Wanting More (30 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

BOOK: Wanting More
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Conner started laughing at me. “Amy, it ain’t like you’re a stranger and they’ve all suspected this was happenin’ anyway. My family isn’t goin’ to hate you, I promise.”

I thought about the first time Miranda had introduced me to her mother and how sweet I thought she was. I just wondered how sweet she would be when she knew that her son had knocked up a married woman. “I don’t know Conner.”

He laughed again and pushed up his oversized t-shirt to reveal my belly. When I looked at it, I guessed I did see a little change, but it looked like I just ate a lot, not like I was pregnant. “At the end of the day, we’re adults and this baby is my flesh and blood. I think you’ll be surprised how my family takes it. You better get up and get changed though, because I just heard Colt’s big mouth.”

I sat up really fast. “Conner, please don’t leave me in here.”

He leaned down and kissed my head. “Get changed and come out. If I stay in here while you change, I won’t want to leave this room.”

He left me to get changed and even pointed to a pile of clothes that he’d gotten from Miranda. I still hadn’t even faced her yet. This all just made my stomach hurt.

I got dressed slowly and ran into the bathroom to do something with my face and hair. I decided to just go all natural and put my hair in a ponytail. After using Conner’s toothbrush, which was the one that wasn’t any kind of character, I took a deep breath and walked out to face Conner’s family.



Chapter 39


I knew the only way to get Amy out of my room was to leave her there. As much as she didn’t want to confront my family, I needed her to at least be cordial.

When she came out, I couldn’t help but smile. Bella went right over to her and hugged her. I thought back on the day that she asked if I was going to marry her Aunt Amy. I knew I loved her then, but I’d never considered being married. This past year had changed me and now being married and having a kid was something I was really looking forward to.

After hugging Colt and Van and giving my little niece Christian a dozen kisses, the house filled with commotion. Amy stayed close to me at first, but ended up helping the girls with carrying stuff over to Ty’s parents.

I couldn’t help but look over at her every chance I got, even when she was trying her hardest to avoid my stares. She just made me so darn happy and I didn’t feel like hiding it anymore. Maybe it was too soon, but I felt like I’d waited so long already.

After dinner, Amy helped the girls clean up, but when I had to go feed the pony that Bella was getting from Santa, Amy tagged along. As soon as we got out of the house, I couldn’t help but put my arm around her. Being in a house with my horny ass family was hard enough, but knowing that my woman was also in that room made it damn near unbearable.

Once we got to the barn, Amy relaxed. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me slowly. I grabbed her on the hips and pulled her body into mine. “Don’t start somethin’ you can’t finish.”

She backed away from me and removed her scarf. “Who says I can’t finish? I mean, Ty and Miranda were doing some freaky sex thing at the dinner table with their eyes and then Colt and Van snuck in the back bedroom to get diapers, but they didn’t come out with any.”

I started to laugh. “I can’t believe you noticed that. Yeah, at Thanksgiving, we caught Colt and Van gettin’ it on in the pantry with a house full of people and Ty and Miranda got chiggers from doin’ it in the woods. I guess my family just can’t keep their pants on.” I started unbuttoning my pants as I reached where Amy was standing. She reached inside and at first her hands were so cold that I pulled away. “Whoa, I didn’t expect that.”

She giggled and leaned into my chest, while she attempted a second time. Her hands were still cold, but as they began stroking my shaft, I forgot all about the temperature. I wasn’t used to her hair being in a ponytail, but I loved being able to dive right into her neck with my lips. She leaned back and gave me full reign to drag my tongue up to her ear. I could hear her breathing increase as she continued stroking my cock. “I love you so much. You’ll always be my Blaze.”

She bit down on her lip and moaned. “Mmm, I want you inside of me, Conner.”

I pushed her shirt up and then her bra, to reveal her perfect tits. I sunk down and licked one of her nipples. She watched me and I noticed that she slowed down how she was stroking me. I took her whole breast into my mouth and sucked hard, making her cry out. I knew what she wanted and I wanted it just as bad.

I pulled her hand out of my pants and slipped them down to fall on the floor. With one swift tug, her pants went down and her little panties were all that was separating me from being inside of her.

I picked her up and leaned her up against the counter. She grabbed her panties and pulled them to the side to give me just enough room to slide inside.

I thrusted into of her and we both were caught off guard by the urgency of our need for each other. Her legs wrapped around my waist like she knew I liked and I started on a constant pace. I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her mouth into mine. She pulled away and teased me with her tongue. Each time I pounded myself into her, I watched her perfect titties bouncing all around her chest. I took one hand and played with her little nipple, causing her to cry out for me to never stop.

I could feel her starting to let go. Her legs put me in a death hold as she lifted her hips and met my thrusts. I could feel her tightening around my cock and just feeling her having an orgasm started my own.

I buried my face in her neck and placed tiny tongue filled kisses up to her chin and then finally back to her mouth.

The barn was cold, but we were sweating up a storm. I grabbed her shirt and pulled it down to cover her back up. “We better get back.” I pulled up my pants and buttoned them. “You know they have to know we’re together. Can’t we just tell them?”

She shrugged. “They’re going to hate me.”

“I think you’re wrong, but I will let you wait one more day and then we are tellin’ them our news.” I reached my hand out for her and we walked together out of the barn, but she pulled away right before we got to the house. “Amy, we slept in the same bed last night.”

“Yeah and we all noticed that.” Colt came walking around the corner and I swear Amy was about to have a heart attack. She put her head down, like she was ashamed.

I held up my hand to my cousin. “Let me explain.”

He stuck his hands in his pockets and waited. “Go ahead. Say somethin’, because the last time you and I talked you said she didn’t want to be with you.”

“If you just be quiet for a damn second, I will. Look, the truth is, we’ve been seeing each other for a while now.”

Colt laughed. “You think it’s alright to be involved with a married woman?”

“I left him.” We both turned around to look at Amy. She looked like she was shocked she said it too. “He beat me and lied to me for our whole marriage. Conner was there for me when I couldn’t tell anyone about it.”

I cut her off. “Colt, I know you don’t believe this, but we love each other.”

He continued to laugh. “I’m sorry guys, I don’t mean to be rude. It’s Christmas and we’re all here together. I’m goin’ to leave this conversation for you to explain. You know every darn person in that house is waiting for you two to admit there’s somethin’ goin’ on.”

He walked inside and said nothing else. “He’s right. We should just tell them.”

“I’m scared.” I grabbed her shoulders right before we walked into the house.

“Hold that thought. We have to surprise the kids with something Ty and I worked on.”

It was only a matter of time before Colt told Van, then she told Miranda and all hell broke loose. We had to tell my family the truth before they heard it from someone else.



Chapter 40



I was still a little overwhelmed with all that had taken place in the last couple of weeks. Of course, it wasn't like I wasn't used to drama. I mean, obviously the past year of my life was full of it. Still, just knowing that it all brought me to Conner, made it somehow worth the fight.

I still couldn't get over the fact that he not only wanted me, but he wanted our baby too. Last year he was such different kind of person. I'd risked everything I thought I had to be with him, but came out of it all with more than I could ever hope for. He saved me in so many ways and I would be forever grateful for that.

Even though Rick still posed a threat, I knew we could handle it together. I was prepared to fight for what I wanted, because at the end of the day, I had everything I needed. Getting it may have been unconventional, but I wasn't going to complain.

Conner was adamant about telling his family the truth about us. After he and Ty put on their flying Santa display, everyone settled in and watched a movie. I felt awkward but sat with Conner and even held his hand. Miranda was still giving me dirty looks every once in a while and I didn't blame her. She had to feel betrayed by both me and Conner. I was so afraid she was never going to forgive me and I think that's why I just couldn’t pull her aside and tell her the truth.

I managed to get through Christmas Eve without having the big reveal. They were all curious, but Conner kept calm and didn't say anything.

Christmas morning was different from what I had experienced for so long. The house filled with people and the children were high on happiness. I'd never felt so much love in one small place before. It was beautiful.

Bella loved her new pony Scotch so much. I was pretty certain I heard her ask Conner if it could sleep in her bedroom at night. He was so good with her and even the babies. I found myself thinking of our situation. He kept holding and playing with Jake and Jax and even chasing around Christian. I guess I had never realized just how much he loved children.

Conner and I had talked about so many things, but there were topics that I just never felt the need to bring up. My fear of him not wanting me anymore, was washed away the moment I saw his face, when he learned I was pregnant. Of course, it hurt me when he asked if it was his, but he had a right to, I guess.

Our casual touches turned into full blown hand holding and hugging as the day progressed. Even though I got several looks, I didn't feel that overwhelmed by judgment. Once the kids went to sleep, us adults hung out and watched television. When Conner was ready for bed, he grabbed my hand and led me to his room.

He'd gone and gotten my bag out of my car, but I preferred sleeping in one of his shirts. I had no sooner pulled it over my head, when he started laughing. "Why are you even botherin'?"

I giggled and climbed into bed beside him. "Behave."

"I don't think you understand just how happy I am." He kissed the top of my head as he pulled me over top of him. "I've waited too long to be able to sleep with you every night." Our fingers came together and he pulled my hand up and kissed it.

I noticed him looking at where my ring used to be and knew he was wondering. "I left it on my bed instead if a note. I guess he got the hint."

He kissed my ring finger, slowly while looking right at me. "I guess I have to get you a replacement."

I was a little shocked to be perfectly honest. Conner wasn't used to having a serious relationship and now he was talking about making a permanent commitment. "I have to get divorced first and we don't have to get married because we have a child. I don't want that kind of relationship."

He laughed. "Yeah, I wasn't talkin' about gettin' hitched, Blaze, but I do want everyone to know that you belong to me. I had to fight real hard for this and I want everyone to know that we're together."

"I get it." I guess because I didn't have much to say, he became all defensive.

"Hey, if I marry anyone, it's goin' to be you. I just thought maybe it would be cool if our son was in the wedding."

"Our son?" I started laughing just thinking about him deciding on the sex of our baby. "What are you going to do if it’s a girl?"

He pinched his nose and shook his head. "I reckon that I'll be buyin' more guns, and keepin' in shape, so I can kick every little dude’s ass that gets within ten feet of her."

"I have so much to look forward to." I traced the cross tattoo over his chest. "I love you so much, Conner. I've never loved anyone like this."

He cupped his hands around my face and made me look into those green eyes of his. "Well, I've never loved anyone before, so I guess I have you beat."

I rolled my eyes. "It isn't a competition."

He stood up and grabbed a package out of his closet. It was small and I could tell it was jewelry. “What’s this?”

“It’s your present from me.” Conner smiled and sat beside down next to me. “Open it.”

I unwrapped the package and opened the little box. Inside of it was a silver necklace. It was a small rope chain with a heart locket hanging from it. “It’s beautiful.”

“Open it up.”

I opened the little locket as he was putting it on my neck. Since I couldn’t see it, he laughed and held it up to read it to me.

“Forever my Blaze”

I wrapped my arms around Conner’s neck. “I love you so much. Thank you, Conner, for everything.” After he kissed me a few times he pulled away.

“You like it?”

“I love it. I have something for you too.” I reached into my purse and pulled out an envelope. He cocked his eyebrow and opened it. When I saw him laughing, I knew he liked it.

He read the certificate out loud. “This certificate is good for ten years’ worth of haircuts by Amy.” He pulled me close to him and kissed my head. “I love it. Thank you.”

“I didn’t have much time or money. It’s probably lame.”

He cupped his hands around my face. “I already had two gifts, the moment you walked in that door. I got you and the little one that’s growin’ inside of you, darlin’. I’d say that’s the best present anyone could get.”

We were distracted by his phone going off on the bedside table. He reached over me. "It's probably just one of my old friends wishing me a Happy Holiday or somethin'."

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