Wait for Me (24 page)

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Authors: Cora Blu

BOOK: Wait for Me
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“I’m not gay, Kenya. I’m gonna look,” he rubbed his hands together roguishly, “and touch if I’m allowed.”

“Not without losing a finger in the process. Julia’s no shrinking flower. I suggest you ask before making any sudden moves with her. Consider yourself warned.” She gave her back a good stretch then eased back down in the chair. “As far as any movements from Seamus I haven’t noticed any since we got here. Not even a grunt or a moan. The nurse said the doctor would be in to make his rounds in about an hour. They changed his catheter twice, said his organs are functioning well.”

“How many saline bags has he had?” Jamie asked, pulling up a chair between Seamus and Gretchen. Kenya didn’t miss he sat close to Julia. Jamie leaned forward, his elbows propped on his knees, fingers threaded beneath his chin.

“That’s his second since I’ve been here.”

“What time’d you arrive?”

“We arrived early this morning." She nodded toward Gertrude in the other bed beside Seamus. The nurse had just left after bringing Gretchen some breakfast. It’s nice of them to set her up on the bed so she’s not getting a cramp falling asleep in these chairs.”

“She hasn’t left since we brought him in.”

Quiet sat between them and she knew he wanted to say something about her leaving and she wished she could tell him something to remove the fissure of hesitance between them. That was Jonathan’s decision to make.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here, Jamie.”

“Had anything to eat, Kenya?" He inquired avoiding her comment.

In no mood to fight, Kenya laid her cheek on Seamus’s sheet cover as she exhaled. "No, I’m not hungry, probably couldn’t eat right now," she said. She’d had no appetite since they got off the plane and rode over in the limo. Barely had stopped at the castle long enough to drop off their bags, call for a rental car, and put on some jeans and a sweater. The air had been cool off the water and she’d learned from the first visit to dress comfortable and warm. Kenya raised her head. Jamie’s eyes held surprise in his dark face.

“Is Jonathan with you, Kenya?”

She gave a tired smile, threading her fingers with the big hands under hers. Hadn’t realized she’d been counting Seamus heartbeats and sat up.

“Said he had some business to take care of, and then wanted to go check on his other grandmother. He’ll be here later today.”

“Good.” Jamie’s head snapped around as Julia stirred beside him.

Jamie pushed up from the chair and stood next to Julia with his hand extended. “Jamie Blakemore.”

“Julia,” she said, getting to her feet rubbing her eyes. “Julia Hernandez. I must look a mess.”

He covered her hand with both of his. “Ye look like a Kenya that cared enough that it nae matter what state your clothes are in when you’re taking care of me gran this way.” Kenya blinked at Jamie’s gallant manner with Julia.

“Your grandmother is a kind woman. It was a pleasure keeping her company and talking to her.”

“Julia, I need to speak with Kenya. Would you mind waiting in the hall?” he asked and Kenya caught the attraction in Julia’s eyes. She couldn’t blame her. Jamie was dark and mysterious the way her friend liked her men.

“Jamie, Julia’s aware of what’s happening. You can talk in front of her. Jonathan knows she’s here.”

Julia stood, grabbing her things from the foot of the bed, “This is family, Kenya. Don’t worry, Chica, I’ll go down to the cafeteria and freshen up a bit,” she started, slipping her shoes on. Kenya’s attention riveted on Jamie salivating watching Julia tuck the sheet around Gretchen’s sleeping form beneath the covers. When Julia straightened, he stepped back barely giving Julia enough space to pass by without their bodies touching.

“Thank you, Kenya,” Jamie said appreciatively, his attention on Julia’s form as he shoved his hands deep in his trouser pockets.

The door clicked behind Julia when she left. “Kenya,” he said dark brows rose curiously high on his face, “Is Julia attached? Does she have a bloke?”

“You mean a man?”

“Ye’ve been around me long enough, Kenya, you know what I mean.”

“Would it matter if she was? You’ve been breathing like a bull since you saw her. No, she’s single and she’s my best friend, so don’t start in with the heavy Gaelic. It’s like a second pair of hands on American women. One word and buttons start to undo themselves. She just came for support,” she told him, shaking her head at his interest.

Jamie’s brow lifted and he rested on the heels of his shoes. “Good to know. I have other plans for me hands.”

“That’s between you and Julia.” She was too worried about Seamus to be any more concerned. If Julia didn’t wanna be bothered he’ll find out soon enough. “Tell me about what’s happened, Jamie. Has Seamus been unconscious the entire time he’s been here?” 

“Aye, he has.” he said coming to her side of the bed, his attention on the door as if he could see Julia on the other side. “She’s a boony lass, your friend, with a smile to drown under.”

Kenya got his attention waving a hand through the air. “Jamie focus, I’m asking you about your grandfather.”

He moved to the foot of the bed and picked up the chart hanging on a hook. He gave it a quick once over before returning it. Kenya sat back in the chair as Jamie lowered himself to the bed beside Seamus and leaned forward hands clasped together.

“I wanna talk about you before Jonathan gets here.”

Apprehension stole over her seeing his eyes darken. “What about me?”

“Yer did nae make many friends leaving the way you had, Kenya. Jonathan was pissed.”

Raising her face toward Jamie, she crossed her legs. She wanted to tell him they were married but Jonathan asked her to wait until he arrived. He wanted to be certain none of Brian’s goons were in the hospital. “You think this was a day at the beach for me? Jamie this life is so far from what I know.”

“Does nae matter? Jonathan’s counting on you. Yer did not see his face when you weren’t there when we got back.” Kenya looked over to Gretchen asleep in the next bed then up at Seamus’s solid form. These people loved Jonathan and would love any child that came into the family. 

She couldn’t go through this twice, the accusations and questions. “Okay, Jamie, I get it. I’m here.”

“If yer leave again, I’ll come get ye me self.” He reached out holding her hand between his, kind and caring. “Ye doona understand.” She looked deeper into his face and saw so much love for his cousin it nearly broke her heart, she wanted to reassure him it was over. They were married and everything was gonna move forward now. “His heart doesn’t beat until he sees yer face.” 

She pressed a kiss to his knuckles then patted his large hands. “I’m glad he has you in his live. Jonathan and I are…I’m not leaving him, Jamie, ever, I swear.” She cast a stare over Seamus’s solemn body resting and stroked his thick brows.

“I have your word you’re done breaking his heart?”

“I’m not going anywhere. I left for a reason and if Jonathan wants you to know that reason, I’ll leave that up to him to tell you.” He made a grunting sound. Wasn’t certain what it meant, but Jamie spoke his mind. If he wanted to say more, she’d have heard it.

“I like you, Kenya, don’t let him run you away again.”

She let him bring her to her feet and into a bear hug, a warm embrace. “You love Jonathan a lot don’t you?” she asked face buried into his chest.

“He got a raw deal with Brian as a father. He’s always been there for everyone and he needs a woman in his corner. It’s time he settled down.”

Kenya loosened his grip and looked up into his chiseled features. “Talk to him when he gets here. I’m done running away. You don’t trust me just yet, it’s in your eyes, but Jonathan does and we can all go from there.” Was this what she missed not having a brother sister relationship with Michael? Kenya pulled him to her for a quick hug then stepped away before she got mushy. “I hope the trial for Brian can get started soon and we can get all this behind us.

Brian will pay. Ye know Jonathan will take care of that," he assured, his tone a warning of what they were truly capable of.

“What’s gonna happen now? How does this end? How can he have any evidence when it happened in the vaults tunnel? Who’s gonna believe Jonathan’s word over Brian’s when he’s been greasing official hands for years?”

“Aye, he has. There are security cameras at all entrances and throughout the tunnels. It nae happened in the tunnel…outside in the woods. We have it handled.” Jamie moved to the window and closed the shades beside Gretchen‘s bed.

Tried, Kenya inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling trying to relieve the tension. The anvil crushing her chest slipped off to the floor allowing her to breathe again. She stroked a hand down Seamus’s calf where she’d massaged it earlier to keep his circulation flowing proper.

Dropping her head to Seamus’s arm, Kenya fought the ache in her chest re-knotting itself.

“Cousin, a minute alone with Kenya.” Kenya got to her feet hearing Jonathan’s voice fill the room. She couldn’t stop the flush of heat moving through her knowing her husband’s voice did that to her body, or the fact she had a husband.

Jamie didn’t hesitate closing the door behind him. 

Before she took her next breath Jonathan had his arms wrapped around her, his mouth covered hers and his tongue pushing past her lips. She molded her body to his.

Her hips brushed over his arousal bulging beneath his pants. Longing to have that back inside her, she angled her thighs, got the bulge prodding her to a nicer spot, between her legs. Just what she needed. When he cupped her behind, she fought not to raise her leg draw it up his body and let him lay her over the other bed.

Kenya blushed. They were in there with Jonathan’s grandfather making out. Conscious or not it felt wrong. She pushed at Jonathan’s chest. It was hard and strong under his suit jacket. She wiped at her lips, now slightly swollen she was certain.

“Hi. I don’t like the look on your face. What else has happened?”

“Your sister is with Brian now and has moved into his cabin.”

“Here in Ireland?” she said as if there were a second one somewhere on the other side of the universe.

“I would have bet your mother had called you.”

“No, my cell's been off,” she said leaning down picking up her purse. Fishing out her phone her mother’s cell number lit the screen. She depressed the text button and confirmation of Jonathan’s words filled the screen. 

“Your mother?” She lifted her eyes then turned the screen for her husband to see. “Honey, here’s your sister’s new number. She says she’s moved to Ireland, living with some man. Your father’s heart is broken. I don’t know what’s going on but this divorce has really started to shake her. I know you’re on business, but call your sister for me. See if you can talk some sense into her. Your aunt thinks she’s pregnant, but if she is it’s Rick’s, and you know him, that’s all he’s wanted. Well, have a safe trip baby. Love Momma.

Kenya held onto the chair lowering herself to sit down as nausea swirled through her belly. Morgan with a child. Rick’s child and she’s gonna pass it off as Brian’s.

Jonathan knelt before her placing his hand over her stomach. “That confirms what my men heard. Housekeeping staff says she might be pregnant.”

“If Momma’s right, and it’s Rick’s, it’s gonna get ugly. Rick has been asking for a child for three years.”

“Then I’ll have to make certain he knows.” He kissed her stomach. “Morning, little one. Kenya, did you tell your mother we’re married?”

“No, but she and my aunt suspects I’m pregnant."


"She says my hair is too shiny and starting to grow faster. I never confirmed or denied." She watched him run his fingers through her hair letting it slide over her shoulders. "She may have voiced her concerns with Morgan as she keeps that vigil going that my sister and I will bond somehow. I’ve stayed as low key as possible these last few weeks. She knows I’m on a business trip with Julia.”

“I love that about you, Kenya. You show respect for your parents’ concerns.” Jonathan got to his feet, pressed a kiss to her forehead. He did the same to Seamus then moving around the bed to kiss Gretchen’s cheek. 

“Honey, about Sophie and Brian,” Kenya started crossing the room to the window, she stood massaging the hard plane of his back. “Your mother, what does that mean for her if Morgan claims to be carrying Brian’s child?”

“It means I watch your sister take my family’s land.” Kenya pivoted around hearing Sophie’s voice from the doorway. Subconsciously, she grabbed Jonathan’s arm and they immediately wrapped around her stomach.

“Sophie, you’re still married to Brian. Even if she is pregnant, how can she pose any threat to the land? She’ll be no more than his mistress at best.”

Sophie shrugged off her short coat, red waves foaming out around her shoulders. Her heels clicked across the tile floor.

“Family marriage contract is real, Kenya. It gives him the right to remarry if I live away from him for more than ten years. With Seamus in a coma, Gretchen can sign over the rights to Jonathan, but he has to be married with at least one heir from his wife.”

Kenya didn’t miss Jonathan’s tight grip on her waist. They needed to save the fact they were married until the shareholders’ meeting. Jonathan had promised his grandfather he would handle Brian legally. If Brian found out their plan would backfire. Brian would go into hiding leaving them unable to have the meeting and Seamus couldn’t sign over the estate.

She angled a stare over her shoulder to Jonathan, then back to Sophie. “I don’t understand. You love that land. Why would you sign something like that?” It wasn’t her intent to sound harsh; she just didn’t understand how someone could sign over their heritage?

Everyone’s attention shifted as Calder Blakemore filled the doorway, his attention on Sophie. He closed the space between them to stand with his chest touching Sophie’s back. She gave him a simple smile over her shoulder filled with volumes of private stolen moments only time, patience, and love could create. Kenya followed their hands threading through one another’s at Sophie’s hip. No one said a word for a minute as the pair shared their memories through a touch of unspoken care and something stronger. Sophie sank into his wide chest at her back and he whispered something in Gaelic along her face. The evidence of their love glowed around their simple touching. Kenya rubbed Jonathan’s arms.

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