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Authors: Kiahana

Waiting (7 page)

BOOK: Waiting
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"Ted! You did it! I told you if you put just a little more
into it they'd be blown away."

I'd just gotten off the phone with the CEO of Sprint and they were on board for their new commercial line Ted put together. I called him into my office and told him the good news right away.

"I knew it." He was pleased with himself but tried to contain his excitement, then looked up with a twinkle in his eye. "I believe you promised drinks would be had in celebration if I landed it."

Yes I did. I had no problem following through with my promise. He deserved it and I'd been in such a good mood the last few days that a celebration felt right.

"Let me know where you want to go. We'll bring the whole office to celebrate you officially becoming a team member."

He smiled wide before thanking me and leaving the office in a hurry, no doubt to go spread the good news.

I was actually looking forward to it. I'm not sure
it was but ever since Brian kissed me I've been happier than ever. I had no feelings for him, hadn't heard from him, but I felt a sort of calm spread over me, like I'd been made complete and it was only a matter of time before the feeling would last forever. Julie caught my change in mood right away and took credit since she'd made me go out the night before she noticed it.

She came walking into my office a few minutes after Ted left.

"Party tonight, huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows and slowly took the seat across from me while rubbing her belly.

"Just a celebration. You're coming right? And Bruce?"
I asked while fingering the pearls around my neck.

The more the merrier.

I'd given her this week off but she showed up anyways, though she'd taken yesterday off.

"Wouldn't miss it. Do you mind if Bruce invites a few friends? He said he was going to be with some buddies when I talked to him earlier."

"Sure. I don't own the bar." I gave her a questioning look. Why would I care if he brought friends? "I just want you there for sure. I'll need help keeping everyone happy."

"Of course you'll need me." She smiled widely. "Let's leave now. You deserve the extra half hour and then we can save some tables for the rest of the crew."

I looked at the clock and it was now four fifteen. I'd be leaving more than thirty minutes early but I really didn't have the heart to care that much. What the hell, might as well.

"Let's do it." I smiled at her surprise, knowing she thought I'd say no. "I'll forward the phones and you tell everyone where to meet us."

She practically flew out of her seat in excitement before disappearing around the corner with a smile. I laughed at her childishness while forwarding my phone to my cell, then grabbed my purse and met her by the elevators.

We took a cab to
a bar closer to both our homes
then quickly snagged three tables for everybody. She told Bruce to meet us here in twenty minutes and the rest of the office would be here within thirty.

The tables were dirty and the chair I'd chosen was lopsided, but it still didn't dampen my mood. Loud music blared from a jukebox and the bartenders were anything but friendly, but Julie didn't seem to notice in her excitement at getting me out of the office early.

"Tell me everything!" She sipped on her water and rubbed her belly while leaning over the table in excitement.

"About what?"

I'd already told her Brian kissed me.

"What really happened the night of the reunion? I want to hear a play by play."

A tray of onion rings were tossed onto our table with ranch, but not the marinara that we'd asked for.

"Ok. We went up onto the roof and I was admiring the view. When I turned around he surprised me and kissed me, then apologized, then kissed me again. He's a good kisser and really cute but I already told you that I don't have feelings for him like that."

I gave her my
look but she still seemed to think I was hiding something.

"Then who did you meet? You have the morning after glow and it's been five days. Who are you seeing?"

Morning after glow? For the first time since last weekend I felt my face pull into a frown.

"I'm not seeing anybody."

I been so happy lately? It really didn't make any sense so I could understand that she'd be skeptical.

"Are you..." She leaned forward and I did the same, kind of afraid of what she was about to say. "... a lesbian?" she whispered across the table then waited cautiously for my answer before I burst out laughing.

"No! Not that there's anything wrong with that, but no." She blushed, giggled, then took another drink of her water. "To be honest, I'm not sure why I've been so happy.
But it feels good. I feel like I'm whole for once."

Julie glanced over my shoulder and smiled before looking at me apologetically. I looked to where her gaze had been and smiled, then looked back at her while rolling my eyes.

"Sorry. Bruce already had plans to hang out with him and I thought you were secretly seeing each other, so I thought you'd be happy. Bruce says Brian won't stop talking about you."


"I don't care if he's here. I liked hanging out with him."

Her worry disappeared and we stopped talking as soon as they reached our tables.

Brian took a seat next to me after giving me a little side hug while Bruce kissed his wife, rubbed her belly, then started talking to it before finally taking a seat next to her.

Their happiness always made me jealous but tonight I only felt happy for them.

The rest of the crew showed up twenty minutes later. I ordered a few pitchers and a few more appetizers, then did a cheers after congratulating Ted on officially becoming a team member. A few others bought rounds of shots but I opted out, thinking I'd be safer if I didn't.

Safer? Where did that come from? I guess I
have to walk five blocks to get home but they were all main streets with lots of people. But I did have to work tomorrow, so getting drunk wasn't an option since I didn't want to be hung over.

"Thanks for everything, Piper." Ted came around the table to hug me good bye, along with a few other co-workers. "See you tomorrow."

He eyed Cheryl then glanced back at me with a smile. I'd have to ban office romances now that Ted was working with us. I could already tell he was going to be a problem, but tonight, I just didn't care.

"If I wasn't so happily married I'd worry about having Ted work with you," Bruce announced to Julie after it was the four of us left at the table again. "He is one giant horn dog."

We laughed at the
obvious statement.

"You have nothing to worry about," I assured him. "Julie only has eyes for you, and Ted is pathetic for anyone our age."

Since Ted was only twenty three, I'd feel like a Cougar if I thought twice about him. Once even.

"That's good to know," Brian spoke up, more talking to me than anybody else.

I wasn't quite sure how to respond so I settled for smiling, then awkwardly excusing myself to the Ladies room.

I gathered my purse and told everyone I'd be back then walked to the back of the bar where there was, conveniently for once, not a line. Julie followed me in talking about Bruce through the stall door until I came out.

"So, is Brian making you uncomfortable? I could tell by your face when he kind of openly claimed you a few minutes ago."

Yes! That's what he was doing. I knew I was uncomfortable for a reason.

"I know. What was up with that?" I was irritated with him but my smile remained in place. "He kissed me and now he thinks we're dating? I guess I'll have to let him know I'm not interested, again."

Julie was watching me, cocking her head to the side in confusion before I turned to face her questioningly.

"Do you? Maybe you could give him a chance. He's a good guy and smart and has a job."

all good qualities in a man, though I still didn't feel attracted to him.

"He just doesn't feel right. I'd feel bad leading him on when I know I'm not interested. Besides, why would I settle for something less than what you and Bruce have?"

She nodded in understanding, smiling widely
at my compliment
, then stilled at the door with her hand over her stomach.


"What is it? What's wrong?"

I was there, wrapping my arm around her for support if she was about to collapse.

"My baby just kicked. It was a strong one." She was smiling, clearly excited about her baby's accomplishment, and I immediately relaxed. "Oh, let's get back to the table so Bruce can feel."

We made a quick exit swerving through tables and people to get to Bruce as fast as we could.

His eyes lit up while feeling her belly before the two started
to each other,
completely ignoring Brian and me
. After taking my seat next to Brian, he tried to ignore them as much as I did.

"How do they not realize we're in a bar full of people? A bomb could go off outside and they wouldn't even notice." I laughed and almost choked on my drink, effectively making myself look like a spaz. "Sorry, should've waited til you were done drinking," he added, picking up a napkin and dabbing gently at my lips, though there was nothing there.

"Excuse me."

A sternly, polite new voice pulled my attention, stopping me from having a very unwanted conversation with Brian.

What I wasn't expecting was to go into shock.

When I turned around there was a tall, bulky man with a clear white complexion, skin as smooth as marble, brown hair and muddy brown
eyes looking at me. A long black coat hung past his knees, a black turtleneck laying tightly over dark jeans. His expression was one of a man on a mission before he smiled pleasantly at the rest of the table, effectively holding all our attentions.

"Piper, may I have a word with you?"

That voice. That face. My vision blurred and I grasped the table for stability. Memories I didn't know I had came rushing forward. Brian crumpled on the roof, me crying and being more scared than ever before in my life.

Francis! That was this man's name. He was fighting with someone. Parker! Parker smith. We flew. Parker could fly and they were both strong. Very strong. We were inside of a clock tower, then inside my apartment. Parker told me he was a –

"Son of a bitch!" I gasped out loud while jumping out of my chair.

My friends were looking at me with concern before Bruce and Brian both misinterpreted, quickly putting themselves between me and Francis.

Not wanting them to get hurt,
I immediately pushed myself in front of them.

"No, it's ok guys. He's a friend."

Francis' lips twitched before trying to make the situation worse.

"Yeah. I'm a friend. So sod off."

His gaze only met Brian's, not caring about Bruce's presence. I walked us a few feet from the table before my mind started to wander.
Where was Parker? The last thing I remember was talking on the couch, then he carried me to my bedroom where he—

"That bastard!" I glared at Francis. "He promised me he wouldn't and then he did."

"Calm down
Piper." He was still glaring at Brian
behind me
. "Let's go for a walk so we can fill each other in on what we both think happened."

That didn't exactly make any sense to me but I wanted him to bring me to Parker so I could berate him for what he'd done. He'd lied to me. Was there a reason? Francis was supposedly in trouble, so was it to keep me safe? A part of me thought I remembered him telling me something to that effect.

I grabbed my purse and started to turn back to him when Julie stopped me.

"Are you sure you want to go with him? Blink twice if you don't."

I rolled my eyes at her then smiled. I didn't want to leave with them thinking I was pissed in case they didn't hear from me in a while.

"I'll be fine. He's a friend. We have a mutual friend and that's how we met. I'll see you tomorrow at work."

I threw a fifty on the table and pushed my way past my body guards, telling them good night, then followed Francis out the front door.

A hand caught me just as I took a step outside. When I turned around and saw it was Brian, I mentally cringed. Why was he being so stubborn? So we kissed once, that didn't make me his property. Before I could say anything Francis was by my side with an arm around my shoulder.

"What part of
sod off
did you not understand?"

BOOK: Waiting
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