Waking Up in the Land of Glitter (37 page)

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Authors: Kathy Cano-Murillo

Tags: #FIC044000

BOOK: Waking Up in the Land of Glitter
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3. Affix any small embellishments, like ribbon, glitter, sequins, and crystals, along the sides of the box.

4. Using the letter beads, glue the title of your happiness shrine on the top border of the box. Let everything dry. Step
back and take a look to see if you need to add anything else.

5. Once you’re happy with how your shrine looks, glue a piece of paper on the back of the box. Use a pen to write about what
inspired you to make the shrine. And don’t forget to sign your name. All fabulous artists do!

Grow a Glittered Cactus Garden!

After reading so much about these marvelous centerpieces, how about making your own?

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 plastic prickly pear cactus, 8"
tall (you can look for these at craft stores or find them online)

1 medium-sized terra-cotta pot

1 chunk of floral foam

1 bag of faux moss

Decoupage medium
(this is better than traditional glue and can be found at craft and art supply stores)

Crafty Chica Glamour Queen Green Glitter


Hot glue

Purple and red water-based acrylic paints
(colors optional, of course, but this is what Star and the craftistas use in the book for the desert feel)

Water-based brush-on varnish

Here’s how to make it:

1. Paint the base of the pot purple and the rim red and allow to dry completely.

2. Working over a sheet of paper, brush on the cactus a coat of decoupage medium and pour the glitter over it. Tap away the
excess and set aside to dry. Pour excess glitter back in jar.

3. Insert the floral foam in the pot. Poke your finger into the middle of the foam, pushing down from the top, to create a
hole. Add a dollop of hot glue onto the bottom of the cactus and insert it into the hole. Hold in place until glue cools and
cactus does not move.

4. Add hot glue around the top of the foam and press on the faux moss until it looks nice and even.


Love Shine:
Love Shine is an actual store in New York City. It is one of my all-time favorite boutiques because it specializes in crazy
cool Mexicana pop art, like lucha libre coin purses, oilcloth messenger bags, and glow-in-the-dark Virgin of Guadalupe statues.
See for yourself! Love Shine is located at 5431⁄2 East 6th Street NY, NY 10009 or

Star’s movie collection:
Movies are a big part of Star’s personality. She even sometimes dresses like her favorite characters. This is probably because
movies are a big part of my life too. I used to get paid to interview actors and write about their film projects. Whenever
I craft, I always have a movie on at the same time. The movies listed in this book make for great background noise while crafting.
Romantic comedies are perfect for small projects because they are about ninety minutes, and epics are ideal for glitter marathons.

Ofie had an inspiring quote to fit any situation, but she had a little help coming up with them. She was a loyal reader of
The Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Word
, by Linda LaTourelle. This handy book is a must-have for any artist and/or crafter. It includes hundreds of sayings, quotes,
and phrases for dozens of topics. You can use them in journaling, cardmaking, scrapbooking, rubber stamping, painting, and

Chloe’s local TV crafting segments:
While you may not come across anyone like Crafty Chloe or Frances, you’ll be happy to know that craft segments do exist.
Check out your local morning newscasts, and offer to be a guest crafter. Call the station to find out the name of the producer
and send a sample or picture of your project, along with a short bio about yourself. You might just end up on television!

Grand Avenue:
This is a street in Phoenix that stretches diagonally across the valley. Around the downtown area, Grand Avenue is lined
with dozens of art galleries, shops, eateries, and boutiques—all very edgy, with an indie vibe. The best time to go is on
“First Fridays”—the first Friday of every month during the evening. All the galleries are open and there are art receptions,
live music, firewalkers, dancers, and many other surprises. There are other popular streets on the Phoenix First Fridays route
too—Roosevelt St., 7th Avenue to 7th Street. Take the free shuttle and hop around!

Start a craft group:
Maybe you don’t have two hundred centerpieces to make, but you can still form a craft collective. Follow Ofie’s idea and
hang flyers in places that fit your personality. You can also look online for people in your area.

Speed crochet:
Yes, this is an actual event that is held every year! Google the term to see for yourself!

La Pachanga and Maker’s Marketplace:
My fantasy landmarks.

Reading Group Guide

1. How do you think the title of this book,
Waking Up in the Land of Glitter
, relates to each character? What is your perception of “the land of glitter?”

2. From her clothes to her music and, more important, her life choices, Star is all over the map. Do you think she is hardwired
that way, or is it more because of the way she was raised by her parents? Why do you think she was so flighty and indecisive
in the beginning of the book? Or do you think that is an unfair description?

3. What do you think it was that made Star get serious? Do you think she wanted to make up for the mistakes she made at her
parents’ expense, or prove she could be a responsible adult? Do you think she made the changes for other people or for herself?

4. Star found a good friend in Harrison, but for some reason, things didn’t click. Do you think it was because she was still
in love with Theo, or because Harrison just wasn’t her type?

5. All of Ofie’s family and friends love her so much that they hide the truth about her lack of talent because they don’t
want to hurt her feelings. Do you think this was the correct way to handle the situation? What do you think would have happened
to Ofie if they continued the lie? Do you think it is more important to always tell the truth, or to let a person enjoy doing
what she loves?

6. What role does crafting play in each woman’s life? Did the experience of knowing and working with one another change their
original perception of what crafting is all about? Did their stories change your perception of crafting?

7. Chloe went to many extremes for the sake of her career. Why was it so important to her? Can you think of a time when you
almost lost yourself in trying to achieve a goal? When is it time to stop?

8. Do you think being apart from each other helped Star and Theo’s relationship? In what ways? If she had never spray painted
his mural in August, do you think they would have ended up engaged by December?

9. Can you identify what each woman subconsciously yearned for in their lives and if they attained it? For example, what void
did Gustavo fill in Chloe’s heart? After being so precise and strategic with her decisions, what made her elope with a man
she barely knew? Do you think their relationship has a chance to survive?

10. Do you think Chloe deserved what Frances served her, or was Frances being unfair?

11. Did culture play a part in how you perceived these characters? Did their heritage make you feel more connected or less

12. Which character do you feel most in touch with and why? Which one would you like to spend the day with and chat?

13. What is your take on art vs. craft?

14. Have you ever been in a craft group? What were the dynamics between the members?

Questions for the Author

1. You are known for writing instructional craft books. How did the novel come about?

My two favorite pastimes have always been crafting and writing. I dreamed of writing a novel that combined the two, but the
task seemed too huge to even consider. All along, I had been blogging about living an artful life. I had two editors from
publishing houses write me and ask if I had ever considered writing a novel based on my adventures. On the outside, I said,
“Yeah, right.” But inside I knew I wanted to try it! I wrote an outline, but still couldn’t write that first page. But then
I learned about National Novel Writing Month. I signed up and wrote the first draft! It was quite a journey to reach this
point, but I never gave up faith.

2. Is being crafty really as drama-filled as it is portrayed in the book?

Yes, it can be. Especially if you are very passionate about it. Crafting isn’t just a hobby to many people, it is a lifestyle.
And there is not just one type of crafter. Everyone has a different motivation. Some people, like Star, separate art from
craft; others, like Chloe, see only the monetary value of a career in the industry. And then there are those like Ofie, who
are addicted to making things as an expression of love. When I developed the plot, I wondered what it would be like to force
these three types of crafters together in a group. I knew the glitter would fly!

3. Are your characters based on real people?

Chloe, Star, and Ofie—all of them have a little bit of me from different phases in my life. At the same time, Al, Gustavo,
and Larry are inspired by my dad, David Cano, and my husband, Patrick. As for the other characters, in my first draft, I did
have specific people in mind, but as I went through dozens of rewrites, the characters bloomed in their own way. They didn’t
want to reenact my experiences; they had their own stories to tell. As soon as I gave in to that, everything clicked into

4. How does fiction writing compare to crafting?

They are very much alike! With crafting, I have to decide on a concept, make a sketch, and choose colors. With fiction writing,
I nail down a plot, develop characters, and draft an outline. With writing, the words and sentences are the paints and glitter.

5. What is the deal with glitter, and why did you give it such an important role in the book?

To me, glitter is a metaphor for life. It catches your eye and the sparkle makes you forget all your worries because it is
so beautiful. I love it because it is so shiny and indulgent, yet calorie-free!

6. Have you ever had Star, Ofie, or Chloe moments?

Oh sure! My Star moment: Once when I worked at the newspaper, I thought I could multitask on making my crafts. I went outside
to the smoking lounge to spray varnish on my project. All the smokers got mad because I stunk up their area and they kicked
me out! My Chloe moment: One time, just a few minutes before my live-TV segment, one of the news anchors came to my craft
table and took a bite out of my demo project! (It was a Rice Krispies chocolate tree.) And I have Ofie moments every day of
my life!

7. Years later, what do you want people to remember about this book?

I want them to feel like there is always hope. Even when you hit rock bottom, as long as you have a good heart, and a strong
spirit, you can overcome. I also want them to try to express themselves through some sort of art form. I hope it inspires
people to meet with their friends and get crafty!

8. How do you fit writing into your busy schedule?

When I love something, I will find time to do it. For this book, I wrote every night after my family went to sleep. I had
zero interruptions—it was perfect. During editing, I swore off all TV shows for three months. I tell myself, “No one will
make this happen except you—so do it!”

9. Is Phoenix really as artful as it sounds?

Yes, it sure is! We have First Fridays that bring out thousands of art lovers. It is very much how it is described in the
book. There are many fun coffee houses and bars, dance clubs and concert venues. It’s very active!

Guía de Lectura

1. ¿Cómo relaciona el título del libro,
Waking Up in the Land of Glitter
, con cada carácter? ¿Cuál es su percepción del mudo de purpurina?

2. De su ropa a su música, y más importante de sus elecciones en la vida, Estrella no sigue ningún estilo de vida. ¿Cree usted
que ella fue nació así, o es mejor a cause del modo en que sus padres la criaron? ¿Por qué era Estrella tan veleidosa e indecisa
al principio de la novela? O, ¿cree usted que esta descripción no es justa?

3. ¿Qué cree usted que causó el cambio en Estrella a hacerse seria? ¿Cree usted que ella quería recobrar las faltas que ella
había hecho contra sus padres? ¿O cree usted que ella quería enseñar que ahorra era una persona responsable? ¿Cree usted que
hizo los cambios para otras personas, o para si misma?

4. Estrella encontró un buen amigo en Harrison, pero por alguna razón, no hubo química romántica. ¿Cree usted que el problema
fue que Estrella todavía estaba enamorada de Theo, o simplemente que Harrison no era su tipo?

5. La familia y las amigas de Ofie la aman tanto que esconden la verdad—que ella no tiene talento artístico—porque no quieren
hacerle daño. ¿Cree usted que ésto fue el mejor moda de ayudarle? ¿Qué le hubiera pasado a Ofie si las mintiras hubieran seguido?
¿Qué cree usted que es más importante: siempre decir la verdad, o permitir a una persona haciendo lo que ama?

6. ¿Qué papel tiene la artesanía en las vidas de Estrella, Ofie y Chloe? ¿Cambiaron sus ideas de lo que es el arte porque
se conocieron y trabajaron juntas? ¿Cambió usted sus ideas de la artesanía después de leer sus cuentos?

7. Chloe hizo muchas cosas extremas para ganar éxito en su trabajo. ¿Por qué era tan importante para ella tener éxito? ¿Tiene
usted un ejemplo en su vida cuando casi perdió todo tratando de realizar una meta? ¿A qué punto debe parar?

8. ¿Cree usted que la separación de Estrella y Theo ayudó la relación de ellos? ¿Cómo sí o cómo no? ¿Si Estrella no hubiera
pintado el mural en agosto, hubieran estado comprometidos en diciembre?

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