Waiting for Dusk (11 page)

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Authors: Nancy Pennick

Tags: #romance, #love, #magic, #lost, #book, #dream, #time travel, #forbidden love, #missing, #back in time, #out of time, #fictional, #boy of her dreams, #call of the canyon, #nancy pennick, #waiting for dusk

BOOK: Waiting for Dusk
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“Yes, And these outfits are totally awesome!”
Lindsey twirled, too.

“Oh, Lindsey you look great. You should
definitely get a Homecoming date tonight!”

They went downstairs to find Jordyn talking
to Katie’s mom. She wore a tankini with a wrap-around skirt with a
slit up to the waist, so the bottom of the suit was still visible.
“You’re rockin’ it too!” Lindsey grabbed Jordyn’s hand. They all
went outside.

Jackson was already on the deck. The tiki
torches were lit and Japanese lanterns, kept for special occasions,
were strung around the deck.

“It looks great, Dad, thanks.”

Just then, a group of boys rounded the corner
of the house. “Is this where the party is?” Ty’s voice was heard
above the rest. Five boys jumped into the pool all at the same
time. Water splashed over its sides.

“Let the party begin,” Katie shouted to her


Chapter Fourteen


Katie never counted
how many people showed up at the house that night. It probably was
more than thirty. Her parents didn’t seem to mind. They kept
smiling at each other. Her dad was manning the grill, filling
plates with hot dogs and hamburgers. Her mom had coolers filled
with ice and kept replenishing them with soda pop and bottled
water. There were the usual snacks of chips, pretzels and taco
chips with an assortment of dips. Joanna made sure she had a
platter of fruits and veggies, too. Everything was going well.
People were in and out of the pool, but Katie didn’t venture into
the water.

Jordyn ran up to Katie, soaking wet. “Aren’t
you coming in?” She grabbed her hand.

“No, not yet. Give me some time.” Katie was
thinking of an excuse not to get her hair wet. She worked too hard
on it.

“Guess what? I have a date for Homecoming,”
Jordyn lightly clapped her hands. “Matt Parker asked me! He threw
me in the water three times. I told him if he did it once more,
he’d have to ask me. He threw me in, jumped in and asked me to the

“That’s great, Jordyn.”
And so high
Katie thought.
What’s wrong with me? These are my
friends. They seemed so immature at the moment.

“Par! Ty!” someone yelled and then there was
a loud splash.

Katie giggled. I’m being a little too
serious. I should definitely party.

Ty came up on the deck, grabbed some food and
sat on the step. Katie joined him. “Not swimming? It’s the hair,
right?” Ty pointed to her locks.

“How did you know?”

“Well, you have a new bathing suit and you
did your hair in some fancy way. It wasn’t too hard.” He winked at
her. “I brought something for us later.”

Katie wrinkled her brow.
I guess I can
wait and see,
she thought.

The evening turned from dusk to night. The
torches reflected in the pool and gave a mystical glow to the party
atmosphere. Someone plugged their MP3 player into the outdoor
speakers. Music filled the air. Lindsey started to dance and many
others joined her.

“Dance?” Ty cut in.

“Sure.” Katie took his hand.

The night seemed to go on and on. It was
magical for awhile. Katie let herself get lost in the music. She
danced with all the girls, but Ty always managed to find her.

“Come on, I want to show you what I brought.”
He took her by the hand, guided her through the dancers and out to
the side fence that led to a garden. The garden was a secluded
place that really couldn’t be seen too well at night. Solar lights
lit the path and a few lanterns hung in various places in the
garden. They walked to the glider and sat down. Ty leaned over the
back of it, and pulled out a bag. He dug around in the bag, and
turned around. In his hands, he had two beers. “Here’s to us
turning sixteen, Katie.” He handed her a can.

“Ty, where’d you get those? What if my
parents see?” Katie was a little nervous.

“From our refrigerator in the garage, it’s
stocked with everything and won’t be missed. Your parents are
busy.” He quickly answered her questions. He popped open his can
and reached over and did Katie’s for her. “Drink up.”

Katie didn’t know if she really wanted to
drink up. She had a few sips of wine on holiday occasions. Her
parents always talked openly about drinking and being responsible.
She took a sip. Yuk!

Ty seemed to be enjoying his. She would try
again. Even though she didn’t really like it, Katie decided the
best way to drink it was fast. If she did that, it would be over
and done with.

“Wow. You don’t want this going to your head
now, do you?” Ty gently touched her arm.

Katie felt warm and lightheaded. Maybe it was
too late. “Did you bring anymore?”

Ty produced two more. Katie took it, popped
the can and said, “Race you!”

Ty took the challenge. When they were done,
they looked at each other and said, “Happy Birthday!” Ty grabbed
Katie and kissed her. Not a friendly kiss, but a boyfriend’s kiss.
She kissed him back. She liked it. She curled her legs up on the
cushion of the bench and leaned into him. Her skin touched his bare
chest and he pulled her closer.

“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do
this. Kiss your lips, feel you skin against mine. I could stay here
forever.” Ty whispered into her ear.

Forever. That word brought her back to her
senses. “Drew,” she said softly.

All of the sudden, Katie felt a little sick.
She drank the beers too fast, plus she didn’t even like it.

“What did you say?” Ty looked puzzled.

“I said...do you want to get something to
eat? I’m starving,” Katie stood up.

Ty stood up, too. “Okay, if that’s what you
want.” He pulled her close again and she froze. His lips touched
hers but they weren’t Drew’s. She wanted to cry and she wanted this
party to be over.

“What’s wrong, Kate? Did I do something

“Don’t ever call me Kate! Do you hear me?
Don’t ever call me that!” Katie started to cry. She ran up the
path, through the fence and jumped into the pool. The water felt
cool and soothing. She wanted to just sink to the bottom and stay
there. The next thing she knew she felt arms around her, and
someone pulling her to the top.

“Are you nuts? What are you doing?” Ty gazed
at her with hurt eyes.

“I’m sorry, Ty. I can’t do this. I can’t be
who you want me to be. Please, let’s just stay friends. Promise me
you’re not mad at me,” Katie’s words tumbled out.

“I’m not mad at you. I can wait. I know
you’ll feel different eventually. I will be so irresistible that
you won’t be able to stop yourself.” He swam away and joined his

Katie swam to the side of the pool and got
out. She grabbed a towel from the pile and sat on the side of the
pool with her legs in the cooling water. She watched a group of
people play volleyball. Ty was in the middle of it. The girls
seemed to love him, Erin especially. She seemed to conveniently
fall into him whenever she could.

Take him, Erin. He’s all yours. Katie got up
and dried off. She headed for the deck and sat on the step.

“Where have you been? I was looking for you.
Did you hear about Jordyn?” Lindsey sat down next to her.

“Matt Parker asked her already. I know.”

Lindsey put her head in her hands. “Now what
about me?” She pouted.

“You’ll be fine. School hasn’t even started
yet.” Katie leaned forward, and lightly pinched Lindsey’s pouty

The party guests started to depart. The music
stopped. Her father put out the torches, and invited everyone up to
the deck. A few people stayed and chatted for awhile, but finally
they all headed for home. Katie went into the house. She looked at
the clock. It was one a.m., time left to read.

Katie kissed both her parents. “Good night
and thanks. Is it alright if I help clean up in the morning? I’m
really tired.”

Her mom nodded. “Your father will probably
have it all done by then, but it’s fine, honey. Go to bed.”

When Katie got to her bedroom, she grabbed a
tank and pajama shorts, and went into her bathroom. She decided to
take a long, hot shower. She dried her hair and in the steamy
mirror wrote ‘Drew’ with a heart under it.

She thought about Ty and what happened
tonight. She really didn’t want to hurt him. He’ll be fine. Look
how he rebounded when he was playing volleyball.

Katie padded over to her bed, looked at her
nightstand, then opened the drawer. The book was gone. It was
nowhere to be seen. She looked under the bed, in the closet and in
all of her drawers. She even called Lindsey. Her heart began to
pound. Finally, she went downstairs.

Her mom was still in the kitchen with a glass
of wine in her hand. “I thought I deserved this after that
wonderful party.” She held the glass up to Katie.

“Mom, where’s my book?”

“What book, sweetie?”

“You know, the one you gave me. The romantic
historic fiction book, remember?” Katie was getting upset.

“Oh, I thought you finished it. I lent it to
one of my college students. She has such an interest in those types
of books. I told her I had the perfect one for her.”

“I wasn’t done reading it!” Katie screamed.
She wasn’t sure how many times she read it. It was all a blur.
“Plus it was just here this afternoon!”

“You weren’t done? You’ve had that book since
the beginning of July,” her mom acted surprised. “She stopped by
this evening, during the party, and I gave it to her then.”

“I hope that girl in your class is a fast
reader. Tell her I need it back in ten days.” Katie breathed

“Ten days? What’s the significance of ten
days?” Her mother now seemed more interested.

Katie thought fast. “It will be Labor Day
weekend and I’ll have more time to read.” She wasn’t going to say
it would be September third, Aunt Lucinda’s wedding, and I’m in it.
Katie wondered how she could tell her mother that.

“Yes, ma’am! Will do! Now go to bed.”

“Sorry for yelling. Thanks again for
everything, Mom. You too, Dad, wherever you are!” Katie called out
as she went up to bed. She hesitated on the stairs for a moment,
thinking she heard her father’s voice.

“Good job, Joanna.”

That was weird.


Chapter Fifteen


School started
uneventfully. Katie counted down the days until the wedding, and
seeing Drew again. She went from class to class in a

“Hey, Katie! You walked right by me.” Erin
ran to catch up. “Ty told me he asked you to Homecoming. Are you
two a couple?”

“No! We’re just friends.”

“Then you don’t mind if...” Erin started to

“Be my guest,” Katie waved her hand. She was
glad Ty would have a distraction.

“Tryouts tomorrow. Be there!” Erin waved as
she headed off to class.

Katie decided she would go to tryouts just to
keep everyone quiet. Ty kept reminding her about them. Even her
mother got in on the act.

Katie spotted Matt and Jordyn holding hands
in the hall. Wow, they are a couple! “Hi, Jordyn, Matt.” Katie
raised her eyebrows at Jordyn.

“Oh Katie, stop it! Everyone knows. And guess
what? I’m going to try out for cheer squad, too!”

“Great. I hope you make it instead of me,”
Katie said almost under her breath.

“I hope we both make it. It will be so much
fun. Talk to you later.” She walked off with Matt down the

When Katie got home later that day, she
reminded her mother about the book. “That girl has less than a week
to finish reading.”

Her mother changed the subject. “Basketball
cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow? I ran into Sheri Taylor at the
grocery store. She said Jordyn was so excited. They’re helping her
practice at home. Want me to help you?”

“No thanks, I’ve got this.” Katie would say
anything at that point so her mom would leave her alone.

“Ty really wants to make the basketball team,
doesn’t he?” her mom continued. “Such a nice boy and so handsome
too. Don’t you think?”

“Mom, stop it! Are you trying to play
matchmaker? First it’s cheer coach, and now this?”

“I’m just trying to take an interest in your
life, sweetie. We working moms have to try harder.”

“Well, don’t!” Katie thought that sounded a
little harsh. “Sorry, I’ve had a long day. I’m going to my room to

“Before you go, I wanted to tell you that Dad
made a reservation at the state park for Labor Day. He really wants
to go fishing. Plus he’d love to have some more time with you. I’m
even calling you off school on Friday so we can get there a little

“Great.” Katie said as she went up the
stairs. “I guess I better start practicing some cheers.”

* * * *

Katie nervously rubbed her hands together.
There was a part of her that wanted to make the cheer squad and
another that didn’t care. She watched the other girls warm up and
decided to join them.

Jordyn ran onto the floor and stood next to
Katie. “I’m so excited. Just want to make it through to the final

“Yeah, that’d be nice.”

“There’s Erin. I think it’s time to

The girls were called in groups of four to
perform a variety of school cheers. Katie barely watched the
proceedings until it was Jordyn’s turn. She did well and Katie was
positive she made the call-back list. When her turn came, she
mindlessly went through the routines and hoped for the best.

When tryouts were over, Jordyn grabbed
Katie’s hand. “Meet you first thing Monday and we’ll check the list

“Sounds good, I’ll see you then.”

* * * *

The following Monday, Katie met up with
Jordyn and headed to the gym. The results were posted on a bulletin
board in the hallway. Both girls were on the list.

“We made it! One step closer.” Jordyn clapped
her hands together. “One more round and we’re in.”

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