxes, now fully enveloped in his arms we are both staring into each others eyes holding onto the secret we now share.

The taxi driver pulls up in front of my house; he quickly looks away trying to pretend he did not witness our most intimate moments a few minutes before. I linger, finally getting out and slamming the door regretfully as my Irish stranger whispers to the driver who slowly pulls away. Thanks for the ride I think to myself as I walk up and unlock the door.

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