Waiting for You (20 page)

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Authors: Melissa Kate

BOOK: Waiting for You
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She waded around a bit, leaving Adam staring dumbstruck after her. She was a sight to behold, floating stark naked in the water, like a naughty mermaid waiting to be taken, every curve and mound accentuated in the aquatic depths. “You coming in?” she teased. “Or are you just enjoying the show?”

He found himself grinning a lot around Audrey. He also found himself getting naked a lot around her. He wasn’t complaining about either.

Adam discarded his clothes in zero point two seconds flat and joined the voluptuous nymph in the cool water. He floated toward her and gently gathered her in his arms. Her skin was soft and warm as he trailed his fingers up and down her bare back.

“I was actually enjoying the show,” he whispered against her neck, his mouth trailing kisses from her ear down to all the delicious bits.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned.

“I like to be more involved. I’m handsy like that.”

He gripped her ass and squeezed, drawing a giggling shriek out of her. He felt her legs come around his waist, pulling him in and he went from semi to rock hard in an instant. She bit his shoulder as her fingers trailed up and down his spine.

“No two people should be this horny for each other this often,” she commented lazily.

“You’re going to undo me, Sweetheart.” He sucked hard on her neck and she moaned loudly before his mouth trailed down to her breasts. Her nipples in his mouth never tasted sweeter as she arched her back, giving him more access to draw her in deeper.

He captured her mouth again and stroked her tongue with his own, drawing her into his mouth. Sucking and tasting till he thought he would come from just kissing her. Her soft heat fit right in the center of his thick erection and he squeezed her scrumptious ass cheeks, rubbing her wet opening into the tip of his penis. She moaned from her throat and fuck if that wasn’t the most arousing sound he’d ever heard.

“Adam,” her voice was throaty, her breathing labored. “I need you inside of me now,” she begged, eyes heavy with passion.

And that’s when it hit him. “Fuck,” he cursed, dipping his forehead into the curve of Audrey’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” she soothed, rubbing the ridged muscles on his back.

“I forgot the condoms, I can just see it on the counter in my kitchen.”

“That’s ok. I’m still on the pill. Force of habit I guess. And I’ve had a full physical after my divorce so I’m clean and… I trust you.”

He lifted his head and watched her, the trust reflecting back from her dark gaze. It nearly undid him, the openness and honesty between them.

“I’ve never entered a woman without a condom before,” he admitted.

She smiled a wide smile. “I’m glad I get to be your first for something.”

He captured her mouth then and poured all his passion into it, truly and utterly making love to her mouth.

Adam moaned deep in his throat as he reached between their bodies, stroking Audrey’s honey soaked core. She bucked against his hand, leaning into his touch for more, mewling against his lips and the sound hardened his dick to the point of pain.

“Adam,” she whimpered. “I need you.”

He positioned his hard cock at her moist opening and in one swift movement, thrust into her, filling her fully and deeply. Her head fell back and she moaned from the depths of her soul. Her hair tickled the back of his hand wrapped at her bare back and fuck if that didn’t heighten the senses all around him.

Audrey moved against his erection impaled within her and the pulse of her hot walls around his dick made him delirious with pleasure. Her hands found their way to the base of his neck, pulling him in for deep, languorous kisses as Adam’s hands massaged her pert ass into his erection.

Her moisture burned around his bare skin as Adam experienced every ridge and muscle inside of her. He’d never experienced sex like this and he thought he was going to lose his fucking mind. Audrey clung to him and they were skin to skin in every way that mattered and in that moment Adam lost himself to Audrey one inch at a time.

“Adam,” she pumped her hips against him. “I’m almost there. Don’t stop.” She moaned as her fingers dug into his shoulders.

He thrust into her harder and faster, focusing on holding his own orgasm until he felt her clench around him and find her release. Three thrusts later and he followed her over. And in that moment he knew that every wall and every barrier he had ever created broke down in her presence as he started to fall hopelessly towards Audrey.

Chapter 18

udrey lay in Adam’s arms late that evening, snuggling in the hammock on his balcony, overlooking the vast ocean below. He wrapped their naked bodies in a fleece blanket but all Audrey felt was a warm glow emanating from Adam’s body where she half lay on top of him. Her leg curled up between his, her head on his shoulder and her hand on his pec over his heart feeling the steady rhythm beneath.

The day had been absolutely perfect. Adam had taken her on a sweet adventure that she would never have anticipated. He’d shown her sights that blew her mind and all the while never expecting anything from her. He’d observed her and spoken to her like she were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. When they had made love in the cave, she had felt herself surrender to him, laying herself bare, with all her vulnerabilities to his will which scared her to her core. She could never put herself in a position like that again, to be vulnerable to a man. She feared she was in over her head with Adam and had to constantly remind herself it was just carnal relief. Adam had been upfront that he didn’t want more. She had to keep repeating that to herself before she did something stupid like fall in love.

His arm around her tightened as the hammock swayed in the early evening breeze. The sun was setting in the horizon, casting the sky in orange and purple hues.

Adam kissed the top of her head before asking, “Did you ever think we would be here?”

Audrey smiled against his chest, her fingers tracing circles on his sternum. “No, when I came back I thought for sure I’d be avoiding you like the plague.”

“You couldn’t resist my charm and wiles now could you?”

She laughed against him. “Your wiles? Who says things like that?” she was quiet a moment before saying. “And no, you do have some irresistible charm.”

His stubble rasped against her hair as he smiled, satisfied with himself.

“Don’t get all smug Sailor. I can still swing this hammock and drop you on your ass.”

He gripped her butt cheeks in his hands and hoisted her up to lay stomach down against his chest. She looked into his eyes and saw something in them that caused her to pause. He was serious, far too serious than she was ready for and way too serious for the mood right now so she opted for a subject change.

“So, I’ve decided to sell my photographs.”

That garnered a genuine smile out of him, burying his seriousness momentarily.

“That’s great sweetheart. You have an amazing talent. You will sell a bucket load in no time.”

It warmed her greatly that the people in her life had such fierce faith in her. It made her wonder why she ever doubted her own talent when these people who she had left behind for years, still saw the very best in her.

“Thank you.”

He tucked a stray hair behind her ear and twirled the stand around his finger. “What for?”

“Believing in me. Taking me out to beautiful locations to be inspired. Unknowingly reignited my passion for photography. Choose one.”

“I only see the real you Audrey. You make the rest happen.”

She reached up and touched her lips to his in a sweet tender kiss, savoring the softness of his lips against hers.

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t here when your dad got sick.”

His body stiffened slightly beneath her.

“I know it was difficult for you and had I known, I would have come back, done something. I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.”

She felt his body slowly relax beneath her as he let out a breath. “It wasn’t your responsibility, Aud. These things happen.”

“No, you were my friend. Whatever misunderstandings were between us, I would have set them aside. You have been so amazing to me since I got back and since Grandpa died, I wish I could have done more.”

He stroked her hair and Audrey unknowingly leaned into his touch. “I haven’t talked about my dad with anyone since he died. I’ve done that with you. I haven’t visited his gravesite since he died and I have done that with you. You coming back has helped me accept it better. You have helped me deal. So don’t regret the past, when you have done right by me now.”

Her eyes misted up and she blinked back the moisture as she laid her head against his chest and listened to the crashing waves on the beach below.

“Aud, there’s something I have to ask you.”


“That night on that beach, before I brought you home, I heard you on the phone with your mother.”

Her body tensed involuntarily as she tried to think back on that conversation. What had she said to her mother?

As though feeling her anxiety, Adam stroked her hair, soothing her already rife emotions. “Baby, did your husband hurt you?”

Her gaze snapped up to his in horror. The conversation replayed in her rapidly processing brain as the words came back to her. Shit! Audrey didn’t want to have this conversation again. She wanted to leave her baggage behind.

“I don’t want to pressure you to tell me anything.” He soothed, knowing her too well. “Whenever you are ready.”

Her head lay against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, feeling secure and safe enshrouded in the hammock with Adam, she knew that he would never hurt her. He was nothing at all like Michael.

“He did hurt me,” Audrey responded after a moment of pause. His fingers still played in her hair as he waited her out. “It’s over now. I put him away.”

“How long?”

Audrey lifted her head to take in his beautiful face and gave him a sad smile. “Most of my marriage.”

She saw something shadow his eyes as he looked back at her, trying to make sense of her words.

“It’s in the past now,” she comforted him, her hand caressing the rough stubble on his face. “And didn’t you just say, don’t regret the past?”

He opened his mouth as though to argue before Audrey quieted him. “I’m a survivor Adam and that part of my life is over. Crystal Valley is my new re-start.”

Adam stared deeply into her eyes, searching their depths for her hidden pain but he wouldn’t find any because she had let go of the brutal past. She snuggled into him and let out a sigh of relief and content when she felt his warm hands surround her, putting the conversation to rest.


Audrey woke up with a start and instantly knew something was wrong. She was in the bedroom, lying in Adam’s king size bed, the room was dark and she heard the whimpers. Someone was hurt. Adam!

Her eyes adjusted to the dark and she found him lying beside her, the sheet kicked off down to his ankles, leaving his beautifully naked body bare. He thrashed on the bed, his hands in tight fists, his entire body coated in a sheen of sweat. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his mouth was a tight grimace, the fine lines around it prominent.

“I’ll never talk,” he muttered in his slumbered entrapment. “Cut me.”

His eyes squeezed tightly and he thrashed more violently now.

Audrey had to do something. She couldn’t stand to see him suffer like this. She knelt beside him on the bed, stroking his arms and softly calling his name. “Adam, wake up. Adam!”

He didn’t react so she shook him violently, desperate to snap him out of his unseen prison.

His eyes snapped open then and he flipped her onto her back as he jumped off the bed.

“Adam!” she shouted, desperate to connect with him. “Adam, it’s me! Audrey.”

He regarded her then and she saw his face through the sliver of pale moonlight streaming through the window. His features were etched with deep pain and torture. His breathing was ragged. Adam looked as though he was still in his nightmare, still reliving the awful tragedy that plagued him.

He shook his head slightly and then his eyes come to focus as though he had finally woken up. Sliding off her, he plastered himself against the far wall, crouched to the floor as he drew his legs up to rest his head on his knees. He appeared vulnerable and defeated. It was a side of Adam she had never seen before, he was usually so strong and sure. She broke a little for the brokenness in him now.
What happened to him?

Audrey was on her feet in seconds, hunkering before him. Instinctively she encircled her arms around his back and held him tightly, her head resting on his own.

“It’s ok Adam,” she cooed softly. “You’re awake now. I’m right here. It was just a dream.”

She sat with him on the floor for hours it seemed before his breathing slowed to almost normal. His body slackened and she used the moment to wedge herself between his legs and embrace him tightly. He didn’t move for a few moments and then his arms were around her as he accepted her comfort. She stroked his back and listened to his pulse beat.

“You ok?” she asked after a long silence.

“I’m fine.” He answered roughly.

She pulled away from him to search his guarded gaze.

“Don’t shut me out.” She coaxed softly, stroking his rough jaw. “I’m not here to judge you.”

His gaze cast downward and Audrey realized it was the first time she’d ever seen him like this. He was usually the easy going Adam but this raw pain crushed her.

“Is it PTSD from the Navy?”

Another long silence ensued before he finally answered. “Just some nightmares.”

“Anything you want to talk about?”

He clenched his jaw and Audrey was sure he would give her the silent treatment. He sat before her naked, in every aspect of the word and she could do nothing to coax him back to her.

“I was captured in Thailand a few years back.”

She piqued in shock at his admission but she carefully schooled her reaction to be neutral. She tempered down the urge to ask more, to pull more information. She needed him to open up at his pace. Even though her brain was screaming in every direction.

“I was tortured for days. Beaten unconscious. Starved. Dehydrated. The greatest torture was when they started bringing in civilians and killing them off one at a time to get me to talk.”

Audrey’s heart broke for this stoic man haunted with guilt and memories that threatened to engulf him.

He didn’t say anything more and Audrey realized that was all she was going to get from him.

She stood up and reached out a hand to him which he took, allowing her to lead him back to bed where she lay behind him, his back to her front as she held him.

He chuckled softly as he tried to turn back onto his side. “I’m not a weak child that needs to be coddled, Aud.”

She pushed him back. “I know that. I’m doing this because it gives me comfort. You’re always taking care of me. Let me do this for you.”

He didn’t argue instead rolled over to lie on his back as he pulled her into his arms. She heard his heavy heart beat hard in his chest and she wished there was something she could do to help him.

Her sweet Adam, a POW? Her mind reeled in so many directions as she visualized the little he shared. His body beaten and battered. Adam tied up and poked and prodded. The thought was too much to bear.

“Aud?” Adam’s voice came softly in the dark night.


“You’re thinking so loud I can hear the wheels turning in your brain.”

She tittered softly but didn’t feel it in her core. “Does this happen often? The nightmares.”

He stroked her hair softly and took his time before answering. “Not as often as before.”

“Is it PTSD?”

“Most likely.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“You already have.”

She shifted around to look at him dubiously.

“I haven’t had them as often when you’re in my bed.” He grinned a sexy grin before capturing her mouth with his own.

Audrey knew that that was as much information as she was going to get out of him, so she gave herself to him. If her body and her presence was what kept the incubuses away, then she opened herself to him to take his fill.


Adam listened to Audrey’s breathing as she eventually fell asleep.

He was honest with her when he had said that the dreams were less frequent and more so because of her presence but that scared the crap out of him.

He was starting to feel very attached to her and wasn’t quite sure how to deal with that. Adam had never been in love. He’d never allowed any woman to even get close enough to feel anything more than lust. This woman, this brunette had snuck up on him when he’d least expected it. But love? Come on, that was unlikely at best.

He stroked her naked back and his dick twitched in interest. He’d had her less than an hour ago and already his favorite appendage wanted her again. She was doing sinful things to his libido.

He’d never had a woman in his own bed before and he’d certainly never had one stay over yet somehow, with Audrey, he didn’t feel the usual clawing claustrophobia that he usually associated with intimacy. It was like she just fit; in his arms, in his bed, in his life?

What the fuck?

He stared down at her snuggled into his shoulder, her dark hair strewn around in an inviting mess. Her long lashes framed her closed eyes and her mouth was sealed in a sensual pink pout as she breathed. Her skin was flawless except for the small scar at her hairline behind her ear and not for the first time he wondered about the words he had heard on the beach that night. Had her husband hurt her? The thought always curdled his blood and had him wanting to head to New York and get into the penitentiary and beat the asshole into the dirt. He could do it so it would look like an accident too. Adam was highly trained and could make that fucker disappear. Audrey had barely shared anything with him and he didn’t want to scare her. He never wanted her to feel around him the way she felt around that prick. He needed her to feel safe and secure.

What the hell was he thinking? How was he supposed to make her feel that way when he was such a broken semblance of a man himself? How could he protect her when he couldn’t protect those strangers in Thailand? How could he shield her when he couldn’t save his father? So many thoughts ran through his mind as the captivating minx shifted in his embrace, her soft face nuzzling his jaw.

He peered down into her peaceful face and hell if he could remember any of the reasons he should stay away from her. He was pretty sure she had ruined him for all other woman all those years ago when she had crawled into his window and offered him her virginity like a sweet peach ready for the picking.

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