War of the World Views: Powerful Answers for an "Evolutionized" Culture (3 page)

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Authors: Ken Ham,Bodie Hodge,Carl Kerby,Dr. Jason Lisle,Stacia McKeever,Dr. David Menton

Tags: #Religion, #Religion & Science, #Christian Science, #Chrisitian

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Despite the fact that the Miller experiment did not succeed in creating the building blocks of life (only left-handed amino acids), textbooks continue to promote the idea that life could have originated by natural processes. For example, the following statement from a biology textbook misleads students into thinking Miller succeeded:

By re-creating the early atmosphere (ammonia, water, hydrogen and methane) and passing an electric spark (lightning) through the mixture, Miller and Urey proved that organic matter such as amino acids could have formed spontaneously.

First, note the word “proved.” Miller and Urey proved nothing except that life’s building blocks could not form in such conditions. Second, the textbook completely ignores other evidence, which shows that the atmosphere always contained oxygen. Third, the textbook ignores the fact that Miller got the wrong type of amino acids—a mixture of left- and right-handed.

The Miller experiment (and all experiments since then) failed to produce even a single biological protein by purely naturalistic processes. Only God could have begun life.


Another important component of life is information. The common factor in all living organisms is the information contained in their cells. Where and how did all this coded information arise? Proteins are amazingly versatile and carry out many biochemical functions, but they are incapable of assembling themselves without the assistance of DNA. The function of DNA is to store information and pass it on (transcribe) to RNA, while the function of RNA is to read, decode and use the information received from DNA to make proteins. Each of the thousands of genes on a DNA molecule contains instructions necessary to make a specific protein that, in turn, is needed for a specific biological function.

Any hypothesis or model meant to explain how all life evolved from lifeless chemicals into a complex cell consisting of vast amounts of information also has to explain the source of information and how this information was encoded into the genome. All evolutionary explanations are unable to answer this question. Dr. Werner Gitt, former physics professor and director of information processing at the Institute of Physics and Technology in Braunschweig, Germany, and Dr. Lee Spetner both agree that information cannot arise by naturalistic processes:

There is no known law of nature, no known process and no known sequence of events which can cause information to originate by itself in matter.

Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome. This surely shows that there are not the millions upon millions of potential mutations the theory [evolution] demands.

The DNA code within all plant and animal cells is vastly more compact than any computer chip ever made. DNA is so compact that a one-square-inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over 7 billion Bibles. Since the density and complexity of the genetic code is millions of times greater than man’s present technology, we can conclude that the originator of the information must be supremely intelligent.

Two biologist have noted,

DNA is an information code … . The overwhelming conclusion is that information does not and cannot arise spontaneously by mechanistic processes. Intelligence is a necessity in the origin of any informational code, including the genetic code, no matter how much time is given.

God, in His Word, tells us that His creation is a witness to Himself and that we do not have an excuse for not believing (Romans 1:19–20). The fact that the information encoded in DNA ultimately needs to have come from an infinite source of information testifies to a Creator. And, as we saw above, the only known way to link together left-handed amino acids is through purposeful design. Since no human was present to assemble the first living cell, it is further testimony to an all-wise Creator God.

Given Enough Time...

Nobel prize–winning scientist George Wald once wrote,

However improbable we regard this event [evolution], or any of the steps it involves, given enough time, it will almost certainly happen at least once.... Time is the hero of the plot … . Given so much time, the impossible becomes possible, the possible becomes probable, the probable becomes virtually certain. One only has to wait; time itself performs miracles.

In the case of protein formation, the statement “given enough time” is not valid. When we look at the mathematical probabilities of even a small protein (100 amino acids) assembling by random chance, it is beyond anything that has ever been observed.

What is the probability of ever getting one small protein of 100 left-handed amino acids? (An average protein has at least 300 amino acids in it—all left-handed.) To assemble just 100 left-handed amino acids (far shorter than the average protein) would be the same probability as getting 100 heads in a row when flipping a coin. In order to get 100 heads in a row, we would have to flip a coin 1030 times (this is 10x10, 30 times). This is such an astounding improbability that there would not be enough time in the whole history of the universe (even according to evolutionary timeframes) for this to happen.

The ability of complex structures to form by naturalistic processes is essential for the evolution model to work. However, the complexity of life appears to preclude this from happening. According to the laws of probability, if the chance of an event occurring is smaller than 1 in 10-50, then the event will never occur (this is equal to 1 divided by 1050 and is a very small number).

What have scientists calculated the probability to be of an average-size protein occurring naturally? Walter Bradley, Ph.D. materials science, and Charles Thaxton, Ph.D. chemistry,
calculated that the probability of amino acids forming into a protein is

4.9 x 10

This is well beyond the laws of probability (1x10
), and a protein is not even close to becoming a complete living cell. Sir Fred Hoyle, Ph.D. astronomy, and Chandra Wickramasinghe, Professor of Applied Math and Astronomy, calculated that the probability of getting a cell by naturalistic processes is

1 x 10

No matter how large the environment one considers, life cannot have had a random beginning … . There are about two thousand enzymes, and the chance of obtaining them all in a random trial is only one part in (10
= 10
, an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup.


As we have seen, the scientific evidence confirms that “in the beginning, God created....” Life cannot come from nonlife; only God can create life. True science and the Bible will always agree. Whether in biology, astronomy, geology or any other field of study, we can trust God’s Word to be accurate when it speaks about these topics. Let us stand up for the truth of Genesis and take back our culture.

The basic building blocks of all living systems are proteins, which consist of only twenty different types of amino acids. The average number of amino acids in a biological protein is over 300. These amino acids must be arranged in a very specific sequence for each protein.

Ward, P., and Brownlee, D., Rare Earth, p. 245, 2000.

Thaxton, C., Bradley, W., and Olsen, R., The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories, p. 66, 1984.

Clemmey, H., and Badham, N., Oxygen in the atmosphere: an evaluation of the geological evidence, Geology 10:141, 1982.

Thaxton, C., Bradley, W., and Olsen, R., The Mystery of Life’s Origin, p. 80, 1992.

Denton, M., Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, p. 261, 1985.

Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Vol. 1, pp. 411-412, 1982.

Dose, K., The Origin of Life and Evolutionary Biochemistry, p. 69, 1974.

Morris, R., The Big Questions, p. 167, 2002.

Sarfati, J. , In Six Days, p. 82, 2000.

Pauling, L., General Chemistry, Third Edition, p. 774, 1970.

Shapiro, R., Origins, p. 86, 1986.

Wells, J., Icons of Evolution, p. 24, 2000.

Miller, K., and Levine, J., Biology, 2000.

Gitt, W., In the Beginning Was Information, p. 107, 1997.

Spetner, L., Not by Chance, p. 160, 1997.

Lester, L., and Bohlin, R., The Natural Limits to Biological Change, p. 157, 1989.

Wald, G., The origin of life, Scientific American 191:45, August 1954.

Probability expert Emile Borel wrote, “Events whose probabilities are extremely small never occur … . We may be led to set at 1 to the 50th power the value of negligible probabilities on the cosmic scale.” (Borel, E., Probabilities and Life, p. 28, 1962).

Ref. 5.

Hoyle, F., and Wickramasinghe, C., Evolution from Space, p. 176, 1984.


Are Mutations Part of the “Engine” of Evolution?

Bodie Hodge

The box-office hits X-Men and its sequel X2: X-Men United are squarely based on the theory of evolution. In these movies (and in the comic books that inspired them), mutations are the driving force of the continuing evolution of humans. The very first lines of X-Men are, “Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.” Are mutations really the “key to our evolution”? Do mutations provide the fuel for the engine of evolution? In this chapter, we take a close look at mutations to see what they are and what they are not. When we understand genetics and the limits of biological change, we will see how science confirms what the Bible says, “God made the beasts of the earth after their kind”
(Genesis 1:25).

In the evolutionary model, mutations are hailed as a dominant mechanism for pond-scum-to-people evolution and provide “proof” that the Bible’s history about creation is wrong. But are we to trust the ideas of imperfect, fallible men about how we came into existence, or should we believe the account of a perfect God who was an eyewitness to His creation? Let’s look at mutations in more detail and see if they provide the information necessary to support pond-scum-to-people evolution, or if they confirm God’s Word in Genesis.

Mutations are primarily permanent changes in the DNA strand. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the information storage unit for all organisms, including humans, cats and dogs. In humans, the DNA consists of about 3 billion base pairs. The DNA is made of two strands and forms a double helix. In sexual reproduction, one set of chromosomes (large segments of DNA) comes from the mother and one set from the father. In asexual reproduction, the DNA is copied whole and then passed along when the organism splits.

The double helix is made up of four types of nitrogen bases called nucleotides. These types are guanine, cytosine, adenine and thymine. They are represented by the letters G, C, A and T. Each of these base pairs, or “letters,” is part of a code that stores information for hair color, height, eye shape, etc. The bases pair up as follows: adenine to thymine and guanine to cytosine.

Think of it like Morse code. Morse code is a system in which letters are represented by dashes and dots (if audible, then it is a long sound and short sound). When you combine different dots and dashes, you can spell out letters and words. Here is a copy of Morse code:

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