Read WanttoGoPrivate Online

Authors: M.A. Ellis

WanttoGoPrivate (12 page)

BOOK: WanttoGoPrivate
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“I’m close.”

He had barely heard her, thought he might have actually been
mistaken until she shifted her legs and immediately apologized.

Holy fuck.

Chris wanted to know if it was him. His ego wanted to
believe it was his skill that had her ready to go again, with something as
simple as a little flogging, but that probably wasn’t the case. She’d told him
she had multiple-orgasmed before, so maybe he wasn’t special. He tossed the
flogger aside and reached his arms around her to undo her ties. Unexpectedly,
she leaned into him, her body molding to his as she buried her face against his
chest and his fingers fumbled with the knots. If she was listening to his
heartbeat she’d know it had just missed a beat or two.

Control, man. Keep it together.

He tossed the restraints aside, seeking comfort in the fact
that a great sub craved the cuddle period as much as he enjoyed offering it.
This wasn’t any different. Except they hadn’t really gotten to any of the hard
stuff. He hadn’t really pushed her, or himself for that matter. He still needed
to have her truly restrained, spread-eagle on the big bed as he brought her to
the brink of orgasm time and time again. She’d beg for release and he’d refuse
her. It was classic. It was easy. It was their plan.

He set her gently away and rubbed her wrists, wondering if
she would find the next phase, her donning leather wrist and ankle cuffs, even
more exciting.

* * * * *

Chris had a mountain of pillows at his back and Izzi in his
arms. He’d really never felt quite as content and he smiled, placing a kiss on
her still-damp forehead. She turned, her silky hair teasing his chin as she ran
her lips over the smooth skin just above his heart.

“I want you to make me come again,” she whispered.

He tensed at her words, his hands stilling on her back. He
hadn’t expected that. Had her statement been delivered in an insatiate tone,
he’d have been a little less disturbed. But the dreamy timbre of her voice had
his body screaming to full alert, ready to revise the initial plan. Or maybe
just explain the protocol that equated the end of a session.

“I want to feel you inside me and when I come, I want you to
come with me, Chris.”


There it was. Their safe word. The single word that
unerringly marked the end of their play.

“What we just did was amazing,” she said, running her fingertips
through the hair at his temple before cradling his jaw in her small palm and
urging his mouth toward hers. “But I want a little more. If you’re willing to
give it. Right now, I want you, Chris. I need

His heart thundered as she placed a somewhat chaste kiss on
his lips. With a few seemingly honest sentences, she had melded fantasy and
reality into one.

“That isn’t what we agreed to,” he replied.

“I know. But contracts can always be revised. I learned that
on the blog. If both parties are amenable.” She leaned back far enough that he
could see the expectation in her eyes.

She wanted him in both his forms. Master and man. The
concept brought an ache to his chest. He stared into her hopeful gaze, his mind
a swirling mass of confusion that eventually pinpointed one fact—their fucking
plan had just imploded.


Isabel waited, unsure what would happen next but stubborn
enough to believe she’d done the right thing. She wanted him. Chris. Not some
man who was able to keep himself detached from the wonderful sensations he was
creating. Not a man who couldn’t let himself fully share in the ecstasy he was
giving her. She wasn’t some deluded youth in a sexual haze. She’d had enough
presence of mind not to say she wanted him to make love to her. But she
couldn’t ask him to fuck her either. She didn’t see what they were doing as
something that base. So asking him to come seemed middle-of-the-road when it
came to sexual vernacular.

But he hadn’t moved, other than to stop caressing her body.
Maybe she shouldn’t have kissed him. But he’d kissed her before. Frustration
was beginning to grow and she made a conscious effort to stifle it. She’d said
his name, thrown their safe word out there, but with a twist.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” His tone was harsh
but his emerald gaze smoldered and it gave Isabel hope.

“Yes. I do,” she said, unable to contain the tiny smile that
parted her lips.

“This isn’t the norm,” he said.

“I think we passed normal when you switched me from
spread-eagle to wrist-to-ankle bound in less than ten seconds.” She laughed and
awaited his response.

“Get your pretty little ass off me.”

His growl was all for show and she laughed aloud.

She rolled onto her side and offered him a sexy
over-the-shoulder glance. “Face up or face—”

He flipped her onto her back, ready to cover her with his
strong body when he swore. He reached for his slacks and pulled his wallet from
a back pocket, flipped it open and pulled out a condom.

“We don’t need—”

“Don’t you dare tell me what we need. You just get those
legs up and do as you’re told. That’s how our nights together were supposed to
go down.”

His urgency stoked her desire and she smiled at the teasing
he couldn’t keep out of his voice and raised her legs straight in the air,
crossing her ankles to make a tight long line from toes to ass. She leaned her
head to one side, and watched him stroke his cock, pleased he was enjoying the

“Keep them just like that, Izzi. That’s a beautiful sight.”

She heard the rip of foil and her pussy throbbed. “I can’t
wait to feel you inside me.”

He leaned down and ran his fingers over her labia before
surging forward and spearing her opening with his tongue.

“What are you doing?” she gasped.

“Lube’s in the other room. I’m making things wet,” he said,
not moving his mouth very far.

“Things are already wet. Get up here.”

“I’ll let the bossiness slide. For now.”

“Whatever,” she sighed, running her fingers up and down her
labia. She was drenched.

He leaned forward and shifted her feet to one side, resting
the back of her ankles against his shoulder. His brows were furrowed as he
stared at her. “You know this is going to be tight at first. I don’t want to
hurt you.”

“You won’t. A little less talk, please.”

His smile faded as he ran his cock up and down her slit and
gathered her wetness. He pressed slowly inside her channel and Isabel sucked in
a deep breath. Having covered every inch of his thick cock with her mouth, she
knew what to expect. He was average length but his girth filled her in a way no
one ever had.

He rocked his hips slowly, stretching her in a deliciously
arousing manner and she rested her head on the pillow, wanting to memorize
their first time together.

“How’s that?” He pushed a little deeper and she smiled.


“Nice?” He stopped moving and she opened her eyes to find
him staring at her. The look of determination on his face was startling. He
pressed his upper body forward, forcing her legs closer to her chest. The
position forced his cock against her G-spot and when he eased back and slid
slowly forward her whole body lurched.

“Nice, huh?” He set a tempo that had her insides quivering
in a matter of seconds and she reached for her legs, then his arms, trying to
find something to grab on to. She settled for two handfuls of sheets as the
heat encircled her lower body and the fullness blossomed. Her breasts ached and
without thought she reached for them, tweaking her nipples as he continued to

“That is so fucking hot,” he whispered, partially pulling
out so that just his broad cock head rubbed against the spot and Isabel
couldn’t stand anymore. She uncrossed her feet and he grabbed the backs of her
legs, just below her knees, and spread her legs wide. The change in angle
caused her body to break out in a sheen of sweat as her orgasm climbed.

“I want you with me,” she cried, holding back. She’d
congratulate herself later. Or him, for his spectacular tutoring.

“A few more strokes, Izzi. Let yourself go, I’m right there.
I fucking promise.”

She relaxed and the climax slammed into her with a force
that made her scream. In the distance she heard Chris’ grunts, thought she
heard her name leave his lips as he plunged deep and emptied himself into the
condom. She slid her legs down his body and he collapsed onto her. She stroked
his back, ran her hands over his sculpted muscles. She really hadn’t ever
lusted after bulky, muscular guys. Until now.

Her insides were still spasming when he shifted his weight
to his forearms.

“You know, I could make you come again,” he whispered.

“Don’t even try,” she warned, opening one eye to take in his
smug expression. “And don’t get too full of yourself.”

“Why? You gonna toss me aside and go fishing for another man
you think will know you better?” He rolled to his side and pulled her into his

“Don’t tempt me, MySecretMaster. You’re not the only person
who offered to enlighten me.” She snuggled against him and tried to hide her
smile of contentment.

“I’ll tempt you all I want, Isabel, because you’re mine. To
enlighten and so much more.”

“Spoken like a true Dom,” she teased, running one finger
down the middle of his chest. He grabbed her wrist before she reached his navel
and brought her fingers to his lips for a quick kiss.

“No, spoken like a man who knows what he wants. And I do
want you. All of you. The kinky side that only we need to see, as well as the
beautiful woman who’s out there for the rest of the world. Whether you want to
be tied to my bed or sitting across from me at the bar, screaming for the wrong
sports team.”

She sighed heavily, wanting to believe it could work.

“It sounds too perfect and you know what that means.”

“Don’t jinx this before it’s started, Isabel.” He leaned
back, demanding she look into his eyes. “I don’t do normal subterfuge well, so
everyone is bound to know we’ve been together. What they won’t know is how well
your nipples respond to being whipped or how I nearly shoot my load when you
look up at me with those sexy green eyes and do the slow blink. Those can be
secrets we don’t divulge.”

“And when we’re across the bar from each other and I want
you to take me into the back room and spank me, what then?”

“Simple. Do what worked this time.”

The coolness of the sheet touched her back and Isabel smiled
as he cradled her face in his hands. His eyes sparkled and she knew she was
going to like whatever it was he was about to say.

“And what worked this time?” she asked.

“Bring those sweet lips close and whisper those four special

Isabel’s mind raced, trying to figure out where he was
headed, but everything was either too short or too long.

Tie me up.

Spank my ass.

Chain me to the bed.

“Okay. I give up,” she finally said.

“Nice try, but not the four I was thinking of,” he said,
placing a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Just tell me,” she demanded, ignoring the way he arched his
brow at her tone.

“Want to go private?”

She looked at him for a few heartbeats and raised her lips
to his.

“Yes I do, Chris. Those are the four words
always get in return.”

“That’s perfect, Isabel. Because those are the only four
I’ll ever need.”

About the Author


M.A. Ellis is a firm believer
that everyone should pursue their dreams…no matter how long it takes to achieve
them. She wrote her first short story,
What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
many decades ago. It was read by a total of seven people. (For those who are
interested, the answer to that intriguing statement was a toss-up between a
veterinarian and a nun.)

Thanks to the encouragement of a
creative writing guru at Northern Kentucky University, M.A. stepped out of her
neat little writing boundaries and tried her hand at erotic poetry, which
ultimately led her to where she is today—devising tales of hot encounters and
steamy romances that always have happy endings. It’s a vocation she truly
loves, equally as rewarding as furry, four-legged creatures and a heck of a lot
more entertaining than Friday nights at the nunnery.

Originally from the land of
pierogies and black & gold sports memorabilia, M.A. now resides in
southwest Florida, where she’s never at a loss for inspiration. The sunsets are
always amazing, the fishing is stellar and weekly beach volleyball can
definitely be considered a “research” mission.

When not writing or reading, M.A.
concentrates on honing her master baking skills, focusing on the realms of
cheesecake and chocolate, which happen to be her favorite alliterations in all
the world.


M.A. welcomes comments from
readers. You can find her website and email address on her
author bio page




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Also by
M.A. Ellis


Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile IV

and Fantasy

Eve Hunk

Just Press Play

Love’s Ally

Love’s Choice

the Siren

and Stirred

The Cake Babe

Steel and Sex Appeal


Print books by M.A. Ellis



Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile IV

BOOK: WanttoGoPrivate
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