Waning Moon

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Authors: Elisabeth Morgan Popolow

BOOK: Waning Moon
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 Waning Moon

Courting the Panther, Book 1

Elisabeth Morgan Popolow

Published 2015

ISBN: 978-1-62210-235-8

Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © Published 2015, Elisabeth Morgan Popolow. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.


Manufactured in the United States of America

Liquid Silver Books


This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


When a mysterious stranger rescues were-panther Tony Silvers from a ruthless gang of were-hyenas, he never would’ve expected his savior to end up kidnapping and falling for him, especially when the seemingly awkward person happens to be a vampire that doesn’t only thirst for Tony's blood.

Chapter 1

Tony slammed into the side of the brick building as soon as the scantily clothed woman’s fist had slammed into his jaw. As he sagged to his knees, the woman’s unprecedented speed surprised him for the second time and she began to rain a devastating series of punches into his chest and abdomen. His body went rigid as he took the attacks straight on, never bothering to fight back.

The other people in her group, a ragtag conglomerate of young men and women all smoking joints, watched Tony with gleaming interested eyes, reminding him of hungry vultures waiting to swoop down for the kill. They whistled and jeered and stomped their feet in raving excitement as he was miserably and pathetically beaten

Tony clenched his teeth as blood began to dribble from his mouth, coating his beige leather jacket. Why didn’t he turn left and go home that way? He’d known from the time he got off work that the hyenas were following him, but he had to put his faith in people and hope for the best. What a lousy idea that was!

Never take a chance with a hyena. Never

The woman continued her assault, now kicking as well as punching. Tony felt his bones crack and his flesh instantly bruise a deep black and blue. He coughed and shrieked with unbearable and unfathomable pain.

Just as the hyena raised a hand to strike him again, a black blur appeared beside her and caught her arm mid-air. Tony winced, shut his eyes tightly, waiting for the next attack. He opened his eyes slightly to see a very tall, very stunning man gripping the woman’s arm in place.

“Hey! Leggo of me, bitch.” The woman hissed violently. She was about to knee the man in the stomach when he let go of her arm and, in a flash of speed, all her “friends” had collapsed onto the concrete. The woman’s eyes widened in shock and she stumbled back. She started to run, but tripped over an empty beer can and fell.

The man calmly walked over to her, kneeled on one knee, and grabbed her by the hair. “If I ever see the unsightly lot of you again, I
kill you.” He spoke low and distinct.

She trembled in terror and he let her go, watching as she scrambled away with a scream. The man reached into the pocket of his black trench coat and fished out a mini tube of
hand-sanitizer, and lathered a generous amount onto his hands. Then he turned to Tony, who was panting heavily, body splattered in crimson, strode to him, and peered quietly at his face.

Tony rolled his gaze upward to meet the man’s golden gaze that reminded him of warm honey, and managed to mutter, “Th-thank you,” before completely passing out,

The man hefted him onto his right shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and cringed as the sticky blood touched his hands and clothing. Biting his lower lip to stop from panicking, he moved with smooth grace throughout the narrow streets until he arrived at a small blue house with a little freshly mowed lawn and went up the steps to the door.

Before turning the knob, an amused grin crept upon his pallid lips.

Tony’s eyes tiredly fluttered open and the darkness of the room sank into his vision. He realized that there were no lights, or any light, not even a window, for that matter. He should’ve been fully healed after resting, and as he looked down at himself, he realized he wasn’t in his bed, but was suspended a few inches off the ground by a pair of steel handcuffs connected to a chain hanging from the ceiling. He was completely and hopelessly naked, his torso wrapped in thick white bandages.

Where was he? How did he get here? Wherever this was.

Then he remembered the man. Yes, that strange man that had saved him. Not that he needed saving. He would’ve rather just died but seeing that man fight for him had ignited a dead spark somewhere inside himself and he couldn’t help but admire his savior.

“How do you feel?” asked a silky voice.

He turned his head to the left and faced the man, his golden eyes glowing in the smoldering darkness.

Golden eyes. That could only mean one thing. This man was a vampire.

Tony sucked in a horrified breath and responded politely. “I feel a lot better, thanks. Although it still stings a little.”

The man inched closer, and eventually came so close that his cold breath ghosted onto Tony’s neck. He shivered slightly, but decided to be as nice as possible. Vampires were capable of anything.

“I’m Tony,” he told the man with a forced chuckle. “What’s your name?”

The vampire paused and shrugged languidly. “Gabriel.”

“Well, thanks so much for saving my ass back there, Gabriel! I really appreciate it. Now if you’d just let me go home, that would really make my day…

“I can’t allow that,” Gabriel spoke firmly.

“Why not? And why am I chained to the ceiling? I was wounded, you know. I think a bed would be better for me.”

Gabriel explained plainly, “There's a full moon tonight. I didn't want your beast getting out of control.”

“Oh, shit! I forgot! I better go home right away and—”

Gabriel growled and slammed his hands onto the wall on each side of Tony’s head, and leaned in close enough to hear his captive’s heart thrumming wildly against his ribs. He sniffed the air, inhaled deeply, and loved the mingling of aromas that radiated off of Tony’s body. It reminded him of an earthy jungle with damp soil, exotic flowers, and the lingering smell of morning dew. It was very enticing, very rich, and very delicious to Gabriel’s senses. He let his fingers splay over Tony’s collarbone, traced his fingertips along the line of his throat and the curve of his jaw.

Tony didn’t know how to respond, but the vampire’s touch was somewhat erotic and oh so sensual, and drove his body crazy with each light stroke. He felt himself gradually relaxing, despite being tethered to the ceiling with his feet dangling off the floor. Gabriel then cradled the side of his head in one hand while clapping the other on his opposite shoulder. The vampire stretched his jaw wide and quickly clamped down on Tony’s neck. He yelped at first but then gave into the infinite pleasure of the bite as it released a heroin-like toxin that immediately coursed through Tony’s body. Gabriel drew hard on his blood, savored the thick, creamy texture as Tony’s eyes rolled back and his body suddenly went limp.

When Gabrielle gently pulled away from his prey, he felt a strong urge to caress and protect this young man. He had glimpsed into his life through the bond of blood and seen many tragedies, many sorrows.

And he got a glimpse of the one person in this world that Tony hated the most, an infamous serial killer that still freely meandered the streets. The perfect target to collect a bounty on. And he’d found the perfect person to help him. The perfect prey.

And the perfect hunter.

Tony squirmed against his restraints and whined, “Could you please let me out of these handcuffs? I can control my beast very well, thank you very much.”

Gabriel frowned. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I need you to repay your debt to me for saving you from the were-hyenas.”

Tony’s mouth gaped open. “Um…okay. What do you want from me?”

The vampire chuckled to himself. “What do I want? If I were to put in exactly into words…I want you, Tony Silvers. All. To. Myself.”

The were-panther’s heart struggled to keep up with the anxiety gnawing at his mind. This vampire, Gabriel, this man who had saved his life, wanted him? For what? What did he mean? He couldn’t possibly mean…

Before he could reply, Gabriel’s hand shot out and began to stroke his shaft, up and down, roughly, but it felt so good, so pleasant. Tony moaned as the vampire knelt onto his knees and wrapped his lips around his tip, drew hungrily, earnestly on him, until a small cry escaped Tony’s mouth. He’d never had anyone touch him there before, well only one person, but Gabriel set his body ablaze in a fevered passion. He felt himself getting rock hard and cursed the damn metal handcuffs as he had the urge to touch himself at that very moment. Gabriel licked and lapped at him, nibbled softly on his tender flesh, extracting an excited shriek from Tony, and then popped his mouth off and fondled his balls in his hands.

Tony’s cheeks were chimney-red as Gabriel raised his head and his hot tongue darted out at his left nipple. The tiny bud grew erect and stony and the vampire grazed his fangs along the edge, teasing him, possessing him fully. Tony’s hands curled into fists as Gabriel slid his mouth to the other nipple, swirled his cold, wet tongue around his pebbly peak, then suckled and pulled at them harshly. He was so rough, but that turned Tony on even more, being played with so harshly.

Gabriel smirked as he took a key from his pants pocket and freed Tony’s wrists from their binds. The were-panther dropped into his arms and he carried him out of the room and into another that was lit by over a dozen vanilla-scented candles with a huge king-sized bed in the center veiled in a red curtain with black cotton covers.

“I thought you wanted me bound in case I turned into my beast,” Tony stated flatly.

Gabriel’s voice was husky with desire. “Be quiet.”

He laid Tony on his back onto the bed and quickly unbuckled his pants, drew them off, and wrestled out of his shirt. Tony sucked in a breath at how astonishingly handsome the vampire was, with his six-pack abs and pronounced muscles, not too bulky, not too skinny, but just right.

He tried to lift himself up but Gabriel instantly pinned his hands above his head and brushed his starving cock against the cleft of his ass. Tony whimpered as the vampire whispered gently yet possessively into his ear, “I am going to take you now, so be prepared.”

The were-panther didn’t have time to react as the vampire thrust hard inside him and he gasped in surprise. Gabriel buried deep within Tony and then shifted to a series of pumping in and out, in and out, a rhythm that Tony soon understood, soon craved with all his being as the pleasure built between his legs. He moaned in sweet bliss as Gabriel plunged in and out of him, each time more delicious than before, more captivating, more enthralling. The vampire reached under Tony’s sides and pinched his sensitive nipples until Tony let out a scream and came all over the covers. Gabrielle laughed and soon spilled his warm seed inside the were panther, slipped out, and lay next to his captive with a long, exhausted exhale.

“Did you like it?” Gabriel muttered with an arch of his eyebrow.

Tony began to breathe, as he’d forgotten how during that amazing sex. “I-I don’t know. I don’t know what to think.”

“Your moans of ecstasy told me everything.”

Tony blushed and hid his head beneath the pillows. “You’re a complete stranger! How could I have liked fucking with you? It was rape! Goddamn cruel and violent rape!”

Gabriel retorted, “It was not rape! You enjoyed being fucked as much I enjoyed fucking you. From now on, you will be my pet, understand?”

“I can’t agree to something like that!” Tony snapped.

Gabrielle replied coarsely, “You can’t change it, sorry. Since I shared my blood with you, you are now my servant, my were-panther servant, understood? I have a natural affinity for panthers and that is why I saved you. I heard your mind reeling in agony. Heard you thinking of just dying. I couldn’t let such a pretty face die, you know?” He cupped Tony’s chin in one hand and grabbed his bare ass in the other, squeezed.

“Besides, the fun has just begun. Don’t you want to see the end of it?” he uttered, like the snake tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Tony slowly nodded his head and was about to respond with how he felt unusually comfortable with the vampire when a door slammed and a figure came into the dark room, almost floating.

A man with golden eyes with a faint hue of baby-blue in the centers, a heart-shaped face, and long straight platinum blond hair now stood beside Gabriel, his slender fingers coiling around his. Gabriel withdrew as if being tainted by acid and got off the bed as if it were infested with the plague.

The blond man just laughed heartily and raked his gaze over Tony like a judge over a show-horse. The were-panther wiggled a bit in embarrassment, but lay still as a doll as the vampire scrutinized him, mouth quirking into a devilish smirk.

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