Wanted By The Alpha Lion (Heroes of Shifter Creek 2) (8 page)

Read Wanted By The Alpha Lion (Heroes of Shifter Creek 2) Online

Authors: Clara Moore

Tags: #BBW, #Paranormal, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense, #Romance, #Lion Shifter, #Western, #Shifter Creek, #SciFi, #Contemporary, #Alpha Lion, #Fiction, #Short Story, #Scientist, #Zoo, #Alpha Shifter, #Cursed, #Fated Mates

BOOK: Wanted By The Alpha Lion (Heroes of Shifter Creek 2)
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“Your Mama’s not here now, is she?” Janelle asked.

Danny shook his head.

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Their kiss started slowly, a tentative touching of lips that quickly grew in intensity and passion. Danny slid his arms around Janelle’s lush form, pulling her soft, rounded body up against his tall, wiry frame. “You’re so gorgeous,” he murmured. “I’ve wanted to make love to you from the first moment I saw you.”

Janelle’s hands travelled over Danny’s back, feeling the muscles there before dropping to squeeze his ass. “Likewise, cowboy.”

They maneuvered to Danny’s couch. He flopped down on it, pulling Janelle on top of him. “Yeah,” he breathed. “You look just as good on top of me as I imagined.”

“Tell me what you imagined,” she demanded.

His gaze fell to her mammoth chest, and he smiled. “Well…”

“You want to see these?” Janelle sat up, cupping her behemoth breasts in both hands while grinding her crotch down against Danny’s swelling jeans-covered cock. “Is that what you’re telling me?”

“God, yes,” he said. “Please.”

She smiled, and pulled her blue blouse off. Beneath it, Janelle wore a lighter blue bra, speckled with dark blue hearts. “I would have worn something nicer,” she said, “if I’d of known this was going to happen.”

Danny put his hands on Janelle’s hips, gripping her tightly while he feasted his eyes on her voluptuous mounds. “That’s just fine. Absolutely perfect.” His need was growing by the minute; she could feel the intensity of his desire pushing against her. “The only way that bra could look better is if it was on the floor.”

Janelle laughed, throwing her head back in delight. “You are a trip.” She slipped her arms out of the bra straps one at a time, slowly letting the cup fabric down to reveal her dark nipples, before turning the band around to unhook it. Then she slowly, deliberately dropped it on the floor and peered at it. “You’re right, it does look better down there.”

Danny reached for her. “You’re right, it does.” He started kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples until Janelle’s laughter changed to a deeper, needier sound. “You’ve got gorgeous tits.”

“And you have a very talented tongue,” Janelle said, running her fingers through Danny’s hair. “What else can it do?”

“Let’s find out,” he replied. Janelle was out of her pants and undies in record time, seated back on Danny’s leather couch with her thighs spread wide.

“Oh, yeah,” she said, as Danny began kissing his way up her thighs. “I like a white boy who knows what he’s doing.” She squealed as his attention turned toward her most tender bits. “That’s it. Show me you can make me come.”

Danny began licking and kissing in earnest. He had one arm wrapped around each of Janelle’s cocoa-colored thighs, bracing himself against her as he pushed his tongue into her juicy folds. Janelle started rocking backward and forward, pushing her pussy up against his mouth and moaning louder and louder. “You’re going to do it,” she announced. “You’re going to make me lose it all over your face!”

Danny responded by flicking his tongue over Janelle’s clit as fast as he could. It was all she needed to fly. Her screams of pleasure filled his living room. They were almost, but not quite, loud enough to drown out the sound of a car pulling up in front of the ranch house.

“Oh shit!” Danny said, springing to his feet. He gathered up Janelle’s clothes from the floor and thrust them into her arms. “Quick, the bathroom’s over there.” He headed toward the door, pausing to make sure his jeans zipper was in the appropriate, upright position. “I’ll hold off whoever this is.”

The new arrivals were Jorge and Camilia. Both looked quite serious as they stepped up onto Danny’s porch.

“Hey, guys.” Danny greeted his old friend first. “You’re not looking too happy.”

“Well, they found Roger,” the retired sheriff said, “and it turns out he has a pretty air tight alibi.”

“I expected that,” Danny said. “That’s what I was saying to Janelle, just a few minutes ago.” His eyes widened in surprise as Janelle stepped onto the front porch, perfectly dressed and appearing as if nothing had even happened. The only clue that she’d even relaxed was the fact she was no longer wearing her three inch heels. “I told her he was too smart to get his hands dirty himself.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be praising his intelligence too much,” Camilia said. “We know Roger didn’t do the car because he was too busy doing his damnedest to destroy the bat caves on his property.”

“Oh no!” Janelle exclaimed. “I was worried he would do something like that.”

Jorge nodded. “Some fool let him get hold of more than enough dynamite.” He shook his head. “I’m really sorry, but at least the front part of those caves are gone for good.”

“Are there bats trapped inside?” Janelle asked.

“We don’t think so,” Camilia said. “Our crew spotted quite a few emerging from another opening further back on the property. But we don’t know how many were hurt by the explosion.”

“I’m going to have to get out there and take a look,” Janelle said. “This is all going to have to be documented.”

“We’ll do that in the morning,” Jorge said. “Right now, the Marshalls are securing the scene. We need to make sure there’s no more dynamite on site before you go in.”

Janelle nodded. “But that means we still don’t know what happened to my car.”

“Millet Baynard paid for his beer with a hundred dollar bill this evening,” Jorge said, looking at Danny. “And you know he’s never had that much money at one time in his life.”

“Did he confess?” Danny asked.

“He will,” Jorge said. “If he hasn’t already.”

“That man burned up my car for $100?” Janelle said, eyes wide. “That’s just ridiculous!”

“Millet’s not the brightest turnip in the truck,” Camilia said. “When we were growing up, kids would pay him to eat fire ants. Five for a dollar.”

“So what’s going to happen to him?”

“He’ll be charged for the arson,” Jorge said. “But those charges may be reduced if he agrees to testify that it was Roger that put him up to it.”

“Do you think anyone will believe his testimony?” Janelle asked. “I hate to think of him walking free if it doesn’t have any impact on Roger’s case.”

“In this town?” Danny snorted. “People will have absolutely no difficultly believing Millet did what Roger told him to do. The only trick is keeping Roger from talking Millet out of testifying against him.”

“Roger won’t be talking to anyone. The dynamite charges alone are enough for us to keep him locked up until trial,” Jorge said. “And I can’t even begin to tell you how many other laws he’s broken with regards to the bats.”

“He did tell us he was just getting started,” Janelle said.

Jorge nodded. “And they’re going to need you all to come down and give us a sworn statement about everything that happened.” He glanced at his watch. “You all will be doing that first thing in the morning, right?”

Janelle and Danny nodded. “And then I have to see what about getting an insurance adjuster out here to look at my car,” Janelle said. She took a deep breath and forced a smile. “At least I don’t have to worry that there’s someone out to get me at this point.” She cocked her head and looked at Jorge. “Do I?”

“I really don’t think so,” Jorge said. “The rest of the guys were eager for the jobs Roger was promising, but they’re quite a bit smarter than Millet. They’re not going to get themselves into any serious trouble on his behalf.”

“Especially now,” Camilia added. “You two may be the last people in the county to know we’ve got him locked up.”

“Well, thank you,” Janelle said. “I appreciate knowing he’s behind bars.” She shook her head. “I really can’t believe he took things to this extreme.”

“Let’s just hope he hasn’t scared the bats off for good,” Camilia said. “I know I wouldn’t want to stick around if someone was blowing up my house.”

“Time will tell,” Janelle said. “We’ve seen the bats nesting in some fairly turbulent areas in Mexico, right in the heart of cartel country. But I don’t know if any of them have had their caves attacked in this manner.” She shrugged. “If nothing else, it’ll be something new for our scientists to think about.”

“Every cloud has a silver lining,” Jorge said. He touched the front of his hat, and smiled at Danny. “Now, if you folks will excuse us, my bed is calling me. It’s been a surprisingly long day, and I’m tired.”

“Good night,” Camilia said. “We’ll see all y’all in the morning.”

“Thanks for coming by,” Danny said. He stood by Janelle, watching as Jorge and Camilia returned to their vehicle and took off into the Texas night. Then he reached out and took Janelle by the hand. “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

She laughed. “I could have met you without my car getting blown to smithereens, you know.”

“That’s true.”

“And I would have liked to have finished those enchiladas,” Janelle added. “They were delicious.”

“Rosalee’s will be there tomorrow,” Danny said. He grinned. “I have to go back and settle up our check anyway.”

“Well,” Janelle said, giving Danny a side eyed glance, accompanied by a flirtatious smile, “I’m going to need to be well-rested before a meal like that.”

Danny smiled. “I happen to know where there’s a very comfortable bed, available right this minute.”

“Silver lining indeed,” Janelle said. “Lead the way.”

This time, they got out of their clothes at a more leisurely pace, shedding garments one at a time between kisses. Danny’s cock was already half-hard before he undid his belt; Janelle had to help him ease his jeans off.

“My goodness,” she said with a smile. “That looks good enough to eat.” She sank to her knees in front of Danny, and slowly slid her lips over the length of him.

“Oh, god,” Danny groaned. His hands rested lightly atop Janelle’s braids. He closed his eyes and let his head fall backward. “That feels so good.” He lost the ability to speak as Janelle intensified her attentions, but then managed to say, “Stop. I need to be inside you for real…”

Janelle started to pull Danny into bed with her. Then she stopped and smiled.  Her smile was so wide that dimples appeared in her cheeks.  Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Do something for me?” she asked.

“Anything…” Danny said.

“Get your cowboy hat. Put it on,” she said. “I want you to wear that while you’re riding me.”

Danny stepped back, blinked, and smiled. “Well, all right.” He grabbed his light grey Stetson and put it on. “Is that better?”

Janelle lay back against the pillows and spread her arms wide. “Much.”

Danny slid between Janelle’s lush, soft thighs, bracing his hands just on either side of her. They were belly to belly, with the warm swell of her breasts pillowed between them. It was the perfect position for kissing, and they did for a while, savoring the moment.

“What a day,” Janelle murmured, before stealing another kiss, “this has turned out to be.” She opened her legs wider, tipping her hips to bring her desire up against Danny’s. “And you are the very best part.”

Danny didn’t say anything. He just sighed, a deep, shuddering breath that shook him all the way from his shoulders down, and then slowly slid forward until he was just inside her.

“Oh,” Janelle breathed. Her eyes widened, and she put her shoulders back against the bed, arching her back just enough to push her breasts upward. Then she rocked forward, bringing her hips up and making it easy for Danny to slide just a little bit more inside.

“Hot damn,” Danny said. “You’re so hot and tight.” He let his head drop against Janelle’s chest for a moment, resting on their silky softness for a handful of heartbeats before pushing forward once more.

Then he was in and she was suddenly, gloriously wet with excitement; they found a comfortable rhythm easily, as if they’d made love a dozen times before.  Janelle’s body cushioned his every stroke with a delicious shaking. Her sighs quickened and grew louder, becoming groans, then deep throaty moans interspersed with cries of “Oh God”.

“Oh, baby,” Danny warned. “If you keep doing that, I’m gonna lose it.”

In response, Janelle raised her thick thighs and wrapped her legs around Danny’s side, pulling him closer and deeper into her. “Give it to me, cowboy,” she purred. “Give it to me now.”

She flexed her pussy muscles, squeezing the length of him in a way Danny had never been squeezed before. He yelped, and he was done, then she was done, shuddering against him. After, they lay tangled together until they fell asleep.

Janelle’s cell phone started ringing before the sun came up. Danny lay in bed and watched as his curvy lover paced around the room naked, talking into her phone. “Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Mom, but I didn’t know I wasn’t going to be home when you got there,” she said. “I didn’t know you were coming into town!”

There was a pause, and then Janelle snapped, “Because some ass… because I had a car accident, Mom. I’m way out here in the middle of nowhere, working on a permit appeal, and my car is wrecked. So maybe you could just not give me a hard time right now, okay?” Another pause. “Well, I’m not surprised he pooped on the floor, Mom. He doesn’t like having his routine disrupted either.”

Danny smiled. Janelle shot him a glare, and then wiggled her butt at him and winked. “Listen. Mom. I’ve got to go. I will call you back but I have the insurance adjuster on the other line, all right? Bye.”

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