“Yeah. Me too.” Nick tilted his chin and kissed John, a crooked, misaligned kiss that only involved half their mouths. He agreed; it had been an amazing holiday -- he couldn’t imagine a better one.
But it was good to be home.
Jane Davitt
Jane Davitt is English, and has been living in
Jane has been writing since 2005 and wishes she'd started earlier. She is a huge fan of SF, fantasy, erotica, and mystery novels and has a tendency to get addicted to TV shows that get cancelled all too soon.
She owns over 4,000 books, rarely gives any away, but is happy to loan them, and is of the firm opinion that there is no such thing as 'too many books'.
Alexa Snow
Alexa Snow is an emotional person who appreciates practicality in others. She's prone to crying at inconvenient times, drinking too much coffee, and staying up too late playing with words (either reading or writing.) A background of schooling she wasn't all that interested in resulted in a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and a vague sense of wasted time. Alexa lives in a tiny, ancient house in