Was it Good for You Too? (21 page)

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Authors: Naleighna Kai

BOOK: Was it Good for You Too?
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“I cannot control what they do,” he said. “But I can control how we respond to it.”

Tailan caressed his flawless golden face. “It's all I've ever asked for, Amir.”

He continued to rub her bare shoulders. “There is one more thing I wish to discuss.”

She moved closer, letting the warmth of his body seep through the cloth of the towel.

“Yes?” Tailan whispered.

Amir looked directly into her eyes and said, “I will permit you—with no consequences—to be with him. One. Time.”

She flinched and jumped back as though she'd been punched. “What?!”

“Go to him,” he said calmly. Only his eyes revealed the depth of his anger. “Do what you need to do so we can return to normal.”

She dropped to the bed and shook her head. “That's not what I want.”

Amir stood over her, looking down, his eyes determined and steadfast. “You have never accepted any of the men in the poly community. You have had plenty of choices. What is it about him? How can someone so selfish, so self-centered, still hold a place in your heart?”

“You don't understand him,” she replied, holding her anger in check. “He's not selfish, just … single-minded.”

“Selfish,” he confirmed. “His needs before yours. I bet his lovemaking reflects this too.”

Did it?

She had always had vicious orgasms with Delvin. She never gauged whether hers came before his—it never mattered. Because what Delvin brought to the table was more than what was between his legs.

Amir continued, his grin a perfect display of white teeth. “I have a proposition for you … go to him. Let him”—he grimaced—“make love to you. I want you to know the difference between what he can do for you and what a man who worships your temple can do. Does he worship you, my love?”

Tailan could only blink up at him as she struggled to find the words.

Her slow attempt to come up with something prompted Amir to add, “There will be no consequences to our marriage—”

She gasped and parted her lips to speak, but he held up a hand to halt anything she could say.

“But I do have one stipulation.”

Tailan sighed.

“I would like to watch.”

She was on her feet before she could blink. The action was so swift, the towel stayed on the bed. Naked, Tailan faced her husband and gasped, “You have lost what's left of your mind!”

“Have I?” he shot back, gripping her shoulders and pulling her into his hard chest. “Or are you afraid I might be right? That he is selfish. His needs before your own.”

“He would never go for another man watching him that way.”

Amir's eyebrow winged up his forehead. “You only say this because you are not a man. A man secure with his sexuality and his love-making skills will rarely shy away from a challenge aimed at both.”

He slid his hands down Tailan's exposed back, kneading the tight knots he found there. Tailan wanted to kick her own behind as a whisper of a moan escaped.

“His ego will not let him refuse,” Amir added. “Especially if he thinks it is how he can have you and how he can show me he is the better man.”

Amir's mouth massaged her lips as his strong, knowing hands slid easily over her hips.

“But … what …” Tailan stammered as the kiss ended. “What are you trying to prove?”

He nipped at her chin and glided his tongue down her neck. “That once you have sated your lust, your need for love will be even greater.”

“How can you be sure?” Tailan moaned. She was almost too distracted by his hands and by what his mouth was doing to her upper body to finish this conversation.

Amir fisted her curly hair and leveled his sultry eyes to hers. “Because when I am with you, inside you, it's always love—never lust. Always about me loving the physical part of you, when I already adore and love the rest of who you are.”

Amir never lied to her—not with his words or his body.

“You could lose me,” she gasped, holding his stare.

He abruptly released her, leaving her body aching for more. Amir walked to the window. “I can never lose what did not belong to me in the first place,” he replied. “But until you know this, we cannot move forward, whether Delvin is in our lives or not.”

Tailan padded over to him and spooned his back with her naked breasts. “You couldn't love me and send me—”

“That is where you are wrong,” he said in a soft tone. “I love you more than you will ever know or understand. I am setting you free to see the real Delvin Germaine.”

He turned to her and cradled her face in his hands.

“You have been fantasizing about him for years. The Great Love who got away.”

Tailan's lids dipped, concealing the ugly truth those words revealed.

“So go to him,” he whispered. “He will send you back to me—this time, for keeps.”

She shook her head. “I can't do this.”

Amir kissed her again, only this time it was soured by his pain.

“You can, and you will.” He moved away from her to leave their bedroom. “Those fantasies come between us more than you realize. If I was not in the picture …”

She whirled to face him. “Doesn't mean I would go back to him.”

Amir opened the door and stepped through it. Before he closed it and the topic, he confirmed, “I am the only thing standing between your true forgiveness of him and your complete submission to him. So I am removing myself from the equation.” He wagged his finger. “But just for one night. Then we will discuss returning our marriage to monogamy.”

Tailan ran to the door just before it closed and yanked it back open.

Boldly she declared, “You're playing games, using me as a pawn. All because you don't like him.”

“This is not about if I like or dislike him,” he countered, coming back to her so he could stroke a hand across her face. “This is about how easily you can forget that
love was only balanced by how he could command your womb.”

Well, he does have a valid point there

“Then how can you ask to watch him with me?”

“I want to know that you finally understand the man who has been in your head is not the man in your bed. Not the man you have dreamed about for seven years. I do not want you to assimilate, justify it, and brush it off.” Amir reached for the door again, preparing to close it. “If I witness it, you have no choice but to own up to who he is right now. You have never lied to me, and I do not expect you to start now. If you feel it, I will know it. If I lose you in the process … well, then at least I did not lose you to a memory.”

“No woman is worth what you're putting yourself through, Amir,” she confessed.

“You are wrong,” he said, planting a soft kiss on her lips. “You are worth that and more. He forgot that. I will not.”

“I think you're underestimating him.”

Amir's lips lifted at the corners. “For your sake, I hope so. For mine, I hope not.” He kissed her again and pulled the door to close it. Just before it clicked, he added, “Bring him to our home, and I will lay down the terms by which your liaison will take place.”

Chapter 25

Tailan's hand was trembling when she entered Delvin's house down the street. She closed the door with a soft click and took in the extensive work that had been done on the place. Delvin had provided her with an insane amount of money to furnish and style the home exactly as she wanted.

But he made a small request that the house reflect the family who lived there. So Tailan had decorated the home with loving care, respecting the diverse cultures that represented his family. She smiled as she moved to the den, taking in the African-American artwork alongside the East Indian influences of Neena's people. Although Tailan had no love for her Asian ancestry because of how her father's people viewed her, she wanted her daughter's Asian heritage to be honored.

The colors were warm and cozy. The furniture, inviting and sturdy. The massive kitchen was filled with stainless steel appliances and all the modern conveniences. The den was the social hub of the house and most likely where she would find Delvin. If he wasn't visiting his mother with the kids, on the days his schedule permitted, he was often with them in the den playing a game or reading to them.

Today was no exception.

Delvin was stretched out on an area rug playing
with Devi, Neena, and Ariel. She lowered to the floor to watch them, but mostly took in how wonderful Delvin was with the three of them—how patient, loving, kind, and most of all, fair. It was refreshing to see both of her daughters being treated well after dealing with Amir's family.

He shifted on the rug, looked up at her, and frowned. “Is everything all right?”

“Just wanted to have a word with you in private, please,” Tailan replied.

“Okay.” He turned back to the girls and smiled. “Just let me finish beating Neena real quick.”

“I don't think so,” Neena piped in and knocked his piece off the board and back to start.

Delvin's eyes bulged, too shocked to believe it. “What—” He retraced Neena's strategy. “Ah, that was just wrong, little girl.”

All three girls giggled at Delvin's incredulous expression. They were the sounds she wished would echo in her own home.

“I won, Mama,” Neena exclaimed, grinning as she wrapped her arms around Tailan's midriff.

“Yes, you did,” she replied, smiling down at her daughter. “And he doesn't seem too happy about it.”

“I want a rematch,” Delvin grumbled playfully as he stood.

Ariel joined them, but timidly hung back as always, reaching out for her father's hand instead. She looked exactly like Gabrielle. She had her bone structure, almond brown eyes, willowy frame, skin tone, and lips. The other two ran to Bridgette, the nanny, who was putting the finishing touches on lunch.

Delvin turned to her and said, “Bridgette's got lunch ready. You head on over. Tai and I need a moment.”

“Uh oh. It's time for the adults to talk adult stuff again,” Ariel mused, causing Tailan to smile.

“Something like that,” she confirmed. “But it won't take long. I promise.”

Bridgette collected the rambunctious band and took them to the dining room. As squeals of oooh's and ahhh's echoed back to the den, Tailan announced, “My husband has given me permission to spend time with you.”

Delvin's left eyebrow shot up. A second later he was closing the door. He turned and said, “How generous of him to finally be fair about things.”

“No, he wants to make sure you're out of my system. For good.”

Delvin pushed himself off the door and stood mere inches from her. “I'll never be out of your system,” he said, his tone defiant. Tailan gasped. His finger stroked across her chin, eliciting an all too common response. “You belong to me.”

She stepped back. “I belong with him.”

Delvin's lips lifted at the corners. “Then why are you here?”

“Good question.” She swerved around him and headed for the door.

“Come back here,” he commanded, the words sliding through his teeth.

Tailan snatched open the door.

Delvin slammed it closed again. He pulled her away and warned, “Woman, if I have to chase you, it will not be nice.”

She whirled to face him. “I shouldn't have come.”

“But you want to—” he said, bringing her into a embrace. “Come, right?” He pressed closer, letting her feel the massive erection growing in his jeans.

Tailan tried to wiggle free but only succeeded in creating the most shivering friction down below. “Delvin, don't make this so difficult for me.”

Delvin's tongue swiped across her lips. Tailan nearly pulled it into her mouth, she was so turned on.

“He will always come second,” he bragged.

“See, that's where you're wrong,” she answered and finally freed herself from his grasp. Tailan called upon all her will to level her breathing. She lowered onto the leather sectional and said, “He was hurting over the recent death of his wife, but found a small corner of his heart for me. Amir stepped in and handled
business and
.” She crossed her legs, reclined deeper into the sofa, and relished the annoyed expression on Delvin's face. “So, contrary to popular belief, it's you who's runner up in this camp.”

A vein throbbed at Delvin's temple. Several spans of time passed before he said softly, “He says that you can be with me?”


Delvin stood in front of her, his eyes assessing her practiced breathing, her false bravado. “He's going to regret it.”

The more she thought about it, the more she was forced to admit, “Somehow, I think I'll be the one with regrets.”

His breathing hitched, and his hands fisted at his sides as he growled, “Oh, I don't think so.”

Too quickly, Delvin had Tailan up off the sofa and was pulling her to the door.

* * *

Delvin needed a place to pounce. Moving down the hall, his mind fired up with several scenarios. His skin was ready to scream, his erection was on the verge of busting the zipper of his jeans. Just as he cleared the dining room, Delvin saw a way to get what his body was dying for. He tightened his grip on Tailan's wrist to ensure she would not make a scene as he said to the kids, “Hey guys, mom and me will be right in the basement. I want to show her the new additions since the last time she was here.” He pulled her quickly. “We'll be right back.”

Bridgette zeroed in on both of them, and her gaze locked right in his crotch area. She yelled out to the kids, “Who wants more pizza?!”

“Me,” they chorused.

Bridgette moved with lightning speed to distract them, and Delvin crept down into the basement with a fidgeting Tailan at his side.

The second the door was locked behind them, Delvin dropped to his knees and pressed his lips to her thigh, cupping her buttocks within his massive hands. Tailan let out a low, breathy moan, all while trying to put some distance between them. He kept her locked in place as he parted her thighs …

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