Waiting for Magic (24 page)

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Authors: Susan Squires

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Sports, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Waiting for Magic
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But he didn’t question dreams come true, no matter if he felt consequences lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. Maybe it was the Scotch, maybe it was just desperation, but he wasn’t going to stop this if that’s what Kee wanted. And he wouldn’t ask why.

When she reached to touch his chest, she said, “I want to touch you. All of you.” She didn’t ask permission. She didn’t need to. He’d give Kee anything. She smoothed her hands over his pectorals, rubbing her thumbs over his nipples. They were already tight with need. “Clasp your hands behind your neck,” she whispered. He obeyed instantly. That would keep his hands in line too. She smoothed her way up over the bulge of his biceps, touched her fingertips to the notch in his throat where his pulse was pounding, then cupped his jaw. He could feel the stubble scrape against her palm.

“So, so beautiful,” she whispered, her breasts hanging over him, swaying slightly. He didn’t say anything, content to let her explore his body with her artist’s touch. She smoothed back the hair that always flopped over his forehead and brought her lips to his again. But as she kissed him, her hands moved down his sternum, over the ridges of his ribs, down into the hollow between ribs and hips, cupping his hipbone. Her touch, at first so cool, seemed white hot now. It left a searing trail of sensation. She moaned into his mouth a little as she squeezed the big muscle in his thigh. He hoped she’d touch him in the most sensitive place of all. He was a little disappointed when she sat back. But her hands continued their journey.

“I’ve painted from life. It’s not like I’ve never seen male genitals,” she mused. “But I’ve never touched them.”

His brows drew together. Never touched a guy’s junk? What about Museum Guy? Did that mean they hadn’t done it yet? His thoughts were running around in circles in his head, courtesy of Springbank Distilleries.

Her hand cupped his balls. He groaned.

“Does that hurt?” she asked, jerking her hand away.

He shook his head. Emphatically.

“You’d tell me if I hurt you?”

He nodded.

She smiled.

At that moment he would have laid down his life for her. No questions asked.

Her hand cupped his balls again. He wouldn’t groan and scare her. It was tough.

“They’re kind of soft.”

What they were was tight and high, but she wouldn’t know that.

She squeezed a little, just gently, and rolled his nuts against each other inside their sack. “Mmmmm,” she said. Like she was making a yummy noise. Oh, that gave him bad thoughts. Bad, bad thoughts.

She let her hand slide up his cock, lightly clasping it. Her palm against the big vein that ran up the underside made him shudder. He hoped she didn’t notice. She was fixated on his cock now. Her thumb pressed over its tip and grew slick.

“What’s that?” she asked softly as she rubbed the moisture around.

“Pre.…” He gulped. “Pre-come.”

“Is it okay?”

“Very okay.” Through the haze of alcohol he realized what this whole conversation meant. She was a virgin all right.
Damn. Damn, damn.

So was he.


Well, Devin’s genitalia were certainly an impressive set. Kee had never seen an erection in the flesh, of course, but she had to imagine that even without being so stiff, he’d be a lot bigger than Michelangelo’s David, or … or really any of those statues in Italy.
Would all of that fit inside her? Maybe she couldn’t do it.

But she wanted to. Her senses were filled with him to overflowing. Her skin was sensitive, her breasts full. They yearned to be touched, or sucked. She throbbed between her legs until it was an ache. Her juices made her thighs slick. Seeing Devin, spread like this before her, allowing her hands to touch his body, made her surer than ever that this was what she wanted. No matter what happened later (she wouldn’t think about that) it was good that her first time would be with Devin. She wanted to paint him, just like this, in shadows, erect, muscles tensed.

She giggled. Wouldn’t that just scandalize everyone?

He looked alarmed and offended at her giggle and she put her left hand over her mouth to stifle it. She didn’t want him thinking she was laughing at him. “Sorry, sorry, it’s just so unexpected … and wonderful.” She smiled at him and saw him relax. She had to make him see just how serious she was in her eyes. She clasped his penis a little more tightly and ran her hand down it. Yeah. He saw it. His own eyes almost glowed with intensity. She lay down beside him, her slick mound pressed against his right hip, her breasts pressed into his side. She might not have any experience, but she’d read enough romance novels to know what to do. She kissed his nipple and rubbed it with her tongue and moved her hand up and down his penis. He groaned again, but she thought it was probably a good groan. His hips moved a little, involuntarily it seemed. His breath was fast and jerky.

“Kee,” he breathed. “Kee,” he said more insistently.


He looked embarrassed, but he didn’t unclasp his hands. “You’ve got me so excited I might not last.”

“Oh.” What did that mean she should do?

“Got to slow down a little, sorry.”

Ah. Perfect time for a condom. She held up the box from the nightstand in triumph.

He blinked several times, rapidly.

“Well, one has to be responsible. Even if one is a little inebriated,” she said with all the dignity she could muster, enunciating carefully. She tore open the box and got a little foil packet out. He was very focused on her mouth as she tore the corner off with her teeth. That left her with a round, rimmed rubber. He made a move to help her, but she pushed his hands away. “No, no, no. I want to do this. You put your hands behind your head.” She gave him what she hoped was a wicked smile. “Just enjoy.”

He took a deep breath. Expanding his chest made his ribs stand out, hollowing his muscled belly even more. He nodded, watching her as she scooted down to his hips and leaned her upper arm on his thigh. She held up his hard shaft with one hand and placed the ring of the condom over the tip. It wasn’t too hard to roll it down. She was very pleased with herself. Then she frowned. “Do you think all this will fit in me?”

He swallowed then nodded.

“You don’t look too sure.”

All of sudden he seemed to collapse a little. He unclasped his hands and got up on his elbow. “Look, Kee … I, uh, I don’t want you to think … I mean, I’m really sorry, but.…”

He didn’t want to do it with her. Oh, my God. To let her get this far.… She sucked in a little, shocked breath.

“No,” he said sharply, panic in his eyes. “That’s not what I meant.” He turned his face away. Was he ashamed?

Well, of
he was ashamed. She should be ashamed as well. She held herself still, trembling a little.

“I … I’ve never done this, Kee.” His voice was hoarse and thick.

Never made love to anyone? Including Surfer Girl?

Good. He hadn’t shared himself with anyone else. For tonight he was all hers and she wouldn’t think about how temporary that was. They just had to muddle through without screwing up. “I haven’t either,” she said. “I’ve read books though.”

“Romance books, I bet.”

“Yes. Romance books,” she said defensively. “They’re very specific. And it’s more than you’ve read.”

“I swiped a book from Tris when he moved out to live over his shop. I know what I’m doing.” He paused. “In theory.”

Tris had a book like that? Hmmm.

“He got it from Kemble,” Devin answered her unspoken question.

“So, passed from brother to brother, no doubt stained and dog-eared by now,” she grinned. “Father probably gave it to Kemble just so he didn’t have to have ‘the conversation.’

Devin grinned and shrugged. “Maybe.”

“I bet it’s all clinical and everything.”

“Better than inaccurate wish fulfillment in those books you read.”

“I think I liked you better silent.”

“Did you?” His eyes were glowing again. “Well, I can arrange that. And you can show me what you learned while I show you what I’ve learned.”

“Oh, good. The ole ‘you show me yours and I’ll show you mine.’ We’re not nine.”

“No,” he breathed. “We’re not.”

And then he touched her face, cradling her jaw, very tenderly. It made her breath catch in her throat. He pushed up to almost sitting so he could reach his lips to her throat. That made the muscles in his arm and shoulder bunch, and Kee started breathing again, in little, awed gasps. His lips moved over her throat so softly, and there he was, flicking his tongue against the pulse in the notch of her throat. Could he feel it alternately pounding and fluttering? His other hand slid around her waist and down over her buttocks, rubbing in little circles, and she put her hands on his shoulders, squeezing, just because she couldn’t help herself. She didn’t have to look to know what pressed against her thigh.

He was working his way down, and she knew where he was going, but she had to have something else first, so she lifted his chin. It was if her touch was magic. He didn’t resist. It was like he responded to her every thought. There he was, looking at her, expectant, but willing to wait. She didn’t ask. She just lowered her lips to his. It was like unlocking some spring mechanism. He took her in his arms, almost fiercely
, and kissed her thoroughly and deeply. Way different than the kisses she’d shared with Tommy Johnson when she was in grade school, before the Breakers had been turned into a fortress. Different than the kiss of Mick … Mick Something when she was thirteen, and had been a little appalled by the wetness of it all. Now Devin’s tongue searching her mouth and his strong arms holding her seemed nearly perfect.


How could he have forgotten to kiss her first? Devin cursed the fact that he hadn’t read a few romance books. But he had to have her breasts. He needed to suckle at them as if they were the wellspring of life. He was going to kiss her lots before tonight was through. He deepened the kiss while he caressed the side of her breast until he felt a shudder run through her. Now was his chance. He broke the kiss and made his way once more down her throat. But now his left hand moved to cup her breast fully and squeeze lightly. He wanted to knead it, pluck at the nipple, but he made himself be very, very gentle, just brushing over her nipple with his thumb. Was that too much? She moaned a little. But she didn’t push him away, so he kissed the top of her other breast, his hair flopping over his forehead and brushing her delicate skin. And then he was there, kissing her other nipple and finally fixing his wet mouth over it, sucking a little more, feeling it tighten and peak. She was as soft and perfect as he’d always known she would be. He pulled her back to lay next to him, now turning his attention to her other nipple. She was making soft, mewling sounds that made him feel strong, powerful, protective.

His mind had sharpened. That much liquor shouldn’t have faded yet, but he seemed to exist in some universe of sensuality where every nerve and fiber was attuned to her. He wanted to kiss another place on her. But he wasn’t sure romance books included that and he wanted this time to be perfect for her. So he smoothed one hand over her hip and then around and between her long, white legs. She was soaking wet. But that didn’t mean she was ready. He had to coax her with a sample of pleasures to come. The book had been very clear on that. Especially because she was a virgin. God, could he hurt Kee? But better him than some Museum Schmuck, who might not even take the time to realize she’d never made love to a man before.

So he put his palm over the soft, curling hair of her mound, and slipped his fingers into her slick creases. It made him take a sharp breath. The folds within folds were a moist labyrinth. Where was it? The book said up high. He dragged his middle finger up. Uh! He couldn’t miss that. She writhed against his hand. Target achieved. It was bigger than he expected. Yeah. The book said it swelled up when the female was aroused. Kee seemed pretty aroused. Her head was thrown back so her wet hair hung down her back, her lips parted for little pants of air, and her hands clutching his shoulders had started to unconsciously dig in with her nails. He rubbed up and down. And on the down stroke he started sliding his finger into her tight, pulsing passage. Just a little at first, then back up, then down, and further in. Kee was giving little grunts.

But he had another agenda too. He wanted to loosen her so she could accommodate him, and see if her hymen was still attached all the way around. The book said it wouldn’t be as painful if it had been torn a little during normal activities: riding horses and bicycles, climbing trees, that sort of thing. Kee had done all of that. He touched the barrier. On the next downward stroke he put a second finger in. Kee moaned and he went in and out a little and sucked on her nipple a little harder to distract her while he felt around. She seemed to like that too, because she wriggled against him, trying to get his fingers deeper inside her.

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