Wake Me Up (Fallen Angels MC Book 2)

BOOK: Wake Me Up (Fallen Angels MC Book 2)
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This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons--living or dead--is entirely coincidental

Wake Me Up
copyright @ 2014 by Laura Day. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.


Book 2 of the
Fallen Angels MC




Caroline Lewis woke up to the sound of her dog, Gloria, barking viciously at the window. Only it wasn’t her window.
Or her wall. And the bed didn’t smell right, and the covers were way too light and thin.


It took a moment for all the pieces to come together, and when they did, her heart sped up instead of slowing down. She called Gloria to her; the dog left the window reluctantly, but when Caroline lifted the covers, Gloria crawled under them with her. The dog was just as much of a big scaredy-cat as Caroline had always been; Gloria just barked louder.


If there were any big, scary bikers out in the parking lot of the skeezy motel, Caroline didn’t want to know about it. She’d had absolutely every second of panic that she could handle in the past twenty-four hours, and she was quite willing to call that more than enough. If anyone actually minded, she’d send Gloria after them. Gloria would probably lick them to death, but hey. It might help.


She had a sudden flash of Declan flinging her beautiful dog into the wall. She had been so panicked yesterday it hadn’t occurred to her that Gloria might be hurt. She’d made a terrible sound when she’d hit. But she was breathing fine now, and nothing seemed swollen or injured or— but people died of internal injuries all the time, and she wasn’t any kind of vet. And, God, if something happened to Gloria right now…


She wiped her eyes furiously. She’d go back to the diner and see if anyone there could tell her where to find the local vet. And then she’d have to figure out what to do next. Go home, get her things, run for it? How long could she really stay hidden? A guy who was running drugs and guns and who knew
else probably had the resources to track her down, but what was the point? She couldn’t prove anything of what she knew about the Fallen Angels, and even if she could and she ratted them out, she’d be taking Mason down with them.


Her heart ached just from thinking of his name. He’d been so sweet with her, so kind, so incredibly hot and sexy. How had he turned so fast, morphed into the monster she’d seen with Declan, his eyes cold and dead? And there was the mystery of that index card he’d pressed into her hand—what the hell had that been about? It had an address on it, but no other message. Had he intended her to go there? After the way he’d talked to her? She was a lot of things, but a complete idiot wasn’t one of them.


She gave Gloria another kiss, then pushed herself up and out of the bed. She’d slept in her bra and panties, and the underwire bra had made her boobs ache. A shower was in order. In the movies, people on the run were always perfectly coiffed and clean, so showers were definitely allowed. And then she’d need a pair of big Jackie O sunglasses to hide the black eye Declan had given her. Possibly a tacky straw hat too.


She entertained herself by making a mental list of all the things TV had taught her about being on the run—don’t use plastic, stay away from places that were familiar to your old life, don’t fall in love with a single father because he’ll totally turn you in after a heart wrenching moment with his kid—while she went to the front window and pushed the curtain to the side just a margin. No motorcycles in the parking lot. No leather coats, no dark shades, no handsome redheads with their curly hair back in elaborate braids.


It would be a lie to insist that part of her didn’t break at that.


She needed to call Jack, but after that, she’d shut her cellphone off. The GPS could be used to track her if someone filed a missing persons report. Or something.




Mason walked into Second Chances five minutes after it opened. He saw Jack, Caro’s co-worker, sitting at his desk, but even from the door, Mason could see Jack’s eyes shifting to the empty desk with more than a hint of worry. He did his best to adjust his default bitchface into an expression of concern and sympathy, and walked across the office. Jack looked up at him, smiled, recognized him, paled, and then smiled again. “If you hurt her—” Jack started.


“I didn’t.” Mason dropped himself into the chair next to Jack’s desk. “And I lost my best chance at fixing the source of the whole problem, so don’t get all indignant on me. Have you heard from her?”


Jack sat back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest, and his eyebrow lifted. “You’ll forgive me for wondering why you’re asking.”


Mason tried to find his cool. He was sure he’d left it around somewhere. “Declan found her. He knows who she is. And I can protect her, and I tried to protect her, but she’s disappeared. I need to get to her, before he does, and get her somewhere safe.”


“Oh, I see. It’s not just that you are here to try and see if she’s been in touch with me, so you can tell your boss, and my friend can get—what, axed? Iced? What’s the chosen nomenclature for killing an innocent woman because some jackass in leather got her mixed up in bullshit?”


The story spilled out before he could stop it. “They’re using my sister’s name. I swear to you, man, I know what you told Caro, but I swear to you, I knew nothing about this. I thought someone was skimming, but I didn’t make the connection until she found it first. Anna—my sister—I told Caro she died when I was in the military.


"She was still living with her mother and the pathetic excuse for a man that her mother was dating then. And one night, her mother and that piece of shit got drunk and high, and he went after my sister while her mom tripped out and laughed. He—" Mason choked on the words, and looked down at the floor. Partly because Jack was watching his eyes every second, but mostly because he couldn’t tell the story and maintain that intense eye contact.


“What I didn’t tell Caro was that Anna had written me a couple letters." he continued. "Hinting at things that dick was doing to her. Nothing clear, just accidentally busting in when she was showering, giving her long hugs, finding reasons to be in the house when her mom wasn’t home. And I told her to ignore it. I told her that she was overreacting.”


He looked up again, found Jack’s gaze, and forced himself to hold it. He expected to see disgust, or pity, in the man’s eyes; he saw instead a pain he’d never thought he’d share with anyone.


Finally, he said, "Declan is dealing in girls. If your guy thinks it, I’m sure of it, and that stops. Even if I’d been involved in the other shit, which I wasn’t, that will not happen on my watch.”


The words had an echo, a roll to them.


Jack held steady through them, and then he nodded, short and quick, all wariness gone from his posture. “I haven’t heard from her. Well, she left me a message last night, but I think she must have turned off her phone; she’s not answering when I call her. When I get hold of her, how do I get hold of you?”


For the first time since Mason had stepped into Caro’s house, knowing Declan had beaten him to it, his heart started to lift.





Caroline pulled her phone out to call Jack again and see if she could get ahold of him to let him know what was going on, but her phone’s battery had gotten so low that it wouldn’t turn on, and in the bag she’d thrown together in a state of near-shock she couldn’t find a charge cable. She put Gloria on her leash and walked back to the motel office, but no one answered when she rang the bell. She sighed, stuck her phone in her pocket, and headed off to the diner she’d been to the night before.


Angie wasn’t in the restaurant;at least not from what Caroline could see from the front door. Which was probably good for her, because it probably sucked to work from close to open, but still. Her heart jumped in her chest at the thought of having more people stare at her, more people wanting explanations.


She hadn’t been able to bring herself to really look in the mirror, to see what that bastard had done to her face. It wasn’t that she was vain—she knew she wasn’t ugly, but she was no model—but the idea of looking down the barrel of what he’d done, what she’d allowed him to do… it made her feel nauseated. If she threw up, she was pretty sure her headache would come back, and she couldn’t face it. She needed to pretend that the throbbing from her eye socket down to her jaw was just a sinus infection. Or an infected tooth. And not because…


“Hey, sweetheart,” someone called out. Caroline looked up, blinking fast to get rid of the tears, and forced a smile onto her face. She knew in her heart that it probably looked more like a grimace than anything else, but she made it happen anyway. The woman approaching her wore jeans and a tucked-in T-shirt with the logo of the diner on it. Caro had an intense urge to run away for no reason she could put her finger on. “My name’s Heather. You must be Caroline. Angie left me a note, said you might wind up here this morning, and said we should take care of you if you did. So tell me, what can I do to help?”


“I’m fine,” Caroline said automatically, even through the throbbing in her face. And as her stomach growled in disgust.


“Something to eat, then?”


“I can’t. My dog—”


“She’ll be fine out here for a few minutes, I think. Are you taking her to Snips and Snails up the street?”


“The— what?” She sounded like an idiot, a total idiot, but she couldn’t make her words go in a straight line.


“It’s the vet clinic in town. At least, the decent one. Dr. Watson is good.” Heather looked Caroline over carefully, and then said in the tone of someone answering a question that hadn’t technically been asked, “Dr. Emily Watson. She’ll take care of you. And your dog. Let me get you something to eat.”


“No, really, I’m—”


It was the way Heather laid her hand on Caroline’s arm that made her finally pause and listen. Heather’s eyes were brimming with tears, and her glance kept flickering over to the side of Caro’s face that felt like it was on fire. “Please,” Heather said, almost pleading. “I want to help. Please, can you let me?”


“Sure,” Caro said, because it was easier than continuing to argue. And because she was hungry.




Heather stayed with Gloria while Caroline walked back to her motel for the car. Once Gloria had lied down on the sidewalk, she didn’t seem inclined to stand back up. Heather also had a charger, and offered to charge Caroline’s phone in the diner office while she brought Gloria over to Dr. Watson’s practice.


Once Caroline got there, she found that Heather had even called ahead for her there; Dr. Watson was a tall woman, with short hair that was as much salt as pepper, and she wasted no time getting Gloria back into an exam room. Once Gloria’s leash was out of her hands, Caroline found her fingers twisting together with nothing to really stop them. “What happened to this dog?” Dr. Watson asked in a brusque, no-nonsense tone.


“She hit a wall,” Caroline said, and when Dr. Watson looked up, her gaze sharp and steely, Caroline forced herself to breathe. “She was thrown into a wall. Maybe kicked. I didn’t see what happened very clearly.”


“Ah,” Dr. Watson said. She rubbed at the bridge of her nose for a moment. “Same asshole who did that to your face?”


Caroline nodded. She couldn’t bring herself to say anything.


“Have you been to a doctor yet? Or the police?”


Her silence spoke for her.


“You’re not local, so I assume you’re running away from him? That’s good for you, but it doesn’t help the next girl he takes his temper out on.”


“It’s not like that,” Caroline said, hearing fire in her tone that she didn’t expect. “I wasn’t dating the bastard.”


“Then you have even less reason to avoid the cops,” the vet said, her gaze cruel and hard. “Running away sounds good on paper, but sooner or later, you’ll have to face what happened.”


“That’s not today.” Caroline bit back, just as hard.


For the first time since Caroline carried her dog into the office, the vet cracked a smile. “My name’s Emily,” she said. “It’s good to meet you. Caroline, I think Heather said?”


“Yes. Did I stumble onto the underground railroad for abused women or something?”


Emily smiled broader. “Something like that. Are you going back to him?”


“I wasn’t with him in the first place. And no. Absolutely not. Never.”


“I’ll take care of your dog. She needs X-rays. I think she might have broken a rib, which is bad enough, but we need to make sure she’s in good shape. Why don’t you go down the street; there’s a salon called Debbie’s, and if you ask for Debbie and tell her I sent you, she’ll help you get your face sorted so people stop staring.” That cruel gaze softened for just a moment. “I know that when I was in your shoes, that was the hardest thing for me to face. The idea that somehow, everyone knew I’d been weak.”


“I wasn’t weak,” Caroline said. “He was just stronger.”


“Then you’re already better off than I was. And I’m glad for it. Now get out of here and let me see what good old Gloria needs from me. Do you have a cellphone number?”


Turning it on was frightening; there was a toggle for the GPS in the settings, but did that really turn it off? She didn’t know. She was good with software and numbers, not hardware. But it was Gloria. “Yes. My phone is charging, but I’ll have it on me again in an hour or so. In the meantime, you do whatever you need to. She’s my girl.”




Debbie clucked over the mess of Caroline’s face and took her into one of the makeover chairs. She talked lightly about nothing in particular while she very gently applied makeup to Caroline’s cheek and jaw, so gently that it almost didn’t hurt at all.


After that, Caroline walked to a small coffee shop next door, ordered a mocha—a rare exception to her rule that coffee was amazing on its own without being polluted by milk and sugar—and remembered what Mason had said about never going code white again. Every time the door opened, she jumped. A car in the street backfired, and she almost hit the ceiling. Her hands shook gently as she wrapped them around the cup.


She went back to the diner after that, hoping her phone would be charged enough to take with her. Heather passed it off with a smile, and Caroline went back to her motel room.


When she turned on the phone, she saw a dozen missed calls and texts from Jack. She listened to them, heard his voice get increasingly concerned as he asked where she was and begged her to check in and let him know she was okay.


It was the last text that confused her the most. Sent just over an hour ago, it read
Just get in touch asap. We’re worried, Caro.


We? Who was the we? Jack and his wife? Her other co-workers? That still would have been just “I”. Who could he possibly have been talking to?


There was only one answer. Mason. Her heart clenched with hope that he wasn’t a dirtbag, that he was actually still trying to protect her. But letting that hope expand would be a mistake. It was too easy to excuse him, to say that he’d done what he’d done to try and get her out of Declan’s sight. After all, not even Declan had been convinced by Mason’s act. And there had been the address.


But he was dangerous. He had brought this into her life, and no matter how good he made her feel, she needed to be smart. For herself, and for Gloria. She couldn’t risk either one of them. Not again. And if she needed a reminder of why, the throb in her cheek would work very well.


Still, she dialed. Jack picked up his phone halfway through the first ring.


“Caroline? Is that you?”


“Hi, Jack,” she said. “Is he there with you right now?”


There was a long pause, and then he said, more quietly, “No. No, I’m alone in the office. Where are you?”


“I left town. I drove for a couple of hours, and I meant to keep going, but there’s something wrong with Gloria. So I’m stopping here a bit, I think. I’ll be back eventually, but—if you’ve talked to him, you have an idea of what happened, I imagine?”


“Yeah. Caro, you should come back. We can protect you.”


She felt her stomach clench and her hands start to shake. “I—Jack, I can’t. Not yet.”


“Tell me where you are. I’ll come get you.”


“No!” She took a deep breath, then another one, and forced herself to settle down. “I can’t go back there, Jack. I’m not… I don’t want to walk back into my house right now. I have to figure out how to handle this.”


“You don’t have to figure it out alone.”


“I kind of do. He came after me; he hurt Gloria. I need to be able to keep myself safe, Jack, because no one can protect me forever.”


There was another long pause, and then she heard him sigh. “Okay. But check in, okay? Every other day, at least.”


“I will,” she said. “I promise. And you can call in the cavalry if you haven’t heard from me in 48 hours.”


“Be careful,” he said, and the line disconnected.


She felt just a little bit safer.


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