Read Warrior's Wife Online

Authors: Evanne Lorraine

Tags: #Erotica

Warrior's Wife (19 page)

BOOK: Warrior's Wife
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Tori accepted the gift and whispered, “Are they safe for the baby?”

“Oh, yes, quite the thing. They work well in uteri.”

“You’re pregnant?” Marcus croaked.

“About nine weeks as close as I can tell.” Her cheeks heated.

Gideon swayed, unsteady on his tree-trunk legs. “Shouldn’t you lie down?”

“Have you been examined?” Horace began unbuttoning her coat.

She batted away his fingers, blushing harder. “Yes.”

Horace prodded Gideon, grinning big. “That’s wonderful.”

“I love you, beautiful.” Marcus kissed her thoroughly.

When he released her mouth, she said, “I could tell.” She swept her gaze fondly over the other two slightly dazed mechs. “No more than I love all of you.”

* * * * *


Tori thought she’d glimpsed the tousled heads of the three traumatized women peeking into the great room during the ceremony. But the next time she glanced toward the entrance, they were gone. Maybe she’d imagined their bravery. She hoped someday they’d feel safe enough to join the celebrations.

Lorcan excused himself right after the ceremony to stand guard. Thane left at the same time, stony faced and refusing to meet her eyes. Finlay and Humbert surprised and touched her by sincerely wishing her happiness and congratulating her warriors.

The last few hours had been a rollercoaster ride she never wanted to repeat. Well, not the first part. She would treasure the memory of her warriors’ pledges forever, but she didn’t need a repeat of the ceremony either. As much as she loved celebrating with her friends, she’d had enough partying. Life was short and she’d missed her mechs desperately. Pregnancy kept her emotions on a hair trigger. The hormones making her cry or laugh also made her wildly lustful. She longed to be skin to skin with her mates. She deserved a memorable honeymoon even for only one night.

An hour later, the last piece of cake had vanished, the bowl of punch was a thin coating on the crystal and Tori leaned against Gideon’s broad chest to stay upright. A yawn stretched her jaw. She locked gazes with Minka. Tori covered her mouth. A guilty flush flared up her neck. “I’m not a bit bored.”

“Just exhausted,” Minka supplied with an understanding wink. “Please, take our room and consider it the honeymoon suite, until they build a place of your own.”

Tori bit her lip, eager for the luxury of the master suite and its king-sized bed, but unwilling for Minka to suffer. “Where are you and your mates going to sleep?”

“Don’t worry about us, the guys will keep me toasty.”

Tori hugged her friend. “Thank you so much.”

“Burn up the sheets,” Minka whispered and turned to her mechs. “Come on, guys, time to pitch a tent and let the newlyweds get some rest.”

“If I’d just gotten married, resting would be the last thing on my mind,” Vilmos, also known as Doc, muttered.

Minka gave him a firm tug. ”It’s just an expression, Doc.”

“Ah.” He dipped his chin and followed his wife. Batzorg led the way. Finlay and Humbert offered their best wishes once more and said good night.

“Where’s the honeymoon suite?” Gideon asked.

Tori dropped her lashes, thrilled at the command lacing his words. “Second floor, last door on the right.”

“Hope it’s soundproofed,” Horace said.

“Why’s that?” She played straight man as Marcus scooped her up, cradled her against his chest and took the stairs two at a time.

“You scream when you come, baby.”

The room was well insulated, but she didn’t bother to say so. His smirk of male pride told her he loved the way she shouted his name.

Gideon held the door, Marcus carried her over the threshold, and Horace sealed the entrance behind them.

Just that morning, she and Minka had made fresh beds. She’d never dreamed the changes a few hours would bring. The master suite was plain and as sparsely furnished at the rest of the bedrooms.

Now she was married. The room took on new charm. The rough log walls formed a warm frame for rag rugs, rugged chairs and a sturdy table. Someone had arranged a bouquet of bright autumn leaves around sprays of dried vibrant rose-colored asters and fragrant Russian sage. The bed’s coverlet had been changed to deep garnet. A cozy throw rested near the footboard. She blinked back tears at Minka’s thoughtfulness.

“Please set me down.” She nuzzled Marcus.

Once on her feet, Tori took a moment to drink in the three handsome warriors who’d pledged their love to her. How could she have ever doubted them? They’d proved their devotion in a hundred ways. Earlier that night, she’d learned they’d risked their lives by coming to the compound just to find out if she was okay.

Tomorrow they’d begin a new life together full of love and work and duty. Tonight they were all hers.

She’d never initiated lovemaking, but a faint heart never won hunky mechs. Starting with the triad leader made sense to her. She took a deep breath for courage and added a sway to her walk as she closed the gap between her and Gideon.

He opened his arms and gathered her close. “Tired, cupcake?”

“Not really.” She nibbled her lip, unsure how to proceed.

“Was the ceremony too hurried?”

She shook her head.

“Are you worried about the baby?”

“Just a tiny bit, a normal side effect of pregnancy.” She automatically placed a reassuring palm on her bump.

He placed a finger under her chin and gently lifted, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Then what’s wrong?”

“I want to make love completely—properly.”

A single brow rose. “Have we been doing it wrong?”

“No, not as far as I recall. It’s been a long time.” She sighed.

“First I need to examine you.” Horace interrupted her seduction plan.

“I’m not leaving.” Gideon crossed his arms.

“Me neither.” Galahad shot her a look that made her pink parts sit up and beg.

“No one asked you to,” Horace muttered. “Tori’s health comes first, right?”

Both of her other husbands dipped their chins.

“Then we need to be certain her pregnancy has no complications and she’s well enough to fuck.”

Okay then, she drew in a deep breath and let it out, totally understanding his need for reassurance. The baby bump was a whole lot bigger than normal for this stage of the baby’s development and she’d already felt definite movement. Some extra reassurance would be a good thing.

He took her vitals. “Entirely normal.”

A sigh of relief escaped Marcus.

“Time to lose the clothes, baby.” Horace didn’t wait for her cooperation, he crouched, removed her boots and socks.

At the same time Gideon carefully peeled away the jumpsuit.

Once she was naked, Horace guided her to the mattress and thoroughly examined both breasts. Swollen to the point of tightness, the mounds were exquisitely sensitive. All he had to do was breathe on her leaky nipples and she’d come.

“Good,” he mumbled, clearly in full medic mode as he arranged her on her back.

Using the flat undersides of his fingers, he palpated her lower belly. His intense scrutiny made even the clinical aspects of the procedure sweet and arousing.

He rolled his left forearm over her abdomen, moving slowly.

“What are you doing?”

“Built-in scanner, I set it to something close to the old ultrasound monitors.” His gaze fixed on the middle distance. A faint smile flirted with his lips. “The baby is strong. Every indication matches normal mech development for nine weeks.”

“He’s not growing too fast?” Tori asked.

“No, the uterine length corresponds with mid-pregnancy. The baby should be born the second week of February.”

“So fast?”

“I believe so. You’re the first woman to actually carry a mech fetus.”

She gaped at him, thinking she must’ve misunderstood. The mechs were powerful warriors with all kinds of enhancements, but they were still flesh-and-blood men. “What do you mean?”

Gideon answered. “Mechs are cloned from bioengineered ovum and sperm. Once the zygote is viable it’s transferred to an artificial womb. Part of the DNA manipulation shortens the development cycle to eighteen weeks.”

Less than half of a typical human pregnancy wasn’t a bad thing. “So the baby bump, the movement, is all normal?”

“You’re carrying our baby and you’re making medical history. A daily checkup is going to be part of your life from now on.” Horace nudged her knees apart and slid his fingers deep into her channel, keeping his other arm pressed firmly just above her mons. “Perfect.”

“Is this still the medical exam?” She narrowed her eyes in mock suspicion.

His eyes crinkled with sexy intentions. “In part, I need to be certain you’re completely ready for fucking.” A second finger joined the first.

His thumb rested on her swollen clit, exerting the perfect amount of pressure. His long, blunt fingers stroked in and out, rubbing across the engorged nexus of pleasure behind her pubic bone. His free hand cupped her belly, cherishing the growing fetus with such tenderness she began to unravel.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me. Come on me.”

Her swollen breasts grew even more sensitive and her slick cunt rippled around the thick digits pumping into her.

Marcus and Gideon were right there, pulling on her nipples, suckling her and helping push her into the free fall of erotic release.

She snuggled closer to the warmth of a broad chest, letting reality come back into focus slowly.

Gideon’s voice was a rough whisper. “I’ve ached for you, cupcake.”

“I’ve missed you too.” She tilted her neck, offering her mouth to him.

He covered her lips with his. She parted for him and his tongue swept in to claim every portion of her mouth then dance with hers. His spicy taste, the wonderful musky scent of clean man and sizzling passion ignited her senses. Her nipples bunched into tight, pointy weapons of seduction. Her core rippled and clenched, flooding her channel with more hot cream.

Suddenly dizzy and twice as needy, she clutched his shoulders, digging into the thick muscles and kneading.

When he broke the kiss she leaned closer, trying to coax him back.

He cupped her neck, holding her exactly where he wanted her.

His take-charge attitude made her even hotter. More welcome-home mech juice rained from her pussy.

“Tell me what you want. Just spit it out plain, cupcake.” Gideon’s tone was perfectly reasonable and absolutely determined.

She flickered a glance at Horace and Marcus. Their expressions were equally intense. She loved submitting to her strong warriors, but she didn’t want to be coddled and carefully caressed. It might not be everyone’s thing, but she loved the way Marcus made her secret fantasies come true, the way smart, geeky Horace drove her wild with his filthy mouth and the way Gideon commanded her obedience. She loved every lusty second with her warriors. She tilted her chin, totally owning her sexuality. “I want to be totally possessed—by all three of you at the same time.”

“You want all three of us to fuck you, filling your mouth, your cunt and your sweet ass?” Horace double-checked his understanding with deliberate crudeness.

She nodded, too emotional and too excited to speak.

“Works for me.” Marcus moved in, framed her face and kissed her breathless before he leaned back. His gaze swept her from hair to toe, lingering on her swollen breasts, the baby bump and the damp curls at the apex of her thighs. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

“Lie back and spread your legs,” Gideon ordered.

Marcus’ strong arms were right there, guiding her where Gideon wanted her. Back on display. Exposed. Vulnerable.

Heat raced from her taut nipples to flame her cheeks.

Gideon sucked in a harsh breath and thumbed her outer labia wider. “That’s what I call gorgeous.”

Marcus latched on to a tight nipple, sucking strongly. Horace lapped at the other peak, teasing the stiffened tip with his mouth and teeth. Their attentions made her spine bow and sent electric messages to her aroused pussy. Gideon settled between her legs and blew across her rigid clit. The bundle of nerves throbbed for more contact. He nuzzled closer, scratching the tender skin of her inner thighs with his beard stubble. She writhed against his face and moaned for more. His lips fastened over her clit and he proceeded to drive her insane with flicks, swirls and nips before he sucked hard.

She was so close to coming already. The last of her control frayed fast. Gideon pushed one thick, roughened finger inside her core, tunneling in and out. He added another finger, stretching her, but two digits were nowhere near as thick as his cock.

Then he curled those wicked fingers, rubbing the sweet spot against the inside of her feminine walls with each pump.

“Oh. Yes. Please. Right there.” Her plea disintegrated into a wordless moan of bliss. She melted into a puddle of utter satisfaction.

The world came back into focus. Gideon’s smoldering gaze confirmed her explosive climax hadn’t been a dream. Both of her other warriors snuggled close, petting her tenderly—easing her down from the thrill of sex to the wonderful reality of being their wife. She was married to three scorching-hot husbands.

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