WAR (19 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

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The USA and LSA media interview the “poor” African-Americans who have been locked out of the American dream due to their skin color. The LSA media uses this to expand on the merits of the LSA’s equality programs where everyone is equal, where people of any color skin and background are in reality all treated fairly unlike in the USA where it’s all talk and bullshit. The LSA runs an hour every evening on the progress made in the LSA by African-Americans in the LSA.  The program is picked up and used as a vehicle of protest in the USA by the race baiters who form protests; tens of thousands begin their march to Washington, D.C.




President Bloomberg smiles watching the broadcast when his private line rings. Picking it up, he responds, “Hello?”

“Mr. President, this is John Smithsone, chairman of the Bank of the LSA, we changed our name from Bank of America.”

“I don’t know how you got this number, but what can I do for you? My time is very short so please make your case very quickly.”

“Mr. President, the LSA has a note that’s overdue in the amount of $500 billion. I have been trying to get answers from everyone in your administration; no one will give me a direct answer. Sir, if this note isn’t repaid the bank will go bust destroying tens of thousands of jobs and ruining millions of families as their bank accounts disappear when we go bankrupt. We made the loan to the LSA when the LSA was established. We have rolled the notes over seven times, frankly Mr. President, we need to have it repaid ASAP.”

“Mr. Smithsone, please let me look into this, this is the first I’ve heard of the issue. I’ll have someone get back to you within 48 hours.”

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

Hanging up the phone, President Bloomberg calls his staff together; he opens the meeting with a question, “How much do we owe the banks? Are we past due in making our payments to them? I had a call from the chairman of the Bank of the LSA who says we’re past due on a note in the amount of $500 billion; is this true?”

The Minster of Finance says, “Mr. President, yes it’s true, we took out loans from all of the major banks in the amount of $4 trillion to support the foundation of the LSA and so we could provide the social benefits we do to our people. We had to build a new country from scratch.”

“Are we past due on every note?”

“Yes sir, we are. While our tax collections are running at an all-time high, we have more cash coming into the government than our best estimates; however we’re spending it faster than we’re taking it in.”

“How is that possible, we don’t have a military, we don’t pay foreign aid, how could we always be running out of cash?”

“Sir, you and the people’s congress increased the social programs and supported new industries. In the previous five years, the government has nationalized six hundred twenty-eight companies; each company we've nationalized has required large cash infusions in order to bring them up to our new mandated standards. The funds returned to the government haven’t been the amount of money we’ve expected. Our monthly costs have increased more than 20%. We’re only staying afloat by borrowing from the banks. When we nationalized our people’s pension and IRA accounts three years ago, we nationalized everyone’s savings accounts and we put in limits how much anyone could withdraw a month. Sir, we’re running out of monetary resources to keep our various programs alive.”

“I see. Why don’t we pay down the debt by using the USA currency we’re printing? The banks will give us a discount for using USA gold back currency which is really worthless because we made it.”

“Sir, can we do this?”

“Yes of course. We’ll tell the banks we built up a strategic reserve in case it was ever required. Minister Schumer has been overseeing the perfect printing of the currency. I had planned to flood the USA with the currency, now I think the better idea is to use the currency to pay off our debt.”

Everyone around the table looks surprised. Kory Booker, the Minister of Truth, says, “I like it. I like it a lot. Our banks will increase our credit rating saving us billions on interest while in reality we’re paying them back with toilet paper. When can we get started?”

“Let’s start with the SOB from the Bank of the LSA who called me today. If the currency passes his tests, then we’ll pay every bank back. We’ll hold a press conference to announce the LSA is about to become debt free. We’ll be one of a very few countries without a crushing national debt. Plus we won’t have to cut any of our social programs. This is a win-win for us and our people.”

Kory says, “Sir, it works perfectly as long as we don’t get caught.”




Colonel Grover and three members of his team are sitting in a vacant house across the street from the Gray House using thermal ultra wide band scanners to see the number of bodies inside the executive mansion across the street. Grover whispers, “Too many of them. While I’d like to take out the entire nest at once, we can’t risk it. We don’t have heavy enough weapons to ensure we could take them all down at once.”

Captain Greene whispers back, “Colonel, we could call in a KEW strike against them. One solid hit and phoof nothing but a hole in the ground.”

“Captain, we could, except it would show the world we executed the President of another country in cold blood. We’re supposed to take Bloomberg out without it looking like we did it. It’s supposed to look like an accident, or the Russians did it. Anything except we did it. As we’re the only ones with space-based KEW weapons, we’ll be blamed before the hole even cools.”

“What are you thinking?”

“Captain, the only thing that I can think of, is a natural gas leak.”

“Colonel, I’ll see how we can get our hands on a copy of the blueprint of the local gas lines. They should be in the city hall or the gas company. We’ll stage a break in tonight to look for the maps of the gas lines.”

“Good, let’s withdraw to the safe house.”




The Northern Virginia militia leader, Zack Ryder, sent five scout teams into the LSA in search of the Russian battalions they knew were heading south. The Pentagon requested his help in locating the Russian troops before they struck the capital. While Zack waited for his people to perform their recon mission, thousands of USA troops from the 101
and the 82
are taking up positions around Washington, D.C.  Combat engineers are digging hiding holes for the defender’s tanks and anti-tank missiles groups. Motorists trying to enter Washington, D.C., are upset because of the construction going on at all of the bridges across the Potomac River. The shoulders of the roads are taken away for the fighting positions, hills are dug up, lanes on Route 66, the major road into the capital, are closed for the construction. The George Washington Parkway, which goes into Georgetown, is closed so it can be taken over by the Army. Cement trucks and flatbed trucks carrying reinforcing steel rods, jam the roads 24 hours a day. There are lines of trucks bringing materials the combat engineers are using to build defensive positions. The major defense contractors provide the Pentagon free program managers and meeting rooms in the offices that are all located either in Arlington or Alexandria. In addition, they offer manpower that is gladly accepted by the Pentagon.

The combat engineers’ second and third priority projects are to build defensive positions around the Pentagon that sits in Arlington, Virginia, and the CIA headquarters which is located in Langley, Virginia. Tens of thousands of people work 24 hours a day to build reinforced concrete walls around both facilities. Defensive positions have to be built as do tunnels and communications to the fighting positions being built. Six concrete plants are working 24 hours a day, seven days a week to produce the high-quality concrete required for the defensive positions. Every day brings additional troops and equipment into the capital area.

Eight days after the militia recon teams left Leesburg, traveling along Route 15 where they crossed into Maryland at the Point of Rocks, two of the squads find what they’re looking for. Hundreds of trucks loaded with tanks and military equipment, thousands of troops are at the Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey. One of the recon LTs, Scott Roger, asks, “Why would they stop here? It's twenty miles off of I-95. It’s between the Turnpike (I-95) and the Garden State Parkway. They’re spread out all over the park.”

His sergeant, Rob Johnson, replies, “They must have thought they could hide among the various rides. Any recon flight or drone may have missed the trucks. Notice all of the trucks have painted tarps over them so that anything flying above them looking down wouldn’t see them. If we hadn’t taken route 195 to meet our team that did the recon of the Jersey Shore, we would have missed them. There’s more of them then we were led to believe. I don’t think it’s safe to use our radio near them. They most likely have RF locating equipment. We have to get to a safe location to call in we found them before they move again. Gather everyone; we’re getting out of here before they see us.”

Scott responds, “Rob, tell everyone to be very careful, they most likely have their own security patrols out. If they catch us, we won’t get the information home which could cost us the war if they’re able to capture President Rand and the Congress. I want to move out in five. We’ll regroup at the rear of the Shell station across from the freeway.”

“Got it, I’ll make sure everyone is quiet. We’ll meet the shore team at the Shell station four blocks to the east.”

The recon squads slowly and quietly move out of the amusement park; they use the shadows and the various rides to hide their movement. It takes the two teams three hours to slip unnoticed out of the park and make it across Route 195 to an abandoned Shell gas station. They meet in the shadows of the rear of the station. When Scott thinks everyone is there, he asks them to count off so he can make sure everyone made it. He’s waiting for number 28, the last team member, to sound off; he waits for two long silent minutes after hearing 27. He whispers, “Who was the last to see or have any contact with 28?”

Rob responds, “Isn’t he the new guy from Ashburn?”

“Yeah, he is, where is he? If the Russians or LSA DepLIES catch him, they’ll grab all of us. We’ll never get back with the information. Who was his partner?”

“I was, number 14.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

“When we were rounding the big roller coaster. He slipped, he said he was OK, I assumed he was on my six.”

“It doesn’t look like he was. We can’t leave him behind. None of us can be caught. The DepLIES will use drugs and get all of the information out of him, anything he knows, will flow out; he won’t even know what he’s told them.”

Rob asks, “Scott, does this mean we’re going back to look for him?”

“I want three of you to return to find him or if he’s been captured, you know what has to be done.”

Randy raises his hand saying, “I’ll go, who wants to go with me.”

While the militia is meeting at the Shell station, the Russians security patrol finds a dropped 5.56 round lying against the curb around the corner from the roller coaster. “Sergei look at this. It’s a 5.56, means the Americans were here.”

“Slow down Ivan, 5.56 is very common here, maybe it fell from one of the armed citizens, America is filled with weapons.”

“Not here in the LSA, they outlawed all weapons.”

“I didn’t know that. Let me see that round.”

“You’re right it’s a 5.56 which means there was a recon patrol here. One of them must have dropped a magazine, a round popped out of it. Let’s see if we find more rounds or if see if they’re still here. The round looks new.”

The two Russian security patrol members silently search the grounds looking for any other indications that someone has discovered them. Number 28 is scared. He tripped over the curb, falling, he twisted his ankle. He fell back when the balance of his team moved out. He’s currently hiding inside a large trash dumpster hoping no one opens it. It’s smelly inside; he’s as quiet as he can be. He dug himself under the bags of trash. He figured he missed the rendezvous at the Shell station.; the others would assume he got captured and leave ASAP. He decided to stay in the trash bin until the Russians pulled out. He heard voices whispering near the dumpster. The first voices he heard were in Russian; these are in English. He waited until the voices were right next to the dumpster, when he was sure the voices were next to him, he pushed himself to the top of the dumpster, he pushed the cover open scaring the three members of the militia standing shocked next to the dumpster. “Hey guys, looking for me?”

“Where the hell have you been?”

“In the trash bin. I twisted my ankle, I think I broke it, I couldn’t make it to the Shell station. I hid in the dumpster. I figured I’d stay here until the Russians pulled out then I’d make my way out of here and try to get home.”

“Come on, we’ve got to get out of here. We’ll help you walk to our meeting spot; we’ve got to get out of here before they catch us. We have the information, we have to get home.”

“Why don’t we just call?”

“The LSA DepLIES monitors all of the LSA phone lines, we can’t use the phones or our radios.”

“By the way, there were a couple of Russians standing where you are now. When I fell, I dropped my M4, a mag fell out, a round popped out of the mag, I think the Russians found the round. They know someone was here.”

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