Walk With Me (34 page)

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Authors: Annie Wald

BOOK: Walk With Me
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orking on this book, I have been reminded over and over that we do not walk alone. I have been nourished on my journey by the wisdom of many, including Eugene Peterson, Paul Miller, and Tim Keller. I’m also grateful for each person who came alongside me, sharing their time and talents, to help bring this book into the world.


I especially want to thank Bob Allums, a true Barnabas, for his unfailing vision and support for this book. Elaine Pierce and Jenny Russon gave invaluable early readings of the manuscript as the story took shape. I’m grateful to the members of Rabat International Church for their fellowship and encouragement along the way. My editor at River North, Deb Keiser, was a devoted shepherd during the publication process. I’m also truly indebted to Andy Scheer, who masterfully edited the manuscript.


I owe a great deal to my parents, Warren and Ann Himmelberger, whose marriage has been a reassuring example of faithfulness and love throughout my life.


I’m deeply thankful for Elizabeth and Caitlin, my daughters and friends extraordinaire, for whom I first wrote this story. Later they eagerly joined the editorial adventure, offering perceptive feedback and wonderful insights all along the way.


Most of all, I am thankful for Jack, who has shared every step of this journey with me. Without his sacrificial love, grace, and unending encouragement, this book could not have been written.


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