Wait for Me (37 page)

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Authors: Sara Tessa

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Inevitably, Leia's birth changed everything and our lives looked nothing like they did beforehand. On one Saturday morning in June, I finally ticked off point six on my list.

All that remained was point seven, and there was still a long, long time left for that one…




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It's time for a word of thanks and I'm not sure where to begin…

The fact that this book has made it to the stores and stirred a hurricane of its own is mainly thanks to my faithful readers. Their word of mouth has been a crucial part of this story. This is their book. Apart from writing it, I did very little; their enthusiasm has carried this to where it is now. It has been overwhelming and inexplicable, but then that's the beauty of the Internet. I can only give my thanks by quoting them, one by one, and hoping that I don't miss anybody.

Krizia Greggio, Silvia Perrotta, Stellina (Deborah), Monica, Ireale “niki”, Bambola, Valexy, Mirella popa “kendra”, Désirée, Elena, Alessia, Barbara xompero, Pepe65, Valentina, Girasolina18, Giorgia, Claudia, Eli, Alyssaa, Sox, Stellina 81, ele_g, Peppola, Ale, Morgana, Donald, M.C.C. “M.Cristina”, Heidi “Squirrel”, Stefania Turchi, Viola, Moky61, Elena Serboli “Elena Strega Serboli”, Catuni76, Mielelucegrace, Ireb, Kiarand, Green_72, Katia, nooscin, Alessandra Faggion, Afrodite, Sabrina (Como), Morena, Pel, vale, Donatella, Chiara, Tataiana Gasparella, S., giulia, Samanta Bertolotti, Silvia, Vali, Plstkmeout, eleonora, Sabina, Ale, Mariano, francesca, Marina, Anna Daloiso, Olivia Marel, Dertima, Ily, CriCra, Paola (Tirano (so)), Luana, Caterina, Michi, Elisa, cris, Katiuscia d'amico; Arianna lizbennet, Fede, jo, Annamaria, Doralena- Fly, monalisa di pietro, Anto “Leone”, Milù, morena, Veronica, pamela, Dondaine, Laila_72, Adrianna Munno, Giota Papadimakopoulou, True90, Kristina Georgieva Vasileva, Maharet, Carmela, Tittimilano, Liveathousandlives, Karen zi, Angie, Ermione Pickwick, Lunaj, Luz Nolazco, Roxanne Harmony, Daniela Bonci, Melanie, Barbara Pitanti, Deealyn C., Elisabeth, Contessa, Sara, Martina, Samy, Miki58, Mara Tognon, Francesca Piredda, Elena Savona, Manola Simoni, Maria De Rosa, Alessandra Silveri, Silvia Zuliani, Clizia Anna Dell'Aquila, Roberta Riga, Silvia Tita Altomiri, Mariarosaria Esposito, Margherita Cicciulla, Irene Pastorelli, Sally Ferrari, Emma Mondani, Alix Cool, Martina Minetti, Federica Da Campo, Leti Zia, Nadia Laura Z., Benedetta G. Vito S., Veronica Salvioni, Sara Ottaviano, Monica Balsamo, Simona Carena, Cecilia Rossi, Nelsy Dalledonne, Luana Meini, Ilenia Vampy, Alda Gasparini, Bellina Rossi, Pippi Pu', Mariana Grimani, Veronica Patella, Alessia Vallorani, Fulvia Bicocchi, Valentina Di Martino, Rosaria Lazzaro, Grazia Manciavillano, Cristina Solla, Daniela Gherardi, Missing Monica Altobelli Sun, Anna Maria Cigolani, Simonetta Saba, Sara Piersanti, Tessile Tarfer, Rebecca Verona, Gabry Donno, Lidia Catanzaro, Mariateresa Carone, Annalisa Cima, Alessa La Mattina, Rossella Nicolini, Nicoletta Perego, Elisa Gentile, Annalisa Stirati, Sherazade Angels Efp, Giovanni Alongi, Federica Smimmo, Ilaria Gabrielli, Linda D'Amico, Eleonora Cavallo, Reny Minati, Valeria Lopez, Francesca Schintu, Rosanna E Ambrogio, Cettina Ciancio, Paola Quarato, Tania Gatto, Annarita Lovaglio, Anna Gessi, Eleonora Colli, Marzia Pasqualetto, Nico Nico, Carla Buscema, Cristina Peretti, Flavia Zannotti, Silvia Luisa Tasca, Lidia Scavo, Erica Bartoccetti, Anna Strano, Roberta De Stefani, Fabyana Faby, Francesca Salvestrini, Laura Ellen Ferrara, Greta BookLovers, Carrie Autieri, Morgana Coniman, Tatiana Barbieri, Ales Sandra, Maria Grazia, Lorenza Amaranta Rosini, Giuly Ungaro, Paola Santini, Rita Gargaglione, Emilia Ippolito, Simona Natale, Caterina Sordini, Maria Bianchi, Patrizia Patty Esposito, Silvia Michelangeli, Flavia Clari, Mikela Miky Saitti, Francesca Pirotto, Laila Secci, Claudia Serpi, Sara Costantino, Laura Praturlon, Emanuela Manu, Keihra Palevi, Annamaria Piscitelli, Mara Tognon, Rosita Cantone, Jessica Latorre, Marzia Castorina, Antonella Bagnato, Tonia Agozzino, Lavinia Appollonio, Ilaria, Maria Costabile, Serena Versari, Jenny Eve Bagatin, Bruny Doci Rizzo, Giulia Abbate, Ella Gai, Anna Loveangel, Nella Marinelli, Valentina Abbr, Glinda Izabel, Karin Locci, Claudia Baldini Nicoletta Martin, Ale Romànce, Giunia Parrish Fagiolini, Iris Stella, Katy Policante, Sutus Settantanove, Buffy Victoria Selly, Stella Shina, Francesca Franca Baldacci, Damiana Melani, Francesca Cani, L'angelo Vendicatore, Lorenza Stroppa, Michela Muzzi, Désirée Pedrinelli, Valentina Goletto, Lucia Costantini, Malia Romance, Laurie Michelle Joyce, Brianna Teller, Alessandra Pucciarini, Rossella Nicolini, Federica Trevisan, Emily Hunter, Bonny Moody, Cristina Peretti, Ketty Deagostini, Carmeluccia Cordovana, Anita Blake Mercatino Libriusati, Anita Sessa, Paola Rosati Biancomare, Federica Lardera, Silvia Bonizzi, Stefania Auci, Marika Lopa, Stefania Brivido, Caterina Sordini, Francine Senna, Livia Giordani, Gabika Novels, Federica Pinna, Sonia Ena, Hilary Spisso, Eva Mangas, Giorgia Russo, Ramona Bottoli, Mon Ella, Anita Blake MercatinodeilibriFantasy, Milly del Blog Romancebook.it, fra px, Sabina Ferrari, Guido Poerio, Franz Pali, Dora Vanelli, Antonietta Sisto, Michela, Angelo Rito, Buriana Donner, Letizia Strocchia, Tanara zm, Flavia Clari, Idee D'argento, Susanna Barillà, Roberto Pergameno, Michela, Barbara Dal Bo', Maria Gentile, Annalisa A. Cima, Tiziana Crisafulli, Barbara Papa. All those who commented positively on Anobu and Goodreads and all the ladies who follow the
CrazyForRomance blog
Il profumo delle pergamene
Greta Book Lovers
Isn't it Romantic?
Insaziabili Letture
and many, many more. I'm sure that I've forgotten some, for this I apologize, but I'm exhausted now – you were so many! During these months, I've received a lot of messages and done my best to reply to each of you. But again, I apologize if any of you have slipped through the net and I will say it once more – this is all thanks to you and only you!

Last but not least, I would like to thank all of my friends, family and pets. I'm sorry if you found out about this book at a late stage – I wanted to keep you oblivious until it was finished and ready. But you all know me well enough to know how I feel and how much you all mean to me. I love you.

Of course, I also owe a sincere thanks to Amazon and their self-publishing service, which allowed this book to spread far and wide. Thank you Jeffrey Bezos – your great idea has changed the rules of publishing.

Most importantly, I am infinitely grateful to Newton Compton Editori, especially Martina Donati, who read the book in a single night and believed in it from the very beginning. Also Alessandra Penna, my wonderful editor who had to put up with my torrent of questions and doubts. Gabriele Anniballi, who dealt with my contractual anxieties. Raffaello Avanzini, who believed and invested in a brave project. And everyone else behind the scenes in publishing, who work tirelessly to create the books that inspire our dreams.

In summary, for the thousandth time, I say thank you and tell you that I am infinitely grateful.

Let the sky be the limit!

Sara Tessa

About Sara Tessa

is a bestselling author in Italy. Her first novel
Wait For Me
reached the top of the Amazon bestseller lists for romantic fiction. She lives in Milan.

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Addictive Fiction

First published in Italy in 2015 by Newton Compton

First published in the UK in 2016 by Aria, an imprint of Head of Zeus Ltd

Copyright © Sara Tessa, 2015
Translation © Marco Condorelli, 2015

The moral right of Sara Tessa to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

The moral right of Marco Condorelli to be identified as the translator of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN (E) 9781784977498

Clerkenwell House
45-47 Clerkenwell Green
London EC1R 0HT


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